
MJF Believes WWE Is Willing To Do “Whatever It Takes” To Sign Him

MJF glares at audience

MJF has claimed that WWE will be prepared to “shill out a lot of cash” to get him to sign for the company, saying the move would be “like taking a sniper rifle” to the heart of AEW.

In recent months, MJF has talked up the prospect of a bidding war for his services when his AEW contract expires in two years’ time. The star has hinted at going to work in “that place” several times on AEW TV, and mentioned the forthcoming “Bidding War of 2024” on social media.

It was reported in December that WWE interest in MJF is at an all-time high, with one source saying that he “has everything we would want” while the company’s TV partners have also expressed their desire to see him make the jump.

Speaking to Freddie Prinze Jr on his Wrestling with Freddie podcast, the leader of The Pinnacle explained how important he thinks it would be for WWE to sign him, claiming he is AEW’s “top antagonist”.

“I think WWE is going to be willing to do whatever it takes to get me to jump ship, because to have me is to pretty much take a sniper rifle and shoot the heart of All Elite Wrestling, ’cause that’s what I am. I’m the glue because everybody around me hates my guts. Everybody wants to punch me in the face. I am the top tier guy that everybody has a problem with.

“When you take your biggest antagonist – even though, personally, I feel I’m a protagonist – when you take your biggest antagonist and you take them away, what do you have? What is the Batman without the Joker? He’s nobody. He’s not intriguing.”

MJF went on to say that he is happy with being the “thorn in the side” of the top fan favourites in AEW as it has made him “a sh*t ton of money.”

“There’s no success without having that thorn in your side. I got no problem being that thorn because it makes me a sh*t ton of money. So, to answer your question, Fred, yeah, I do believe that these people are going to shill out a lot of cash for me.”

MJF is currently embroiled in a feud with CM Punk and things are set to come to a head when the two clash in a Dog Collar Match at AEW Revolution on March 6th.

H/T to Sportskeeda for the above transcription.