
Eric Bischoff Thinks AEW Is Losing Good Will Of Their Audience

eric bischoff suit

Eric Bischoff believes that AEW is beginning to lose the good will of their audience.

The WWE Hall Of Famer feels that initial positivity afforded to the company after its 2019 debut is beginning to wane and that the quality of the product must improve.

Bischoff elaborated on his views during a recent episode of his popular podcast, 83 Weeks:

“In the beginning, everybody, hell, WWE writers in the room that were watching the premier episode with me were cheering them on. Everybody was so excited. But you can wear it out (the goodwill of the audience).

Gary Considine, Executive Producer for ‘The Tonight Show With Jay Leno’ at NBC, said to me, ‘Eric, once the audience decides to vote with their remote, it’s almost impossible to get them back.”

Bischoff would go on to highlight declining ticket sales and viewing figures as evidence of his beliefs, encouraging AEW President Tony Khan to focus on the quality rather than content of creative with television rights negotiations looming for the company.

Asked about the current direction of AEW, Bischoff compared their current situation to that of a beach front property that was showing signs of issues:

“The trajectory that they’re on right now is a beach house on a beautiful piece of property and the foundation is cracking.

The house is starting to tilt. It hasn’t collapsed yet but fewer and fewer people are interested in renting that piece of property or in this case, watching that property. Not good.”

Eric Bischoff Hits Back At AEW Star For Recent Outburst

It is not the first time that Bischoff has been outspoken about AEW in recent weeks. The former Executive Director of SmackDown has been particularly vocal about Tony Khan’s use of social media.

AEW star Dax Harwood raced to the defence of his boss in an outburst of his own towards Bischoff, views that were brushed off by the 68 year-old.

H/T: WrestlingInc for the above transcription.