
Bryan Danielson Set For “Major Turnaround”

Bryan Danielson AEW

Bryan Danielson’s fortunes could be about to change.

As 2024 ticks by, Bryan Danielson moves ever closer to the end of his full-time career. While the veteran is adamant he’ll continue to wrestle beyond the end of the year, he’ll no longer be a regular presence on AEW television.

Although he’s featured in some of the best matches AEW has ever seen, Danielson’s run with the company has been characterised by a series of losses. In fact, he’s lost the majority of major singles matches during his time there, most recently coming off second-best to Will Ospreay at Dynasty.

However, according to Dave Meltzer in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, that could be about to change.

The Bryan Danielson storyline is expected to have a major turnaround as he closes in on retirement with the idea of regrouping from the losses earlier in the year.

Bryan Danielson Dream Match Could Be Ruled Out

Elsewhere in the Observer, Meltzer questioned whether a long-requested match featuring Danielson could now be off the table.

It’s been teased that the person who’ll face Jeff Jarrett in the Owen Hart Cup is a friend of the Young Bucks — seemingly confirming the mystery entrant will be Hangman Adam Page. Should Will Ospreay lose to Swerve Strickland at Forbidden Door, that then rules him out of challenging for the World Title at All In.

Meltzer added that this could pave the way for Danielson to win the tournament and earn a match for the World Championship at Wembley. However, if this proves to be the case, the often hinted at bout between the American Dragon and Nigel McGuinness would be dropped.

There is a viable storyline of Danielson, in one of his last big shows, going after a major title he has never won. That would make for a cool moment if he wins, and perhaps if he loses and then retires. Whether it’s more beneficial long-term than Ospreay winning at Wembley is something we’ll never know.

Bryan Danielson will be back in action at AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door where he faces Shingo Takagi in the opening round of the Owen Hart Cup.