
Dave Meltzer Provides Update On Kenny Omega’s Health Issue

Kenny Omega

Dave Meltzer has provided an update on the serious health issue being suffered by Kenny Omega.

Former AEW Heavyweight Champion Omega recently announced that he would be out of action indefinitely due to a medical issue. It was later revealed that the 40 year-old Canadian had been diagnosed with diverticulitis, a gastrointestinal disease with symptoms that include severe abdominal pain.

Prominent wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer was able to offer an update on Omega’s wellbeing during a recent appearance on Wrestling Observer Radio, revealing that the AEW Vice-President was fortunate to have sought medical attention when he did:

“I did not hear if he had surgery yet on it but he was rushed to the hospital Friday.

He had been in a lot of pain and he thought what happened was – you probably all remember, is that he had the hernia that was really, really bad which caused him that long, long period off.

He had been hurting really, really bad and he had presumed it was a hernia. He had bloating which he thought he may have messed up on his diet somehow and eaten something wrong. But he just kept training on it, working on it, did the match with Ethan Page.

He was hurting really bad on Wednesday when he did the promo with Jericho. By that point it was really bad so he went to the hospital and found out he had diverticulitis. It was a really bad situation in the sense of if he had not gone in another day or so, it could have been horrendous.”

Top WWE Superstar Suffered With Same Condition As Kenny Omega

Omega is not the first top name in professional wrestling to suffer with this particular serious medical condition.

Former WWE Champion Brock Lesnar notably battled diverticulitis during his spell with UFC and many believe it was a big factor in his leaving of MMA to return to WWE in 2012.

H/T: Wrestling Observer for the above transcription.