
Bret Hart “Comes Across As A Whiner” Says WWE Hall Of Famer

Bret Hart

People should stop telling Bret Hart to ‘get over it.’

For several years, Bret Hart has enjoyed a position as pro wrestling’s favourite grumpy uncle. In the ring, he was a legend, and he’s never backed away from giving an honest opinion on the industry or people within it, especially one Bill Goldberg.

Much of Hart’s perceived bitterness stems from the errant kick from Goldberg that all but ended his career in late 1999. An incident that cost him several million dollars in the process.

During a recent episode of his Kilq This podcast, Kevin Nash gave his thoughts on Hart, admitting he comes across as a whiner. However, he explained that The Hitman has every right to feel frustrated given how his career ended, and the money he ultimately missed out on.

“Bret Hart comes across as a whiner. Bret was one of the easily… I’m not going to go into the Mount Rushmore, but definitely one of the top 10 guys to ever do it. It’s like his career got cut short. He could have come back in 2002 to WWE and had a great run. He wasn’t done by any means. It cost him a lot of money, and I mean, Bill said he’s sorry, but…

Bret can have whatever opinion he wants to. It’s the people that haven’t done it that say, ‘get over it.’ It’s like, alright, so you’re my cellmate, and for the whole eight years you’re in prison with me, I just bang the dog sh*t out of you. I just r*pe you, beat you. You know what? When you get out of there, you just need to get the f*ck over it.’

Everybody that’s got a problem with it is people that didn’t do it. I don’t get it. What don’t I get? I made a sh*tload of money. I thought that was my job.”

Bret Hart Takes Jab At Booker T

During a recent virtual signing, Bret Hart recalled how much he hated taking Booker T’s Scissors Kick, branding it “really dangerous.” The Hitman added that between Booker’s kick, and Goldberg, he felt the pair were trying to kill him.

Hart also took a little swipe at Goldberg following his latest comments on the beef between the pair, claiming he doesn’t listen to him and doesn’t know anyone who does. In an earlier interview, Goldberg said he was fed up with apologising for the accident in 1999, before telling Hart to grow up.