WWE SummerSlam 1988 Review
The first SummerSlam ever took place at a time when the Mega Powers were running wild, brother. The Mega Powers were the WWE World Heavyweight Champion “Macho Man” Randy Savage and his buddy Hulk Hogan, who had been WWE Champion for about four years before that.
Following Savage’s win at WrestleMania 4 a few months earlier, they formed this team that was as popular as any duo ever. That led to this main event match at the first SummerSlam as they faced off with their rivals Ted Dibiase and Andre the Giant.
SummerSlam 1988 was a great idea because at the time, WWE only had Survivor Series as a pay-per-view event other than WrestleMania. There was a 1988 Royal Rumble, but that was free on cable and became a PPV in 1989. SummerSlam was a nice addition to the WWE calendar.

WWE SummerSlam 1988
Madison Square Garden in New York City, New York
August 29, 1988
It began with the WWF graphic and Mean Gene saying: “The WWF – What The World is Watching.” Classic.
The opening video package showed images of the people involved in the main event.
The announce team is Gorilla Monsoon and Superstar Billy Graham.
Analysis: I don’t remember Graham being used as an announcer that much, but Jesse Ventura was the referee in the main event and Bobby Heenan was a manager, so they needed somebody else.
The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers were in the ring with tiny American flags to upset the fans since they were not genuine in saying that they loved America. Evil foreigners! Huge pop for the British Bulldogs, who entered with their bulldog Matilda.
The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith & Dynamite Kid) vs. The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers (Jacques & Raymond)
(Pre-match notes: British Bulldogs were the faces and the Rougeaus were the heels. The Rougeaus are brothers.)
Smith worked on Jacques early. When Ray tried to take control, Smith blocked it and Kid tagged in for a double headbutt. Kid grounded Ray with an armbar for a few minutes with Jacques leading “USA” chants and the crowd booed. It was Smith’s turn to slap on the armbar on Ray. Kid hit a great-looking lariat. Smith slapped on a headlock. Really slow pace early. The momentum changed when Jacques pulled Smith’s leg to trip him up as Smith was running the ropes and the ref didn’t see it. The Rougeaus did a bunch of quick tags while working on the left knee of Smith. Back body drop by Ray on Smith as the heels kept isolating Davey from his partner. Small package by Smith got a two count, but the Rougeaus continued on offense. Kid got the hot tag, snap suplex and a headbutt as the crowd was going crazy. Belly to back suplex by Kid. After Kid sent Ray out of the ring, Smith whipped Ray into the railing. Smith tagged in and hit his Running Powerslam for a two count, but Jacques was there to break up the pin. When Kid went for a move on Ray, Jacques attacked Kid from behind with a belly to back suplex.
The heels worked on Kid with a double team backbreaker-like move. Jacques slapped on the dreaded abdominal stretch. Smith went into the ring to break it up, so Ray slapped on the abdominal stretch. Jacques hit a splash for a two count. More quick tags from the heels. Ray had a chinlock on and Kid drove him back into the turnbuckle. Kid with a small package for two, but the ref was distracted by Smith on the apron. They did the spot where Kid got the tag, but the ref was distracted by Jacques yelling at him, so he didn’t see it. Kid broke free with chops. Smith went for a dropkick, but Jacques grabbed the ropes. Smith with a press slam that sent Jacques crotch first on the top first to draw a lot of cheers. Double team by the Bulldogs with Smith launching Kid onto Jacques with a headbutt. The bell rang with Monsoon saying perhaps the time limit has expired. It went 20 minutes.
Match Result: Draw due to time limit
Analysis: The announcers made no mention of the time limit during the match. It just ended with the bell ringing after 20 minutes. It could have been set up better.
It was announced as a time limit draw. The Rougeaus hit the Bulldogs with cheap punches and the Bulldogs chased them to the back.
Analysis: ***1/4 Good tag match that had a slow first half, but once the pace picked up it was pretty good especially for a match from nearly thirty years ago. The tag formula existed back then of course. Matches of today have more of a faster pace generally, especially if they get 20 minutes as this match did. I’m not a fan of the time limit draw ending. It doesn’t exist in WWE anymore because they stopped using time limits in regular matches. It was the last SummerSlam for Kid because of his serious back injury. As for Davey Boy Smith, he main evented this event four years later.
There was a video of “Outlaw” Ron Bass attacking Brutus Beefcake on TV to explain why Beefcake won’t have a match. Bass had a metal spur that he used to cut open Beefcake’s head. Beefcake was saved by other face midcard wrestlers. Monsoon said Beefcake won’t challenge for the Intercontinental Title due to injury, but somebody else will. That set up a big moment later.
Analysis: I have no memory of that rivalry. I was never much of a Beefcake fan. The angle makes sense because of what happened later.
Bad News Brown vs. Ken Patera
(Pre-match notes: Bad News Brown was the heel and Patera was the face.)
Brown attacked early with punches and kicks. Patera came back with a back elbow. Brown took control again with punches, kicks, chops and a choke. Patera hit a kick to the face to slow down Brown. Graham said, “Bad News Man” instead of Brown. Graham’s not very good at this. Patera with a weak-looking backbreaker for two. The crowd is dead as Patera applied a bearhug. Brown did an eye gouge to break free. Patera went for the Full Nelson, but Brown got to the ropes. Punch to the back by Brown. They messed up some whip into the corner spot. They did it again, Patera charged, Brown moved and Patera hit the ring post. Brown hit the Ghetto Blaster (jumping kick to the back of the head) for the win at 6:33.
Winner by pinfall: Bad News Brown
Analysis: DUD Brutal match. Basic wrestling with punches, kicks and not much else. I looked it up and saw Patera was nearly 45 years old at the time of this match. He looked his age because he was moving so slowly. Brown got a mild push, but never got that far in terms of his spot on the roster.
A commercial aired for a boxing match between Sugar Ray Leonard and Donny Lalonde on November 7, 1988. Why? Because Vince McMahon promoted it.
The Mega Powers duo of Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan were interviewed by “Mean” Gene Okerlund. They had Elizabeth with them. Savage said Elizabeth is the secret weapon. Hogan said the last thing the Megabucks will see is the “kiss of death.”
Analysis: Good way of foreshadowing the finish of the main event.
The duo of “Ravishing” Rick Rude and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan entered for Rude’s match. Rude insulted the crowd like usual and took off his robe to show us what a real man looks like. He’s got the Junkyard Dog drawings on his tights. Junkyard Dog made his entrance to a good ovation.
Rick Rude (w/Bobby Heenan) vs. Junkyard Dog
(Pre-match notes: Rude was the heel like usual while Dog was the face.)
Rude attacked early, but Dog came back quickly with a back body drops and three headbutts. A hot start to the match. Rude bailed to the floor, regrouped and took control after a clothesline. Rude slapped on a headlock to ground Dog. When Dog got back to his feet, he charged in and Rude stopped him with a boot to the face. Dog hit a headbutt, Heenan on the apron, Rude with a knee to the back and a Russian legsweep by Rude That led to Rude going up top, pulling down his tights and the face of Cheryl Roberts was on another pair of tights. Jake Roberts ran down to the ring, punched Rude and hit a clothesline to send him out of the ring. Rude left with Heenan and the ref called for the bell for the disqualification at 6:18.
Winner by disqualification: Rick Rude
They showed replays of Roberts attacking Rude. Cheryl Roberts was Jake’s wife, so Rude pissed him off by having her picture on his tights.
Analysis: 1/2* Awful match to further the Rude/Roberts story with JYD not doing much in the match. I’m a big fan of Rude, but that was one of his worst PPV matches ever. JYD was past his prime at this point. He had better matches before he was in WWE.
Honky Tank Man and Jimmy Hart were interviewed by Gene Okerlund. Honky said he’ll face anybody for the title. Okerlund was about to tell Honky who his opponent would be, but Honky interrupted him saying he didn’t care who it was. Honky said he wants it to be a surprise.
The Bolsheviks with Slick were in the ring. Slick told the fans to stand for the Russian anthem. Nikolai Volkoff sang as the crowd booed. The Powers of Pain entered with The Baron, who was their new manager. They are from Parts Unknown. It’s a fun place.
Analysis: I had no idea who The Baron was and didn’t remember him. It was Baron Von Raschke and he didn’t have a long run in WWE.
Powers of Pain (Warlord & Barbarian) w/The Baron vs. The Bolsheviks (Nikolai Volkoff & Boris Zhukov)
(Pre-match notes: Powers of Pain were the faces and The Bolsheviks were heels.)
Double clothesline by Powers of Pain. Monsoon commented about the size of Zhukov’s head. Warlord hit his crappy-looking fist drop. Warlord hit a belly to belly suplex, but the ref was distracted by Volkoff in the ring. The heels took control after Slick distracted Warlord, so the heels worked on Warlord for a few minutes. Warlord fought out of the corner as best he could, but the heels remained in control as Zhukov slapped on a chinlock. Volkoff hit a crappy-looking spin kick. Warlord hit a double elbow smash and brought in Barbarian. Body slam by Barbarian, kick to the head, clothesline and a boot to the face for each guy. Warlord tagged in and the POP hit a double shoulder tackle. Warlord hit a powerslam, Barbarian up top and he hit the top rope headbutt on Zhukov to win for his team at 5:27.
Winners by pinfall: Powers of Pain
Analysis: * Boring match because I don’t think the Powers of Pain ever had a good match. They were there to just do some big power moves to pop the crowd. It’s not like they are remembered for match quality.
A commercial aired for Survivor Series 1988.
Brother Love did his talk show segment with “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan as his guest. There wasn’t much to it other than Duggan talking about USA and Brother Love ran away when Duggan was ready to attack.
Another advertisement for Leonard vs. Lalonde.
The Honky Tonk Man entered with Jimmy Hart for his Intercontinental Title defense against a mystery opponent. Honky said to give him somebody out there to wrestle and that he doesn’t care who it is.
Analysis: Honky was Intercontinental Champion for 454 days going into this show, so he was respected champion even though a lot of his title defenses were cheap.
The Ultimate Warrior’s music hit and the crowd went wild as The Ultimate Warrior ran down to the ring.
Intercontinental Championship: Honky Tonk Man (w/Jimmy Hart) vs. Ultimate Warrior
Warrior unleased with punches as Monsoon did his familiar “this place has gone bananas” line. Warrior with a body slam and a flying shoulder tackle. Clothesline by Warrior. Warrior ran the ropes and hit the big splash followed by the pinfall for the win after 31 seconds. Huge ovation for that. The crowd was going crazy.
Winner by pinfall and New Intercontinental Champion: The Ultimate Warrior
Post match, Warrior celebrated with his new title.
Analysis: 1/2* The star rating doesn’t matter too much. It was a huge moment and one of the more memorable things that happened in Warrior’s career. I think having a short match was a good idea because it put an emphatic end to Honky’s long title reign. Great moment.
They did an intermission as Gorilla and Billy welcomed us back.
Bobby Heenan walked up to the announcers to say that Andre’s reading the Wall Street Journal and Ted Dibiase is counting the money. The fans chanted “weasel” at him. Heenan said the Megapowers were scared of his guys and then Gorilla got him out of there.
Dino Bravo (w/Frenchie Martin) vs. Don Muraco
(Pre-match notes: Muraco was the face and Bravo was the heel.)
Rematch from WrestleMania 4, which was an awful match. Muraco with a shoulder tackle, stomp to face and a body slam to get control early. Heenan stayed on commentary for this match. I wonder if it was because WWE knew Graham wasn’t doing a good job or if it was planned. Muraco had an armbar on Bravo as Martin held up his “USA is not OK” sign. Bravo got some momentum after sending Muraco into the turnbuckle and an atomic drop. Muraco came back with a Russian legsweep followed by a back body drop. Martin on the apron, so Muraco punched him. Muraco picked up Bravo, the ref bumped briefly, got back to his feet and Bravo hit a side slam to win at 5:28.
Winner by pinfall: Dino Bravo
Analysis: 3/4* Boring match. Weak ending. A sidewalk slam as a finisher is very weak. They spend all that time putting over Muraco’s body and he didn’t even do that many power moves. Bravo was never that interesting to me. My favorite part was when it was over.
Jesse “The Body” Ventura was interviewed by Sean Mooney, who noted that Ventura has accepted money from Dibiase. Ventura said he’s the only man worldwide that can take care of a match of this magnitude. Ventura said if somebody wants to give him money he’s no fool because he’ll take the money.
The Hart Foundation were in the ring. Their introductions weren’t shown for some reason even though they were faces. They face off with Demolition, who were the WWE Tag Team Champions.
WWE Tag Team Championships: Demolition (Ax & Smash) w/Mr. Fuji & Jimmy Hart vs. The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart)
(Pre-match notes: Demolition were the heels. Jimmy Hart used to be the manager of the Hart Foundation. The Hart Foundation were the faces.)
The Hart Foundation were in control early with Bret using his speed and then Neidhart hit a big shoulder block on Smash. When Anvil was running the ropes, Ax hit a boot to the head of Neidhart and Demolition took control. Neidhart broke free and hit an uppercut on Ax to bring in Hart. The ref was distracted by Jimmy Hart on the floor and Demolition took over on Bret inside the ring. Shoulder breaker by Smash followed by an armbar. Demolition worked on the right arm for a bit and then they moved over to the left arm. Most matches will see guys working on the left arm or leg. When Bret was on the floor, Smash sent Bret’s right arm into the ring post, so they went back to the right arm. Bret was able to get back to his feet and hit a running clothesline. Ax distracted the referee, so when Bret tagged Anvil the ref didn’t see it. The crowd hated that. Bret got a boot to the face leading to the hot tag. Neidhart was on fire with a dropkick and body slams for both guys. Neidhart hit a clothesline on Smash to send him out of the ring. Anvil did a slingshot over the top (assisted by Bret) to land on Smash on the floor. The crowd was going wild for this. Neidhart hit a running powerslam for a two count. The crowd thought that was it. Bret back in and he whipped Neidhart into Smash with a shoulder tackle for a two count. Another good nearfall. Ax made a pinfall save, so Neidhart went in there. Fuji was on the apron, Neidhart went after him. The ref was tied up with that. Jimmy Hart, who had been chased to the back earlier by Neidhart, ran down to ringside threw the megaphone to Ax, who hit Bret in the head with it and Smash covered to win at 9:49.
Winners by pinfall: Demolition
Analysis: **3/4 Pretty good tag match with Bret selling well like usual leading to the crowd getting into it more, the hot tag and the creative finish to keep the titles on Demolition. If you pay attention to the crowd during a show you could tell they cared more about the Hart Foundation than anything else in the show up to this point. The finish was creative and also predictable since the heels had two managers. Two years later, these teams met at SummerSlam again and that was a better match.
Another commercial for Leonard vs. Lalonde. Vinny Mac sure wanted this fight to do well, huh? It didn’t do well after all.
Honky Tonk Man with Jimmy Hart was interviewed by Mean Gene Okerlund in the heel locker room. Honky was furious about his title loss and said he would win his title back.
Big Boss Man (w/Slick) vs. Koko B. Ware
(Pre-match notes: Boss Man was a heel that was new in WWE. He started a couple of months before this. Koko was a face that didn’t win very often, yet he’s in the WWE Hall of Fame because…I don’t know. He worked there for a long time. I guess that’s enough.)
Boss Man threw Koko out of the ring. Koko hit a dropkick and a splash on Boss Man while he was locked in the ropes. Boss Man took control with a headbutt and a corner splash. Boss Man with a clothesline and a pinfall attempt, but he pulled up Koko’s head rather than pin him. Boss Man did the splash on the back of Koko while he was against the ropes. Boss Man up top, he jumped off for a splash, Koko moved and Boss Man no sold the bump because I guess he partially hit Koko. Boss Man charge into the corner, Koko moved and Boss Man crotched himself on the top rope. Koko went up top and hit a missile dropkick followed by a splash for two as Boss Man powered out. They did a sloppy spot in the corner with Boss Man sending Koko into the turnbuckle. Boss Man hit his yet unnamed Boss Man Slam (Gorilla called it “that patented side move of his”) for the pinfall win at 5:57.
Winner by pinfall: Big Boss Man
Analysis: *1/4 Easy win for Boss Man as expected since he was new in the company and Koko was there to put people over. I’m surprised it went as long as it did because if it was a three minute squash it would have been better. Boss Man got a solid push after this.
After the match, Boss Man hit Koko in the ribs with a nightstick with Koko bumping on the floor to end it. The ref was distracted by Slick leading to the cheap shot.
Another brief video aired for Survivor Series on Thanksgiving.
The Ultimate Warrior was in the face locker room holding the Intercontinental Title. Sean Mooney did the interview while other faces were there with Warrior. It was a typical ranting promo from Warrior saying he’s not hard to find because he’ll be on the “next spaceship to Parts Unknown.”
Analysis: Warrior spoke fast and was tough to understand during those promos. Lots of energy.
Jake “The Snake” Roberts vs. Hercules
(Pre-match notes: Roberts was the face and Hercules was the heel. No Bobby Heenan with Hercules because he was preparing for the main event.)
Jake had his snake Damien in the bag with him. Roberts with a knee lift and he wanted a DDT, but Hercules bailed to the floor to get away from it. Body slam by Jake here, who was in the best shape of his career at this point. He was never the most muscular, but he looked like a credible wrestler. Hercules was one of the biggest guys during the period in terms of looking the most jacked. Warlord was probably the biggest of them all, but Hercules was up there. Jake had a chinlock and then Hercules got a headlock. Clothesline by Hercules for two. Another chinlock by Hercules for nearly two minutes. When Jake got back to his feet, Hercules hit an elbow to knock him to the floor. They battled by the ropes with Roberts pulling Hercules out of the ring. Neckbreaker using the ropes by Hercules and another chinlock, so Roberts did a jawbreaker. Short clothesline by Roberts. Hercules powered out of a DDT attempt with a back body drop and Hercules avoided a knee lift. Hercules elbow drop earned a two count. Hercules went for a slam, Roberts slipped out and Roberts hit a DDT for the pinfall win at 10:06.
Winner by pinfall: Jake Roberts
Analysis: *1/2 This match dragged and was boring for the first seven minutes. They finished well with the crowd rallying behind Roberts. Big pop for the DDT finish as usual. Matches like this made PPV cards even though they didn’t have much of a story. It was just a way to give Roberts some momentum leading to his rivalry with Rude.
After the match was over, Roberts put Damien the snake onto Hercules in the ring. The crowd loved that because the snake being thrown on a guy always managed to get a big reaction especially when heels sold it well.
They aired videos showing what led to the Mega Powers vs. Mega Bucks. In July, Randy Savage was doing a promo. Andre the Giant taunted him and Dibiase attacked Savage from behind. That led to Savage issuing a tag team match challenge. When Jesse Ventura was announced as the referee, Dibiase and Andre were thrilled about it since Ventura was a heel. Shortly after that, Savage announced the greatest tag team partner ever, Hulk Hogan. On the Brother Love show, Andre told Jesse he better pay good attention. Dibiase put some money in Ventura’s jacket.
Analysis: The match was easy to set up after what happened at WrestleMania 4 earlier in the year. Simple booking back then. Don’t overthink it and it works. Also, benefit from not having too many major shows, so they didn’t have to rush angles.
Jesse Ventura entered as the referee of the match. He was not wearing a referee shirt. It was regular clothes for him.
Andre the Giant and the “Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase made their entrance with Bobby Heenan and Virgil.
There was a big ovation for the WWE Champion Randy Savage, his buddy Hulk Hogan and Miss Elizabeth. They walked out to Savage’s music rather than Hogan’s because Savage was the champ. Hogan and Savage have “Mega Powers” on their back of their trunks along with matching boots and knee pads, so they look like a team.
Analysis: I was a huge Randy Savage fan at this point. He was my favorite and his WWE Title win a few months earlier at WrestleMania 4 is one of my favorite moments ever nearly 30 years later. In those days I wasn’t anti-Hogan at all. I just liked Savage more.
Mega Powers (“Macho Man” Randy Savage & Hulk Hogan w/Miss Elizabeth) vs. Mega Bucks (Andre the Giant & Ted Dibiase w/Bobby Heenan & Virgil) – Jesse Ventura is the referee
(Pre-match notes: Savage and Hogan were the faces while Dibiase and Andre were the heels.)
There was a lot of time wasting before the match began to build up to it. Savage started, but Dibiase said he wanted Hogan, so Hogan tagged in. Hogan was in control, Savage tagged in and got some offense in. After the faces were in control, Andre became a factor as he hit Savage with a headbutt after Dibiase managed to ground Hogan. Andre did his move by the ropes where he sat on Hogan. Andre squeezed on the neck muscles of Hogan for a few minutes with Graham yelling about trapezius muscles. Andre choked Hogan with part of his singlet. Dibiase got in there as the fans chanted for Hogan and Dibiase hit a clothesline for two. Chinlock by Dibiase with Monsoon saying it’s a choke. Hogan broke free leading to the double clothesline spot by Hogan and Dibiase that was done to knock them both down.
Savage got the hot tag against Dibiase and was on fire with a back body drop, he sent Dibiase throat first into the top rope and Savage went up top with a double ax to continue in control. Savage missed a corner attack, but he came back with a cross body block. Dibiase hit a clothesline and brought in Andre. The offense of Andre consisted of sitting on Savage while he was against the turnbuckle. Headbutt by Andre and Dibiase went back in. Dibiase missed a back elbow off the middle apron, so Savage tagged in Hogan for another hot tag in this match. Hogan with punches to Dibiase, then a clothesline and a suplex. Andre in the ring, so Hogan hit him with a clothesline to knock him down. The crowd cheered at Andre getting knocked down. Savage up top for a move on Andre, but Andre got his foot up. Hogan with a sleeper on Dibiase and Andre hit Hogan in the back with headbutts. Andre dumped Hogan out of the ring, so Hulk was on the floor with Savage. Virgil and Heenan were on the apron, so Elizabeth went on the apron as well. Ventura didn’t count Hogan and Savage out of the ring. Elizabeth was on the apron and she took off her gold skirt to reveal a red bikini bottom. Huge ovation. I’m talking huge! Crowd loved it. The crowd just kept cheering as we got plenty of shots of Elizabeth’s booty. Savage and Hogan shook hands on the floor as if they got some power from it. Savage jumped off the top and hit Andre with a double ax handle to knock him down. Savage knocked Heenan and Virgil off the apron. Hogan hit a body slam on Dibiase. Savage up top and he hit Dibiase with the Flying Elbow. Hogan hit the Leg Drop for the pin with Savage making sure Ventura counted it. Match went 13:57.
Winners by pinfall: Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage (Mega Powers)
Analysis: *** That was fun. I didn’t see the match for a long time, so it was cool to re-watch it again and hear the crowd get excited for the big moves. The ending with Elizabeth showing some skin was very rare. She didn’t do stuff like that ever, so it was a big deal at the time. Ten years later it wouldn’t have been, but in 1998 it was surprising. Andre didn’t do much in the match, which was by design since he wasn’t very mobile at this point in his career. His offense consisted of using his body to put pressure on the guys. The finish could have been handled a bit better in terms of the faces doing a bit more offense to weaken the heels, but the crowd was so loud after Elizabeth’s spot that it ended up working out well how they did it.
After the match, Hogan gave a big hug to Elizabeth while Savage had a “hey bro, wtf” kind of look on his face. Hogan shook Savage’s hand and they played to the crowd for a few minutes as the fans loved it all. Savage put Elizabeth on his shoulder and she held the WWE Title on her shoulder. The show ended as the celebration continued.
Analysis: Savage looking mad that Hogan picked up Elizabeth was a very subtle moment that the announcers didn’t even mention. It continued at Survivor Series 1988, Royal Rumble 1989, Savage turned heel soon after that and it led to WrestleMania 5.
This event has a runtime of 2:30:09 on WWE Network.
– There were too many tag matches on this show. The formula for tag team wrestling is repetitive, so when you see the same formula for multiple matches throughout the night it doesn’t make for an entertaining viewing experience.
– The Ultimate Warrior’s IC Title win was booked perfectly in terms of setting it up with Beefcake getting taken out, Honky not wanting to know who the new opponent was and Warrior winning in less than a minute. Really well done.
– There’s no way I noticed the subtle look that Savage gave Hogan when Hogan picked up Elizabeth back in 1988. However, these days of course I catch those things. It just shows how the little things can matter in long-term storylines.
– I felt bad for Gorilla Monsoon trying to carry “Superstar” Billy Graham on commentary. Monsoon tried his best, but Graham was not very good at all and not nearly at the level of greats like Heenan and Ventura.
– I really hope I never have to watch a Bravo vs. Muraco match again. Brutal to watch.
Show rating (out of 10): 5
It was better than I remembered. Some of the tag matches were okay, but there wasn’t a standout match either.
- British Bulldogs
- Fabulous Rougeau Brothers
- Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage
- Ted Dibiase & Andre the Giant
- Ultimate Warrior
Way more than five people, but had to do that with so many tags.
Best Match: The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith & Dynamite Kid) vs. The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers (Jacques & Raymond)
Worst Match: Bad News Brown vs. Ken Patera
Most Memorable Moment: The Ultimate Warrior winning the IC Title in dominant fashion. I’m not a huge fan of the guy, but that’s a moment I’ll remember forever. Also, Elizabeth showing some cheeks was memorable too.
That’s all for me. Check out the full list of my WWE PPV Review archive right here. Thanks for reading.
John Canton
Email mrjohncanton@gmail.com
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