
Bret Hart Says Vince McMahon Can Rot In Hell

Bret Hart shouting at Vince McMahon

Bret Hart has elaborated on the “single greatest thing” he ever did in wrestling – knocking out Vince McMahon.

Everyone in the world and their dog knows what happened when the Montreal Screwjob took place at Survivor Series 1997. Following the shock turn of events, a showdown took place in the locker room between Bret Hart and Vince McMahon with The Excellence of Execution laying McMahon out with one punch.

Speaking on the Attitude Era Podcast, Bret Hart was asked about that punch and began by explaining why the Montreal Screwjob didn’t have to happen and why comments made in the following years by respected stars such as The Undertaker don’t hold much weight to him:

The Montreal Screwjob and all the lies and things they did to me. I have so much respect for what I did. If you were in my shoes, after everything that I did for them, for them to do what they did to me. I always hear this crap like I heard Undertaker say, ‘They had to do what they were going to do. There was no other option.’ Bullsh*t.

I had another six weeks left on my contract. There were a million things that could have been done. It was a case of liars, cheaters, backstabbers, and guys that made that moment happen. Shawn, Triple H, Vince McMahon. I wish I knocked them all out. I have no regrets. It was the single greatest thing I ever did.

Bret Hart Lifted Vince McMahon A Foot Off The Ground

Bret Hart continued by noting he was congratulated for his punch by some in the business and finished by giving a candid assessment of how he feels about Vince McMahon:

All I’ll say is this. Jimmy Snuka came up to me about three years after the Montreal Screwjob. He came up to me and shook my hand. He goes, ‘I want to shake the hand of the man that knocked out Vince McMahon. Everybody talked about doing it.’ He lied and screwed over so many guys. ‘Everybody talked about doing it, but the one guy who did it was you.’ That’s why he shook my hand.

I think it says more about my real personality. I was never a hot head or a guy that acted out and went off and punched everybody that I wanted to. If you were in my shoes that day, Vince was calling my bluff. He was going to confront me and wanted me to back down and take the high road. It was a gamble that he made and he thought he was going to try and get into a little altercation with me. He wanted it to be a pull apart. Everybody pulls us apart and he can act like he stood his ground against me.

In those fleeting seconds of having to think about this, ‘I can’t believe Vince McMahon is actually going to confront me.’ I didn’t charge him. We actually walked up to each other and locked up like a wrestling match. Then I knocked him out with one punch and it was the greatest punch I ever threw. Absolutely beautiful uppercut. I lifted him about a foot off the ground, broke my hand. It was the sweetest punch I ever threw. I wouldn’t change anything about it. Vince McMahon can rot in hell.

Vince McMahon has been accused of sickening sexual assault by a former WWE employee in a lawsuit that has rocked the company. Endeavor bosses told McMahon to resign as TKO Executive Chairman as a result, ending his official association with the company he led for four decades.

h/t Fightful