
Ric Flair Jokes He’d Be In Jail If He Had Social Media In His Younger Days

Ric Flair Woos to the crowd

Ric Flair is glad he didn’t have social media when he was younger.

In the past, The Nature Boy has proclaimed himself to be a “Rolex-wearing, kiss stealing, wheeling dealing, limousine riding, jet flying son of a gun!”

By all accounts of his antics outside the ring, the description wasn’t far from the truth. However, there are still parts of his life Flair would rather not be broadcast to the world, and he thinks social media had existed in the prime of his career, he would have ended up in jail.

The 16-time World Champion was making an appearance on The Breakfast Club when he was asked if he gave young wrestlers advice. Flair said he did, but feels that it doesn’t mean anything to them as they pay more attention to what fans say on social media.

“I try to, but I realize it doesn’t mean anything because the first thing they’re going to…they want to go look and see what the fans are saying. The fans run their life. Social media runs everything,”

That led to a question on how he would have handled social media when he was younger, and he joked that it wouldn’t have ended well for him.

“He’d be in jail [laughs]. We’d be conducting this interview from Riker’s Island.”

Will Ric Flair wrestle again?

Ric Flair had his last match at the age of 73 in July 2022. The two-time WWE Hall of Famer teamed with his son-in-law Andrade El Idolo to defeat Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal.

During a recent interview, the 16-time World Champion suggested his career might not actually be over, saying he wanted to wrestle again “right now” after seeing that his old foe Ricky Morton was still getting in the ring.

However, he later clarified the comment, claiming it was taken out of context and said he has no interest in getting back in the ring even though he feels “great.”

H/T to Fightful for the above transcription.