
Controversial Former ROH Champion Issues Statement On Wrestling Future

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A former title holder in ROH has discussed whether they will be returning to the ring or not.

Davey Richards is probably best remembered for his run in Ring of Honor which saw him capture the ROH World Championship from Eddie Edwards in June 2011. Richards held that title for eleven months before losing to Kevin Steen (Kevin Owens) at Border Wars in May 2012.

Richards also held the ROH Tag Team Championship several times with Eddie Edwards as The American Wolves before both men became simply The Wolves in TNA/IMPACT Wrestling where they won the tag team championship in that promotion on five occasions.

Back in March, allegations of domestic abuse were made against Richards by two former partners. Whilst he denied the allegations, he very quickly announced his retirement from professional wrestling once he’d finished the shows he was working that weekend. Even before this statement, many promotions had announced they were cutting ties with him for future bookings.

Now the dust has settled, Davey Richards has released another statement on social media. In it he notes that he forgives those who made the allegations against him, however has no plans to lace his boots up in the future.

Meanwhile, Ring Of Honor now have their weekly shows up and running, with Tony Khan announcing recently who the on-screen authority figures will be for the brand.

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