
TNA Slammiversary 2024 Review

TNA Slammiversary Poster 2024

The biggest TNA crowd in over 10 years welcomed a wild night of wrestling in Montreal and it was headlined by a huge six-man TNA World Title match.

Slammiversary has been one of the better-build PLEs in recent times for TNA. The collaboration with NXT has obviously helped and I have enjoyed the crossover. I was really looking forward to this show as there were several matches that had me wondering which direction the bookers would go. I’m that invested that I’m going to even watch the pre-show!

Countdown to TNA Slammiversary

Match #1: Knockouts’ Fatal-4-Way: Faby Apache vs Tasha Steelz vs Gisele Shaw vs Xia Brookside

Apache is from AAA but I am unfamiliar with her work. Brookside has been featured more prominently of the 3 TNA stars this year, but none of them have had many meaningful feuds. Shaw returned recently after a few months off and Steelz seems to just appear once a month. There were loud “TNA” chants to kick off the match. I noticed that the lighting wasn’t very good early on, which has been a recent criticism from me. It’s better when you can see the crowd, especially when there are over 4,000 people in the house. Steelz cleared the ring early on. She hit a hard running knee on Brookside but Apache broke up the pinfall. She took down Steelz with a swinging neckbreaker then stretched her out impressively. Shaw hit a running dropkick on Apache to break up the submission and then a Full Nelson backbreaker but Steelz interrupted. Brookside took Steelz and Shaw down with clotheslines. She hit an impressive double team DDT/clothesline to take them down and followed up with a 2-count on Steelz. My stream went down for about 45 seconds but Brookside launched onto the other 3 ladies from the top rope with a crossbody. She tossed Steelz back into the ring and got another 2 count. Brookside hit a running knee with Steelz in the corner. She set up for the Brooksy Bomb but Shaw stopped her with a superkick. Shaw had both women on her shoulders and delivered an awesome double Falcon Arrow but Apache broke the cover up. Great spot. Shaw and Apache traded forearms in the centre of the ring. Apache hit a running kick and went for a top rope hurricanrana but Shaw caught her in mid-air and nailed a powerbomb! Brookside broke up the pin but Shaw decimated her with a spear. Shaw lined Brookside up for her running knee finisher but Steelz tossed her into the ring post and stole the win after 7 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Tasha Steelz

Analysis: ***1/2 That was a fast-paced and fun opening contest. I don’t really like seeing Brookside get pinned because she has had some momentum lately, especially with a non-TNA talent in the ring but it’s not an overly important match I suppose.

Match #2: Kushida vs Rich Swann

This was supposed to be Jonathan Gresham vs Kushida, who actually have a good feud going but Gresham had travel issues and couldn’t make it. Get your act together, Bill Gates! It’s always good to have Swann on the card, though. Kushida came out with new music and Japanese writing all over his face and body. He was playing a more mysterious character than usual, as if he had been greatly affected by Gresham’s poison ink. Swann fought out of the Kimura Lock early on. Kushida nailed a dropkick. Swann tossed him into the middle rope and choked him out with his feet. He kicked Kushida hard on the back and tried for a sleeper hold. Kushida stopped struggling and went into a trance which lured Swann in so Kushida kicked him in the head. Swann raked the eyes of Kushida aggressively. Kushida caught his leg and gave him a nasty Dragon Screw. Kushida nailed a handspring back elbow which Swann just stood there and took. Heels are dumb. Kushida went for the Tanaka punch and Swann nailed a poisonrana and followed up with a handspring cutter for 2. Kushida avoided the 450 and attempted the Hoverboard Lock. Swann broke free but Kushida nailed the Tanaka Punch. He missed a moonsault and Swann nailed a spinning heel kick for 2. Swann took too long climbing to the top so Kushida hit an enziguiri. He hit a superplex with Swann’s arm trapped in the Hoverboard Lock. Awesome. Kushida locked the move in on the mat and Swann tapped quickly. The match went almost 7 minutes.

Winner by submission: Kushida

Analysis: *** That was the right result. It was an entertaining match. Hopefully Kushida gets a push in the 2nd half of the year. He’s great.

Match #3: TNA Knockouts’ Tag Team Championships: Masha Slamovich & Alisha Edwards (c) vs Spitfire

I thought this was supposed to be on the main show. Edwards and Slamovich have defended their title once in 3 months which shows you how many problems this division has. Logan Paul says hi. This is Spitfire’s contractual rematch which has taken some time to get to as they’ve been working out some issues. For some reason they were using opposite tag corners than during usual tag matches. That felt really odd. Luna and Alisha started the match off. Luna had the power advantage. She tossed Alisha around the ring. Alisha hit a couple of slaps and ran the ropes but Luna caught her with a powerslam and tagged in Threat. They double teamed Alisha with some diving crossbodies and Threat covered for a 2 count. Spitfire went for a double suplex on Alisha but Masha ran in and prevented it. Alisha hit a jawbreaker on Luna, then a Flatliner for 2. Alisha hit a double of snapmares and a running punt for 2. Slamovich tagged in and hit a snap suplex for only 1. She rammed Luna into the corner and tagged Alisha back in. Luna avoided a double team move and took down the champs with a double dropkick. Luna made it to Threat for the tag. Threat down both Alisha and Masha with clotheslines then a pump kick on Alisha. She trapped them both on the middle rope and hit her running knee. Threat hit a German suplex on Slamovich and then hit the Michinoku Driver on Alisha on top of Slamovich for 2. Luna tagged back in and they nailed the Hart Attack for 2, with Slamovich breaking up the pin. Threat tagged back in but Alisha broke free from the Pressure Drop attempt with a rake to the eyes of Dani. Slamovich took Luna out with a big boot in the corner and then the Snow Plow on Threat but she kicked out at 2! Slamovich grabbed a championship belt and draped it over the bottom turnbuckle. Threat charged in and missed Slamovich, going face-first into the gold. Slamovich and Edwards hit a top rope bulldog to retain their titles after 9 minutes.

Winners AND STILL TNA Knockouts’ Tag Team Champions: Alisha Edwards & Masha Slamovich

Analysis: *** It was a basic match with the champions cheating to retain. The crowd was right into it, which is good. I’m not sure where the division goes next because this featured the only two teams in it.

TNA Director of Authority, Santino Marella, came out to the biggest pop of the night so far. Marella spoke some French and thanked the fans, then said that he had one more surprise match for the pre-show. There was only 10 minutes left on the pre-show so this won’t be a long match.

Match #4: Eric Young vs Hammerstone

Great to see Hammerstone back after being injured since April. He had a great series of matches with Josh Alexander to start the year. Hammerstone blocked a running Young with an elbow and then nailed a pump kick. Young avoided a chokeslam and hit a dropkick for a 1 count. Hammerstone tossed Young over the top rope and then into the steel ring post. He rolled Young back in the ring and hit an impressive dropkick from the top rope. Hammerstone pummelled Young with right hands and kicks in the corner. He used all his weight to choke Young out with his feet. Young fought back with right hands to the mid-section but Hammerstone just caught him and hauled him over his head with a belly-to-belly. Young started the recovery with a trio of clotheslines and a scoop slam. He went to the top for his elbow drop but Hammerstone cut him off with a big elbow strike to the face. Hammerstone wanted a superplex but Young bit him on the forehead which sent him crashing to the mat. Young nailed his elbow drop for a 2 count. He went for a piledriver but Hammerstone tossed him over his head and then hit a press slam. He put Young in the Torture Rack but it was close to the ropes so Young used the ropes to pull himself down. He rolled Hammerstone up for the 3 count to win the match after 5 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Eric Young

Analysis: ** It was too short to be anything substantial. The TNA favourite and Canadian hero gets the win to keep the crowd happy. He put over the fans after the match.

That was one of the better pre-shows of any company that I can recall watching in recent times. There were no classic matches, but 4 decent match ups in an hour is impressive.

TNA Slammiversary Main Card: 20.7.2024 from Montreal, Canada

The Canadian anthem was sung and the opening video package focused mostly on the main event which is a 6-man elimination match for the TNA World Championship. It feels like a huge night for TNA but I’ve said that this year a few times and the momentum has fizzled out. Let’s hope the good times keep rolling.

Match #1: Broken Matt Hardy vs JDC

This was an unexpected match that was added to the card on Thursday night after JDC took out Jeff and apparently Matt’s wife, Rebecca. The Hardys continue to have issues with The System and will probably take their Tag Team Championships in a country that Jeff is allowed to compete in. JDC came to the ring waving an American flag. I am impressed by his ability to continue to change his character and he is one of the more adaptable stars in TNA. Matt didn’t wait for the bell to confront JDC on the ramp. He nailed JDC with a flurry of right hands and then started biting his head. Matt rammed JDC into the ring apron over and over. They almost broke the timekeeper’s table; it was that flimsy. JDC tried to attack Matt with the flag but the referee took it off him. JDC still had the flag pole in hand so he rammed that into Matt’s ribs. He tossed Hardy into the ring to officially begin the match. JDC threw Hardy into the top turnbuckle and mocked his ‘Delete’ actions. He hung Hardy up on the top rope and scored a 2 count. JDC hit a running back elbow and then bit Hardy in the corner right in front of the referee who almost counted him out. He locked Hardy in a leg scissors on the mat. Hardy fought out of it and got to his feet to hit his Delete turnbuckle sequence. He connected with an elbow drop from the second rope. JDC avoided the Twist of Fate but Hardy nailed a Side Effect for 2. Hardy tried for the Twist of Fate again but JDC countered into a Falcon Arrow. He went to the top but Hardy cut him off and was able to nail a Twist of the Fate from the top rope for the win after 5 minutes of official ring time.

Winner by pinfall: Broken Matt Hardy

Analysis: ** That was a decisive win for Hardy who needed a win to get some revenge against JDC who has cost him the World Championship and the Tag Team Championships. It was fine for an opener to get the crowd excited.

After the match, Hardy hit 2 more Twist of Fates and the Impact Zone loved it.

The System cut a quick promo backstage talking about all of their championships. They were decked out in Team USA gear.

The French commentary team was introduced and said a bunch of things I didn’t understand.

Match #2: TNA World Tag Team Championships: The System w/ Alisha Edwards (c) vs ABC

I have been predicting a heel turn from Chris Bey for a while but I think it will officially happen here after they finally get (and lose) their title rematch. We shall see! They came out to new theme music (by Bey!) which may just shatter that prediction! There were some very loud derogatory chants aimed at The System before the bell rang. It was Ace Austin vs Brian Myers to start the match. Austin had the early advantage with a knee lift and a side Russian Legsweep. Edwards tried to interfere and received a clothesline. Bey tagged in and they hit a double suplex on Edwards, then a Hart Attack on Myers for 2. Myers was able to back Bey into the heel corner and make a tag to Edwards. Edwards tossed Bey into the knee of Myers and scored a 2 count. He choked Bey against the middle rope and Alisha continued the dirty work with the referee distracted. Myers tagged back in and they tried for a back suplex but Bey flipped out the back and then duck under a double clothesline attempt to tag in Austin. The ABC sent Myers and Edwards to the outside, then Bey did a big dive over the top to take them both down. Austin tossed Myers back into the ring but Edwards grabbed his leg as he went for a springboard clothesline, so Austin crashed face-first into the ring apron. Myers rammed Austin into the ring apron and tossed him back into the ring. Myers stomped on Austin whilst taunting Bey in the corner. He nailed a suplex for only a 1 count. Edwards tagged in and hit a suplex, too, but again only scored 1. He ripped Austin’s headband off and tossed it into the ground. Austin tried a surprise roll up for 2. Edwards took him down with a clothesline and tagged Myers back in. Myers tried a crossface but Austin got to his feet, then Myers cut him down with a leg sweep. They catapulted Austin throat-first into the middle turnbuckle and Edwards tagged in again. Edwards suplexed Austin from the ring apron back into the ring for 2. Austin hit a jawbreaker and tried to reach out to Bey for a tag but Edwards caught him. Myers distracted the referee and missed the tag between Bey and Austin, so didn’t allow it. Myers tagged back in and nailed a right hand on Austin. He choked Austin out using his knee in the bottom rope. Austin fought out of a sleeper but Myers still hit a back suplex. He set up for the spear but Austin hit a springboard kick to prevent it. Austin finally made the tag, as did Myers. Bey came in with a flurry of offense, sending Myers down with a flying forearm. He leap frogged Edwards and connected with a moonsault from the corner. Bey tossed Edwards to the floor and nailed a dropkick between the ropes. He went to run the ropes and Alisha jumped onto the apron to prevent him doing so. Bey chased Alisha around the ring and ran into an Edwards’ chop. Bey used the bottom rope to hit a 619 on Edwards. Myers tried to spear Austin on the ring apron but Bey hit him with a cutter. Austin ran the ropes and hit a scary-looking running moonsault where Edwards probably saved him from serious injury. Back in the ring, Bey hit a Frog Splash on Edwards for a very close 2 count. He went for a tag but Myers took Austin off the apron and tossed him into the ring post. Myers nailed the spear on Bey and Edwards went for the cover but only got 2. Edwards was frustrated and tagged Myers back in. He set up for the Backpack Stunner but Bey held on and Austin hit a big kick in the corner on Edwards. They nailed a Magic Killer on Myers for 2. Very close nearfall again. Austin tagged in and they wanted the 1-2-Sweet on Myers but Alisha stood in the way. Edwards pulled Myers out of the way but Bey hit the Art of Finesse on Alisha (he actually didn’t even connect). Bey hit a double springboard cutter on Edwards and Myers. Bey nailed the Art of Finesse on Myers and Austin followed it up with The Fold to win the championships after 17 minutes.

Winners AND NEW TNA World Tag Team Champions: ABC

Analysis ***3/4 That was a very good tag team match that was probably hurt a bit by the amount of interference throughout, but nonetheless it was very entertaining. Bey and Austin worked through all of their issues and losses and came out on top once again. Good storytelling. After all the interference, Alisha finally cost The System the win. I wasn’t clambering for another ABC run with the titles but they do always have very good matches.

Gia Miller did a quick interview with Mike Bailey, put over the X-Division Championship and the importance of this match to him.

Match #3: Jake Something vs Mike Santana

I missed the point of this match up, other than they both didn’t make the Slammiversary main event in the tournament. A battle between two guys on the cusp of a main event push. It was fairly even in the early goings. Santana tried a shoulder block but Something was too big to knock down. Something ran the ropes and hit 3 of his own shoulder blocks and an avalanche. He hit a big dive over the top rope to take Santana down on the entrance way. Something tossed Santana back into the ring, but Santana recovered quickly with a dropkick. He went to the rope and took out Something with a big senton to the outside. Santana chopped Something back into the ring. He lit up Something’s chest against the ropes with another chop, then a running elbow in the corner. Santana nailed a German suplex for a 1 count. Something fought out of a sleeper hold and whipped Santana hard into the turnbuckle. He stomped away in the corner then hit a suplex. Something hit a big forearm but Santana nailed a rolling cutter for 2. Something blocked a clothesline but Santana caught him with a spinning neckbreaker then a cannonball in the corner for a 2 count. He caught Something with some hard forearms that rocked the big man into the corner. Santana went for another cannonball but Something caught him and hit a sit-out powerbomb! Something went to the top rope looking for a moonsault but Santana quickly scampered to the top and hit a German suplex! Something landed hard on his neck there. They brawled in the centre of the ring with duelling forearms. Santana hit a superkick but Something recovered quickly with a clothesline. Santana kipped up and hit a running clothesline for only 1. Santana nailed Spin the Block for the win 11 ½ minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Mike Santana

Analysis: ***1/4 They delivered a hard-hitting and fun match, even though there was no story behind it. That German suplex from the top was impressive. Santana is on the verge of a push so he gets the win here.

Matt Rehwoldt and Tom Hannifan were going through some of the events throughout the week promoting Slammiversary and there was a fan behind them blowing a horn loudly so the security escorted him away, which was funny.

Match #4: The Rascalz vs NXT’s No Quarter Catch Crew

It’s great to see Wes Lee back in TNA. The Rascalz were dressed in Buzz Lightyear ring gear. They wrestled on NXT last week. Myles Borne and Trey Miguel started the match off. Borne quickly tagged in Dempsey and Wes Lee wanted in. The two NXT guys squared off. Lee hit a headlock takedown and spun Dempsey around using his legs which is a bit ridiculous if you were a casual fan. Wentz tagged in and hit a Bronco Buster for 1. Dempsey fought back with an upper cut and tagged in Tavion Heights. Heights nailed a big German suplex. Wentz blocked a corner attack and hit an hurricanrana. He went for another one but Heights caught him and tossed him in the air, crashing down to the mat. Heights hit a gut wrench suplex for 1. Dempsey tagged back in and hit his own gut wrench suplex for 2. Wentz rolled through and tagged in Miguel who hit a double stomp on Dempsey’s back. He tripped Dempsey up and went to the top but Borne shoved him off and Dempsey caught him to turn it into a Fallaway slam. Wow. Dempsey hit a backbreaker for 2. He stretched Miguel out and tagged in Heights who hit a big stomp. Heights hit a massive clothesline off the ropes and nailed Miguel with some forearms. He went off the ropes and hit another huge clothesline that turned Miguel inside-out. That was impressive. Borne tagged in and Heights tossed Miguel onto his tag partner’s knee. He went to work with body shots on Miguel in the corner. Miguel blocked a corner attack with his elbow. He ran at Borne who caught him with a Fallaway slam into the bottom rope! Miguel clutched at his hamstring so Borne went to work with stomps to that area. Heights tagged back in and hit a suplex. He slowed the pace of the match down with a sleeper hold. Miguel was grounded so Heights turned it into a cover and got a 2 count. He hit a clothesline on Miguel against the ropes and another one. Miguel ducked under a 3rd clothesline and hit a Pele kick. Lee got into the match and Heights tagged in Dempsey. Borne came in for interference but Lee hit him with a double stomp. Lee hit a superkick on Dempsey in the corner, then an enziguiri. He followed up with a DDT for a 2 count. On the outside, Heights took Wentz off the apron. Lee was measuring Dempsey for a handspring elbow but Heights went into the ring and caught Lee in mid-air. Heights slammed Lee in the corner and put him in the Tree of Woe. Dempsey hit Lee with a hard knee lift and Borne followed up with a dropkick. Heights made the cover (I missed that tag) for 2. Heights tagged in Dempsey. Lee fought Heights off and tagged Miguel in. Wentz and Miguel double-teamed Dempsey with kick. Miguel went for the Lightning Spiral but Dempsey countered into a Dragon Suplex with a bridge. The referee counted the 2 but Lee floated through the air with a Frog Splash to break up the pin! Wentz tried a dive on the outside but Heights caught him. Lee tried his luck and took down both Heights and Borne with his own dive. Miguel wanted a handspring moonsault but Dempsey moved and hit a neckbreaker. He locked in a nasty-looking neck wrench submission. Heights had Wentz in a sleeper but Lee came in and nailed Borne (who was just standing there whilst his team mates had submissions locked in) with a superkick. Wentz hit a neckbreaker on Heights, who fell on top of Dempsey to break his submission on Miguel. Heights and Wentz tagged in. Wentz side-stepped an oncoming Heights attack in the corner. He nailed an enziguiri and he and Miguel hit Soup Kitchen from the top rope. Miguel took out Borne and Dempsey with a dive over the top. Lee and Wentz hit the Fire and the Flame on Heights for the win after 15 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: The Rascalz

Analysis: ***3/4 That was a terrific six-man tag match between two teams with very different styles. The athletic, high-flying Rascalz had to overcome the technical wrestlers from NXT and they eventually wore them down. That was probably the safest pick of the evening.

Match #5: Street Fight for the TNA Digital Media Championship: AJ Francis (c) w/ Rich Swann & DJ Whoo Kid vs PCO

There was a third dude with AJ called Bishop but I missed his first name. AJ bought another championship and is parading it around with him, as if he won it. They have changed this to a street fight because that’s where PCO’s strengths lie. You aren’t getting a technical masterpiece out of him so you might as well make it fun, which is the style he wrestles. Francis had a steel chair and hit PCO over the back twice to start the match. PCO punched the chair and clotheslined Francis out of the ring. He did his crazy dive between the ropes which always has me worried. PCO hit the Deanimator on the ring apron. Swann helped AJ up which gave time for PCO to hit the PCO Sault to the outside. He’s mad. Swann attacked PCO from behind. PCO confronted him but AJ came to the rescue with a big kick. Swann and AJ set up two tables on the outside. AJ wanted a chokeslam but PCO blocked it with a right hand. He swatted Swann away. They went back into the ring but AJ bailed again and went under the ring for a trash can, which he clobbered PCO with. AJ tossed another trash can into the ring. He tossed PCO into the corner and hit a splash. AJ hit a running knee strike in the corner and flipped over the top rope, clipping and breaking a part of the table in comical fashion. The fans let him know. He does not have a great history with the ring ropes. Francis threw a number of chairs in the ring. He put the trash can over PCOs head and bashed him with the steel chair. You could see that PCO’s head was nowhere near where AJ hit which is nice and safe. AJ continued to hit PCO with chair shots. He choked PCO with the chair on the mat. AJ put the chair on top of PCO and hit a running leg drop for 2. He put PCO on top of his shoulders and tried to launch him off through the tables on the outside. PCO fought off and hit two clotheslines which rocked the big man. A third clothesline took Francis off his feet. PCO went for the PCO Sault but Francis was quick to stop him. He put PCO on his shoulders and hit the Electric Chair Drop on the stack of chairs for a close 2 count. The crowd was starting to get on Francis’ nerves. Francis went to the top rope but PCO picked him up and launched him threw the two tables on the outside! Sawdust everywhere! Francis’ cronies came down to the ring and Bishop nailed PCO with 2 chair shots. He set up 2 chairs next to each other and hit the Razor’s Edge with PCO’s back landing on the back of the chair. There’s no way that doesn’t hurt. Sami Callihan came down to ringside with his baseball bat. Swann cut him off and nailed him with the bat and a superkick. Bishop just walked off to the back. Swann tossed Callihan in the ring and was about to hit him again with the baseball bat but Rhino made his return and hit the Gore on Swann. That still looks impressive and I still mark out every time. It just needs Paul Heyman’s primal screaming on commentary. PCO came back to life and picked up AJ Francis amongst the pieces of the broken tables. PCO went to the top rope and nailed the PCO Sault for a ridiculously close 2 count. Great nearfall. AJ hit a thumb to the eye and a Tombstone Piledriver. He even did the Undertaker style pin but PCO kicked out! Francis went for the Down Payment but PCO blocked it and hit a chokeslam onto the pile of chairs. PCO nailed the PCO Sault again and this time he put Francis away to win the championship after 14 minutes.

Winner by pinfall AND NEW TNA Digital Media Champion: PCO

Analysis: ***1/2 That was scrappy and messy so I can’t rate it too highly but it was the most fun match of the night so far. PCO is an absolute favourite of the TNA fans so it’s good to see him capture some gold. There were some painful looking spots in that match so kudos to both men. AJ Francis has turned from SmackDown joke to one of TNA’s most entertaining members of the roster in the last 6 months so I’m glad for him. I think he and Swann will go on to challenge for the tag titles later this year and hopefully win them because their act is great.

After the match, Steph De Lander went down to the ring and proposed to PCO.

Analysis: This gets even more silly. Good for PCO. She only wants him for his gold!

Match #6: TNA Knockouts’ Championship: Jordynne Grace (c) vs Ash-by-Elegance

I am very interested to see how this one turns out. If Ash loses, she has nowhere to go but down and what will Grace do if she loses the title? She is still contracted to TNA until January. Ash tried a quick roll up and got a 1 count. She avoided a back suplex and raked the back of Grace. Grace avoided a head scissors and nailed a suplex and a back elbow. She chopped Ash hard and hit a spinebuster for 2. They showed Rosemary watching creepily from the crowd. George Iceman held Grace’s leg as she ran the ropes. The referee ejected him. Rosemary walked down the aisle and grabbed Iceman but he slipped off her shoulders. She pulled a knife from her shoe and chased Iceman up the ramp. Okay that went from silly to attempted murder. Ash knocked Grace down on the outside. She stood on Grace on the ring apron and jumped up and down on her spine as if it was a trampoline. Ash hit a neckbreaker against the top rope for a 2 count. She tried a Bear Hug which you rarely see in a match between two lean athletes. Ash hit a backstabber from the corner and then trapped Grace in a body scissors. Grace got to her feet and fell back down on top of Ash to break the hold. She hit two scoop slams and a back elbow in the corner. Grace hit the Muscle Buster for 2. She wanted the Juggernaut Driver but Ash powered out and hit a Tornado DDT for 2. Ash tried to suplex Grace into the ring ropes but Grace over powered her and tossed her on the top rope. She chopped Ash so hard that she visibly winced in pain. Grace rammed Ash’s head into her knee. She hit a ridiculous stalling superplex and bounced straight into the Jackhammer for a close nearfall. Great sequence. Grace hit a corner clothesline and tried to whip Ash across the ring but Ash blocked it. Grace mounted her with right hands across the back. She went for the Juggernaut Driver but Ash countered it into a Stundog Millionaire. Ash hit the Canadian Destroyer. She went for Rarefied Air but Grace blocked it with her knees. Ash countered a Death Valley Driver attempt and hit a spinning neckbreaker. She went back to the top rope but Grace cut her off. Grace pummelled her with headbutts but Ash started biting Grace’s arm. Ash hit the Sliced Bread from the second rope and crawled towards the cover but Grace kicked out. Ash tried a single-leg crab but Grace kicked her off. She locked in a sleeper hold with Ash trapped on the mat. Ash floated over and almost stole the win. Grace levelled Ash with a huge clothesline. Ash avoided a powerbomb and hit a number of kicks. She countered the Juggernaut Driver again and got a 2 count. Grace hit a pop-up back fist and a gut wrench powerbomb. She nailed an emphatic Juggernaut Driver for the win after 13 minutes.

Winner by pinfall AND STILL TNA Knockouts’ Champion: Ash-by-Elegance

Analysis: ***3/4 That was a great match with lots of really good nearfalls and counter wrestling. Ash countered the Juggernaut Driver in about 5-6 different ways and each of them were very effective. It was an impressive showing by her. Something that probably confuses the viewers is the style that she wrestles. She is a heel and does a lot of high-flying and athletic moves that would be useful for popping a crowd as a face. Then, without targeting any body parts throughout the match, she goes for a Boston Crab about 10 minutes into the match. Once she sorts out some of these things then I think she will be more believable and credible as a top-tier Knockout. But without Iceman at ringside, she looked a lot more focused and could hone in on the wrestling as opposed to trying to cheat a lot. I thought she did really well here. Grace was great as always and her 6-month reign continues with no stopping in sight.

We have now had 6 matches with no real surprises except for the returns of Hammerstone and Rhino in minor roles. The wrestling has been good but nothing has made the show amazing or anything like that so far.

Match #7: TNA X-Division Championship: Mustafa Ali (c) w/ Campaign Singh vs Mike Bailey

This has been a slow burn yet very engaging feud. I have loved Ali’s run in TNA. He is easily their wrestler of the year so far. The crowd was firmly behind the Canadian, Bailey. Ali hit a snapmare early and a running head scissors. He mocked Bailey and copped a kick to the chest. Bailey nailed a running chop in the corner and swept Ali’s legs out from under him. Ali blocked a kick by chopping Bailey’s calf, which I haven’t seen before. He dodged a few kicks and then Bailey knocked Ali down on the apron. Singh distracted Bailey so Ali attacked him from behind. Ali chopped Bailey against the ring ropes. He avoided Bailey’s handspring elbow but Bailey connected with some kicks. Ali boxed Bailey’s ears and bailed to the outside. Bailey dived through the middle ropes and hit a hurricanrana. He hit a moonsault to the outside and the crowd was as loud as it’s been all night. He kissed his wife, Veda Scott, at ringside. Ali took advantage with a Tornado DDT on the floor. Ali taunted Veda, then hit a rolling neckbreaker for 2. He hit a snapmare and then wrenched at the neck of Bailey in the centre of the ring. Bailey got to his feet but Ali knocked him down with knee strikes. Bailey blocked a corner attack but Ali sandwiched him in the middle ropes and hit a kick to the back. Ali hit a twisting Flatliner, like Sister Abigail, for 2. Nice move. The crowd was all over Ali so he told them to shove it. Bailey avoided the 450 Splash and hit a thrust kick as Ali was looking for a springboard cutter. Bailey went to work with kicks all over Ali. He tried a running SSP but Ali moved. Bailey hit a Falcon Arrow in the corner. He went to the top and nailed the Shooting Star Press for a close nearfall. Ali rolled to the ring apron so Bailey went for a double knee stomp and missed. Ali hit a superkick. They battled on the top rope and Bailey hit a Spanish Fly, taking Ali down on top of his entire crew at ringside. That was clever. Bailey tossed Ali back into the ring but Ali connected with a big punt to the chest. They exchanged right hands and Bailey got on top of that exchange. Ali blocked a kick and tried a Sunset Flip for 2. He tried a roll up with his feet on the ropes but the referee caught him cheating. Bailey got a 2 count with an inside cradle. Ali missed a baseball slide so Bailey nailed him with a moonsault from the middle rope to the outside. Bailey took way too long setting up Ultima Weapon so Ali hit him with a knee to the face. Ali set him up in the corner and hit a superkick. He hit a spinning neckbreaker where Bailey landed on Ali’s knee. Ali went for the 450 but Bailey rolled out of the way. Bailey measured him for Ultima Weapon but again Ali was too quick and cut him off. Bailey nailed him with a ridiculous Poisonrana from the top rope. He finally connected with the Ultima Weapon for the 3 count but in holding Ali’s leg in the cover, Bailey inadvertently placed it on the bottom rope. The referee noticed it and told Bailey the pinfall didn’t count. Bailey’s music even started to play! Bailey pulled Ali away from the ropes and got a close 2 count. Ali used a backslide to almost steal the win. Bailey went for a big kick but Ali pulled the referee in the way and Bailey obliterated him. That was awesome. Ali laughed and backed into the corner. The Secret Service surrounded the ring. Bailey destroyed them all on Thursday. Singh came in and clobbered Bailey over the head with the championship. The agents held Bailey down and Ali hit the 450 Splash. He hit a second one and the referee slowly crawled to count the pin. He counted 2 and then someone in a helmet pulled the referee out of the ring to prevent the hand coming down for 3! It was Trent Seven, Bailey’s tag team partner getting payback on Ali. Seven destroyed the Secret Service and hit Singh with a DDT on the floor. Ali hit a diving spear on Seven through the ropes. He got a steel chair and smashed it over Seven’s injured knee. Ali cracked Bailey over the back with the chair. He signalled for a new referee and it was Earl Hebner hobbling down to ringside. Hebner is no stranger to controversy in Canada. He slowly got into the ring in his TNA referee shirt. It seemed like Hebner was in Ali’s pocket. Ali locked in the Sharpshooter and Hebner was about to call for the screwy finish but looked to the fans on what to do. Hebner told Ali he couldn’t do it. Ali was furious. Bailey kicked the chair out of Ali’s hand and it ricocheted into Hebner, knocking him down comically. I don’t think that was meant to happen. Bailey locked in the Sharpshooter in the centre of the ring and Ali tapped out. Bailey won the championship after 21 minutes.

Winner by pinfall AND TNA X-Division Champion: Mike Bailey

Analysis: ***1/2 That was on-track for Match of the Year until the last 5 minutes which were an absolute mess. They ruined a perfectly excellent match to give Earl Hebner some kind of redemption it seems, which is absurd. All the interference was expected but I hated the referee stuff. The first 15 minutes were flat out brilliant. I loved it. And then the overbooked, Scott D’Amore esque finishing sequence will go down as disappointment of the year for me so far. What a shame.

Bailey celebrated after the match. The fans absolutely loved it. Santino Marella was clapping backstage. George Iceman wanted Marella to do something about Ash getting another shot at the KO title. Hammerstone interrupted and he was furious after losing to Eric Young. Marella made Jordynne Grace & Eric Young vs Ash & ‘Hammer Town’ for Thursday’s show.

Analysis: Those feuds continue which is fine.

Match #8: 6-Man Elimination Match for the TNA World Championship: Moose (c) vs Frankie Kazarian vs Steve Maclin vs Josh Alexander vs Nic Nemeth vs Joe Hendry

The tricky thing about booking elimination matches, especially in a main event with 6 top talent, is that someone has to be out first and second. That’s just a fact. Is it time to pull the trigger on Joe Hendry? It’s out of him or Moose for me. The video package and entrances took almost 13 minutes. There were three dudes dressed up as Joe Hendry at ringside and they looked great. Everyone attacked Moose as the match began. Then everyone took their shot at Kaz. Hendry hit a stalling suplex as everyone watched. Nemeth and Hendry squared off. Maclin clotheslined Alexander over the top rope. There are 6 months of feuds in singles matches between these 6 guys if they booked new matches. Hendry went to the outside and hit a stalling suplex on Moose. The Joe Hendry guys yelled out ‘Good job, buddy!’ and there were empty beer cans on the floor. I think many beers were consumed by this crowd, gauging by their energy all night. Hendry went back into the ring and tossed Nemeth out, ring on top of Moose. Kaz tried to roll up Hendry and got a 2 count. He tossed Hendry out. Alexander and Maclin double teamed Kaz with clotheslines in the corner. Alexander hit a backbreaker and set up Maclin for a diving knee to Kaz. Maclin and Alexander pushed each other. Alexander hit a German suplex. He nailed Hendry and Kaz with one, then Nemeth. Moose missed a clothesline, so he copped a German. Alexander suplexed Maclin 10 times! He pinned him with a bridge but Maclin just kicked out. Alexander German suplexed both Kaz and Nemeth at the same time. Moose nailed him with a Pump Kick. He stomped on Alexander. Nemeth tried for a superkick but Moose caught his leg. Nemeth still hit a headbutt and a neckbreaker. He hit a dropkick on Alexander. Nemeth hit his 10 elbow drops on Moose. Moose rolled out of the ring to avoid the pin so Nemeth hit an elbow drop from the apron. Kaz kicked Alexander out of the ring and he was all alone. Nemeth tried to get back in but Kaz stomped him with a leg drop using the ropes. Kaz nailed a slingshot cutter on Alexander and then one on Maclin. Moose did his ridiculously athletic step up dive from the top rope but Kaz caught him with a cutter in mid-air. Hendry battled Kaz with upper cuts. Kaz tried a Crossface Chicken Wing but Hendry powered out. Kaz went for a crossbody but Hendry did his best Samoa Joe impression and moved. Hannifan acknowledged that. Maclin clobbered Hendry from behind and sent him out of the ring. Maclin hit a big clothesline off the ropes to Kaz. Maclin tossed Moose to the outside and then hit a flying forearm to the outside. He hit one to Hendry on the opposite side. Maclin went back into the ring but Alexander caught him with a rolling senton. Maclin hung he and Nemeth up in the Tree of Woe. He dived out of the ring and took out Moose again. Maclin hit a Busaiku Knee on Nemeth and a backbreaker on Hendry. He nailed Alexander with an Olympic Slam. Maclin hit his running spear on Kaz in the corner. He went for the KIA but Moose nailed him with the spear to eliminate him.

Steve Maclin has been eliminated.

The first elimination came after ten minutes so at least Maclin got a decent amount of time in the match. So far it has pretty much been each guy taking his turn to dominate with no really memorable spots. Maclin flipped off the crowd as he left. Kaz offered Moose a treaty but the champ nailed him with a Uranage. Moose stomped on Hendry in the corner. He hit a pump kick on Alexander, then kicked Nemeth to the outside. Hendry tried to fight back but Moose clobbered him down. Moose avoided the Standing Ovation and nailed Hendry with a powerbomb. Nemeth went for a Fame Asser but Moose caught him with a Buckle Bomb. Alexander tried chopping Moose down but Moose tossed him into the corner and hit a big dropkick. Moose wanted a superplex but stumbled a little before hitting the move and popping up into a powerbomb. Moose covered Alexander for a 2 count. He charged at Kaz, who sent him over the top rope. Kaz tried for a hurricanrana over the top but Moose caught him and powerbombed him on the ring apron. Nemeth hit Moose with a superkick and Hendry took Nemeth down with a cutter on the floor. Alexander hit his running crossbody to knock Kaz off the apron. He chopped Kaz, then Moose on the entrance ramp. Hendry and Nemeth exchanged right hands. All 5 men were brawling away from the ring. Hendry turned his attention to Kaz. The crowd were chanting for Hendry so he got distracted and Kaz hit him with a cheap shot. Alexander wanted a C4 Spike on Moose but the champ back body dropped him. Moose head butted Hendry as they battled near the edge of the stage. Kaz picked up Nemeth and wanted to give him the Fade to Black off the stage but Nemeth broke free. Kaz ran at him but Nemeth dodged and hit a superkick on Kaz, who went crashing through the table on the floor. The lighting was pretty bad that you couldn’t really tell that there was a table there until they zoomed in. Moose dragged the other 3 men down to the ringside area. He tossed Nemeth and Alexander back into the ring. Moose gave Alexander a Uranage with ease. He picked up Nemeth and nailed him with one, on top of Alexander. Hendry got back into the ring and confronted Moose. He nailed him with a cutter for 2. Moose sells that so well. Alexander went for a C4 Spike but Hendry caught him with a Fallaway Slam. Hendry kipped up and hit one on Nemeth. He hit Moose with a corner clothesline and a Fallaway Slam. Hendry kipped up again and the crowd was right behind him. Moose kipped up and hit a kick on Hendry. Moose hit a spear on Nemeth and Alexander. He measured Hendry, who rolled him up for 2. Hendry tried a backslide but Moose powered out. Moose went for a powerbomb but Hendry countered with a hurricanrana. Moose nailed a pump kick and ran the ropes, but Hendry sent him inside-out with a clothesline. Hendry called for the Standing Ovation and nailed Moose with it to eliminate him! Wow, what a shocker!

Moose has been eliminated.

The champion has been eliminated! Surely now, it’s Joe’s time. I thought even if Hendry won, then Moose would be the final elimination. Hendry tried for the Standing Ovation on Alexander, who hit him with a low blow! The crowd hated that! Alexander nailed Hendry with a massive C4 Spike to eliminate him! Alexander heel turn?

Joe Hendry has been eliminated.

That was awesome! I love Hendry but heel Alexander will be great. Alexander mounted Hendry and slapped the taste out of his mouth. He called Hendry a joke. He pummelled Hendry with right hands. The referee tried to get him to stop but he shoved referee Daniel Spencer to the ground. Nemeth came back in the ring but Alexander hit a backbreaker. Alexander wanted the C4 Spike but Nemeth rolled over for a 2 count. Alexander levelled him with a big forearm. He hit a spinning powerbomb for 2. Alexander was bleeding from the forehead. The fans booed loudly. They made some very un-PG chants. Hannifan was questioning everything he knew about Alexander. Nemeth fought out of the C4 Spike. He hit a splash in the corner and went for a second one but Alexander tossed him against the top rope. Alexander targeted the injured shoulder of Nemeth. Nemeth broke free with an arm drag and then a jumping DDT. There was still no sign of Kaz. Nemeth fired up with right hands. Alexander backed him into the corner. He caught a superkick attempt. Nemeth broke free of a C4 Spike attempt and nailed him with a superkick to eliminate him.

Josh Alexander has been eliminated.

Kaz snuck in and nailed Nemeth with the Fade to Black. He covered but Nemeth kicked out at the very last second! Kaz couldn’t believe it. He caught a superkick attempt and locked in the Chicken Wing in the very centre of the ring. Nemeth was trapped but he rolled over and turned it into a pin to break the submission. Kaz countered a jumping DDT attempt but Nemeth nailed a superkick for a very close nearfall. Nemeth wanted the Danger Zone but Kaz held the top rope to avoid it and almost won it with a sunset flip. Kaz hit a back stabber but Nemeth stumbled up into a superkick. Nemeth nailed the Danger Zone and crawled to the cover, 1…2…3! Nemeth has climbed to the top of the mountain again! The match went 31 minutes.

Winner AND NEW TNA World Champion: Nic Nemeth

Analysis:**** There was a lot to cover there but for all the twists and turns, 4 stars feels right. I thought it was a pretty predictable match going in, with really only Hendry and Moose a chance as the winners. Then they teased us with Hendry eliminating Moose, only to succumb to the heel turn of Josh Alexander. From there, it looks pretty obvious that a freshly turned Alexander will surely win and go on a title rampage with this new character but Nemeth takes him out then beats Kaz. Nemeth said he was coming for the World Title in January and, despite seeming like he was out of the title picture through a little tag team run there, has done it. I’m happy for him. The match was a lot of fun and structured in a fairly basic way. They kept the action pretty much around the ringside area except for a bit of brawling on the ramp. That makes sense because TNA don’t have the camera resources that say AEW or WWE would have at their disposal. I’m glad that there wasn’t a pinfall until about the 10-minute mark. That ensured we got a lot of action involving the 6 guys. As I mentioned before, it’s always going to be difficult to work out who goes out early but I think they gave us a few surprises with Moose eliminated second and then Hendry straight away. It was a great main event.

The show ends with a happy moment for the fans with the Nemeth brothers celebrating in the ring. The other champions came to the ring to celebrate with Nemeth. Mike Bailey wasn’t there but perhaps he was getting checked by medical.

Final Rating: 7.5/10

It was a show that was really built-up well but it probably fell a little short of my expectations going in. The main event was chaotic and surprising, and for that reason (as well as 31-minutes of quality wrestling) it was my favourite match of the night. The Knockouts’ Championship match exceeded my expectations. The heel turn of Josh Alexander was fantastic, and I would’ve been even happier if it led to him winning the title. It almost felt like a waste but now they can have a feud between him and Hendry. It wasn’t quite the time for Joe here. I would rather he won it in a big singles match. They will keep building him up with sympathy and hopefully that doesn’t extinguish his momentum. I think those tuning in to see him in NXT are not necessarily going to watch him in TNA so that won’t hurt him too much. Those fans will look forward to what he does on NXT next.

I thought Ash hung at Grace’s level and wrestled a solid match. The 6-man tag between NXT and TNA was also very good, as was the Tag Team Championship win for the ABC. All of the champions in TNA are now faces, except for the KO’s Tag Team Champions. I expected some surprises, so I was disappointed in that regard. Jordynne Grace in a promo even said to expect some big surprises but unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. It was still a really good night for TNA and hopefully another opportunity to take advantage of. They have a good roster and the product is strong right now.

Any feedback or comments are welcome. My email address is in case anybody wants to get in touch with me and my Twitter/X handle is @thomok6 as well. Thanks for reading!