
Ricky Starks Dubbed “One Of The Most Underrated Talents Ever”

Ricky Starks AEW Smirk

An AEW wrestler thinks Ricky Starks is very underrated.

Ricky Starks has been with AEW for four years, but if you are a fan of the current product, you may be wondering what happened to him. The last time Starks had a match in an AEW ring was in late March, which was over four months ago.

In early June, AEW’s Owner Tony Khan, who is also the booker of the AEW, said he would love to get Ricky Starks on AEW shows again. Despite Khan saying that, Starks continues to be away from AEW TV with no explanation given for why that is.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman (MJF) is a former AEW World Champion who has wrestled Starks in the past. In an interview with Casual Conversations with The Classic, MJF gave his opinion on Starks.

“I’ll wrestle Ricky Starks any day of the week. I think he’s one of the most underrated talents probably ever, like he’s a f*****g phenom, I say that with a wink and a nod because he’s the biggest Undertaker mark in the world.”

“He tried to go toe-to-toe with me on the microphone, I ate him up, I chewed him up, I spit him out. I mean it was pretty embarrassing, and I wrestled him I think I beat him in 30 seconds, but like I’d be willing to give the kid another shot because again underrated talent.”

As usual with MJF, he was being facetious a bit with some of the words he said, but calling Ricky Starks underrated is well-deserved praise from a former AEW World Champion.

Ricky Starks Said It “Sucks” To Not Be Featured On AEW Television

In mid-May, Ricky Starks said he had no answers about why he’s been sitting on the AEW sidelines.

“I was never put on an injury list or anything like that. I have no answers. People ask me all the time, ‘Well, why aren’t you…’ I don’t know. I have no clue. That isn’t up to me. It does suck, obviously, to not be on TV, but the support in people online and people sending me messages is very, very sweet and endearing, and very encouraging, from that standpoint.”

During his AEW career so far, Starks is a former AEW Tag Team Champion with Big Bill, he also held the FTW Championship and won the Owen Hart Foundation Cup in 2023 as well.

H/T WrestlingInc