
Departing WWE Figure Held Talks About Extending Stay

Triple H WWE

A popular broadcaster held talks about staying with WWE.

On June 22nd, Kayla Braxton announced she was leaving WWE after eight years with the company. During her time with WWE, Braxton had worked as a backstage interviewer on Smackdown, a host of the WWE PLE Kickoff shows as well as The Bump and Talking Smack.

The popular broadcaster then hit back at claims she’d spoken with AEW, saying that if she wanted to stay in wrestling, she wouldn’t be stopping what she was doing.

Writing in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Dave Meltzer reported Braxton held talks with WWE about signing a new deal before deciding to move on.

They were in talks for a renewal but then she made the call not to sign a new deal. She said that she was moving on from pro wrestling saying if she wanted to stay in pro wrestling she wouldn’t have left the biggest company in the world. There were feelers in that direction, not sure which side they came from but that they were there…

One person noted that she could see the writing on the wall. She was one of many backstage interviewers until doing Talking Smack, and then her byplay with Heyman got her over. She had moved to Los Angles to look for outside work.

According to those close to the situation, Lee Fitting saw Jackie Redmond and Cathy Kelly as No. 1 and No. 2. It was noted she’s single, lives a comfortable lifestyle, and enjoys her time off. It was noted that Charley Arnolt has blown up as a star to a degree and Kayla is considered in WWE as more talented than she was.

WWE Didn’t Offer Dijak A New Deal

By contrast, Dijak has claimed WWE didn’t offer him a new contract, and “stonewalled” him when he attempted to kick-start negotiations. The star, who enjoyed his most successful spell with the company in NXT, will become a free agent when his current deal expires on June 28th.

In an open letter to fans, Dijak said he was disappointed but excited at how the situation had unfolded.