
Ex-UFC Star Hits Out At WWE Raw Underground Return

WWE Raw Underground

Raw Underground made its return on NXT television and former UFC Heavyweight Champion Josh Barnett had something to say about WWE’s take on Fight Club.

Raw Underground was the short-lived segment fronted by Shane McMahon that saw WWE stars take part in fight club-style matches away from the ring. The fighting area was surrounded by other talents while there were no ropes and fights ended when one star was unable to continue for the most part.

The concept made a return on the 4th of July edition of NXT as Damon Kemp took on Eddy Thorpe in the Raw Underground setting. Thorpe had been trained by Olympic champion Gable Steveson in the run-up to the fight which saw him defeat Steveson’s real-life brother.

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After the fight Gable Steveson got physical, delivering suplexes to anyone that crossed his path, all the while wearing his Olympic gold medal around his neck.

Someone unimpressed by the segment was Josh Barnett who has competed in plenty of MMA fights and promotes his own Bloodsport events. Barnett took to social media to have his say on the Raw Underground segment while thanking WWE for showing there’s life in the concept:

“Oh look, fake Bloodsport is back. Thank you for showing the world that this kind of thing has legs (we knew that already) and that even with 10x the money and production there is still only one Josh Barnett’s: Bloodsport.”