
Brody King Calls Wrestling Legend An “Old Bag Of S***” For LGBTQ+ Comments

Brody King Malakai Black House of Black AEW

Brody King took Dutch Mantel to task for his comments about CM Punk supporting LGBTQ+ youth.

On the June 17th debut of AEW Collision, CM Punk made his long-awaited return to the company for the first time since All Out. Wrestling legend Dutch Mantel took to social media to call out Punk for carrying a sign that said “Support LGBTQ+ Youth,” wondering why the star needed to express his political views. Mantel wrote:

“Is this a wise move…involving a political issues on a wrestling show? I guess the issue that @budlight and @target have had with the LGBTQ topic has not reached @AEW. This shot didn’t make the show but the still photo is there. Comments. @WSI_YouTube”

House of Black’s Brody King wasted no time in responding to the veteran, calling him an “old bag of s***” for questioning Punk’s sign. King has long been an advocate of LGBTQ+ rights, even participating in 2019’s Gay Young Classic, a drag lip sync competition.

“You probably thought it was a political issue when Black people and Women wanted equal rights too, you old bag of s***.”

After Collision went off the air, CM Punk cut an impassioned promo, explaining why it’s so important to him to support trans youth specifically. He had this to say:

“I recently… Listen. I recently reposted something from Pretty Cool Ice Cream. I don’t know if you guys were here two years ago. I bought y’all ice cream. I would’ve done it again, but I thought y’all hated me. We’re coming back soon, don’t worry. You better hope I don’t hate you before then. I reposted something from Pretty Cool Ice Cream, it was an ice cream bar that some of the proceeds or if you purchased a bar, went to support trans youth.

“Listen, I got a lot of hate for reposting that message. Somebody in particular, don’t know who it is, nameless, faceless person on the internet said, ‘Why do you support that trash?’ And I thought about replying, but you can’t argue with stupid, okay? You just both look stupid.

“The reason I support trans kids, trans grownups, gay, straight, lesbian, whoever, is because I know when I was growing up, I didn’t fit in anywhere, but it was because of the clothes I wore, what my hair looked like, the music I listened to. Those are all things I could rectify. I could cut my hair. I could listen to jazz. I don’t know what. But to be somebody who’s gay, lesbian, especially trans, I don’t know what it feels like to be trapped in a body that I don’t feel I belong in. That is why I support that.

“I didn’t fit in anywhere until I found pro wrestling and all the freaks and geeks in the locker room were just like me, maybe because they’re a little bit psychotic and they couldn’t hold on to a real job, but that’s another story. Support trans kids. Support gay and lesbian rights. I want everybody to be themselves. Just do no harm to everybody else. Thank you. I love you.” (h/t PWInsider)

According to a recent report, CM Punk is scheduled to appear on AEW Dynamite on Wednesday, June 21st.

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