
MJF Hits Back At AEW Blunder After WWE Gimmick Infringement


MJF is not happy with a blunder by AEW’s marketing department as he pointed out that a nickname they gave him is already used by one WWE star.

MJF has not competed in AEW since losing the AEW World Championship at Worlds End in December 2023 against Samoa Joe. There was a belief that MJF had been injured and needed an operation but since then it has emerged that MJF has not undergone surgery and is back with a bang.

MJF returned to AEW at Double Or Nothing where he took out Adam Cole who is still a long way off returning to the ring after suffering a broken ankle. Channelling The Wolf of Wall Street, MJF called himself The Wolf of Wrestling and screamed “I’m not f*cking leaving” as he pledged his future to AEW.

MJF Leaps To Baron Corbin’s Defence

AEW has now produced a new t-shirt to celebrate that idea, but MJF clearly felt the company made an error when they referred to him as a “LONE WOLF” as he pointed out on social media that the moniker is used by WWE’s Baron Corbin:

It’s the Wolf of wrestling. Lone wolf is taken. @BaronCorbinWWE

Baron Corbin might well be heading to for his own shirt as he responded to MJF “That shirt is money!”