The John Report: WWE Elimination Chamber 2021 Review
Welcome to the WWE Elimination Chamber review on TJRWrestling. The Elimination Chamber match started in 2002 at Survivor Series, so next year will be the 20-year anniversary. The Elimination Chamber match became a regular thing in the month of February at No Way Out 2008. In 2010, WWE went with the Elimination Chamber PPV name for the first time. While WWE has done Tag Team and Women’s Elimination Chamber matches in the past, this year’s show is about the top two men’s titles. The WWE Championship is on the line for the Raw brand while Smackdown’s wrestlers are competing for a shot at the Universal Title. We are on the road to WrestleMania on April 10 and April 11, but there’s also Fastlane in four weeks on March 21 as well.
As a reminder, I have a listing of every WWE PPV that I reviewed in order by year. Thank you for supporting us at TJRWrestling. We appreciate you. Let’s get to the show.
Here’s the Kickoff Show match with the Raw announce team of Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton and Samoa Joe calling the match.
Ricochet vs. John Morrison vs. Elias vs. Mustafa Ali (w/T-Bar, Slapjack and Mace)
Ricochet hit Ali with a running dropkick to knock him out of the ring. Ricochet jumped over Elias, kicked Morrison and Ricochet with a jumping kick on Elias. Ali and Ricochet each got nearfalls on eachother. Elias was cleaning house with punches and elbow smashes on everybody. Elias with a kick off the turnbuckle to knock Ricochet down. They did a spot with two reverse DDTs at the same time as Ali hitting a neckbreaker for two. Ricochet came back with punches on Ali, who kicked Ricochet to knock him down. Ali with a high-angle belly-to-back suplex for two. Elias with a jumping knee on Ali for two as Slapjack pulled Elias out of the ring. There’s no DQ in a four-way match. Ricochet with a kick on Elias, Ricochet sent Morrison to the apron and Ricochet hit a kick to the floor. Elias with a sitout Chokeslam on Ricochet for two as Ali broke up the pin. Morrison was back in with a springboard kick on Elias. Morrison hit the Moonlight Drive neckbreaker on Ricochet for two. Morrison went for Starship Pain off the pain, but Ricochet moved out of the way to avoid it. Ricochet with a rolling dropkick on Ali and then Ricochet hit a moonsault onto Ali and Elias as they were standing. Ricochet hit a half n half suplex on Morrison for two as the two other guys broke it up. Ali with a DDT off the middle ropes. Ricochet jumped off the top with a 450 Splash on Ali with Mace and T-Bar pulled Ali out of the ring. Ricochet jumped over the top onto Mace/T-Bar, but the big guys caught him and they drove Ricochet back first into the steel post. Retribution was celebrating the attack on Ricochet on the floor, so Morrison grabbed Ali, did the ROLLUP OF DEATH~! with his body on top, and covered Ali to win at 7:10.
Winner by pinfall: John Morrison
Analysis: **3/4 This was a pretty good match full of action with all four guys looking impressive at different points in the match. Ricochet is so talented and exciting to watch, yet WWE doesn’t seem to want to use him more. Elias had some good moments in there. Ali was helped by his buddies, but then Morrison took advantage of a moment to win the match. I like how the finish was booked.
The win by Morrison meant that he would move on to the US Title match as a replacement for Keith Lee against champion Bobby Lashley and challenger Riddle. That would take place during the PPV portion of the show.
WWE Elimination Chamber
From WWE Thunderdome at Tropicana Field in Tampa Bay/St. Petersburg, Florida
February 21, 2021
The opening video package focused on the two Elimination Chamber matches with highlights of past Elimination Chamber matches. Plus, the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match gets a Universal Championship match after their win. Good video as usual to open the show.
There was a pyro display to start the show with the Elimination Chamber already on the ring. They focused on the WrestleMania sign of course. There were fans as part of the WWE ThunderDome setup as usual. The Smackdown announce team of Michael Cole and Corey Graves welcomed us to the show with their Elimination Chamber match.
The entrances took place for the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match. Kevin Owens was up first with Cole noting it was KO’s first EC match in his career. Sami Zayn was up next with his documentary crew filming him on his way to the ring. Zayn greeted on again/off again best friend Owens, who was trash-talking Sami. The referee Jessika Carr told the documentary crew to leave with Zayn complaining about it while noting that he paid them to be there. King Corbin was up next to enter one of the pods. Jey Uso was the last man to enter a pod, so that means Daniel Bryan and Cesaro are starting the match. Owens was fired up to go after Jey.
Before the final two entrances, they aired a video package about Elimination Chamber and the winner facing Universal Champion Roman Reigns. I don’t think we needed another video package, but here we are.
Cesaro made his entrance with Cole noting that nobody has been hotter than Cesaro of late. That is true because Cesaro has won a lot of matches of late and also turned babyface during that winning streak. Daniel Bryan was up last as the most popular man in the match as well as a former WWE Champion and two-time Elimination Chamber match winner.

Smackdown Elimination Chamber Match to Determine #1 Contender for the Universal Championship: Daniel Bryan vs. Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn vs. Jey Uso vs. King Corbin
Cesaro started with Bryan with Cesaro getting multiple shoulder tackles. Cesaro with a spinning backbreaker for a two count followed by Cesaro hitting an uppercut. Bryan ran the ropes leading to a running clothesline. Cesaro rocked Bryan with an uppercut, but then Bryan sent Cesaro over the top to the floor into the cage. There is padding outside the ring, but the cage does hurt. Bryan jumped off the top with a knee, then back in the ring and Bryan hit a missile dropkick for two. Bryan countered a slam off the turnbuckle with a hurricanrana. Cesaro with a clothesline leading to a flip bump for Bryan. Cesaro wrenched on the left knee of Bryan, but Bryan countered that into an armbar, which Cesaro countered into a pin attempt for two. Cesaro rocked Bryan with two uppercuts. Cesaro hit a delayed vertical suplex for a two count. After five minutes, the clock ticked down for the next entrant.
The third man in the match was King Corbin, who drove Cesaro back first into one of the pods. Corbin whipped Bryan into the cage. Corbin hiptossed Cesaro from the outside of the ring to the inside. Bryan hit running dropkicks on both guys, then Cesaro with uppercuts on both guys. Corbin hit the Deep Six slam on Cesaro and a Deep Six slam on Bryan with Corbin getting two counts on both guys. Corbin picked up Bryan and drove him left knee first into a pod and then Corbin sent Cesaro back first into the pod. Zayn: “Keep him away from my pod!” Sami rules. Corbin drove Bryan’s left knee into Jey’s pod as well. Corbin sent Cesaro into the cage. Corbin with a belly to back slam for a two count. Corbin kneed Cesaro to knock him out of the ring. After five more minutes, it was time for another wrestler to enter the match.
The fourth entrant was Sami Zayn, who wasn’t happy about it. Zayn didn’t want Corbin to come after him, so he kept the door shut as much as he could. Bryan kicked Corbin into the pod. Cesaro got a hold of Zayn and beat him up a bit. Zayn sent Cesaro into Jey’s pod. Bryan got a hold of Zayn leading to Bryan whipping Zayn into the cage repeatedly. Corbin was back into it with punches on Bryan. Zayn sent Corbin into the pod to knock the big man down. Zayn charged at Bryan outside the ring, Bryan moved and Zayn did a Helluva Kick into the pod that Kevin Owens was inside. Zayn sold that as a foot injury. Corbin hit a superplex on Bryan with Corbin standing on the middle rope. Zayn hit a Tornado DDT on Cesaro on the padding outside the ring and that got a two count for Zayn. Zayn ran at Cesaro, who lifted Zayn on top of Jey’s pod. Cesaro and Zayn were fighting on top of the pod. Cesaro hit Zayn with three uppercuts, but then Zayn did an eye gouge. That led to Zayn walking across the middle part of the cage and then Cesaro kicked Zayn onto the mats below. That fall by Zayn was like falling from a few feet higher than the top rope. Corbin caught Cesaro and clotheslined him back in the ring. Corbin caught Bryan and gave him a Chokeslam. Cesaro went for a corkscrew uppercut off the ropes, Corbin caught him and then Cesaro sent Corbin into the turnbuckle. Cesaro with an uppercut off the turnbuckle. Cesaro with the Cesaro Swing on Corbin and then the Sharpshooter led to Corbin taping out. They took about eight minutes between intervals here.
King Corbin eliminated by Cesaro via submission
The fifth man in the match was Kevin Owens, so Sami Zayn tried to convince Owens that they should do this together like old times. Owens didn’t agree with that as he whipped Zayn into pods repeatedly. Owens knocked down Cesaro in the ring, then he had Bryan on his back and Owens dropped back with a senton on Bryan onto Cesaro. Zayn tried attacking Owens, then Zayn bit KO’s arm and Sami knocked Owens down. Zayn jumped off the top, Owens moved and Owens hit Zayn with a superkick. Owens hit cannonballs on Cesaro, Bryan and Zayn. Owens pointed at Jey to let him know he was coming for him. All four guys hit moves in success with Zayn hitting a Dragon Suplex on Owens, Cesaro with an uppercut on Zayn, Bryan with a running knee on Cesaro and Owens with a Popup Powerbomb on Bryan. All four guys were down on the mat. Owens with a neckbreaker into a knee on Zayn for two. Owens with a neckbreaker into the knee on Bryan for two. Owens picked up Cesaro as the clock ticked down after five minutes. Owens tossed Cesaro away.
The sixth and final man in the match was Jey Uso, who was met by Kevin Owens with punches. Owens whipped Jey into the cage. Owens whipped Jey into the pod so Jey bumped into the back side of the pod. Four guys were battling in the area outside the ring and then Owens hit a moonsault onto all four guys that were standing there for him. Owens with a Stunner on Bryan, Owens with a Stunner on Cesaro. Zayn missed a Helluva Kick when KO moved and Owens hit a Stunner on Zayn to pin and eliminate him.
Sami Zayn eliminated by Kevin Owens via pinfall
Zayn was leaving the ring, so Jey slammed the door onto the right arm of Owens. KO was trapped against the door, so Jey hit him with four superkicks in the face. Jey with another superkick to knock Owens down in the ring. Jey with an Uso Splash on Owens to pin and eliminate KO from the match.
Kevin Owens eliminated by Jey Uso via pinfall
Jey attacked Bryan with a stomp onto the back of the left knee. Jey charged at Cesaro, who decked Jey with an uppercut. Cesaro jumped off the top with an elbow drop on Jey for two. Cesaro did the swing on Jey into the cage repeatedly. Cesaro jumped off the top to attack Bryan, but Bryan got back up and kicked Cesaro in the ribs. Bryan was favoring his left knee. Bryan with a backslide pin on Cesaro for two followed by a roundhouse kick to the head of Cesaro for another two count. Bryan held the arms of Cesaro while stomping on the head repeatedly. Bryan set up in the corner, the “YES” chants began and Cesaro countered the running knee, but Cesaro caught him and Bryan got a two count. Bryan with another kick to the head. Bryan went up top with Cesaro stopping him with an uppercut. Cesaro stood on the middle turnbuckle, he had Bryan on his shoulders and Cesaro delivered a gutbuster where he drove the knee into the ribs. Cesaro with a one-legged Swing on the bad left knee. Jey with a superkick on Cesaro. Jey jumped off the top with an Uso Splash on Cesaro for a three count.
Cesaro eliminated by Jey Uso via pinfall
Analysis: I thought a Cesaro win was possible, but it didn’t happen here.
Jey hit an Uso Splash off the top rope on Bryan for just a two count. Jey went up to the top of a pod and went for an Uso Splash on Bryan, but Bryan got the knees up to block. Bryan hit the running knee on Jey for the pinfall win at 34:20.
Jey Uso eliminated by Daniel Bryan via pinfall
Elimination Chamber Match Winner: Daniel Bryan
Analysis: **** It was a great match. Most Elimination Chamber matches are full of action and clever eliminations, which this match delivered as well. I really liked the way Cesaro dominated most of it, Bryan sold the left knee very well and that spot where Jey Uso weakened Kevin Owens before eliminating him was smart as well. I liked Sami Zayn’s role as a reluctant heel who took advantage when he could, but it wasn’t a surprise that he and Corbin lost. I picked Owens to win, but I thought it would be either him, Cesaro or Bryan, so I’m fine with the choice of Bryan winning his third Elimination Chamber match in his career.

The Elimination Chamber structure went up, Bryan was still on the mat after getting beat up in that match and it was time for the next match.
Roman Reigns made his entrance as the Universal Champion with Special Counsel Paul Heyman joining him at ringside. Bryan was down in the ring favoring his left knee as Reigns did his slow walk to get into the ring.
Universal Championship: Roman Reigns (w/Paul Heyman) vs. Daniel Bryan
Bryan caught Reigns in the Yes Lock with the announcers freaking out about it, but Reigns powered out of it. Reigns beat on Bryan with punches. Reigns picked up Bryan and dropped him with a Powerbomb. Reigns slapped the Guillotine submission on Bryan, who was out of it, so the referee called the match with Reigns getting the win at 1:32.
Winner by submission: Roman Reigns
Analysis: * It’s not a shock that this was a short match. I was hoping we would get a great Reigns/Bryan match one day this year, but this wasn’t it. The story was that Bryan was too hurt to put up much of a fight and Reigns took advantage of that.
After some replays, Reigns celebrated the win. That’s when Edge showed up and delivered a Spear as revenge for Reigns hitting Edge with a Spear on Smackdown two days ago. Edge stood over Reigns and pointed at the WrestleMania sign. That sets up Reigns vs. Edge at WrestleMania for the Universal Title. Edge celebrated that as his music played. Reigns was mad in the ring to end it.

Analysis: That Reigns/Edge match has been rumored for WrestleMania for a few weeks now, so they made it official. I think the build to that match will be awesome. I’m not sure if Reigns will defend the title at Fastlane before WrestleMania or if they save the next title defense for WrestleMania.
There was a commercial for Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Sessions interview with Sasha Banks. I watched it earlier on Sunday. It ran for 90 minutes and was really good. Banks has a lot of confidence, that’s for sure. She’s had a great career already and she’s only 29 years old with a bright future.
They showed images of Bad Bunny on Saturday Night Live on Saturday with the WWE 24/7 Title in his possession.
Bad Bunny was backstage with the 24/7 Title where he spoke to Sonya Deville, who said if he needs anything he can talk to her. The Miz showed up, so Sonya left. Miz said that he would have preferred to be the musical guest with Morrison, but what can you do? Bad Bunny said he’s there because he’s the 24/7 Champion and asked Miz what is he doing there? Bunny asked Miz if he’s a champion and if he’s even on the show tonight. Bunny slapped Miz in the face, then Miz turned back around and Damian Priest stood in front of Miz, so Miz backed away.
Analysis: This is leading to a likely WrestleMania match with Priest and Bunny against Miz and Morrison although it’s not a lock. It’s been building since the Royal Rumble last month. Also, Bad Bunny mocking Miz for not having a title was a tease for later in the show.
The entrances took place for the US Title match with Riddle up first. The Raw announce team of Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton and Samoa Joe were there to call this match. Next up was John Morrison replacing the injured Keith Lee and US Champion Bobby Lashley was last with MVP with a crutch for his injured right leg.

United States Championship: Bobby Lashley (w/MVP) vs. John Morrison vs. Riddle
Lashley dominated Riddle against the turnbuckle and then Lashley drove Morrison into the other turnbuckle across the ring. Lashley with a clothesline that sent Riddle over the top to the floor. Morrison with a kick to Lashley, but then Lashley sent Morrison on the apron and Lashley knocked Morrison off the apron into the barricade. Lashley drove Morrison back first into the barricade. Lashley had Morrison on his shoulders, then he charged and sent Morrison into the ring post. Riddle charged, but Lashley hit a back body drop on Riddle on the floor. Back in the ring, Lashley with a shoulder tackle on Riddle and a neckbreaker. Morrison was back in, he saved Riddle from a suplex, but then Lashley hit a shoulder tackle on Morrison and a running clothesline on Riddle. Lashley waited in the ring as Riddle/Morrison talked strategy together. Riddle with a running forearm on Lashley, but then Lashley gave Morrison a huge spinebuster. Lashley had Riddle on his shoulder leading to a slam off the shoulders. Lashley charged with a running shoulder tackle on Riddle against the turnbuckle. Riddle used his legs to send Lashley over the top to the floor. Morrison hit a twisting dive over the top onto Lashley on the floor. Riddle hit the Floating Bro off the middle ropes onto Lashley on the floor. Morrison sent Riddle into the ring post and into the ring for a two count. Riddle with forearms on Morrison, then Riddle landed on his feet after a German Suplex and Riddle with a Pele Kick on Morrison. Riddle with a forearm on Morrison, then an overhead suplex and a Broton splash. Riddle with a running PK kick to the chest. Riddle with a bridging German Suplex on Morrison for two. Lashley back in, Riddle with a knee to the face and Riddle hit a Floating Bro on Lashley, but then Morrison hit a knee on Riddle. Morrison hit the Starship Pain on Lashley for two. MVP talked trash to Morrison calling him an idiot thinking Lashley was going to lose to that. Morrison left the ring, he grabbed MVP’s crutch and went to attack, but Lashley caught Morrison in the Hurt Lock submission. Riddle grabbed the crutch, Riddle hit Lashley with the crutch to the back two times with Lashley bumping out of the ring. Riddle hit the Bro Derek slam on Morrison for the pinfall win at 8:40.
Winner by pinfall AND NEW United States Champion: Riddle
Analysis: ***1/4 A good match with a lot of action. Lashley was dominant for all of it, but I liked how they booked the finish. Riddle lost repeatedly to Lashley in singles matches, but now with a third man in the match, it wasn’t a shock that Morrison was the guy that took the pinfall there. Lashley was put over big during the match as a dominant champion and he was in control for most of it too. Riddle was my pick to win the match because when they announced it as a triple threat it seemed obvious that they would do a finish where Lashley wasn’t going to get pinned or submitted. It takes the title off Lashley, who has been impressive as the US Champion and maybe this leads to Lashley going after the WWE Title again.

Post match, Riddle was on the ramp celebrating saying he’s got his golden ticket now. Lashley was furious in the ring.
There was a commercial for WrestleMania in 48 days. It said “Exclusively on Peacock” which is for those of you in the United States of America. I’m in Canada, so traditional WWE Network is still the way to go for me. I already have people complaining to me about Peacock. Since I’m in Canada, I’m not sure how I’m supposed to help you. Hopefully, it’s a simple transition for those of you in the US.
Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax entered as the Women’s Tag Team Champions as Cole and Graves took over for this match.
The babyface team of Royal Rumble winner Bianca Belair and Smackdown Women’s Champion Sasha Banks were interviewed backstage by Kayla Braxton. The interview was interrupted by sommelier Reginald, who said that Bianca and Banks will become the champions. Reginald said he would put a bottle of his finest champagne on ice for after the match. Bianca Belair entered first followed by Sasha Banks.

Women’s Tag Team Championships: Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler vs. Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair
Jax started with Belair, not a lot happened and Banks hit a bulldog on Jax. Belair back in, she caught Banks after a slam by Jax and then Belair/Banks hit a double dropkick on Jax to send her out of the ring. Baszler tripped up Belair into an armbar, but then Belair came back with a shoulder tackle. Banks was back in with a double knee attack on Baszler. Banks walked the ropes, Baszler tripped her up and Jax tagged in with a running body attack on the apron. Baszler back with an arm-wrench on Banks for a two count. Baszler twisted the arm of Banks and then Baszler stepped on the arm of Banks. Baszler had an armbar, Banks with a jawbreaker and Baszler came back with a clothesline for two. Jax was back in with a body slam on Banks for two. Banks avoided a Jax charge, Baszler tagged in, Banks with a cross body block for two and a rollup for two. Banks with a flipping pin attempt for two. Banks with a backslide pin for two followed by a knee to the face. Belair tagged in, Baszler tried to counter a move into a pin, Banks tagged back in and Belair lifted Baszler into a slam into the mat. Banks jumped off the top with a Frog Splash for two. Banks with a knee to the face. Belair hit the KOD (Kiss of Death) slam for two because Jax pulled Belair out of the ring to break up the pin. Jax tagged in, Belair tried to pick her up, but Jax was too heavy and Jax with elbows to the back. Jax with a spinebuster for two as Banks broke up the pin. Banks kicked Baszler off the apron to the floor. Banks tagged in, Jax with a Samoan Drop to Belair and Banks jumped off the top with the Meteora double knees on Jax for a two count. That led to Reginald the sommelier with a champagne bottle and glass. Banks slapped on the Bank Statement submission, but Jax crawled to the bottom rope. Reginald handed Banks a bottle to use, Banks wasn’t going to use it, the referee took the bottle from Banks and Jax hit a Samoan Drop on Banks for the pinfall win at 9:35.
Winners by pinfall: Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler
Analysis: **3/4 The match was okay with a weak finish. It’s not like WWE wanted Banks or Belair to lose in a clean manner, so they involved the Reginald dumbass to cause the loss. It made no sense for Banks to want to cheat to win when she was in control, yet Reginald wanted her to do it. The finish made Jax look dominant because she was able to beat Sasha Banks with one move. I thought they would do a finish with Belair and Banks messing up a spot since they’re not a regular team. I think that would have been better than what they did here. Maybe it’s just me.

Post match, Banks and Belair yelled at Reginald about costing them the match. Jax and Baszler celebrated the win.
There was a commercial for WWE Fastlane on pay-per-view on Peacock for those of you in the US and WWE Network on Sunday, March 21. That’s four weeks away.
There was a backstage scene with MVP talking to The Miz with his Money in the Bank briefcase.
There was a video package for the Raw Elimination Chamber match with the WWE Title on the line. It focused on the six men in the match along with the tease of Miz wanting to cash in his Money in the Bank contract.
The introductions took place for the main event at 8:43pm ET, which means they are going to finish well before the three-hour mark.
The WWE Champion Drew McIntyre was up first meaning he’ll be in one of the pods to start the match. AJ Styles was up next with the big man Omos joining him at ringside. Kofi Kingston was up third with Kofi checking behind him for his entrance due to a past Chamber match where he was attacked by Edge and lost his spot in the match. Sheamus entered last because we know he’s the sixth and final entrant in the match. Jeff Hardy was next followed by Randy Orton with Jeff and Randy starting the match.

WWE Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE Championship: Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton vs. AJ Styles (w/Omos) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Sheamus
The match began at 8:53pm ET, which is early for a main event match. Orton started with Hardy with Orton kicking Hardy and stomping on the foot. They battled on the padding outside the ring with Hardy punching Orton and dropkicking Orton into a pod. Hardy charged, Orton moved and Hardy hit the turnbuckle. Orton stomped on the ribs followed by a chinlock. Hardy back up with a forearm, atomic drop, double legdrop and a dropkick into a splash for two. Hardy with a boot to the face followed by a splash off the middle ropes for two. After five minutes, it was time for the next entrant.
The third man in the match was WWE Champion Drew McIntyre, who went right after Orton with punches. McIntyre with clotheslines, McIntyre with two overhead suplexes to Hardy and then McIntyre with a neckbreaker on Orton. McIntyre sent Orton into the cage two times in a row and then pressing Orton’s head into the cage. McIntyre suplexed Hardy onto the padding on the area outside the ring. McIntyre sent Hardy into the pod that Kingston was in and Drew told a camera guy he should have moved. Orton was ready for McIntyre with a draping DDT for a one count. Orton with a modified backbreaker on McIntyre for two. Orton hit a draping DDT on the padding outside the ring.
The fourth entrant in the match was Kofi Kingston, who faced off with an old rival in Orton. Kingston managed to trip up Orton with his legs and then sat on top for the pinfall.
Randy Orton eliminated by Kofi Kingston via pinfall
After the elimination, Orton hit an RKO on Kingston and Orton hit an RKO on Hardy as well.
Analysis: I thought there would be a distraction from The Fiend to cost Orton this match, but there was no sign of that.
Styles told Omos to help him get out of the pod, so Omos pulled apart the pod and then Styles went for pin attempts on Hardy and Kingston for two counts. That led to WWE Official Adam Pearce showing up at ringside and he ejected Omos from ringside. Styles wasn’t happy about that as Omos went up the ramp to the back. Kingston jumped off the turnbuckle with a DDT on Styles on the padding. McIntyre sent Hardy into a pod. Kingston with an SOS trip on McIntyre for a two count. Styles hit a brainbuster on Kingston for a two count. Kingston tried a headscissors off the ropes, but Styles slammed Kofi onto the padding outside the ring. Kingston did a monkey flip that sent Styles into the cage. Kingston went for a submission, but McIntyre countered with a suplex. McIntyre suplexed Kingston back first into the cage. McIntyre with a huge back body drop on Styles. McIntyre sent Hardy back first into the cage and then back in the ring where McIntyre dropped Hardy with a neckbreaker for two. The clock ticked down for the last man in the match.
Sheamus entered as the sixth entrant with the announcers putting this over as a huge confrontation between the best friends that got into a slugfest right away. McIntyre with forearms to the back, Sheamus with a knee and forearms. Hardy and Kingston got involved, so McIntyre and Sheamus knocked them out of the ring. Sheamus rocked McIntyre with a forearm, then Drew came back with a clothesline with both guys going over the top to the outside ring area. Styles sent Kingston into the cage as Sheamus stepped on the face of McIntyre. Kingston jumped off the top onto McIntyre and Sheamus, who were on the padding outside the ring. Styles jumped off the top, but Kingston stopped him with a punch to the ribs. Sheamus with forearms to Kingston, then Kofi slid out of the ring leading to a kick. Sheamus rocked Kofi with a punch while on the turnbuckle. McIntyre tripped up Sheamus to crotch Sheamus across the top turnbuckle. McIntyre chopped Styles to knock him down. McIntyre wanted a superplex, so Styles and Hardy got involved leading to a double Powerbomb in a Tower of Doom spot out of the corner. Hardy and Styles each got two counts. Kingston was on top of a pod and jumped off backward with a trust fall onto four guys. Kofi got multiple two counts and a one count on McIntyre. Kofi battled Sheamus with chops, then Sheamus ran right into a boot. Kofi jumped off the top, Sheamus caught him, put him down and Sheamus bounced off the ropes with a Brogue Kick leading to Sheamus pinning Kingston.
Kofi Kingston eliminated by Sheamus via pinfall
Hardy hit a Twist of Fate on Sheamus and a Twist of Fate on McIntyre for two. Hardy with a Twist of Fate on Hardy as well. Hardy climbed up to the top of a pod. Hardy jumped off the top with a twisting splash onto McIntyre and Sheamus. Hardy with a dropkick on Styles. Hardy up top and he hit a Swanton Bomb on Hardy, but then McIntyre hit Hardy with a Claymore Kick to pin Hardy. Jeff was in the match for 26 minutes.
Jeff Hardy eliminated by Drew McIntyre via pinfall
Sheamus with a thumb to the eye on McIntyre and a knee to the face for a two count. Sheamus battled with McIntyre, then Drew managed to hit a headbutt and then Sheamus hit a White Noise slam on McIntyre. Styles jumped off the top with a Senton Bomb on McIntyre for a two count. Styles with a springboard 450 Splash on McIntyre for another two count. I think Styles did it twice because the first time, Drew was too close to the ropes to do a 450 Splash, so that’s why Styles did it again. Sheamus worked over Styles with the ten forearms to the chest. Sheamus sent Styles into the cage. McIntyre knocked Sheamus down by the turnbuckle. McIntyre charged and Sheamus hit him with a Brogue Kick. Styles capitalized on that with a Phenomenal Forearm on Sheamus and Styles pinned Sheamus to eliminate him.
Sheamus eliminated by AJ Styles via pinfall
McIntyre got back up, Styles jumped off with a Phenomenal Forearm and McIntyre hit the Claymore Kick on Styles to win via pinfall. The match went 31:10.
AJ Styles eliminated by Drew McIntyre via pinfall
Winner of the Elimination Chamber Match: Drew McIntyre
Analysis: ***3/4 This was a pretty good Chamber match. I liked the first Chamber match a bit more, but all of the elements were here as well. I thought the focus of the match would be on McIntyre/Sheamus and it was for most of it, but then McIntyre finished off Styles to win it. That’s fine because it was a spectacular ending with McIntyre hitting the Brogue Kick on Styles when AJ was jumping off the top. That looked impressive. As I noted earlier, I thought Randy Orton would have lasted longer and maybe The Fiend would cost him the match, so I was a bit shocked when Kofi beat Orton so easily. Jeff Hardy was in there as the sixth guy that did some good things but really didn’t stand out much at all. McIntyre was in there for nearly 30 minutes, took a beating and still found a way to keep his title as the fighting babyface that he is.
McIntyre was exhausted as replays were shown of the match. Bobby Lashley showed up out of nowhere with a cheap attack. Lashley sent McIntyre into the barricade and into the announce table. Lashley rammed McIntyre’s head into the announce table repeatedly. Back in the ring, Lashley hit a flatliner. Lashley slapped on the Hurt Lock submission on McIntyre leading to a Full Nelson slam. Here comes The Miz with the Money in the Bank briefcase! Lashley left with Saxton correctly pointing out that we saw MVP talking to Miz earlier.
Analysis: When Lashley lost the US Title, it made sense for him to want to go after the WWE Title again. Lashley has been booked so strong, so I don’t really mind him going after McIntyre again.
The Miz had a referee with him and Miz cashed in the Money in the Bank contract right now. The referee waited for McIntyre to get back to his feet while up against the turnbuckle. The WWE Title match was on.
WWE Championship: Drew McIntyre vs. The Miz
Miz kicked Drew’s knee and hit a DDT for a two count. The Miz hit the Skull Crushing Finale on McIntyre and The Miz covered to win the WWE Title at 0:32.
Winner by pinfall AND NEW WWE Champion: The Miz
Analysis: No point in rating that. I’m a fan of the Money in the Bank concept, so at least the MITB winner won the title even though he wasn’t the original MITB winner. It’s a way to build a story moving forward.
The Miz celebrated with the WWE Championship. It is Miz’s second time as the WWE Champion. McIntyre rolled out of the ring grabbing his neck/shoulder to sell the pain from the Elimination Chamber match. Miz celebrated with the WWE Title. The show ended there.
— WWE (@WWE) February 22, 2021
Analysis: I don’t know what’s next. As soon as the show ended I looked on Twitter and was bombarded with questions. My first thought is that I assumed it would be Damien Priest/Bad Bunny vs. The Miz/John Morrison at WrestleMania, so I don’t expect this Miz title reign to last that long. If they don’t go that route then maybe Miz does carry the WWE Title into WrestleMania and they do a triple threat with McIntyre and Lashley. I think McIntyre or Lashley will get the WWE Title before WrestleMania and then maybe McIntyre/Lashley is the WrestleMania match. You could even add Sheamus to it to make it a multi-man match. I’m sure we can all sit here for hours coming up with scenarios. I really don’t know right now and that’s okay. What this does is make me more excited for Raw tomorrow, so that’s a good thing because I want to see what’s next.
This event had a runtime of 2:30:11 on WWE Network. Royal Rumble was 3:50:15 so it was a lot shorter than that.
Five Stars of the Show
1. Drew McIntyre
2. Daniel Bryan
3. Cesaro
4. AJ Styles
5. (tie) Bobby Lashley/Riddle
5. (tie) The Miz – Congrats on wining the WWE Title for the second time.
Final Thoughts
I’m going with a 7.25 out of 10 for this show.
I thought it was a very good show that sets up several things for WrestleMania while also giving us some twists along the way. The Miz leaving with the WWE Title was certainly a possibility and that’s what happened. There was a shocking ending when The Miz beat Drew McIntyre, who was in a grueling Elimination Chamber match and was also beaten up by Bobby Lashley. What that does is leave us having questions about what’s next and that should help Monday’s Raw in terms of drawing a bigger audience that might want to see what’s next.
We did get the confirmation from Edge that he was going after the Universal Champion Roman Reigns at WrestleMania, so that’s something to look forward to on Smackdown over the next two months.
There were only six matches on the show and two of them were done in under two minutes. The two Elimination Chamber matches were both great although I wouldn’t say either of them were among the best Elimination Chamber matches ever. Daniel Bryan and Drew McIntyre both did an excellent job as the winners while guys like Cesaro, AJ Styles and Sheamus had strong showings as well. I’m also happy for Riddle finally getting the US Title too.
We are seven weeks away from WrestleMania. Some stuff seems obvious. Other things are up in the air and that’s okay. Use television to build it up and there’s still Fastlane in four weeks as well. Congrats to The Miz for however long it lasts. I wish he was booked better in the months leading up to this, but at least he got a big moment as WWE Champion again. Hard work pays off.
Here’s my ranking of WWE PPVs in 2021 so far.
Royal Rumble (January 31) – 8
Elimination Chamber (February 21) – 7.25
Thanks for reading this review. My contact info is below.
Twitter: @johnreport