
The Bizarre Regret The Undertaker Still Has From WWE Career

The Undertaker WWE Hall of Fame

The Undertaker doesn’t have fond memories of every big WWE night.

The year 2000 was a strange one in the career of The Undertaker. At Judgment Day the star returned after several months out of action with a completely new gimmick as he said farewell to The Deadman, and hello to the American Badass.

‘Taker has admitted he wasn’t initially in the best shape when he came back, and it took him a little while to find his feet with a wildly different character to the one he’d played for a decade.

At Survivor Series, ‘Taker challenged Kurt Angle for the WWF Title, coming up short after Angle switched with his brother in the closing stages to cause a distraction. However, no one remembers the match, only The Undertaker’s snakeskin ring gear.

During a new interview with Chris Van Vliet, ‘Taker dispelled the myth that the offending trousers belonged to The Godfather. He revealed he was even warned against wearing them by WWE seamstress Terry Anderson, but he stubbornly stuck to his guns.

“There was a pair of snakeskin pants I wore at a match with Kurt Angle. That I really regret. It’s one of my biggest regrets. They were horrible. So the rumour for a long, long time was that I forgot my tights, or I forgot my pants and I had to borrow those from The Godfather. They were mine.

Terry Anderson bless her heart, she did all my gear pretty much my whole career. I told her what I wanted to do. Throughout my extended career, my gear was very, I mean, it was minimalistic. I mean, there was not a lot of love and thrill to my character. When I told her I wanted a pair of python pants. She went no you don’t, I went yes I do.”

When asked about his thoughts behind the infamous trousers, The Deadman said he thought they’d be cool. To make matters worse, he felt the match with Angle was really good — not that anyone remembers it.

“I just thought it would be cool looking. They were snakeskin pants. I’m a biker, it didn’t translate well. I really regret those pants those are awful, man. I see them every once in a while. They’ll pop up on a feed or something. [Do you still own them?] No, no, no, no, they’re long gone. I think I burned those.

And the horrible thing was, it was a really good match. That’s what really sucks is I had a really good match with Kurt. That’s when we used his twin and they screwed me out of the title there. But I can’t watch it and enjoy the match for its quality. All I see are those damn [pants]. I’m touching 330 At that time, too. I’m a big dude. And big dudes don’t wear snakeskin pants.”

The Undertaker Couldn’t Remember His Name Following Famous Match

During the same interview, The Undertaker reflected on getting knocked out during his match with Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania.

Despite suffering a concussion, the veteran finished the match as planned, although he was unable to remember his name or birthday once he was taken to the hospital. The star recalled asking his wife to help him cheat the test so he could go home.

The Undertaker refused to blame Lesnar for the accident and said it was down to his lack of wrestling time during this period.

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