
Dark Order Member Returns To AEW At Rampage Tapings [Spoiler]

dark order aew

One of the original members of The Dark Order has returned to AEW after being released from the company in May.

When AEW held its first pay-per-view, Double or Nothing, back in May 2019, one of the more interesting additions to the fledgling company’s roster was the team of Evil Uno and Stu Grayson, the first members of The Dark Order.

The pair were soon joined by Alex Reynolds and John Silver and vignettes began airing that hinted at a mysterious leader for the faction. This Exalted One was eventually revealed to be the late Brodie Lee.

After Lee made his onscreen debut, the then-villainous group’s ranks swelled even further and at its height had nine members in total.

Following the tragic death of Brodie Lee in December 2020, the faction continued but quickly turned babyface. In the process, they became one of the most beloved groups in AEW thanks partly to their antics on the Being The Elite YouTube show but also their attempts to befriend Hangman Adam Page on AEW TV.

In 2022, however, The Dark Order began losing members, first with Colt Cabana disappearing from AEW TV and then Stu Grayson being unable to come to terms on a new deal with the company, leading to his departure in May. Since then, Alan Angels has also left the company.

However, at the most recent Rampage tapings, Grayson has made his return to both AEW and his old faction. During a backstage segment which saw the group arguing with Jose The Assistant, they put their hands together, an extra hand appeared which turned out to be Grayson’s.

Stu Grayson was last seen on AEW TV on the May 2nd edition of Dark: Elevation. There, he teamed with fellow Dark Order members Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds, Alan Angels, John SIlver, and Ten to defeat Anthony Bennett, Brett Waters, Eli Isom, Jaden Valo, Kori Meshaw, and Mike Law.