
Jerry Lawler Still Hobbling After Recent Knee Replacement

Jerry Lawler

In recent months WWE Hall of Famer Jerry Lawler has suffered several serious health issues and now he’s opened up about how life is tough at home.

Jerry Lawler suffered a serious stroke back in February 2023. In the following weeks, he underwent outpatient therapy in Fort Myers but progressed enough to travel to his home in Memphis, Tennessee in early March.

During a commercial break on Raw in August 2023 in Lawler’s hometown, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn cut a promo to the audience. Both of them began by saying they were in a bad mood due to all the problems that The Judgment Day had caused. But then, Zayn noted that his mood improved significantly when he saw “a certain someone” backstage. Then Owens took over and announced Lawler to the crowd, who gave him a standing ovation and an extended “Jerry” chant.

Since then The King has undergone knee replacement surgery while WWE has allowed Jerry Lawler’s talent contract to expire sparking rumours of a possible reunion with Jim Ross somewhere down the line.

Jerry Lawler Recovering From Knee Replacement

Speaking to Going Ringside at River City Wrestling Con, Jerry Lawler opened up about his recent health battles and admitted things were hard for him as he lives alone:

I’m doing a lot of conventions. I’m sort of hobbling around right now. I just had a knee replacement on my right knee. But it’s doing good, but it’s a little bit – hobbling here and there.

Well, I seem to be doing pretty well. People just see me like this but at home, I live by myself, and it’s a little tough there right now. But it seemed to get better.

Lawler also noted that now he’s gone under the knife on his knee he’s back on the road more and making more appearances at conventions again.

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