The John Report: The WWE Raw Deal 11/26/18 Review
Live from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, this is the Raw Deal for episode #1330 of Monday Night Raw. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. If you want to support us at TJRWrestling, here’s a Donate Link for our Paypal to contribute in some way to help us grow the site. Thanks to Melo Man for the banner up top.
Let’s Hear From Baron Corbin, Drew McIntyre and Bobby Lashley
Raw began with acting Raw GM Baron Corbin, Drew McIntyre, Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush in the ring. Corbin welcomed us to Raw, which drew boos from the crowd because they hate him. Corbin said he hopes they (the fans) had a great Thanksgiving while stuffing their faces with disgusting carbs. Corbin said that they don’t eat that garbage. Baron Corbin said that they treat their bodies like temples to maintain peak physical performance. Is that why his bosses make him wrestle in a shirt? Anyway, Corbin said that’s why you are in the crowd and they are standing in the ring. Corbin said he’s thankful for the job he has been doing as the acting General Manager. Lashley said he’s thankful for these “beta males” that waste their life away while he takes what he wants. McIntyre said that he’s thankful for the well-deserved beating that they gave last week to Braun Strowman, which drew boos. Corbin said that was a moment in time that will live forever.
The video package aired showing what happened last week when Corbin, McIntyre and Lashley injured Strowman.
Analysis: They attacked his right elbow because that was an injury he was dealing with, so WWE decided to use it in a storyline. Strowman had surgery earlier on Monday and they are hopeful he’ll be ready for TLC on December 16.
Corbin said that after a brutal attack like that, you won’t see Strowman’s face on Raw for a long time. Corbin said that he sent a camera crew to Birmingham, Alabama where Strowman was being prepped for surgery.
Strowman was shown sitting in a room getting ready to have surgery on his right arm, which was all bruised up around the elbow. Strowman said that he would much rather be in Milwaukee beating up those slimeballs. Strowman claims his doctor has never seen an injury like this, nor worked on an arm this size. Strowman said that he will be back 100% and when he is, his injury will be like a papercut compared to what he does to McIntyre, Lashley and Corbin. Strowman wished them a Happy Holidays while adding that when he comes back, all of them will “get these hands.” The fans chanted it.
Corbin laughed about Strowman’s comments and Lashley said that’s only if Strowman’s hands work after the surgery. Corbin said there’s no way Strowman will be medically cleared by TLC. Corbin said that Strowman won’t show up, so he’ll win by forfeit and Corbin will be the full-time GM of Raw. Corbin issued a warning to everybody in the Raw locker room about how they should stand by him as the future GM.
The lights went out in the arena and then when they came back on, Elias was on the stage with the guitar. The fans cheered since he’s a face, plus they were probably sick of Corbin already.
Elias said that he couldn’t sit back there any longer and listen to Corbin’s annoying voice. Elias talked about how he has been all around the world, but for some reason McIntyre, Lashley and Corbin can’t seem to understand that WWE stands for…Walk With Elias. Elias said he can’t think of anything worse than Corbin as GM. Elias said that even Lio Rush would be better even though that violates child labor laws. That drew laughs. Elias said that Drake Maverick pissed himself, but he would do a better job. Elias sang some song about Lashley wondering why Rush was always pointing at his ass. Elias sang “Bobby Lashley sucks” repeatedly with the crowd joining in because the song wasn’t complicated. Elias walked down to ringside with the match starting after the break.
Analysis: The song lyrics to that song were not very complex. The segment was fine as an opener as the heels reminded us that they dominate this show, which is part of Raw’s problem since they are really hurting on the face side now that Reigns is out and Strowman is out for at least for a few weeks.
There was a clip of Total Divas for this week showing Natalya talking about her dad Jim Neidhart earlier this year. That will be an emotional show.
Elias vs. Bobby Lashley (w/Baron Corbin, Drew McIntyre and Lio Rush)
The fans chanted “Lashley sucks” as the match began. Elias worked over Lashley with chops, but Lashley came back with punches followed by shoulder tackles and a neckbreaker for a two count. Lashley slapped on a headlock on Elias, who managed to break free and dumped Lashley out of the ring. Elias hit a running dropkick that sent Lashley into the barricade at ringside. Lashley picked up Elias and drove him across the top rope. Lashley with a clothesline for two followed by another headlock. Elias with a back elbow to the head, then a running dropkick as if he was Finn Balor and Lashley managed to send Elias out of the ring. Elias landed on his feet as McIntyre and Corbin got in the face of Elias outside the ring. Elias was on the apron, so Lashley drove him back first into the steel ring post.
The match returned with Elias making the comeback with a mule kick and a running lefty clothesline. Elias with a jumping knee to the face. Elias up top and he jumped off with an elbow drop. The referee was counting the pinfall, but Rush pulled the referee out of the ring, so the referee disqualified Lashley.
That didn’t last because Corbin said that the match was a No DQ match, so the match continued.
Lashley attacked Elias from behind. Elias managed to hit a back body drop to break free. Corbin attacked Elias outside the ring, but Elias managed to knock him down. Elias sent McIntyre into the steel ring post. Elias brought his guitar into the ring and Corbin hit him with a forearm to the back. Lashley stomped on the guitar to get rid of it. Corbin hit Elias in the back with a chair three times in a row. McIntyre whipped Elias into the barricade at ringside and Lashley did it too. Corbin whipped Elias into the barricade and apron. McIntyre hit a running Claymore Kick on Elias on the floor. Corbin and Lashley whipped Elias stomach first into the barricade. McIntyre picked up Elias and hit a reverse Alabama Slam on Elias into the steel steps. Corbin said let’s do this for Braun Strowman, so Lashley sprinted around the ring (like Strowman does) and hit a Spear on Elias on the floor. Cole called it a “disturbing abuse of power” as Lashley rolled Elias into the ring. Elias put his knee onto Elias’ chest and covered for the pinfall win after 15 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Bobby Lashley
Analysis: * It was a decent match for half of it and then it became an angle to showcase the power of the three heels that are in full control of things. The attack on Elias was not as brutal as the attack on Lashley last week, but it was effective in terms of putting over the heels. There was no help for Elias from other wrestlers because the story is that Corbin is abusing his power.
Post match, Lio Rush announced the winner as the “Almighty” Bobby Lashley. The group of Corbin, McIntyre, Lashley and Rush posed in the ring to celebrate their attack.
Analysis: They gave Lashley the “Almighty” nickname this week and said it throughout the match.
Later on Raw is Finn Balor vs. “General Manager elect” Baron Corbin. The Raw Tag Team Titles are on the line tonight with AOP vs. Roode/Gable and Seth Rollins is
Dean Ambrose is up next with some message from his personal physician that is an “unsettling video” according to Cole.
There was a shot of Baron Corbin yelling at some dude in a headset and he complained about Elias interrupting them. Corbin fired the guy. The lovely Alexa Bliss showed up telling Corbin that he was right to fire that guy. Alexa said if there’s anything she can do to help, she’s there for him. Corbin said she can oversee the women’s division. He said she looked good, he looked good and they shook hands.
Analysis: Bliss has been out of action for a few months with concussion issues and we don’t know when she’ll be cleared, so giving her a role like that at least temporarily makes sense. There are rumors that if she’s out for a long time that she may be GM or at least women’s division GM until she’s ready to go again. I’m fine with it because she’s a great talker…plus she’s hot.
The announce team of Michael Cole, Corey Graves and Renee Young were shown on camera with Young complaining about Bliss getting all that power.
The video package aired to show what happened with Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins last week when Ambrose hit Rollins with a low blow and multiple Dirty Deeds in the ring.
There was a shot of Dean Ambrose at his personal physician “earlier today” as he did a promo about not being in the “toxic dump” that is Milwaukee, which drew boos. Ambrose said that next week he’ll be in the ring. Ambrose said that he felt like he needed protection from the diseases that everybody is carrying. Ambrose had four marks in his arm for the shots he was taking. The doc had a needle, so Ambrose pulled down his pants and the doctor put the needle in his butt cheek. Ambrose told Rollins that at TLC, he’s going to do the good and decent thing by putting Rollins out of his misery for good.
Analysis: I don’t know why we needed two scenes from doctor’s offices in the first 45 minutes of Raw this week, but there ya go. Ambrose did that “earlier today” so him saying he’s not on Raw could be a lie, of course. He ended up telling the truth!
The announcers talked about it with Graves asking Renee what’s going on with him. Renee (Dean’s wife) said she doesn’t always have an answer for them.
Analysis: Every week, they manage to book Renee to not know anything about her own husband. Terrible booking, WWE. She should say that she hates that her husband has changed, but she will always love him, she believes in him and stand by him. Instead, she gets told to say that she has no idea every week, which makes her look dumb.
The Lucha House Party trio made their entrance. They had pinatas in their hands.
Analysis: The pinatas are ridiculous. They aren’t necessary. At least they aren’t riding lawnmowers to the ring like the Mexicools. That’s…progress? I guess. These guys could make the Stereotypes bowling team on The Simpsons. They begged Apu to be on the team!

The Revival duo of Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson made their entrance. Wilder said a traditional tag team match is two on two. Dawson complained about Lucha House Party yelling “Lucha, Lucha, Lucha” and they didn’t want the fans to do it either. Dawson told them to respect tradition. It was announced that it’s Lucha House Rules again, so it’s 3 on 2.
Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik, Lince Dorado, Kalisto) vs. The Revival (Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson)
Metalik started with Wilder with a sweet arm drag, splashes by Kalisto, splash by Dorado and Metalik hit a missile dropkick. Dawson tagged with a backbreaker on the shoulders. Dawson with a headbutt. Wilder put Kalisto on his back in a Gory Special submission hold. Dawson back in, Kalisto avoided both guys, Dorado with a cross body block off the rope, Kalisto hit a Salida del Sol, Metalik with a Senton Bomb off the top and then Dorado hit a Shooting Star Press for the pinfall win after about three minutes. Graves complained about the rules of the match the entire time.
Winners by pinfall: Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik, Lince Dorado, Kalisto)
Analysis: *1/2 It was a decent match to put over Lucha House Party as a solid team in the tag team division. The division is lacking face teams, so that’s why Lucha House Party beat The Revival again. It sucks for The Revival, but I understand why it was booked that way to establish the “new” face team. The 3 on 2 matches are dumb.
A clip aired of Nia Jax decked Becky Lynch with a sloppy hard right hand to the face leading to Lynch getting a concussion and a broken face (really a broken nose), which led to Jax earning the #Facebreaker name. Jax is up next.
There was a shot of Bayley and Sasha Banks shilling WWE Shop items for Cyber Monday.
Analysis: With the end of the year coming up, I’m thinking about the worst booked people of the year. Sasha and Bayley are two of them. They should both be doing so much more.
The announcers talked about Lars Sullivan as a prized free agent that has Stephanie McMahon an Shane McMahon bidding to sign him, which means they aren’t saying what show he’ll be on.
A video package aired about Lars Sullivan showing the destruction that he caused in NXT with the graphic letting us know he is “coming soon.”
Analysis: Lars Sullivan is a big guy that will get a huge push because Vince McMahon loves his look as a thick dude that looks like a badass. He’s boring and I’m not excited about it. There are so many better talents in NXT right now that could help Raw.
Let’s Hear From Nia Jax
Nia Jax made her entrance with Tamina by her side at the top of hour two. Nia’s not like most girls. She’s also challenging Ronda Rousey for the Raw Women’s Championship at TLC.
Jax said that as Raw General Manager Baron Corbin said earlier, they all have something to be thankful for this year. Jax said she knows that Raw is thankful for her since she led Team Raw to victory, but what she is most thankful for is breaking Becky Lynch’s face. The fans booed that. Celebrating injuries is a heel thing to do, but also a reminder of how sloppy Jax is in the ring. Jax bragged about putting Lynch on the shelf with a concussion while adding that “The Man” was no match for the “Facebreaker.” Jax said that she took away the Lynch match from Rousey and she’s going to take the title from her. Jax claimed Ronda Rousey isn’t the same since Rousey stepped in the ring with her.
They showed highlights of Rousey vs. Jax at Money in the Bank earlier this year with all of the clips showing Jax hitting power moves on her. Graves said that everybody believed she was going to be champion, but Jax was the champion going into the match. It was Bliss that took the title from Jax with the Money in the Bank cash-in.
The replays aired from Survivor Series with Charlotte Flair destroying Ronda Rousey with kendo sticks and a steel chair.
Jax gave Rousey credit for taking a beating like a champion. Jax got into “Ronda mode” with a bad imitation of Rousey that was like her “true champion” promo from last week. Jax said that she doesn’t think Rousey has faced her worst day yet, but she will at TLC. Jax said that Rousey hasn’t been the same since their first match while Jax is on a roll. Jax put herself over for winning the battle royal at Evolution, she injured Becky Lynch and was the sole survivor at Survivor Series. Jax said the woman on top of the mountain is her.
Ronda Rousey, the Raw Women’s Champion, made her entrance with the title on her shoulder. Good pop for Rousey as she entered the ring with the two heels.
Rousey said that it wasn’t luck at the battle royal because Jax won. Rousey paused as the fans chanted “Ronda Rousey” for her. Rousey thanked the fans for that. Rousey said that as she was saying, it wasn’t luck that Jax won the battle royal, but she’s lucky that one punch changed things to make Jax the #Facebreaker. Rousey said that she stands guard on top of this mountain and at TLC, she’ll rip Jax’s arm off and slap Charlotte Flair across the face with it. Rousey said that since Jax is so eager to fight tonight and Jax knows Rousey is always ready for a fight, Rousey called Tamina the “monolithic mute” and she challenged Jax to a match right now.
Jax said that she could beat Rousey right here right now, but she just got finished washing Becky Lynch’s blood from her knuckles. Rousey told her to stop making excuses. Jax said that she is not making excuses, she is stalling for time. Natalya ran out to the ring for the save, but the Riott Squad showed up at ringside to attack Natalya. Rousey saved Natalya as the Riott Squad ran up the ramp to get away. Rousey helped Natalya to her feet as Rousey’s music hit to end it.
Analysis: That was an awful promo from Jax trying to get heat by continuing to mention Lynch. It had no flow to it. Instead of coming across as a person talking about what’s on their mind, it was Jax reciting some awkward dialogue that was tough to get through. This crowd is not that loud, so the reaction to the Jax promo was weak. It felt like Rousey messed up a line or two in there, but maybe it was just awkward for her. This feud doesn’t interest me much. I’m way more excited for Rousey vs. Flair or Lynch down the road.
A replay aired of Drake Maverick peeing himself at Survivor Series last week and then the Raw backstage segment last week when people laughed at Maverick. That led to Bobby Roode and Chad Gable getting a non-title win on AOP. That win meant it was time for a title shot this week.
Drake Maverick was shown backstage saying that he’s sure that the WWE laughed at his expense. Drake said that 99% of us never had to be in fear against a 7-foot giant. Drake said that they will make sure that Roode and Gable experience that fear tonight. Akam and Rezar said “laugh now” and “cry later” so at least they said something.
The Raw Tag Team Champions, AOP, made their entrance with manager Drake Maverick, who thankfully was wearing dark pants this time. Bobby Roode and Chad Gable were shown backstage with Charly Caruso interview them. They did a generic promo about becoming Raw Tag Team Champions. They made their glorious entrance. The announcers argued about Drake Maverick’s peeing incident, which made me wish I was watching something else. I just yelled out “SERENITY NOW!” Thank you Frank Costanza.
Raw Tag Team Championships: AOP (Akam and Rezar) w/Drake Maverick vs. Bobby Roode and Chad Gable
Akam worked over Roode while Drake made the ringside attendant give him Roode’s robe. Roode managed to tag out, Gable went up top and hit a missile dropkick leading to Rezar tagging in. Gable slapped on an armbar against the ropes. Gable sent Rezar into the ropes, Roode tagged in and Rezar hit a double suplex on both faces. Maverick took the robe and went backstage with it.
Back from the break, Gable hit Rezar with a DDT. Maverick was shown in the washroom with the robe on. Roode with kicks to the hamstrings of Akam, dropkick to the knee and Roode hit a running shoulder tackle to the ribs. Roode went for an attack, Akam caught him and hit a fallaway slam. Rezar back in, Roode sent Akam out of the ring and a kick to the back of the leg of Rezar. There was a shot of Maverick in the washroom. He put the rope on the toilet, put his foot on it, zipped down his pants (we could only see his back) and then Drake pissed on the robe. Roode was shown watching this while the match was still going on. Back in the ring, Rezar shoved Roode into Gable and Akam tagged in leading to the double team neckbreaker into a Powerbomb for the pinfall win after about eight minutes.
Winners by pinfall: AOP (Akam and Rezar)
Analysis: 1/2* Boring match that had a terrible finish due to the pissing angle. I’m sure Vince McMahon thought it was hilarious, though, so that’s all that matters to him. I don’t see how this builds this story up or gets people excited unless they care about pissing angles. I don’t think fans care about that. It’s different sure, but it’s not a good kind of different. This is one of the worst feuds of the year after two weeks. Chad Gable is such a great talent and creative has nothing for the guy. I feel bad for him.
There was a shot of Bayley and Sasha Banks backstage calling eachother things like “dude.” Alexa Bliss showed up saying that they helped her team win at Survivor Series. Banks told her to oversee herself out of their faces. Bliss said that Sasha doesn’t have to be rude every single day of her life. Bliss said that she’s giving them an open forum to answer questions from the WWE Universe. Bayley said if this is like “This is your Life” (oh fuck don’t remind me of that crap!) then she wants nothing to do with it. Bliss said she wouldn’t do that to them and she’ll see them out there.
Ember Moon made her entrance for a match. Her new Mixed Match Challenge partner is Curt Hawkins replacing Braun Strowman. Yes, really.
Finn Balor did cell phone promo backstage about how he’s going to stand up and fight for what he believes is the right side of history.
Moon was joined in the ring by her new Mixed Match Challenge partner, Curt Hawkins. The story is that Baron Corbin made Hawkins the partner of Moon because Hawkins has a losing streak of whatever number they decide to make up this week. Alicia Fox made her entrance with her crew.
Alicia Fox (w/Jinder Mahal, Sunil Singh and Samir Singh) vs. Ember Moon (w/Curt Hawkins)
Fox with a running boot to the face for two. Fox with a running neckbreaker for a two count. Alexa Bliss was shown watching on a TV backstage. Cole whined about Bliss being in charge of the roster since she’s active, which is what Corbin is doing and Cole doesn’t seem to whine about that. Fox with a chinlock and Moon broke free. Moon with a suplex. Moon up top and she hit the Eclipse on Fox for the pinfall win after about two minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Ember Moon
Analysis: 1/4* It was a quick match to put over Moon. Not much to it. This show is putting me to sleep and I’m not even tired.
Post match, Moon won and Hawkins was overly excited because he never wins matches.
No Way Jose made his entrance with his conga line with Moon and Hawkins joining them because they were excited about it. I forgot Jose was on this show. Not really, but he hasn’t been on TV in a long time.
The bell rang for the next match. Oh shit, they’re really doing Mahal vs. Jose on this show.
Jinder Mahal (w/Sunil and Samir Singh) vs. No Way Jose
Jose managed to get a rollup for a two count and Mahal got back up with a kick to the head to take control. Mahal slapped on a chinlock to put the crowd to sleep even more. Mahal with a back elbow to the face. Mahal continued his boring offense with a suplex followed by another chinlock. I think the crowd was too tired to chant “boring” at them. Jose to the middle rope with a cross body block that nearly missed completely with Graves saying that he didn’t think Jose got all of it. That’s right because he barely got any of it. Anyway, the Jose comeback didn’t really work because Mahal sent him into the top rope throat first and Mahal hit The Khallas for the pinfall win after five minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Jinder Mahal
Analysis: 3/4* Boring match that meant nothing in terms of storylines and it was just a way to fill time. Mahal grabbing chinlocks multiple times in five-minute matches isn’t fun to watch. I know it’s part of wrestling to build to the comeback, but the crowd was asleep. No crowd reaction at all. I don’t blame them. This sucked.
They replayed the segment with Dean Ambrose getting shots at the doctor. Did Vince get shots this week, so he wanted to book a segment like this? I don’t know why they did this or why they felt the need to replay it.
Seth Rollins is up next with the IC Title open challenge.
There was a video about Booker T and Goldust being an odd couple tag team about 15 years ago on Raw. They had some fun moments. It was sponsored by KFC.
Seth Rollins made his entrance with the Intercontinental Championship around his waist as the crowd woke up to chant “Burn it Down” during his song and they gave him a nice ovation. Rollins defends the IC Title against Dean Ambrose at TLC on December 16.
Rollins welcomed us to “Monday Night Rollins.” Rollins said last week Dean Ambrose had him feeling like he was the lunatic. Rollins said it’s time to go back to doing what he does best as a fighting Intercontinental Champion. Rollins said he is done chasing Ambrose around and no amount of bogus vaccinations will make Ambrose immune to Rollins. Rollins said he hopes Ambrose is really on Raw next week, but he also heard that Ambrose isn’t there tonight. Rollins said that Ambrose is a liar and coward, so he might be lurking around somewhere. Rollins didn’t care because he’s Seth Freakin’ Rollins and the Intercontinental Championship open challenge is live.
Dolph Ziggler answered the challenge. Graves pointed out that Ziggler took the IC Title from Rollins in the past. Ziggler said that since Ambrose stabbed Rollins in the back, his head and heart really hasn’t been in it. Ziggler said if Seth wants to go back to being Seth Freakin’ Rollins, he’ll do what he does best…lose to Ziggler. Ziggler said that he gets to go back to being himself…the best in the world. Ziggler said tonight he gets to be the best and the Intercontinental Champion.
Analysis: Here we go again. I like Rollins and Ziggler a lot, but why would they pick Ziggler to face Rollins when they wrestled so many times in the last few months? Give us something fresh, please. It is lame to do this match again.
Intercontinental Championship: Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler
Rollins with an arm drag followed by a clothesline that sent Ziggler over the top to the floor, which led to a break.
When they returned from break, Ziggler hit a neckbreaker followed by a chinlock. When Rollins got back up, Ziggler hit a dropkick for a two count. Ziggler grabbed another chinlock, Rollins made the comeback and Ziggler hit a back elbow to knock him down. Ziggler with another headlock, Rollins broke free and Ziggler hit a back body drop that sent Rollins over the top to the floor.
The match returned with Rollins connecting with punches to the face, Slingblade neckbreaker, kick to the face and a jumping kick to the head. Rollins up top with a springboard clothesline for a two count. Some fans thought that was a believable nearfall even though he never wins with that. Rollins up top, he was looking around and Ziggler tripped him up to crotch him on the top turnbuckle. Ziggler went for a superplex, but Rollins blocked it and shoved him down. Rollins with a Frog Splash, Ziggler moved and Ziggler hit a Fameasser for two with the fans buying that as a finish even though Ziggler doesn’t win with that move. Rollins blocked a Zig Zag attempt, but Ziggler came back with an inside cradle. Ziggler with a Sleeper hold as he jumped on Seth’s back, but Rollins fell to his back to break free. Rollins with a standing side kick for a two count. Rollins fired up, kick to the gut and The Stomp missed twice because Ziggler moved. Ziggler hit the Zig Zag for a two count, which was a great nearfall because Ziggler does win with that move. Ziggler wanted a superkick and Rollins played possum by staying down in the ring leading to an inside cradle for two. Ziggler back up with a jumping DDT. Ziggler went up top even though he rarely goes to the top, Rollins popped up and hit a superplex into the Falcon Arrow slam that was good enough to win a match for once after 20 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Seth Rollins
Analysis: ***1/4 It was a good match as usual from these guys, but it didn’t really stand out as something other than a normal match from them. I’m surprised that Falcon Arrow was used as a finish, but it’s good to do that occasionally to show that he can win with that move. Going 20 minutes felt like too much. If they shaved off five minutes it would have helped. I liked some of the spots in the last few minutes to build up an exciting finish. Rollins retaining the title was what I expected since he’s got the big match with Ambrose while Ziggler has nothing going on right now.
Post match, Rollins celebrated with the title while the fans cheered him. No sign of Dean Ambrose.
Alexa Bliss was shown backstage talking to some dude in a suit and she’s up next with Sasha Banks and Bayley.
Open Forum for Sasha Banks and Bayley hosted by Alexa Bliss
Alexa Bliss made her entrance. She’s in charge of the women’s division on Raw as her new position on the show after she was appointed to the spot by Baron Corbin.
Bliss said she was appointed to oversee the women’s division on Raw, which she seems happy about even though she’d rather be wrestling. Bliss said she’s giving the fans in the arena the chance to ask questions directly to Sasha Banks and Bayley. Bliss wants to get us to know more about the superstars on Raw. She said there are no limits and no boundaries with Charly Caruso ringside to get questions.
Sasha Banks made her entrance with Cole screaming “It’s Boss Time” like an idiot. Bayley was up next as the two “best friends” made their entrance wearing the “Boss N Hug Connection” shirt. They sat in chairs in the ring.
Bliss asked the fans to raise their hand if they had a question. Bliss said she already knew a fan question while saying that she knows she looks better in person. There was an overly excited girl standing in the front row (obviously a plant in the crowd), so the girl asked if either of them could change the Raw women’s division, what would they do? Bayley said that as superstars, she’s hoping to be given opportunity. Banks said she would change one thing – she would ship Alexa’s little butt back to Smackdown. Bliss talked about how Bayley was the one that brought Banks down because she used to be Raw Women’s Champion and now they are a tag team. Bayley said she wouldn’t ship Bliss back to Smackdown, she would ship her back to “hell where you came from.” Graves said that was like a third grade burn at best. Yeah, the writing is at a third-grade level.
The trio of Mickie James, Alicia Fox and Dana Brooke showed up for a cheap attack on Banks and Bayley. Cole wondered if that was a plan. Gee Cole, I wonder. They had no success because Banks kicked James and Fox out of the ring while Bayley hit a Bayley to Belly suplex on Brooke to take her out. Bayley and Banks stood tall in the ring while Bliss moved.
Analysis: That was atrociously bad. The “hell” line by Bayley was so stupid and Graves calling it a “third grade burn” was fitting because as I said above, the writing on this show is at that level. I don’t know what the point of this was other than maybe setting up a tag team match next week. Brooke teamed up with Banks and Bayley at Starrcade, yet here she is attacking them, so maybe Brooke is a heel now. Does it really matter? No. It does not.
Corbin vs. Balor is up next for the 423rd time this year. At least it feels like that.
Finn Balor made his entrance for the main event. I like the guy a lot, but there may not be a face on this show that is booked worse than him. Then again, other faces like Sasha Banks and Bayley are also booked just as bad.
Baron Corbin, the General Manager Elect, made his entrance. The fans gave him no reaction because they probably regret spending money to go to a show where boring Corbin is on the show too much.
Baron Corbin vs. Finn Balor
Balor was aggressive with punches against the man that wrestles in a dress shirt. Corbin with a back elbow followed by punches and it’s already time for a chinlock. Balor got back into it with a dropkick. The announcers bickered about everything with Graves defending Corbin’s decisions. Balor kicked Corbin out of the ring followed by a running kick while on the apron.
Back from break, Corbin was back in control as he tossed Balor out of the ring and drove him back first into the barricade. When Balor tried to get back into it with an attack off the apron, Corbin decked him with a punch. Corbin was sent to the turnbuckle, so he did his spot where he slid out of the ring and hit a running clothesline for two. Corbin slapped on another chinlock as the quiet crowd didn’t seem to care. Balor with a double leg takedown leading to a double foot stomp to the chest. Balor with a Slingblade neckbreaker and Corbin came back with the Deep Six slam for a two count. Balor got back into it with a dropkick that sent Corbin into the turnbuckle. Corbin left the ring and announced that this is now a 2 on 1 handicap match with Corbin and Drew McIntyre. The fans booed Corbin’s abuse of power.
Baron Corbin and Drew McIntyre vs. Finn Balor
When McIntyre made his entrance, Balor hit a somersault dive over the top to take him out. Balor with a dropkick on Corbin outside the ring. McIntyre got back into it with a forearm to the back and he sent Balor into the barricade. Back in the ring, McIntyre hit the Claymore Kick on Balor for the pinfall win after 14 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Baron Corbin and Drew McIntyre
Analysis: *3/4 It was a below average main event match with Corbin getting the cheap win. Balor’s comebacks are exciting and the crowd loves him, but he is booked poorly week after week, so fans don’t see him as a big star at all. McIntyre getting the win puts him over in a big way. Balor and Corbin wrestled so many times and it’s really not a main event worthy feud, yet they get the main event because Raw is lacking in star power.
Post match, Bobby Lashley joined the fun as he made his entrance. Balor picked up Balor and hit a slam. Corbin hit an End of Days slam on Balor. McIntyre hit Balor with a Claymore Kick and Balor was out after all of that. The three heels stood together with Lio Rush beside them while Balor was down in the ring. The fans booed them. The fans might have booed the fact that they paid money to be at this show. Raw ended right at three hours with the heels posing in the ring.
Analysis: The same heel trio that looked dominant last week also looked strong this week. It should lead to some babyfaces working together to stop them, but it’s not like faces on this show are booked in a smart way. Graves ended Raw with this comment: “What a night for the General Manager elect.” That sums it up as an example of why Raw is so boring right now. Baron Corbin isn’t interesting at all and has the kind of heat that makes people want to turn the show off instead of seeing him get his ass kicked. That’s a big problem with Raw right now.
Three Stars of the Show
- Seth Rollins
- Dolph Ziggler
- Drew McIntyre
The Scoreboard
2.5 out of 10
Last week: 4
2018 Average: 5.66
Last 5 Weeks: 4, 6, 6, 3.5, 6
2018 High: 8 (February 19)
2018 Low: 2.5 (November 26)
Final Thoughts
I give it a 2.5 out of 10.
It was an awful show that was the worst Raw of the year. I don’t remember giving a score under 3 in my near decade of reviewing of this show, but this Raw deserved that awful score. This show is hurting in terms of star power while the faces on the roster are booked like the biggest losers on the show. I felt bad for the fans in attendance because this was awful.
The show was about pushing Corbin, Lashley and McIntyre as the latest dominant heel trio. It was boring to watch, though. There was way too much Corbin.
I would have gone with a 2 out of 10 if not for the Rollins/Ziggler match, which was pretty good.
Will the #FaceBreaker @NiaJaxWWE strike again at #WWETLC when she challenges #RAW#WomensChampion@RondaRousey?
— WWE (@WWE) November 20, 2018
The next WWE pay-per-view is Tables, Ladders & Chairs (TLC) on Sunday, December 16. Here’s what we know so far.
WWE Championship: Daniel Bryan (c) vs. AJ Styles
Intercontinental Championship: Seth Rollins (c) vs. Dean Ambrose
Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match: Braun Strowman vs. Baron Corbin (If Strowman wins, he challenges Lesnar for the Universal Title at Royal Rumble. If Corbin wins, he is full-time GM of Raw.)
Raw Women’s Championship: Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Nia Jax
Finals of Mixed Match Challenge (Teams to be determined.)
There may also be some pissing segment because Vince McMahon loves that. I don’t even know if I’m joking with that.
You can contact me using any of the methods below. See ya next time for the Smackdown review. Go Los Angeles Rams, Toronto Raptors and Toronto Maple Leafs. Thanks for reading.
John Canton
Twitter: @johnreport