
Kevin Owens Casts Doubt On Long-Term WWE Future

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens has admitted that he might have been too optimistic when he said he would still be wrestling in a decade.

KO wrestled on the independent scene for 14 years before joining WWE in 2014. In the decade since, he has wracked up an impressive resume. The Canadian star has held the NXT, Intercontinental, United States, and Universal Championships as well as being a regular in the main event scene and even headlining WrestleMania against ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin.

More recently, he reunited with his best friend Sami Zayn to take on The Bloodline and successfully ended The Usos’ record reign as the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions at WrestleMania 39.

However, it seems that the end of Owens’ impressive career could be coming sooner than he expected.

Kevin Owens wants to stay involved in WWE, but not necessarily as a wrestler

In a new interview with the Toronto Sun, KO recalled his hopes to remain active for another decade, but admitted that he doesn’t know if that’s true anymore.

“That’s a great question (what’s left to accomplish for Owens). I really don’t know. I used to say I don’t see myself not being in the ring for another five-to-10 years. And if I said it right now, I’d be lying because over the last few months, I have to admit, I don’t know if that’s true anymore.”

While he plans to stay with WWE, Owens says he doesn’t know what form that would take.

“I look at things and I don’t know where I stand going beyond the next year-and-a-half. I know I want to be involved in wrestling. I know I want to be involved in the WWE and I know I have a place here. I just don’t know where it is exactly. Maybe it’s still in the ring, maybe it’s not. I don’t know.”

For the time being, though, Owens says he just wants to enjoy everything he does.

“I think for the next year-and-a-half, my focus is just on enjoying everything I do as much as possible.

“There’s not really a worry about winning a title or main-eventing WrestleMania or any of that stuff anymore, which are the dreams that everybody has because I’ve been so blessed and I’ve gotten to do all of that. So I just want to have fun and I want to give people fun times to remember me by.”

“Whether this is the end for my wrestling, I don’t know and I don’t want to sound dramatic, I don’t want to say this is a retirement speech or anything because I might still be wrestling for 10 years. I have no idea.

“My thought process right now is just to try to enjoy the next year-and-a-half as much as I possibly can because I don’t know what’s on the other side. That’s really all I’m worrying about.”

Kevin Owens is currently out of action after suffering a legitimate injury, however, according to a recent report, he is not expected to be gone for long.