The John Report: WWE NXT Vengeance Day 2023 Review
This is WWE NXT Vengeance Day featuring six matches in total including five title matches with a Steel Cage Match main event.
WWE NXT Vengeance Day is the first NXT Premium Live Event of 2023 with Bron Breakker facing Grayson Waller in a Steel Cage Match with the NXT Title on the line. There’s also Roxanne Perez defending the NXT Women’s Title against Jacy Jayne & Gigi Dolin in a triple threat match, Apollo Crews taking on Carmelo Hayes in a 2/3 Falls Match and three more title matches. For what it’s worth, I still miss calling these shows “Takeover” events, but WWE has moved on from it. Let’s get to it.
NXT Vengeance Day
Spectrum Center in Charlotte, North Carolina
February 4, 2023
There was an opening video narrated by Smackdown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair since it’s taking place in Charlotte, NC I guess. Anyway, it involved a rundown of the full card with clips of all the talent as well.
The commentary team of Vic Joseph and Booker T were at ringside to call the action with Booker busting out his “shucky ducky quack quack” phrase to start it off. It’s nice to see NXT taking place in a bigger arena for a change.
Wes Lee was up first as the NXT North American Champion to a solid reaction from the crowd. The reports said about 5,000 fans at the show, so that’s pretty good for a brand that usually performs in front of a smaller audience at the WWE PC in Orlando. Anyway, Dijak was up next with the intimidating all black gear, leather jacket and sunglasses. They gave him a black & white entrance as he took off the glasses while staring into the hard camera.

NXT North American Championship: Wes Lee vs. Dijak
Dijak used his size advantage with a shoulder tackle that knocked Lee down. Lee laid down on the mat, Dijak went for a cover and Lee kicked him in the head. Lee with a headscissors into the turnbuckle. Lee did an impressive leap over the top leading to a headscissors into the turnbuckle again followed by a dropkick on the floor. Lee jumped off the apron, Dijak caught him and Dijak hit a Death Valley Driver on the floor. Ouch. Back in the ring, Dijak got a two count. Dijak worked over Lee with forearms followed by a suplex toss across the ring for two. They left the ring with Dijak sending Lee into the barricade. Dijak stomped on Lee’s stomach a few times. Dijak hit a running back elbow in the corner. When Dijak charged again, Lee moved and Dijak bumped over the top to the floor. When Dijak got back in the ring, Lee worked him over with punches, a dropkick to the knee and two kicks to the head. Lee hit an impressive bridging German Suplex for a two count. They battled on the apron, with Lee avoiding a move and Lee gave Dijak a back body drop onto the apron. Lee ran the ropes leading to a cartwheel that saw Lee jump over the top onto Dijak on the floor. That was impressive! Back in the ring, Lee went for a backflip move, but Dijak caught him on his shoulders and Lee turned it around with a Poison Rana spiking him on the head. Lee hit a Michinoku Driver for a two count. The crowd thought that was it. Lee went up top, he jumped off with a flip, Dijak moved, Lee with a superkick to the jaw and Dijak caught a leaping Lee with a sitout Chokeslam called High Justice for two. Dijak went for a crossface chickenwing, Lee tried to fight it and Dijak took him down with a body scissors on the mat. Lee got out of that.
Dijak had Lee on his shoulders for the Feast Your Eyes knee, but Lee countered that. Lee countered another power move and Lee got a kick to the head. Dijak was telling him to bring it as Lee hit a running knee. When Lee ran the ropes, Dijak hit a big boot to the face for a two count. Dijak with a superkick followed by a lariat for two. Dijak went to the middle rope, he went for a Powerbomb and Lee countered it into a hurricanrana somehow! That was amazing. Lee jumped off the top with a twisting splash for one…two…and no! Dijak got his right shoulder up. Both announcers said “you’ve got to be kidding me” after that. Dijak left the ring, Lee tried a suicide dive and Dijak sent Lee into the barricade. Dijak grabbed leather chair from ringside, he put Lee on it, Dijak put a broom across the body to keep Lee in the chair and Dijak superkicked Lee in the face. Dijak went up top, then Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo showed up, and Dijak jumped off with a moonsault onto them since they pushed Lee out of the win. Back in the ring, Dijak tried a move off the ropes, Lee hit a superkick and Lee did a backflip into a head kick for the pinfall win at 17:01. What a great match!
Winner by pinfall: Wes Lee
Analysis: ****1/4 This was an excellent match that was full of action with Lee showing a lot of heart as the babyface that wouldn’t quit while Dijak was very aggressive throughout the match. There were multiple nearfalls from each guy in the match with the crowd getting more into it the longer it went. There was a bit of history with Tony D and Dijak in the past, but I didn’t really expect Tony D to get involved in the match. Dijak didn’t hit his finisher in the match, so Lee kicked out of everything else and Lee managed to hit his finisher for the win. I thought they absolutely killed it in this match. They should be proud of that performance because it was a very impressive big man-little man type of match. Lee probably earned a lot of respect with that showing while Dijak reminded us how great he can be when he gets a chance to show it.
UPDATE: I didn’t mention it in the review above, but Dijak looks like he suffered a middle finger injury with it looking bent in an awkward position. He tweeted a photo of it. I am not going to post it here because it’s gross, but here’s the link to his Twitter post about it that will open in a new window.

There were commercials as a Cora Jade video. The talent profile videos air because some people have Peacock with ads, so while those people get ads, the rest of us get the profile videos.
A commercial aired for the WWE 2K23 video game coming out in March.
They showed Grayson Waller and Bron Breakker arriving separately earlier in the day.
A photo was shown of the NXT Vengeance Watch Party featuring talent in Orlando that were watching the show.
The NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Kayden Carter & Katana Chance were interviewed by Mckenzie Mitchell. They talked about busting their asses as the champions and will do what they do best.

NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships: Kayden Carter & Katana Chance vs. Fallon Henley & Kiana James (w/Brooks Jensen & Josh Briggs)
Carter & Chance have been champions for 186 days and counting, which is the longest on any of WWE’s brands. There wasn’t much of a crowd reaction for the challengers.
James sent Carter out of the ring, so Carter smacked Jensen in the back and that led to a chase leading to Carter hitting a kick. Chance tagged in with a senton splash onto James for two. Henley tagged in leading to some arguing with James, but then they managed to hit double clotheslines. Carter with a kick, Chance back and the champs hit a moonsault/leg drop on Henley. James tagged in with a knee to the back on Henley followed by a belly to back suplex for two. Henley back in with a running head slam into the mat for two. Henley grounded Chance with a chinlock, Chance broke free after about a minute and Carter was on fire with forearms on both opponents. Carter hit a corner splash combo on both opponents. Carter kicked Henley out of the ring while Chance got the tag with a cross body block on the floor. Back in the ring, Chance with a kick to the back, then a jawbreaker to Henley and James was back in. Chance with an impressive headscissors, James got a hold of legal woman Carter and hit a spinebuster for two. Chance was back in, Carter flipped her over for a moonsault, but James got the knees up. Henley tagged in with a neckbreaker off the ropes. Henley and James hit a double team slam combo with Carter making the save. Carter gave James a Cutter off the apron onto the floor. Jensen checked on James on the floor. Chance with a shoulder tackle on Henley in their corner, Carter tagged in Henley/Carter were battling by the turnbuckle. Chance tagged in with a top rope hurricanrana on Henley for one…two…no! Great nearfall there. It was a hurricanrana off Carter’s shoulders with Carter on the top rope. When the champions tried a double team move, James shoved Chance to the floor. Henley used her legs to hold Carter down and James held onto Carter’s legs (the referee didn’t see it) so Henley was able to hold Carter down for the three count at 9:21. There’s a title change.
Winners by pinfall AND NEW NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions: Fallon Henley & Kiana James
Analysis: **3/4 It was a pretty good match with James cheating to help Henley win. That fits the story they have told with that team with James as a heel that cheats to win while Henley doesn’t really approve of it, but in this case, it worked again and got the win for the new champions. I’m really impressed by the double team moves of Chance & Carter as a natural babyface team that works so well together. A title change is fine because the champions had the titles for so long.

Henley & James celebrated with Brooks & Jensen while Carter & Chance were yelling about how James cheated them out of the titles.
A commercial aired about some upcoming WWE shows on A&E starting again on February 19th.
There was a profile video about JD McDonagh. A video also aired about Nikkita Lyons.
There was a video shown about WrestleMania 39 on April 1st and 2nd.
Drew Gulak and Hank Walker were shown on Drew’s Instagram with Drew talking to Waler about the Lee-Dijak match. Drew told Walker they need to get Walker some proper ring attire.
Lyra Valkyria was shown talking about how Cora Jade’s time will come and she will perish. Lyra wondered who in the women’s locker room will be ready to soar.
There was a video package about the 2/3 Falls Match between Carmelo Hayes and Apollo Crews.
Trick Williams did an introduction for his buddy Carmelo Hayes talking about all of Melo’s accomplishments in NXT saying it’s him. That led to Carmelo Hayes making his entrance with an Apollo Crews shirt that had an X on Apollo’s face. Hayes put the shirt down and stepped on it. Apollo Crews was up next as the veteran babyface in the match with the announcers telling the story of Hayes thinking that Crews is the past.

Two Out Of Three Falls Match: Carmelo Hayes (w/Trick Williams) vs. Apollo Crews
This is unofficially a number one contender’s match since they both have visions of becoming the NXT Champion and this is a match to prove who is the better man.
Crews was wearing some red contacts in his eyes since he’s all about the vision in NXT. Hayes got a takedown, then Crews tried going for a takedown of his own and they had a stalemate. They did some mat wrestling as they exchanged some holds, Crews ran the ropes and Hayes jumped over the back leading to a slap to the face. Crews knocked down Hayes with a slap. Hayes held onto the ropes to avoid a dropkick. Crews caught Hayes and sent him towards the turnbuckle, but when Hayes jumped off the turnbuckle, Crews dropkicked him in the ribs. Crews with a powerslam into the turnbuckle. Crews sent Hayes into the turnbuckle leading to Hayes selling the ribs. Crews with a backbreaker. Hayes jumped off the ropes, Crews caught him and hit a German Suplex. Hayes went to the floor, Williams got in Apollo’s face and Hayes tried an attack, but Crews avoided it. Crews clotheslined Hayes on the floor. Crews hit a moonsault off the apron onto Melo on the floor. Back in the ring, Crews hit a senton as Trick sat on a chair at ringside. Crews hit a delayed vertical suplex for two. Hayes got some offense going with a neckbreaker against the top rope. Back in the ring, Hayes worked over Crews with some punches followed by a chinlock on the mat. Hayes with a stun gun into the top rope for two. Hayes hit a short arm clothesline. Crews avoided a clothesline leading to Crews hitting two German Suplex, Hayes avoided a third and Crews hit a back body drop. Crews with clotheslines, Hayes tried a move, Crews got out of it and hit a leaping clothesline. Crews with a corner splash. Hayes went for a springboard move, but Crews kicked him in the head. Crews hit a superplex from the middle rope while Hayes on the apron and that got a two count. Crews with knees to the head. Hayes countered a move into a hiptoss and a pin attempt got two. Hayes spun around Apollo’s back leading to a slam into the mat for two. Hayes lifted up Crews for a Cutter for two. Hayes applied a Crossface submission and Crews tapped out to that. It was 15 minutes into it.
Carmelo Hayes leads 1-0
Hayes was in control as he sent Crews face first into the top rope. Crews came back with three straight German Suplexes and a standing Shooting Star Press for a two count. Crews went to the turnbuckle, Hayes with a kick and Hayes hit a fadeaway leg drop off the middle ropes for two. They ran the ropes leading to Crews hitting a move like a Destroyer into a DDT for a two count. That was a crazy spot. I’ve never really seen it done that way. They battled by the turnbuckle leading to both guys crashing onto the top rope leading to both of them bumping to the floor. Hayes shoved Crews down to go for a countout win, but Crews was back in before a ten count. Crews with a jumping knee, Hayes tried a move and Crews hit an Angle Slam. Hayes with double knees, then Crews caught him and hit a slam off the shoulders. Williams jumped on the apron and took a turnbuckle pad off. Trick told Hayes about it, so Hayes turned to see it while the referee didn’t see it yet. Hayes with a kick that didn’t really connect and Crews whipped Hayes into the exposed turnbuckle, so Crews sold it like a big deal. Dabba Kato (former Commander Azeez) showed up to stop Williams from interview. That’s a former ally of Crews. Hayes hit a springboard clothesline. Hayes jumped off the top with a Nothing But Net leg drop to the back of the head for the pinfall win at 23:30.
Winner by pinfall: Carmelo Hayes (2-0)
Analysis: ***1/2 It was a very good match with Hayes winning thanks to the chaos that was caused by Kato and Williams towards the finish although it wasn’t necessarily a cheap win. Crews getting no falls in the match was a bit of a surprise because I thought it would get one fall at least, but having Hayes win 2-0 puts him over in a big way too. I thought maybe they could have had more nearfalls, more action toward the finish and stuff like that, but it was still an entertaining match between two of the best wrestlers in NXT.

Post match, Dabba Kato picked up Crews and had an angry look on his face. Kato headbutted Crews. Kato gave Crews a sitout spinebuster onto a chair.
Analysis: A bad night for Crews as his former Commander (Azeez) kicked his ass after Crews lost a tough match. It’s a way to put Kato back in the mix.
They showed Valentina Feroz and Wendy Choo with Feroz saying she’ll face Lyra Valkyria. Elektra Lopez talked about how tough Lyra is and Choo said she’ll be in Valentina’s corner.
Fallon Henley and Kiana James were shown with the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships They congratulated eachother, Kiana said it was Brooks’ idea, Brooks said he loved to see it and Josh Briggs said let’s go drink to celebrate.
NXT Stand & Deliver is on Saturday, April 1st with a 1pm ET start time. It’s 10am PT in LA. That’s going to be early for the talent and the crowd.
A video aired about Kofi Kingston for Black History Month.
They showed Andre Chase, Duke Hudson and Thea Hail getting ready in the cold for their match.
It was the NXT Tag Team Title match up next with Andre Chase & Duke Hudson up first with Thea Hail. There were some Chase U fans there. Pretty Deadly were next as former NXT Tag Team Champions. Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang) were next with The New Day’s Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston up last to a good pop. Booker didn’t like New Day as usual. Woods and Kofi got the best reaction by far.

NXT Tag Team Championships: The New Day (Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston) vs. Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang) vs. Chase U (Andre Chase & Duke Hudson) w/Thea Hail vs. Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson & Elton Prince)
The first fall wins this match with two guys legal in the ring while the others are on the apron. There are no countouts or disqualifications in this match.
There was some comedy by Pretty Deadly, so New Day went after them and Woods hit a suplex. Hudson with an elbow on Prince, Chase tagged in with an atomic drop, Wilson tagged in and Chase hit another atomic drop. Coffey tagged in with an arm drag on Wilson. Wolfgang with a forearm to the back, then Mark tagged in with chops and Wilson didn’t like getting chopped a lot. Woods tagged in against Coffey, but Coffey hit a knee to the ribs. Wolfgang with a running back splash onto Woods. Prince tagged back in with stomps on Woods along with a suplex for two. Wilson was back in with a running uppercut on Woods. Pretty Deadly made some quick tags as they worked over Woods in their corner of the ring. Woods hit a jumping kick to knock Prince down. Kofi tagged in with an elbow smash, a dropkick, clotheslines on both PD guys along with a clothesline on Coffey. Kofi hit a Boom Drop leg drop on three guys with Booker saying he hated New Day. Kofi hit the SOS trip into a slam for two on Prince as Wilson made the save. There were running forearm/clotheslines by the others in the match. Prince lifted up Kofi onto double knees on Wilson for a two count. Kofi and Woods made some quick tags leading to Kofi hitting a double foot stomp/backbreaker combo for a two count because the other guys in the match broke up the pin. The fans chanted “this is awesome” for them. There was brawling going on at ringside while Kofi went up top with chase and Chase tossed Kofi off the top rope onto five guys on the floor. Wilson punched Chase while on the top rope, but Chase came back with a superplex onto the six other guys on the floor. That led to a “holy shit” chant from the crowd while all eight guys were down on the floor selling.
Wolfgang sent Chase into the apron and into the commentary table. Hudson saved Chase from a double team by Gallus. Hudson sent Wolfgang and Coffey into the barricades. Wilson hit Hudson with a forearm. Hudson went for a Powerbomb through the commentary table, but that was stopped and Hudson was sent into the apron. Pretty Deadly put the commentary table back together, which drew boos. Back in the ring, Hudson with a double clothesline, then elbows and a senton. Hudson with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on Prince. Hudson hit a running forearm on Coffey. Hudson with a kip-up that was assisted using the ropes. Hudson set up in the corner, but Coffey bailed to the floor. Gallus gave Hudson a double team slam through the commentary table. There are no disqualifications in a 4-way match. Chase sent Wolfgang out of the ring and Chase did a legsweep on Coffey. Chase did the C-H-A-S-E-U stomp on Coffey with the fans chanting along so that’s great. Chase jumped off the top with a cross body block on Coffey for two. Chase applied a Figure Four Leglock on Coffey, who was saved by Wolfgang hitting a senton bomb on Chase. Coffey kicked Chase into a powerslam by Wolfgang and Coffey covered for two. Kofi got back into it with a forearm on Coffey. Kofi tossed Wolfgang out of the ring. Kofi jumped off the top with a back first dive, but Pretty Deadly caught Kofi with a double team neckbreaker on the floor. Woods hit Coffey with a forearm to the face. Woods jumped off the top, Wolfgang caught him and Coffey hit the running kick into a Wolfgang powerslam for the pinfall win at 16:47. New Tag Team Champions.
Winners by pinfall: Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang)
Analysis: ***3/4 I thought it was an exciting, fast-paced tag team match. In the first half of the match, they followed tag team rules even though it’s a No DQ, No Countout match and then they remembered that none of the rules really mattered, so it became a chaotic match at that point. I was entertained by it. In my preview of the show, I picked New Day to win although I really wasn’t sure about it and I mentioned Gallus as possible winners because I think it makes sense to put them over strong as the new heel Tag Team Champions. Since Pretty Deadly were already champions before and Chase U haven’t really been together for that long, Gallus winning made the most sense to me. I think the table spot was great to pop the crowd after Chase U looked like they might win. Anybody could have taken the pin, but having Woods gets beat does put over Gallus in a big way, so I like that it was one of the New Day guys that lost.

Gallus celebrated with the NXT Tag Team Titles around their waists while the other teams were all down around the ring. It’s the Gallus boys on top.
Analysis: I assume that’s probably it for New Day in NXT. They held the titles for about two months, which was a decent run leading to the clean win for Gallus.
A video aired showing when Nikkita Lyons was attacked in the parking lot as Mckenzie Mitchell talked over the video footage. This was shown on NXT last week.
There was a video that aired to remind us that WrestleMania 39 is 56 days away.
The NXT Women’s Championship was up next so there was a video package that aired covering Roxanne Perez’s journey to become the champion while Jacy Jayne & Gigi Dolin earned the right to challenge Perez.
Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin made their entrance together to the Toxic Attraction song even though they are opponents in this match. I miss Mandy Rose a lot in NXT, but Jacy and Gigi are good too. Roxanne Perez was the NXT Women’s Champion with Booker T saying he was impartial since Booker trained the 21-year-old Perez to wrestle.

NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez vs. Jacy Jayne vs. Gigi Dolin
It’s another match with no countouts and no disqualifications.
Perez was attacked by both opponents to start the match as Gigi and Jacy slammed Perez into the mat. Perez tried a cross body block, Gigi got a backbreaker and Jacy kicked Perez out of the ring. Perez tried to fight against both women, but Jacy sent Perez into the ropes. Jacy went for a kick, Perez moved and Jacy nearly kicked Gigi. Perez hit a dropkick on both women. Perez with a double arm drag to send both opponents out of the ring. Perez hit a suicide dive onto Gigi on the floor. Jacy hit a dive off the apron, Perez moved and Jacy knocked down Gigi on the floor by accident. Perez with a handstand press onto Jacy for a two count. Jacy came back with a neckbreaker along with some screaming leading to boos. Jacy chopped Perez followed by a kick to the back. Jacy with a clothesline. Gigi pulled Jacy out of the ring, then yelled at her for hitting a dive onto Gigi and Gigi said they need to focus. Gigi pulled Jacy in front of her as Perez kicked Jacy to knock her down. Gigi kicked Perez repeatedly and Gigi sent Perez into the barricade. The replay showed that Gigi pulled Jacy in front of the sliding dropkick. Gigi with a slam on Perez onto the apron. Gigi hit a flatliner for two because Jacy broke up the pin. Jacy and Gigi argued in the ring while Perez was on the floor, so the fans cheered as Jacy and Gigi exchanged shoves as well as slaps to the face. Jacy tripped up Gigi for a two count, then Gigi countered a move into a sunset flip for two and Perez jumped off the top with a cross body block on both women. Perez hit a running dropkick on Jacy, an uppercut on Gigi and Perez hit running uppercuts on both women. Perez hit a legsweep/DDT combo for two on both women. Jacy caught Perez and set her upside down against the turnbuckle. Jacy hit a cannonball on Perez and Gigi at the same time. Jacy hit a running knee on Perez for two, but Gigi broke up the pin.
Jacy and Gigi exchanged forearms followed by punches and Jacy hit a forearm along with a crotch chop! Perez got multiple pin attempts on Jacy for two counts. Jacy hit a corner attack on Perez. Perez with a kick, Dolin back in with a takedown on Perez and a kick on Jacy. Gigi hit a bridging suplex for two but Jacy did a senton onto Gigi to break up the pin. The fans were chanting for multiple women. Perez fired up with forearms, but then Jacy and Gigi double superkick. Gigi and Jacy did a headbutt with both of them covering Perez at the same time for a two count. Gigi and Jacy sent Perez out of the ring. The Toxic ladies set up a table on the floor with the fans cheering for it. Perez fought back with elbows, Perez kicked Jacy in the gut and a Pop Rox slam on Gigi on the floor. Perez sent Jacy back into the ring. Perez went up top, Jacy kicked Perez and they fought on the turnbuckle. Gigi was on the apron and Perez kicked her off the apron through the table. Perez hit a Super Pop Rox (sunset flip powerbomb) on Jayne off the top rope for the pinfall win at 14:42. That looked like a painful bump for Perez hitting her butt hard onto the mat.
Winner by pinfall: Roxanne Perez
Analysis: ***1/4 A good match that was the most predictable on the show because I didn’t think Perez had any chance of losing this title. The story worked well with Gigi and Jacy being on the same page for part of the match, but just as I mentioned in the preview, they had some issues throughout the match that led to Perez picking her spots to get the win. The table bump at the end worked well in terms of taking out Gigi leading right to Perez hitting the Pop Rox off the ropes for the win. I wouldn’t call it a great match, but the action was good, the story worked and the fans were into it.

A commercial aired for WWE Elimination Chamber PLE coming in two weeks on February 18th in Montreal.
There was a video about Carmelo Hayes.
This Monday on Raw it’s Bayley facing Becky Lynch in a Steel Cage Match.
The steel cage was lowered around the ring for the main event. That led to the video package for the NXT Championship Steel Cage Match between champion Bron Breakker and challenger Grayson Waller.
They showed Grayson Waller and Bron Breakker walking separately in the backstage area as they made their way towards the ring.
Grayson Waller made his entrance with some lovely ladies welcoming him onto the stage and there were champagne bottles as well. Waller had a golden shoe on a pillow that he will drink out of if he wins the title. The ladies left the shoe on a table at ringside.
Bron Breakker made his entrance as the NXT Champion looking confident on his way to the ring. Waller hit the cage door while Bron was about to get into the ring. They fought on the floor a bit with Bron sending Waller into the barricade a few times. Bron slammed the cage door into Waller’s head. Bron put Waller into the ring to start the match.

Steel Cage Match for the NXT Championship: Bron Breakker vs. Grayson Waller
It was announced that only pinfalls and submissions can win the match. There is no escaping the cage for victory in this match.
Bron worked over Waller with punches, Waller came back with knee lifts to the face and Bron ran the ropes quickly with a running lariat. Bron hit a delayed vertical suplex along with a standing moonsault. Waller with a punch to the jaw, Waller with another punch and Waller hit a floating DDT for just a one count. Waller mocked Bron’s barking routine with some weak barking. Waller dropkicked the legs for a takedown followed by an elbow drop. Waller got a boot to the face, Bron caught him and hit a belly-to-belly suplex. Bron caught a leaping Waller into the powerslam. Bron jumped off the top with a bulldog just like his dad Rick Steiner. Waller went to the apron, Bron charged and Waller moved so that Bron hit the cage leading to Waller getting a two count. Waller punched Bron repeatedly and tossed him into the cage for a two count. Waller hit a running cross body block on Bron into the cage. Waller tried again, Bron caught him, Waller raked the eyes and Waller sent Bron into the cage two times. Waller hit a leaping Unprettier so Vic said that was “unpretty” leading to a two count while Booker called it a surfboard. Waller hit a suplex. Waller to the top rope, Bron stunned him up there and Bron hit a Frankensteiner like uncle Scott Steiner for a two count. Waller came back with a jumping knee on a leaping Bron and Waller hit an impressive elbow drop off the top rope for two. Waller tied Bron’s arms against the ropes leading to Waller hitting a running dropkick. Waller hit a running shoulder tackle on Bron. After some taunting by Waller, Bron broke free from the ropes leading to some barking by the crowd.
Bron slammed Waller off the top rope. Bron sent Waller into the steel cage a few times along with Bron press slamming Waller into the cage. Bron charged, Waller avoided it and Waller hit a low blow uppercut. Waller launched himself toward Bron for a Stunner that only got a two count. As Waller sat back against he turnbuckle, he looked up to the top of the cage. Waller climbed to the top of the cage. The fans were standing as Waller stood on top of the cage, but Bron was back up to his feet to stare at Waller. Bron punched Waller while he was on top of the cage and Bron gave Waller a superplex back into the ring. That was a big drop for Waller. Bron hit a Spear. Bron said that is his dog pound and he runs NXT. Waller pushed Bron in the face. Bron ran the ropes leading to a Spear for the pinfall win at 14:25.
Winner by pinfall: Bron Breakker
Analysis: ***1/4 It was good for the most part although I wouldn’t call it some epic cage match. I’m actually surprised that Waller didn’t do a top of the cage move although he did take a superplex off the top, so that’s a big bump to take. Bron winning is what I figured would happen. Sometimes Bron uses a press powerslam to win matches, so he went with a Spear this time, which Bron has used before. Waller got plenty of offense, he came close to winning a few times, but I doubt most people thought he was going to win. The build to the match was pretty good. I just think it was an obvious Bron win, so it was tough to get that excited about the match. They worked well together for the most part.

Bron Breakker celebrated with his NXT Championship while Carmelo Hayes (with Trick Williams) appeared by the entrance area for a long distance staredown with Hayes pointing at Breakker. Bron nodded at him as if he knew that Melo is next up.
Analysis: I mentioned that in the preview because I figured Bron and Melo would be next at Stand & Deliver during WrestleMania weekend. That’s the right place for it. Bron and Melo haven’t wrestled yet, the NXT bosses have clearly been saving it and Stand & Deliver is the right place to do it.
This event had a runtime of 2:49:22 on WWE Network.
Five Stars of the Show
- Wes Lee/Dijak
- Carmelo Hayes
- Bron Breakker
- Gallus
- Fallon Henley & Kiana James/Roxanne Perez
Final Thoughts
I rate this show a 7.25 out of 10.
It was mostly an enjoyable show with some predictable results in terms of three title matches while both tag team matches resulted in title changes.
As for the best match, I think that goes to Wes Lee beating Dijak in the opener. Those guys worked so well together. I also liked the Tag Team Title 4-Way match won by Gallus to end The New Day’s title reign. A lot of fast-paced action in that match. Carmelo Hayes beating Apollo Crews in the 2/3 Falls Match was pretty good, but not as great as I thought it would be. The pacing was a bit too slow early and ending 2-0 isn’t as exciting although it’s good for Melo looking impressive as the winner.
In the main event, Bron Breakker had a solid match with Grayson Waller inside of a Steel Cage. The stage is finally set for a Bron-Melo feud since Melo had a long distance staredown with Bron to end the show. That Bron-Melo match should main event Stand & Deliver during WrestleMania weekend. I’m looking forward to that rivalry after a year and a half of those guys standing out as NXT’s two biggest stars.
Thanks for reading. My contact info is below.
John Canton
Twitter @johnreport