
Gangrel Reveals Who Came Up With WWE Stable ‘The Brood’

Gangrel The Brood

Former WWE Superstar Gangrel has credited Vince Russo with the idea of creating memorable stable ‘The Brood’.

Remembered best for his vampire-like appearance and pre-match entrance routine, Gangrel made his WWE debut on 16th August 1998, collecting a routine victory over Scott Taylor (who would later go on to prominence as Too Cool member Scotty 2 Hotty).

Edge and Christian would soon join forces with Gangrel to form the ominous stable ‘The Brood’, arriving to the aid of their new ally during a bout with Kane on the 26th October 1998 edition of Raw.

The group became known for delivering a ‘blood bath’ to their rivals, with the arena lights dimming and their chosen foe becoming covered in red liquid to the shock of fans once the lighting returned.

The group were briefly members of The Undertaker’s Corporate Ministry faction and also feuded with The Hardy Boyz before going their separate ways in July 1999.

Despite a relatively brief time together, The Brood is remembered fondly by fans to this day and Gangrel gave full credit for the idea to former WWE head writer Vince Russo during a recent appearance on ‘Wrestle Binge‘:

“Credit to Vince Russo. He called me up and he said, ‘Can you still do the vampire stuff? Do you still have the fangs?’ I go, ‘Of course, I can make it happen.’

He called me up on a Friday and he had me at TV on a Saturday, debuting on a Sunday, ‘Sunday Night Heat.’ So they taped, and they came up with that entrance, that music and everything. With that, they [have] me work Edge. I always wanted to be in a group of vampires.”

Gangrel Reveals Details Behind AEW Double Or Nothing Appearance

Gangrel made a surprise appearance at AEW Double or Nothing on 26th May, returning to support Adam Copeland (formerly Edge) as he battled Malakai Black in a Barbed Wire Steel Cage match.

The 55 year-old recently explained how the surprise appearance was kept secret.

H/T: WrestlingInc for the above transcription.