
Kevin Nash Voices His Displeasure Over World Title Match Loss On PPV

Kevin Nash Voices His Displeasure Over World Title Match Loss On PPV

WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Nash shared his discontent with the decision to lose to Triple H at Bad Blood 2003 in their Hell in a Cell Match for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Speaking on an episode of his podcast “Kliq This,” Kevin Nash candidly expressed his thoughts on the match and its controversial outcome. Nash recalled how WWE executives approached him about the Hell in a Cell match with Triple H, revealing his initial reservations.

I remember when they came to me and they said, ‘We’d like you and Paul to have a Hell in a Cell.’ I said, ‘I’ll have Hell in a Cell as long as it stays in the cell.’ And then they said, ‘This will f***ing suck. This will be a horrible match. We’ll put Foley in as referee just to give it buffer.’ And so I’m just shaking my head.

Nash elaborated on his belief that keeping the action inside the cage would have better served the storyline.

The psychology of a f***ing cage match, especially one with a roof, and Paul has been running from me the entire angle, is for him to f***ing [face me one-on-one].

Nash explained, emphasising the importance of the match’s structure in enhancing the narrative. Nash did not shy away from voicing his disagreement with the match’s outcome, asserting:

And I should have beat him. He could have turned around and beat me a week later. I should have beat him.

This statement underscored his belief that a victory over Triple H would have been more fitting for the storyline, even if the win was short-lived.

Which WWE Superstars Did Kevin Nash Say “Pounded” Him During His 2011 Royal Rumble Return?

Kevin Nash said that Drew McIntyre and Sheamus “Pounded” him during his return to the WWE at the 2011 Royal Rumble. Nash returned as the character “Diesel” in the 2011 Rumble in his first appearance as the character since 1996.

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