
Kenny Omega Reacts To Critics Of His Wrestling Matches – “Shut The F**k Up”

Kenny Omega Will Ospreay

Kenny Omega had some choice words for critics to have argued that he’s too reckless in the ring.

Kenny Omega is one of the most divisive wrestlers in modern times. He has legions of loyal and passionate fans who defend him for his maverick style and unique approach to professional wrestling. At the same time, just as many fans have criticized him for the things he says and the things he has done in the ring.

Although much of the criticism has centered on his allegedly stagey mannerisms and unrealistic behavior while wrestling, there have been some who have called him reckless, especially with some of his more recent matches.

There has been renewed commentary on Omega’s purported recklessness following his match with Will Ospreay at AEW Forbidden Door 2023. That match included, among other high-risk spots, a Tiger Driver ’91 that saw Omega land at a dangerously high angle on his upper shoulders and neck.

However, Kenny Omega thinks some people are either ignorant or too overly-concerned. Speaking to Sports Illustrated, Omega argued that the people criticizing his willingness to do these dangerous moves don’t have his best interests in mind.

“There are a lot of people criticizing who do not have my best interests at heart. They just want to put a dark mark on that match, which is a performance I’m extremely proud of. And performances like that will be few and far between as I get older and older.”

“Don’t tell me not to wrestle the way I know how to wrestle. Is there a risk? Was there a risk when Mike Tyson was fighting within inches of space between another championship-level boxer throwing power punches? Of course. But Tyson was confident in his abilities, and he knew he was the best.

So don’t tell Mike Tyson how to box, and don’t tell Tyson Smith how to wrestle. You aren’t even close to being qualified. Just shut the f— up.”