
Goldberg Makes Shocking Admission About WCW Career

Goldberg's WCW Streak Revealed

Goldberg made a very interesting statement during a WCW documentary covering the death of the company.

The second episode of Vice TV’s four-part “Who Killed WCW?” documentary aired this week and featured comments from many of the key names involved in the company.

During WCW’s rise as a promotion in 1997 and throughout 1998, a rookie wrestler named Bill Goldberg was pushed to the top of the card. Goldberg’s undefeated streak became the stuff of legend as WCW made up wins and numbers to push on television to create an aura around Goldberg, who often won matches quickly with his Spear and Jackhammer combo.

Less than a year after his first televised match, Goldberg became the WCW World Champion by defeating Hulk Hogan at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta on the July 6, 1998 episode of Nitro. A few months after that, Goldberg lost the WCW World Title to Kevin Nash, and his run of undefeated matches ended at 173. The real number was much less than that.

While speaking in the “Who Killed WCW?” documentary, Goldberg recalled having a match with the late, great two-time WWE Hall of Famer Scott Hall and admitted that he didn’t know what he was doing during a match.

“I’m wresting Scott Hall, and I screw a spot up. And he’s laying on the ground and he looks up at me and he goes, ‘Yo, man, what are you doing?’ And my reaction was, ‘I don’t f*cking know what I’m doing.’

You’re live on television, you’re in front of your fans. I was scared sh*tless when I screwed that up because I didn’t know what was next. I didn’t know what to do.”

Kevin Nash commented right after that saying that if a wrestler can’t think on the fly then that person shouldn’t be in a top spot where they are trying to carry the company.

Goldberg Says He Smartened Up After Making Mistake

While reflecting on that mistake in his match with Scott Hall, the WWE Hall of Famer Goldberg would go on to say that he did smarten up to the business of pro wrestling.

“That’s when I really realized, there was a lot going on, and it wasn’t all for face value. So that’s when I really started smartening up to it.”

In other Goldberg parts of the documentary, Bret Hart claimed that Bill didn’t kick him in the head by accident when Bret took a kick to the head which ended his career. For his part, Goldberg has apologized about it for decades, yet the Hitman can’t seem to let it go and it’s something that is repeated often.