
TNA Impact Review – October 17, 2024

TNA Wrestling October 17

The TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth vs. Matt Cardona headlined this week’s TNA Impact, as more pieces of the Bound for Glory puzzle began to fit together.

TNA Impact 17/10/24 from Skyway Studios, Nashville: TN

The opening video focused on last week’s TNA Impact face-off between Masha Slamovich and Jordynne Grace, as well as Nic Nemeth and Joe Hendry teaming together to beat First Class.

Match #1: Pick Your Poison match for the TNA Digital Media Championship: PCO (c) vs Rhino

This was a no-disqualification match, as most PCO matches are. It’s great to see Rhino being inducted into the Hall of Fame during Bound for Glory weekend. He’s not a household name but certainly someone who has great longevity and intensity. Plus, how can you not mark out for the Gore? Matt Cardona picked Rhino as PCO’s opponent here, for those wondering why these friends are fighting each other. The match spilled to the outside early and Rhino nailed PCO in the ribs with a chair shot. He whipped the champion hard into the steel steps at ringside. PCO blocked Rhino and sent him face first into the steps. Rhino smacked PCO around with a baking tray, then hit a back suplex on the steps. PCO went back to the steel chair and hit Rhino across the back. He set Rhino up on the ring apron and laid him on some chairs. PCO went to the top rope and missed the Deanimator, crashing onto the chairs on the ring apron. He’s mad. Rhino grabbed some trash cans from underneath the ring. He hit PCO over the head then PCO sent him into the steel ring post. PCO tossed the trash can into the ring and followed Rhino. He nailed Rhino across the back with the chair, then one shot to the head. PCO choke-slammed Rhino onto the trash can. Rhino rolled to the outside. PCO went for a running dive but Rhino smashed him with the trash can as he floated through the ring ropes. That was a nasty landing for PCO. Rhino got the first nearfall of the match back inside the ring. He set up the trash can in the corner. PCO reversed an Irish Whip and sent Rhino into the can, back-first. He set up some chairs in their seated positions. This is not going to go well. He draped Rhino chest-first across the chairs and called for the PCO-Sault. Rhino recovered and powerbombed him through one of the chairs and decimated it! Rhino covered PCO and got a 2 count. He got a table from underneath the ring. That got a big pop! This crowd is great so far. Rhino set up the table in the corner and called for the Gore. PCO sidestepped and Rhino crashed through the table. Ouch. PCO hit the PCO-Sault, with some decent air, to retain after 9 minutes.

Winner by pinfall AND STILL TNA Digital Media Champion: PCO

Analysis: ***1/4 That was an entertaining way to start the show and get the crowd excited for the night of wrestling ahead. Both men move so painfully slow that they have so much time to set up their spots. Having these guys in hardcore style matches obviously hides their limitations and is the right choice. It’s good, harmless wrestling fun.

Gia Miller was backstage with the TNA World Champion, Nic Nemeth. She asked if he was worried about wrestling Matt Cardona so close to Bound for Glory. Nic reassured her that he wasn’t worried, because he was a fighting champion and looked forward to nights like this. Nemeth went to Santino and asked if he could put the title on the line. He was denied. However, Nemeth said anytime Cardona wanted a shot in the future then he would get one. Nemeth said he was ready to knock Cardona’s stupid look off his face tonight.

Analysis: Nemeth has done pretty well in his promos since joining TNA. They’re usually backstage and short, so he can get his points across in an animated way.

Let’s Hear from Arianna Grace

The liaison from NXT was in the building. She was there to introduce Brinley Reece. I do watch NXT, but a lot of their women are very similar in looks and ability so I get confused at times. They have a lot of women with blonde hair, that’s a fact. Reece is not a big name by any means, which is pretty much how this relationship between TNA and NXT has gone so far. George Iceman, with a malfunctioning microphone, chased Grace to the back and introduced Ash-by-Elegance.

Match #2: Ash-by-Elegance vs Brinley Reece
Ash backed Reece into the corner early on. Reece hit a snapmare. She wiped off her lipstick and Ash went berserk. She’s a little too over-the-top at times for me. Reece did push-ups in the ring while she waited. She outwrestled Ash with some arm drags. They met in the middle with dueling shoulder blocks. Reece knocked Ash down. They did more push up shenanigans. This was really bad. Ash took a break on the ring apron so Reece dragged her back into the ring by the hair. Ash sent her over the top rope, then kicked her to the floor. She tossed Reece back into the ring and scored a 2 count. Ash pummelled Reece with right hands. She choked her out in the centre of the ring. Reece got to her feet and rolled Ash up for 2. She sent Ash to the mat with some clotheslines. Reece hit a cartwheel into a clothesline, which was the best part of the match so far, for a nearfall. Reece did some squats with Ash up on her shoulders. Iceman provided the distraction, so Ash hit a reverse DDT and the Rarefied Air for the win after 5 ½ minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Ash-by-Elegance

Analysis: *1/2 Yikes. That was too much for me. I get the character, but there were just too many shenanigans. When Ash has wrestled sensible matches, they come off very well because she is a talented wrestler. But when the gimmick is more of the feature than the match, like tonight, it’s hard to get through.

Ash beat Reece down after the match. She smeared lipstick all over her face. Xia Brookside chased her out of the ring.

Analysis: Those two have fought at least three times already this year. It’s the never-ending feud.

Wendy Choo and Rosemary were doing creepy things in a vignette. They talked about deserving a title.

Analysis: It looks like they’re coming for Spitfire. At least that’s a different team.

Match #3: TNA X-Division Championship: Mike Bailey (c) vs Leon Slater

Slater earned his title shot last week. He is an exciting young talent. Slater knocked the champ down early. They both went for a dropkick. Tom Hannifan turned into Excalibur temporarily and called this a ‘dream match’. Slow down, Tom. Bailey grounded Slater to the mat with a Hammer Lock. Slater used his athleticism to break free and slammed Bailey face-first into the mat. They did some AEW flipping for a bit and Slater hit a nice splash from the ring apron into the ring. Bailey recovered and hit a moonsault to the outside. He tossed Slater into the steel ring post, shoulder-first. Bailey brought Slater back into the ring and chopped him in the corner. He sent Slater to the other side of the ring and chopped him some more. Slater blocked a big boot in the corner. Bailey countered a Blue Thunder Bomb attempt and hit his kicking combinations. He went back to the Hammer Lock and trapped Slater on the mat by placing his knee on his neck. Slater got free and hit a Stunner-type move. He nailed a crazy running kick that sent Bailey inside out. Bailey hit an axe kick then a kick to the chest. He missed a running SSP. Slater hit a kick to the face. They traded big boots. Slater nailed a hard spinning kick to the back of Bailey’s neck. Both men took some time to recover. They exchanged forearms. Bailey went back to the left arm that he had been targeting. Slater tried to fight out of it with elbow strikes but Bailey held on. He tried an arm drag that sent Bailey to the outside. Slater hit a flying splash to the outside. Bailey came back into the ring and blocked a kick, then hit his own kick to the chest. Slater blocked a rollup attempt and hit a running punt to Bailey’s chest. He hit a double knee stomp to Bailey. Slater crawled to the cover but Bailey rolled to the outside. Bailey tried to toss Slater into the ring but he used the ropes to hit a 619. He missed a kick and Bailey hit a moonsault from the ring apron. Slater moved out of the way of the Ultima Weapon and hit a standing Blue Thunder Bomb for a close 2 count. Bailey hit a backstabber that sent Slater to the corner. He lined up for the Tornado Kick but Slater almost took his head off with a spinning kick. He nailed a single-leg dropkick in the corner that sent Bailey to the outside. Bailey did a ridiculous flying senton over the corner turnbuckle to the outside. He tossed Slater back into the ring but was too slow to capitalise on the top rope. Bailey nailed him with a kick to the injured shoulder. Bailey went for a superplex but Slater countered it in mid-air and turned it into a neckbreaker. Wow, that was awesome. Slater went for the Swanton 450 but Bailey moved out of the way at the last minute. Bailey trapped Slater in a modified Camel Clutch. Slater got to his feet so Bailey turned it into a suplex, spiking Slater. Bailey sent Slater into the corner with a Thrust Kick. He hit the Tornado Kick and finished the challenger off with Ultima Weapon. Instead of covering, he ensured the win with the Flamingo Driver for the 3 count after 15 minutes.

Winner by pinfall AND STILL TNA X-Division Championship: Mike Bailey

Analysis: **** I was not expecting them to get that much time or bring that level of intensity to a random Thursday night. The best thing about this match was that Bailey made Slater look like a top-level superstar in a number of ways. Firstly, he had to change his style because Slater was too big and strong early so he targeted the left shoulder. You rarely see Bailey do any submission wrestling. Secondly, Bailey actually sold some moves which he’s not very good at usually. And thirdly, he had to go to the Ultima Weapon and then the Flamingo Driver to guarantee the win. Slater looked terrific in defeat and hopefully the people backstage heard the crowd during this match. Excellent stuff.

Straight after the match, there was a video package for El Hijo del Vikingo and he’s challenging Bailey at Bound for Glory. Wow.

Analysis: We can’t take that seriously that a non-TNA wrestler would come into the company for one night and be a threat to take the title surely? But it will be a sensational match!

There was a video package for The Hardys and their struggles with The System. I think you can lock in them winning the Tag Team Championships next weekend.

The ABC and Hardys were discussing The System backstage. Chris Bey was annoyed that The System ruined their tag team match last week. Next week, it’s ABC & The Hardys vs The System. Matt said that even though they’ll be teammates next week, at Bound for Glory it’s all about the gold. He discussed the fact that it could be their last TLC match but Jeff cut him off and reminded him that it’s Full Metal Mayhem.

Analysis: I’m probably looking forward to that match and Masha vs Jordynne as the next best match after the main event for BFG.

Steve Maclin is in the ring and he wants Josh Alexander. The Walking Weapon comes down with his new friends, Sinner and Saint. Alexander doesn’t like Maclin’s attitude and asked why the fans would cheer for a failure like him, over the longest-reigning TNA Champion of all time. Maclin thought that they could be a team, but realises now that they’re very different. Icarus and Williams ran in and beat down Maclin. They tied his hands with zip ties. Alexander nailed Maclin with a huge C4 Spike to leave him laying.

Analysis: I’m not sure we need Maclin vs Alexander with such a short build. I thought they were going with a 6-man tag for BFG. At least Young isn’t involved so that’s a plus.

Santino and Arianna were backstage discussing the Call Your Shot Gauntlet match. Santino had a spinning wheel of lottery balls and discussed the rules. Frankie Kazarian came in and demanded to be in the match. He said he had been screwed out of title matches all year. Kaz said he had a plan to be in the World Title match at BFG.

Analysis: Kaz would prove to be correct later on.

Match #4: Brian Myers vs Mike Santana

Myers sent his teammates to the back for this match. Santana bashed Myers over the head with a chain before the match began. JDC and Eddie Edwards ran down but got steel chain shots to the ribs. Santana nailed Myers with the Spin the Block with the chain wrapped around his first.

Match Did Not Start

Analysis: N/A There was only 30 minutes left in the show, so this kind of angle did make sense.

Santana wanted to fight Moose. There were no signs of the big man so Santana took things into his own hands and went backstage hunting for Moose. Moose came out of nowhere with a shot with a baseball bat. Santana was laid out and frustrated.

Analysis: This match would feel like a bigger deal if they didn’t throw it away a few months ago. It’s probably one of the matches I care the least about for the PPV.

Jordynne Grace & Masha Slamovich Sit Down With Matt Rehwoldt

Slamovich was frustrated that Grace had handed out title shots to everyone except her over the last two years. Grace asked why she had to think about Masha’s feelings when she was defending her title all over the world. She wasn’t going to apologise for that. Grace reminded everyone that she ended Masha’s 9-month undefeated streak in 2022. She said she was relieved every time that she had an open challenge and Masha’s music didn’t hit. Grace said Masha always pushes her to the limit. Masha said after her last shot two years ago that she only wants the title more. Grace said she’s glad that Masha is bringing her best to Bound for Glory. Masha said she loved Grace and she’s walking out the champ.

Analysis: That felt really forced. They have hardly had any interactions for the last two years and now they’re besties. I didn’t like it.

First Class were already in the ring for the main event, which perfectly backs up my last sentence about the timing of the show.

Match #5: Non-Title Match: Nic Nemeth vs Matt Cardona

It’s main event time with Dolph Ziggler against Zack Ryder. I laughed and I don’t care if you didn’t! Cardona had his personal security (jobbers) with him. Frankie Kazarian joined commentary for this match. Rehwoldt wasn’t there because he was selling the fact that he was ‘live’ with Grace and Slamovich in the previous segment. Sure, Matt. Nemeth got a good reception as always and seemed confident. Rehwoldt was randomly back on commentary at this point. Cardona tried a cheap shot in the corner but Nemeth blocked him with right hands. He hit a back body drop and a neckbreaker. Nemeth went for a splash in the corner but Cardona blocked him with a boot. He missed a dropkick so Nemeth sent him into the turnbuckle and hit another neckbreaker. It was fast-paced early on. Nemeth hit his 10 elbow drops and scored a 2 count. Cardona got up and used a poke to the eye to get the advantage. He talked trash to Nemeth instead of following up with offense. Cardona tossed Nemeth into the middle turnbuckle, shoulder-first. He hit a dropkick through the middle rope to send Nemeth crashing into the guard rail. Nemeth countered a piledriver attempt on the floor with a back body drop. He rolled back into the ring to break the referee’s count. They fought on the ring apron and Cardona gouged Nemeth’s eyes. He tossed him into the steel ring steps from the ring apron, which looked rough. Cardona tried to win by count out but Nemeth made it back to the ring apron, so Cardona knocked him back outside with a forearm. He tossed him into the steel steps again to try and get the count out win. Nemeth was selling the left shoulder injury but pulled himself back into the ring using the bottom rope. He fought back with right hands that sent Cardona into the corner, but Cardona whipped him hard into the top turnbuckle. Cardona choked out the champ in the corner. He attacked Nemeth with right hands as he sat on the top rope. Nemeth blocked a superplex attempt and sent him face-first into the mat. Kaz kept talking about being in the World Title match at Bound for Glory but Rehwoldt and Hannifan had no idea what he was talking about. Nemeth was struggling to recover on the top rope so Cardona hit a big boot and covered him for a 2 count. Nemeth avoided Radio Silence and nailed a jumping DDT for a 2. He set up for the superkick. Cardona caught his foot and hit an Implant DDT for 2. He mocked Nemeth by stomping his foot for the superkick. It was obvious that it wasn’t going to work because it was his left leg. Nemeth caught him by surprise with his own superkick for 2. Remember when that was a finisher? Thanks Matt and Nick. Cardona nailed a big clothesline. Nemeth slipped out of a powerbomb attempt and hit the Fame Asser for 2. They put that move over bigger than the superkick in Nemeth’s matches. Nemeth tried to hit a German suplex but Cardona held the ropes so he could hit a low blow. Kaz was bad-mouthing the referee because it was the same one that caught him with the brass knuckles in his match against Joe Hendry. Cardona set up for Radio Silece again but PCO’s music hit. He sauntered down to the ring and faced the security. PCO took them all out with ease. Nemeth nailed the Danger Zone as Cardona was focused on PCO. Nemeth picked up the pinfall win after 13 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Nic Nemeth

Analysis: ***1/2 I enjoyed that because it was action from the beginning of the match. That could’ve been because they didn’t have a heap of time left on the show so they certainly made it count. Cardona looked back on the main event level in this match, but Nemeth usually makes everyone look good with his selling and all-round athleticism.

PCO carried Cardona backstage. Kaz attacked Nemeth from behind straight after the bell. He chased referee Daniel Spencer out of the ring. Joe Hendry ran down for the save. Nemeth and Hendry hit a double-team back body drop on Kaz. Kaz backed down but he had a microphone. He asked the fans if they enjoyed Nemeth and Hendry manhandling him. Kaz pulled a referee shirt out of his pants. There was no reaction to that. He announced that he was the special guest referee for the World Title match at Bound for Glory. The fans realised now and booed loudly.

Analysis: That’s a strange booking decision. I’m not sure the match needs that, although with the face vs face dynamic maybe the bookers thought it needed something different. If they just announced John Layfield in Nemeth’s corner, then I think that would’ve built enough intrigue. I see this going one of two ways: Kaz is being a screwy referee and Layfield takes him out to ensure it’s a fair fight or he allows Layfield to take out Hendry and Nemeth turns heel on Hendry and retains. I don’t think it’s as clear as a straight up match. I’m still not 100% sure they fully pull the trigger on Hendry even though it seems the right thing to do. I sure hope Bound for Glory ends with Hendry holding the title aloft, even though I enjoy Nemeth a lot.

Final Rating: 7/10

I think it was a solid episode of Impact this week. We got a fantastic match between Leon Slater and Mike Bailey for the X-Division Champion for free. Check that out if you only have a short amount of time to watch. I enjoyed the main event with Cardona and Nemeth, which was full of action from the outset. The announcement of Frankie Kazarian as special guest referee for the TNA World Title match is intriguing. He could actually with the Call Your Shot Gauntlet and then bring his contract to the main event, with Nemeth and Hendry having to keep one eye on him throughout the match. I didn’t feel the heat in the Slamovich/Grace interview, and whilst Santana had the crowd fire up, I’m probably just about over his feud with Moose.

The next TNA PPV is Bound for Glory on October 26th.

Here’s the card so far:

* TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) vs Joe Hendry
* TNA Knockouts’ Championship: Jordynne Grace (c) vs Masha Slamovich
* Full Metal Mayhem for the TNA World Tag Team Championships: The System (c) vs The Hardys vs ABC
* TNA X-Division Championship: Mike Bailey (c) vs El Hijo del Vikingo
* TNA Digital Media Championship: Monster’s Ball Match: PCO (c) vs Matt Cardona
* TNA Knockouts’ Tag Team Championships: Spitfire (c) vs Wendy Choo & Rosemary
* Call Your Shot Gauntlet match
* Moose vs Mike Santana
* Josh Alexander vs Steve Maclin

Any feedback or comments are welcome. My email address is in case anybody wants to get in touch with me and my Twitter/X handle is @thomok6 as well. Thanks for reading!