
WWE Hall Of Famer Eric Bischoff Asseses His Impact On Pro Wrestling

Eric Bischoff

Eric Bischoff believes he deserves high praise for his impact on the wrestling business.

The 69 year-old former announcer served as President of World Championship Wrestling between 1994 and 1999, overseeing the capture of huge stars such as Hulk Hogan and ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage, whilst being credited with the original idea and creative direction for the industry changing New World Order faction.

Bischoff was at the helm of WCW during the famous ‘Monday Night Wars’, masterminding an 83 week consecutive ratings victory over their fierce rivals WWE, led by Vince McMahon.

Speaking recently on his popular podcast ‘83 Weeks‘, Bischoff attempted to analyse his contributions to the industry, eventually sharing his belief that his impact was greater than anybody except Vince McMahon:

“As much as anybody other than Vince McMahon, I have had a positive impact on the industry as we know it today, because of the things that we innovated at WCW.”

Bischoff also expressed his view that WWE would not have enjoyed as much business success had it not have been for the competition provided by WCW:

“In doing so, it helped WWE position themselves as the juggernauts they are today. I don’t think WWE would have gone public had it not been for ‘Nitro,’ had it not been for the Monday Night Wars.”

Eric Bischoff Refused To Relocate During WWE Tenure

With WCW ultimately closing in March 2001 following a buyout by WWE, Bischoff distanced himself from wrestling until returning to WWE in an on-screen character capacity on 15th July 2002.

Bischoff later revealed that he refused to relocate to Connecticut when Vince McMahon asked him if there is anything he would not do during his stay with WWE.

H/T: WrestlingInc for the above transcription.