
Paul Wight Reveals Bret Hart ‘Coming Out Of Retirement’ Rib

Paul Wight Bret Hart

Paul Wight is “saddened” he never got to feud with Bret Hart.

Paul Wight has shared the ring with the great and the good of the last 30 years in wrestling having competed against the likes of Hulk Hogan, Sting, DDP, The Rock, Steve Austin, Triple H, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Rey Mysterio, and Brock Lesnar. However, there is one WWE Hall of Famer that he wishes he could have had a proper program with.

Speaking to DAZN ahead of AEW All In, Paul Wight named the one star he wishes he could have feuded with during his illustrious career:

“Bret Hart. Hands down. Bret is the one guy, I’m great friends with Bret and I liked a lot of the matches, the way Bret Hart worked with bigger guys and I am saddened – even as fortunate as I am to work with the incredible talents that I’ve worked with over my career, anybody that’s ever been anybody, I am saddened by the fact I never got to have a run with Bret Hart. I think at the right stage of my career, I think it would have been an epic battle, it’d have been a hell of a lot of fun at least for me.”

Paul Wight fell hook, line, and sinker for Bret Hart’s pitch

Paul Wight then revealed that Bret Hart had once kept him awake with a pitch to come out of retirement and face the star after an hour, it turned out The Hitman was having more than a little fun at Wight’s expense:

“Bret and I actually talked about having a match one time. We did, this is after he was retired and he was riding with me on my tour bus and I had given him the remote to the TV out front and I was gonna go to my bed in the back and he says ‘Hey before you go to bed I wanna run an idea by you.’

“I’m like ok it’s Bret Hart, if he wants to give me an idea, I’m gonna listen. He says ‘I got an idea how you and I can work’ and I was worried about his health at the time so I was like ‘How are we gonna work Bret? You’re not cleared.’ He goes ‘I’m pretty sure I can get cleared for what we’re doing and you’re so safe, you’re so good at what you do.’

“He says ‘We can have a heck of a match,’ he went on for an hour explaining how we get in the match, how we start the program and he gets to the finish of me tripping over the Canadian flag and beating me with a small package. So he just ribbed me for an hour to keep me awake. I went ‘Bret you’re lucky, I should throw you off my bus, good night.'”

Wight and Hart did share the ring on three occasions during their time together in WCW but all three of those outings were tag team matches. Hart and Wight – then known as The Giant – teamed together twice in the space of a week on live events but their one TV match together saw them on opposite sides of the square circle as The Giant teamed with Scott Hall and Hart teamed with Sting.

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