TNA Impact Review – September 5, 2024
This week’s TNA Impact main event was a big tag team match as The System faced Joe Hendry & Mike Santana, and Jordynne Grace faced a WWE NXT wrestler.
The opening video focused on Friday’s Emergence monthly special. It was a good show but lacked some booking awareness, such as having the heel challenger, Josh Alexander chasing a 2-0 deficit against the face champion, Nic Nemeth, in the Ironman main event. I gave that match **** as the best of the night but left feeling that it should’ve been better.
TNA Impact 5.9.24 from Old Forester’s Paristown Hall: Louisville, Kentucky
The System Reboot
The System made their way to the ring after their 8-man tag team success at Emergence. Alisha Edwards suffered a concussion in her 6-woman tag match but she was out there which was good to see. This was taped the night after Emergence. Masha Slamovich joined them, but from a distance. Straight after Emergence went off the air, Moose announced that he was invoking his rematch clause for Victory Road. Moose vs Nic Nemeth II should be great. Alisha took the microphone and the crowd responded appropriately. Her voice is literally headache-inducing. Eddie Edwards thankfully took over. The crowd was very loud and he was hard to hear at times. He said despite the fans wanting The System to fail, that’s not happening and they have had a reboot. Edwards said it was time to get back their championships. Brian Myers said he and Eddie would be using their contractual rematch for Victory Road. This card is already better than Emergence. JDC told the fans to shut up. Moose said he, as the face of the franchise, had important things to say. He addressed Nemeth. Moose told Nemeth he had never beaten him. The fans gave him the ‘What’ treatment. I hate that crap. Moose said he would become champion for the 4th time. He told JDC that if he and Moose win their tag match in the main event, then JDC will become an official System member. If they lose, JDC is out. Alisha took the mic again Spitfire interrupted her. Jody Threat wanted to get into the ring but Dani Luna held her back. Luna said it was unfortunate what happened to Alisha, but the truth is that they still lost at Emergence. Threat said at Victory Road they get one last shot at the Knockouts Tag Titles and if they lose, then Spitfire will break up. Alisha accepted and said if she wasn’t cleared to wrestle then she could find a replacement.
Analysis: There was a lot in that opening segment and the crowd reaction to The System is still strong. TNA shot themselves in the foot by booking another big show just two weeks after Emergence so they have to scramble to fill a card in two weekly episodes. They have done well to set up 3 matches in one segment and all of those are worthy of a monthly show.
Gia Miller was backstage with Eric Young. She said it was a big night at Emergence but Young ultimately came up short. Young said he respects Maclin going forward. He said he is moving on to face Jake Something tonight.
Analysis: Short and sweet. Turn Young heel and make him interesting again.
There was a recap of the end of Emergence when John Bradshaw Layfield showed up and whispered something to Nic Nemeth. I wonder when the follow up to that will be.
Match #1: Kushida vs Laredo Kid
The commentators are calling his an ‘X-Division Showcase’ which is code for that fact that the writers are too lazy to give either guy a storyline. Kushida is so wasted in TNA at this point. It was fast and furious from the outset. Kid hit a running head scissors that took Kushida to the outside. Kushida avoided a sunset flip and hit a dropkick to the face. He kicked Kid out of the ring and ran the ropes, but Kid snuck back in quickly and hit his own dropkick. Josh Alexander came out randomly and clotheslined Kid, causing the disqualification. The match lasted 2 minutes.
Winner by disqualification: Laredo Kid (or maybe a no-contest)
Analysis: * That was stupid. This is how they should’ve booked Alexander a month ago.
Alexander destroyed Laredo Kid with a C4 Spike. He put Kushida in the ankle lock. Security and referees went down to the ring to wave at Alexander. Alexander relinquished the hold and he left the ring.
Analysis: Alexander should’ve gone full blown crazy there and assaulted the referees and security. Shame.
Kushida took a microphone and wanted a match with Alexander. He chased him up the ramp and hit a dropkick. Santino Marella granted the match from backstage.
Match #2: Kushida vs Josh Alexander
They went to a commercial break straight away. TNA have decided to treat this as a throwaway match, rather than a potential main event. Kushida hit a German suplex and went for the Hoverboard Lock. Alexander rolled to the ring apron and they broke the hold. They fought on the ramp but Alexander rammed Kushida into the ring apron. He repeated the dose. Alexander took off his ring jacket and choked Kushida with it. Not sure why that’s not a DQ, too. Alexander chopped Kushida repeatedly in the corner. Kushida faced up to Alexander but copped a big kick in the face. Alexander nailed a big backbreaker for 2. Kushida bounced up for a Pele Kick but Alexander caught his foot in the ankle lock. Kushida rolled through and Alexander’s face bounced off the middle turnbuckle. He locked in the Hover Board lock but Alexander lifted Kushida up and turned it into a Brainbuster! Alexander refused to cover Kushida. Kushida rolled out of the C4 Spike attempt and almost snuck a pinfall win. Alexander launched Kushida across the ring with a German suplex. He went back to the anklelock in the centre of the ring. Alexander let go of the hold and nailed a devastating C4 Spike for the win after 6 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Josh Alexander
Match Rating: *** It was great action for the time given and Kushida has a bit of an out after being attacked before the bell. I wish they were given 20 minutes though. That C4 Spike is a damn scary-looking move.
Kushida was helped to the back by the referee. Joe Hendry provided some assistance. Alexander walked up and got in Hendry’s face. Hendry wondered if this what the ‘Walking Weapon’ was all about now- hurting wrestlers unprovoked. Hendry said he will never forget what Alexander did to him at Slammiversary.
Analysis: It looks like they’re picking that feud up again after doing absolutely nothing about it over the last 2 months.
Match #3: TNA Knockouts’ Championship Open Challenge: Jordynne Grace (c) vs ?
Creative is so bad that Grace is reduced to open challenges rather than a feud. At least she’s on NXT this week, too, so we get a double dose of her. Arianna Grace, who is Santino’s daughter, came out. She said it wasn’t her answering the challenge but she is now the liaison between TNA and NXT. That sounds pretty cool and they’re making it an official collaboration. Grace introduced Karmen Petrovic as Jordynne’s challenger. Petrovic is making her name in NXT with some good performances lately, but she’s not a big established star in the division or an overly recognised name on the brand.
Analysis: The thing about this TNA vs NXT crossover is that, yes, I certainly agree that TNA wrestlers are benefiting from it by being in big matches in front of more television screens and a live audience. But, is it making TNA’s product better? You’d be hard to argue that it was. TNA has sent NXT Hendry (multiple occasions), Grace and The Rascalz who are all towards the top-tier of their talent, whilst NXT has sent lower-level talent in Riley Osborne and Charlie Dempsey, along with women’s talent who wouldn’t even be in their top ten wrestlers. It’s cool and all but I still think WWE should be sending more recognised talent if they want TNA audiences to treat this seriously or get excited.
Petrovic got a few kicks in early. She tried a sleeper but Grace backed her into the corner. Rosemary watched from the bleachers. Grace sent Petrovic into the ropes and into a spinebuster for 2. She put Petrovic in a front-face lock and spun her around like Castagnoli does in AEW with his big spin. Grace backed Petrovic into the corner and hit repeated corner spears. Petrovic turned a tricky situation into a sunset flip pin, then locked in a submission. Grace powered up from the mat and into the Electric Chair Drop. That’s so impressive, even on a light opponent. Petrovic fought back with kicks but Grace hit a scoop slam and another. She fought out of a third scoop slam attempt and hit another kick for a 1 count. Grace hit the World’s Strongest Slam but missed the Vader Bomb. Petrovic hit a spinning kick to the neck and a bulldog for a 2 count. Grace avoided another kick and caught Petrovic with a hard powerbomb for a close 2 count. Grace missed a clothesline in the corner so Petrovic hit her with repeated kicks, then a spinning heel kick for 2. Petrovic likes to kick a lot. Petrovic blocked a Juggernaut Driver attempt. The camera continuously panning to Rosemary was annoying me. Grace hit a spinning backfist then blocked a kick and sent Petrovic to the mat. She wanted a superplex but Petrovic knocked her from the top and connected with a crossbody. Petrovic went for a spinning clothesline but Grace ducked and nailed the Juggernaut Driver for the win after 8 minutes.
Winner by pinfall AND STILL TNA Knockouts’ Champion: Jordynne Grace
Analysis: **1/2 It was an okay match but obvious that they hadn’t faced each other before as there were a few repeated spots and Petrovic didn’t have a lot of offense apart from her kicks.
After the match, the lights went out briefly and Grace was then down and out in the ring. There was a pillow next to her. Rosemary was seen laughing from the rafters.
Analysis: I guess that’s a Wendy Choo reference. She just lost a match in her reboot to NXT, so there’s another low-level talent for Grace to beat. Thankfully, TNA is starting to get the idea and has just signed Heather Reckless and I believe (but not confirmed) former WWE talent Xia Li.
ABC cut a pre-taped promo about winning the Tag Team Championships at Slammiversary. They said that was when The System started going downhill. First Class interrupted and showed us that it wasn’t taped, they just had a filter on the video. AJ Francis said ABC should be focused on First Class. Ace Austin told AJ that they already beaten them on Friday. Francis reminded him that he had the match won but he just wasn’t the legal man. Chris Bey reminded AJ how tag team wrestling worked. He offered First Class another shot next week.
Analysis: I enjoyed their match at Emergence so I’m all for a rematch, even though I still think it will be the same result.
Let’s Hear from the New X-Division Champion Zachary Wentz
Zachary Wentz made his way to ringside solo. Wentz won the X-Division title in Ultimate X on Friday. He and Trey Miguel are now #1 Contenders for the NXT Tag Team titles. Wentz said he has had a lot of ups and downs over the last two years but now he’s at the top of the X-Division. Mike Bailey interrupted and his face almost showed some kind of emotion but I’m not sure he’s capable of that. Bailey offered his congratulations. He enacted his rematch clause for Victory Road. Bailey and Wentz shook hands. The Good Hands interrupted. They did the usual trash the fans routine. John Skyler said the real Ultimate X hero was Jason Hotch. Skyler walked around the ring with the mic, which allowed Hotch to attack Bailey and Wentz from behind. The referee ran down to the ring and it looks like we have a match on now.
Match #4: Zachary Wentz & Mike Bailey vs The Good Hands
Bailey and Wentz ran into the ring and nailed superkicks in stereo that sent Hotch and Skyler to the outside. They followed up with dives to the outside. Bailey and Hotch started the match off legally. Skyler made a blind tag and took down Bailey from behind. He tossed Bailey into the corner and tagged Hotch back in. Bailey avoided a corner attack and nailed a dropkick. Hotch tagged in and took Wentz off the apron. He tossed Bailey hard into the middle rope. Skyler hit a cheap kick, then Hotch tried a rolling neckbreaker and missed. Skyler ran in but Bailey put him on top of Hotch and nailed a double knee stomp. Bailey made the tag to Wentz and lit up Skyler with kicks. He nailed a running knee in the corner and a running SSP but Hotch broke up the pin just before 3. Bailey tossed Hotch to the floor. He nailed a diving moonsault to the outside. He taunted Skyler from the outside, so Wentz rolled him up and almost got the 3. Skyler tried his own pin and used the ropes, but Bailey kicked him to break it up. Wentz hit a Pump Kick then the UFO Cutter for the win after 4 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Mike Bailey & Zachary Wentz
Analysis: ** That was just a quick match that’s done so many times where they put face opponents on the same tag team to show that they can work together. It should be a terrific match at Victory Road.
There were highlights from NXT of Rosemary and Wendy Choo working together. Rosemary cut a creepy vignette inside a cage. She was talking to herself a lot and asking ‘What does she want?’
Analysis: At least it’s not a Decay tag team match. Rosemary is at least trying to be interesting in a division that is just devoid of numbers at the moment.
Steph de Lander Speaks
SDL called out Matt Cardona immediately. She questioned Cardona’s motives. Cardona said he owed SDL an apology. He said he was sorry…that he didn’t crash the wedding earlier. Cardona said he’s sorry that she embarrassed herself and him in front of the entire world. SDL said she was sick of the disrespect and that Cardona doesn’t own her. Cardona pulled a contract out of his pocket. He said he’s responsible for Steph becoming a star, booking her all over the world and getting her into TNA. Cardona said he owns SDL. SDL said Cardona did help her a lot and she thanks him for that. She said she put herself on the map by working hard and having great matches. SDL said the contract means nothing. Cardona said the lawyers have a copy of the contract so throwing it on the mat does nothing. He backed SDL into the corner and berated her. PCO finally came out and sauntered to the ring. Cardona put SDL in front of him and ran out of the ring like a coward.
Analysis: That wasn’t very interesting and there hasn’t been much progression here over the last few weeks.
The Hardys cut a backstage promo. Jeff said next week, they just have to win against The System. Matt said if they can beat The System, then they’re back in the title hunt. Matt said he was getting a little tired of hearing that they ‘were’ great and it’s time to show everyone why they are the greatest tag team of all time.
Analysis: Can Matt just snap out of the Broken thing any time he wants? Or is he just lazy? Anyway, they aren’t winning next week when The System have a title shot the next night.
Match #5: Eric Young vs Jake Something
I’d rather other matches in the card had a few minutes added to it instead of giving us this meaningless match with no heat. Something hit a back body drop early on. He hit a spear in the corner for a 2 count. Something nailed a sitout powerbomb for 2. Plenty of big moves early on. Something hit a straight right hand and scored another 2. He followed up with a big clothesline in the corner. Something whipped Young to the outside, but he bounced back in and hit a discus lariat. Young wanted a piledriver but Something belted him across the back a few times. Something tried a leapfrog but Young caught him in mid-air with a Death Valley Driver. Young avoided Into the Void and nailed the piledriver for the win after 4 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Eric Young
Analysis: ** Sigh. What’s the point of giving Young a win? Just because he lost to Maclin on Friday? Something has the size and move set. Push him!
Something attacked Young from behind after the match. He nailed Into the Void. Good. He went to continue the attack but Steve Maclin ran down for the save.
Analysis: That’s the full-blown heel turn we have been waiting for. Hopefully he attacks the Creative Team next.
Joe Hendry was interviewed by Gia Miller. Hendry said it’s becoming a familiar theme- he gets close to the prize and comes up short. He said some people are telling him that he should give up, but that’s not what he’s about. Hendry said he has a TNA Championship to chase.
Analysis: I’m not sure how he’s pursuing a title shot in a random tag team match but go Joe. He’s great.
There was an ad for Heather Reckless and she faces Gisele Shaw next week. Reckless gave a quick promo with Gia Miller. Ash-by-Elegance and George Iceman said that Gia should stop wasting her time with nobodies. Iceman said if Heather wants to make it, she should be like Ash. Gisele came in next. She looked like a giant compared to Heather. Heather might even be smaller than Xia Brookside. Shaw called Iceman and Ash ‘Dumber and Dumbest’. I think Shaw was wearing an apron. Ash called Shaw a nobody and Shaw gave her a gentle slap. Reckless went way over the top with her facial expressions.
Analysis: That was awful. I hope no women outside of TNA watched that.
Next week:
* Gisele Shaw vs Heather Reckless
* Steve Maclin vs Hammerstone
* The Hardys vs The System
* Tornado Tag match for the TNA Tag Team Championships: ABC (c) vs First Class
Match #6: The System vs Joe Hendry & Mike Santana
Hendry cut his own music short. He said this was the part where he stepped into the ring and encouraged the fans to wave their hands and when he turns around, The System attack him. Hendry said perhaps they should be the ones who turn around, and Santana was in the ring and nailed a double clothesline on Moose and JDC. Hendry went to work on JDC in the corner and Santana tossed Moose to the outside. Hendry did the same to JDC. Josh Alexander walked down to commentary. The match officially began in the ring. JDC tossed a towel in Hendry’s face. Hendry took him down with a shoulder block. Moose ran in but took a kick from Santana. The faces hit the 10-punch sequence in opposite corners. Hendry tossed JDC into the corner and chopped him. He went to the other corner and tagged in Santana, who also chopped JDC hard. Santana whipped JDC hard into the corner turnbuckle. He tagged Hendry back in. Hendry nailed a running back elbow for a 1 count. JDC took a front face lock and dragged Hendry to his corner. Moose tagged in and chopped away at Hendry. Hendry avoided a clothesline and nailed a back suplex. JDC ran in and copped a Fallaway slam. Hendry hit the stalling suplex on Moose. JDC attacked Hendry from behind, thanks to Alisha’s distraction. Moose tossed Hendry back into the ring then knocked Santana off the apron. JDC tagged back in and took down Hendry with upper cuts. Alexander was yelling at Hendry to ‘believe’ which was funny. Hendry hit a suplex on JDC and tagged in Santana. Moose tagged in, too. Santana hit an upper cut in the corner then bounced Moose’s head off opposite turnbuckles. Santana blocked a kick and hit his own kick in the corner. JDC tried to run in but Santana planted him with a draping DDT over the ropes. Santana hit a rolling cutter which Moose sold spectacularly. JDC ran in so Santana launched him over the top rope into Moose. Alexander ran off commentary and nailed Hendry with a low blow and then into the steel ring post. Santana took out Alexander with a suicide dive. Santana checked on Hendry and then tossed Moose back into the ring. JDC held Santana’s leg on the ring apron. Moose hit a pump kick and the spear for the win after 10 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: The System
Analysis: *** That means JDC is an official member of The System. There was no need to put that stipulation in but you knew it meant that they were going to win the match. The match was fine and I like it how they blended a number of storylines into one match: Alexander/Hendry, Moose/Santana, JDC being in the System or not. I like it when TNA is clever. They haven’t been tonight.
Nic Nemeth was watching the show on his phone I think. He addressed Moose and said all he wanted to do since he got to TNA is fight the best. Nemeth said he will beat Moose for the first time at Victory Road. Nemeth said Moose will never take out The Wanted Man.
Analysis: Nemeth has done a lot of yelling in his last few promos. It’s not entirely natural for him. He needs a bit more aggression. I don’t love the way that TNA have ended a few of their shows over the last 6 weeks, either. Straight after the match, they pull our attention to a backstage fight or promo and you forget all about the match. Do it some other time, because those things haven’t been that captivating.
Final Rating: 5.5/10
That was not a good show for quality wrestling, but they built an excellent card for Victory Road in one night and made the feuds make sense. That’s great. Imagine if those feuds had a couple work weeks and not one more show before the monthly special! The longest match on this show was only 10 minutes long. It was a solid main event and I like that we are picking up on Alexander vs Hendry again. I guess we aren’t getting that match for Bound for Glory now. I think Hendry has to win the TNA Championship then. Doesn’t he? Maybe Nemeth turns heel. It’s not obvious right now and that’s good. TNA made a better card in one night, than they built up for Emergence in a month. For that, I can forgive six matches on the show that had a grand total of 33 minutes. I’ll even forgive them for throwing away Alexander vs Kushida. It probably felt like a lot of complaining from me tonight but we as the fans deserve better than some of the decisions made at times. That’s how I feel anyway. That being said, Victory Road looks great already and I’ll enjoy covering that next week.
The next monthly special is Victory Road, on Friday, September 13th. Here’s the card so far:

* TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) vs Moose
* TNA World Tag Team Championships: ABC (c) vs The System
* TNA Knockouts’ Championships: The Militia (c) vs Spitfire
* TNA X-Division Championship: Zachary Wentz (c) vs Mike Bailey
* Joe Hendry vs Josh Alexander
Any feedback or comments are welcome. My email address is in case anybody wants to get in touch with me and my Twitter/X handle is @thomok6 as well. Thanks for reading!