TNA Impact Review – November 21, 2024
A 6-man tag team grudge match, featuring The Hardy Boys, headlined this week’s TNA Impact as we edge closer to Turning Point.
This week’s show opened with a recap from last week’s show, with Joe Hendry defeating Ryan Nemeth, Steve Maclin and Josh Alexander continuing their disdain towards each other and Nic Nemeth got a win over Brian Myers.
TNA Impact 7/11/24 from the Crown Arena in Fayetteville, North Carolina
Match #1: TNA Knockouts’ World Championship: No Disqualification Match: Masha Slamovich (c) vs Alisha Edwards
Hopefully Slamovich gives Alisha a voice box injury here tonight and we don’t have to hear her do a promo ever again. The winner faces Jordynne Grace, in her contractual rematch, next Friday at Turning Point. Alisha attacked Slamovich in the middle of her introduction. She chopped away at Masha in the corner. Alisha missed with a kendo stick shot, so Slamovich fought back with right hands and sent Alisha down with a clothesline. Alisha rolled to the outside so Slamovich went for a twisting dive but was met with a shot with a baking tray. Alisha got a steel chair tossed it and her opponent back into the ring. The Fayetteville fans wanted tables. Alisha hit a nice jumping DDT for 2. She choked Slamovich out in the corner then rammed her head into the middle turnbuckle. Alisha set up the chair in the corner but missed a cannonball and crashed into the chair. Slamovich went to the outside and retrieved a trash can. She put Alisha on the top rope and tried for a superplex. Alisha blocked it and raked Slamovich’s eyes, then hit a powerbomb on the vertically-standing trash can. Ouch. Alisha covered but only scored a 2 count. Slamovich fired up and bashed Alisha around with kendo stick shots. She nailed the package piledriver to retain the title after 6 ½ minutes.
Winner by pinfall AND STILL TNA Knockouts’ World Champion: Masha Slamovich
Analysis: **3/4 That was a fine opener, even though the outcome was very predictable. They didn’t utilise the no-DQ stipulation a lot, but I can’t remember the last time I saw someone slam an opponent on a trash can that was standing up so kudos for that creative spot.
After the match, Tasha Steelz beat down Slamovich for a minute until Jordynne Grace made the save. Grace handed Slamovich her championship.
The Rascalz were backstage with Kushida. They have forged a new alliance to have a throwaway 6-man tag with Ace Austin and The Hardys at Turning Point. Apparently it’s about tag team greatness and respect.
Analysis: I hate it. What a waste. Sure, it will be a good match but don’t set up a match based on a 30-second promo or at least give us a Tag Team Championship match.
Match #2: Jody Threat w/ Dani Luna vs Ash-by-Elegance w/ Heather & George Iceman
This has been a slightly-entertaining feud, but at least Spitfire have new opponents. Iceman got some good heat before the match. Ash went to the outside early in the match to control the pace. She rolled back into the ring and Threat stood on her hand so she couldn’t run away again. Threat nailed a clothesline and a scoop slam. Ash avoided a second one but walked into a T-Bone suplex. Threat missed a running spear in the corner and ran into the steel post. Heather pulled her down by the hair so Ash tried to sneak a win but only got a 2 count. Ash slammed Threat down by the hair again. She stomped away on her in the corner. Heather laid into Threat with right hands in the corner. The crowd was cheering loudly for that interference! Matt Rehwoldt quoted Homer Simpson on commentary, so I popped for that. Ash slammed Threat down to the mat by the hair for a third time and got a 2 count. She tried again but Threat rolled her up for 2. Threat hit a clothesline and a pump kick that sent Ash into the middle ropes. Threat hit her running double knees and a German suplex. Ash fought back with a big boot and another slam by the hair. The referee has seen that 4 times and done nothing about it. Threat had had enough so started clotheslining Ash in the corner. Heather tried to get into the ring but the referee stopped her. Iceman held Threat by the leg to block the superplex. Luna cleaned Iceman’s clock on the outside but Ash hit Rarefied Air in the ring on Threat for the win after 6 ½ minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Ash-by-Elegance
Analysis: **1/2 That was an okay match to continue the feud. The referee looks really stupid for allowing Ash to use the hair four times in the match. There’s got to be better consistency with things like that.
Mike Santana Speaks
Santana could be the best promoter for New York in all of wrestling he talks about the city that much, but let’s see what he has to say tonight now that he’s done with The System. He talked about being doubted and not good enough throughout his career. It only took him 30 seconds to talk about the streets. For some reason it went to Picture-in-Picture, which is obviously not ideal when a promo is on in the ring. Bad stuff by AXS there. Frankie Kazarian interrupted him. He had the Gauntlet Cup with him. Kaz had a mic but again, I couldn’t hear the promo. Finally, they went back to full picture. Kaz told Santana to calm down. He said he would be keeping an eye on the main event at Turning Point. Santana said he didn’t have a match at Turning Point. Kaz said he had the night off and deserved it. Santana said you don’t get nights off in TNA, which was weird and the fans cheered, and wanted Santino Marella to make Santana vs Kaz at Turning Point.
Analysis: The first half of the promo was out of my control but I am very happy with Santana vs Kaz for Turning Point if it happens. Those two are around the main event scene so it will be interesting to see who they favour in that.
Match #3: Frankie Kazarian vs Rhino
Kaz was already in the ring so Rhino decided to join him, even though the commentators said this match was scheduled for later on. Rhino flattened Kaz with a shoulder block so Kaz bailed to the outside. The Picture-in-Picture was scheduled for now but they didn’t cut to it, so there’s the error from before. Rhino dragged Kaz back into the ring. He chopped Kaz against the ropes. Kaz bailed again so Rhino followed him and nailed a right hand. Rhino bounced Kaz off the ring apron and hit a Uranage. He nailed another right hand but Kaz tossed him into the steel steps. Kaz rolled back into the ring and wanted the referee to count Rhino out. Rhino just made it back inside before the 10 count. Kaz choked him out against the mat. He used his knee to choke Rhino against the middle rope. Kaz tried to choke Rhino with his scarf but the referee took it away. Whilst he was doing that, Kaz used a low blow kick against the ropes for a 2 count. He hit a few knee drops then did a cocky cover with his foot on Rhino’s chest for 2. Rhino avoided the springboard legdrop. The crowd chanted for the Gore. Rhino and Kaz traded right hands. Rhino countered the Crossface Chicken Wing and nailed a clothesline. He set up for the Gore but Kaz tossed him into the turnbuckle and put his feet on the ropes to steal the win after 8 1/2 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Frankie Kazarian
Analysis: **1/2 I expected a better match to be honest but it was pretty dull. Kaz didn’t really put on a performance that shows he should be around the main event scene, which is unusual as he is reliable in the ring. Rhino being a brawler is probably not the ideal opponent.
Kaz taunted Rhino with his trophy after the match so Rhino gored him. You couldn’t have had it any more obvious and the crowd loved it.
Analysis: Everyone loves the Gore!
Steve Maclin Vignette
They followed up Maclin leaving by his car last week. He went to a hotel and had a shower. There were flashbacks of his services days and he went through some old photos. Maclin started writing a letter and then laid awake unable to sleep. There were little flashes of moments into his marriage to Deonna Purrazzo, who is now in AEW wasting away. Eric Young sat down with Maclin. They were in an office. Another Young sat in the corner. I think they were in Maclin’s dream now. Young asked if he knew who he was. Maclin said no one knew. There were flashes of Maclin handcuffed and in a cell. Young kept repeating that Maclin has lost himself. He said that time is all we have and that Maclin was wasting his. Young asked why Maclin doesn’t trust him. He read a definition of trust from the dictionary. Young unlocked Maclin from his cell. He told him to wake up. Maclin was in his hotel room again and Young was at the door.
Analysis: That was hard to follow and I didn’t do it justice but I thought it was excellent. I think they should really run with Maclin as a face hero and he would do well in that role.
Match #4: Leon Slater & Laredo Kid vs JDC & Moose
This is a random tag team match to justify giving Moose a random Turning Point opponent without putting any thought into it or being bothered with a storyline. It’s how they’ve presented two matches for Turning Point tonight and it’s the hallmark of so many of their monthly specials over the last 3 years. It asks the fans to consider why they would bother investing in these ‘fill-in’ shows, when the writers just chuck matches together at random. JDC and Kid started the match. It was even in the early goings. Kid hit a chop and scored with a top-rope crossbody. He smacked Moose with a cheap shot. Have I missed the start of a feud here? If so, my opening rant was foolish. Slater tagged in. JDC bailed to the outside so Kid tagged in and went to the floor to nail a right hand and toss JDC back in the ring. Kid went for a springboard move but got distracted by Moose so JDC hung him up on the ropes. Moose tossed Kid into the steel steps and hit a back suplex on the ring apron. He tagged in and scored a 2 count. Moose pummelled away at Kid with right hands. JDC tagged in again but Kid dropped him with a kick and both men tagged their partners. Slater hit a jumping kick off the ropes. He nailed 3 dropkicks in the corner. The fans were fired up for Slater. He blocked a Go to Hell attempt and hit a hurricanrana. Slater nailed the leg lariat for a 2 count. Moose swatted him down with a chop. He tagged in JDC but Slater tried an inside cradle for 2. JDC hit a nice reverse Falcon Arrow for 2. He missed an attack on Kid in the corner and crashed into the turnbuckle. Moose missed a clothesline and fell to the floor. Kid tried to hit a launching hurricanrana but Moose caught him in mid-air and powerbombed him on the ring apron! Slater flew over the top turnbuckle and took Moose out with a senton. That was crazy. Slater nailed JDC with a dropkick into the steel post. JDC avoided the 450. Slater tied him up with a pinning predicament and got the win after 5 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Laredo Kid & Leon Slater
Analysis: **3/4 That was a short match but it was full of action and excitement. Kid and Slater would make a wild tag team if they wrestled together regularly. I’m not sure why you wouldn’t give Slater a shot at the title as he was the one who got the win over The System.
JDC attacked Slater immediately after the bell. He choked him out in the corner. Moose nailed a powerbomb and JDC hit the Down and Dirty legdrop from the top rope. Kid returned with a steel chair and hit both of the heels in the back. The System retreated to the back.
Analysis: That match and post-match segment has easily been the best part of the show so far. It hasn’t been a strong few weeks of TNA TV.
Let’s Hear from Joe Hendry
Hendry addressed the crowd from the stage. He said, with Thanksgiving coming up, he had a lot to be thankful for. Hendry said he was thankful for the fans believing in him, which has led to huge success this year. He said he can’t let go of the dream of becoming TNA World Champion. Hendry addressed the Turkey Bowl match which got no reaction. It’s stupid. He said he should be wearing a championship but instead, he could be wearing a turkey suit. I don’t understand why winning that match can get him closer to becoming the champ, but it’s perhaps because he would be beating 5 other guys. Hendry said his title dreams are still alive if you believe.
Analysis: Short and sharp, but effective from Joe who remains as popular as ever.
Nic Nemeth cut a promo backstage. He said it’s never ‘just Eddie Edwards’ in the ring. There are always System members lurking around. Nemeth said all The System cares about is power, but Edwards isn’t stealing his power at Turning Point. Instead, Nemeth will steal the show and remain TNA World Champion.
Analysis: Nemeth is really good at these short promos that make a quick point in his build to a title defence.
Match #5: Savannah Evans vs Brittany Jade
Jade looked very worried because she is about to get destroyed. She still faced up to Evans to show some courage. Evans hit a big hip toss into the corner. She nailed an avalanche and another hip toss, then a spear into the corner. Evans hit a nice Butterfly suplex. Jade tried a head scissors but Evans turned it into a sidewalk slam which looked very smooth. Evans marched around with Jade on her back. She flattened her with a running Samoan drop. Evans hit the Full Nelson slam for good measure and finished the match after 2 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Savannah Evans
Analysis: *1/2 Just a short match to put over the power of Evans. It probably went one minute too long. She could be a potential heel opponent for Masha in the new year.
Masha and Jordynne Grace were backstage. Grace was excited that they were facing off one more time. Slamovich wanted a 2/3 falls match to leave no doubt in anyone’s mind, who the best woman is.
Analysis: What a great announcement. That should be the best women’s match in TNA this year if they get a decent amount of time.
The commentators ran down the Turning Point card, which is very good despite a few thrown together matches. They mentioned that, despite the match being no-disqualification, the Northern Armory are banned from ringside for Maclin vs Alexander. Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of the stipulation? Anyway, it will add to the match because now it can be a straight-up match with no interference.
Match #6: Jake Something, Hammerstone & Trent Seven vs The Hardys & Ace Austin
This is probably the largest team in a TNA match this year. That could be a decent heel stable if they stick with it. Seven turned heel then Bailey left so his whole purpose of turning has disappeared. Ace Austin came out with face paint. He looked like Crazzy Steve. Where is that guy? I loved his heel character. The Hardys came out to a huge reaction in their home state. Matt had face paint on his forehead. They went straight to a commercial. It was Hammerstone and Matt in the match when we returned. Matt hit a back body drop. He nailed his Delete face-smashes in the corner on Hammerstone. Something ran in and copped the same treatment. Matt ran into a double clothesline. He hit a jawbreaker and Hammerstone made it to Seven for the tag. Jeff tagged in and they hit a double elbow for a 2 count. Jeff hit a running legdrop for 2. He hit a snapmare, then followed up with a dropkick for another nearfall. Seven hit a scoop slam and tagged in Something. He whipped Jeff across the ring but he slid under the ropes. Jeff ran around to the other side of the ring and Matt blind-tagged in to clothesline Something from behind for a 2 count. Jeff tagged in again with an axe handle from the middle rope. Austin came in for the first time with a knee drop to Something. He avoided a clothesline and hit some elbow smashes. Hammerstone missed a clothesline and took out Something. The Hardys whipped an oncoming Seven into both big men. Jeff hit Poetry in Motion on the whole heel team in the corner. All the faces went for a Twist of Fate but the heels avoided it and bailed to the floor to reset their strategy. Back in the ring, Something tagged in Hammerstone. He nailed a big Fallaway slam then sent Austin back into the corner. Seven tagged in and pummelled away with right hands. He chopped Austin to the mat for a 2 count. Seven nailed a scoop slam and tagged Something back in. Austin tried to fight out of the corner but ran into a scoop slam. Something tagged Seven back in. Austin fought back with body shots but Seven took him down to the mat for 2. Seven whipped him hard into the corner. Austin fought Hammerstone and Something off in the corner with a dropkick. He almost made it to his corner for a tag but Hammerstone and Something took the Hardys off the apron. They hit a massive double chokeslam on Austin. Seven hit the Seven Star Lariat for a very close nearfall. The referee’s count there was painfully obvious there. Seven went for the Implant DDT but Austin countered it in mid-air with his own DDT. He made the tag to Jeff. Jeff kicked the big men off the ring apron. He nailed the leg drop and dropkick combo to the face of Seven for 2. Something and Hammerstone ran in but Matt nailed them with a double DDT. It was time for a triple Twist of Fate which they nailed. Austin must’ve made the tag because he pinned Seven but only got a 2 count. Jeff went up for the Swanton but Something knocked him from the top. Austin vaulted over the top but Hammerstone and Something caught him. Jeff recovered and flew through the air to save Austin. Austin and Matt hit the Plot Twist on Seven in the ring. Jeff with the Swanton but Hammerstone pulled Austin out of the ring to break the count. The Hardys hit a Twist of Fate each on the big men on the floor. Austin set up for The Fold but Seven nailed a low blow. He hit the Burning Hammer for the win after 15 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Trent Seven, Hammerstone & Jake Something
Analysis: ***1/2 I enjoyed that 6-man tag. The lazy writing of last year saw one of these (even longer) matches every 3-4 weeks that followed a formula of a long heel beatdown on one particular face wrestler. This was quicker-paced even though it involved 3 bigger men on the heel team. The only outcome was a win for the heel team if TNA wants us to take them seriously, especially Seven who only just turned heel. Good stuff here all round.
The brawl continued after the match. The fans still wanted tables. Hammerstone and Something were about to double powerbomb The Hardys but Kushida and The Rascalz made the save, out of respect for their Turning Point opponents. The face teams shook hands as Impact went off the air.
Final Rating: 6/10
Like last week, there wasn’t much in the wrestling department until the main event. At least there were 3 women’s matches this week, but none of them were very lengthy. They have to be more consistent there. You can’t have 0 women’s matches one week and then remember that they are employed and stack a bunch of matches the week after. Care about the storylines and be consistent. That being said, the build for Turning Point for the most part has been pretty good. The card is probably as good as you get for a non-big 4 show. I love the stipulation for the Knockouts title match and the addition of Santana vs Kaz.
Next week looks to be a Thanksgiving special, which they billed as having a heap of ‘rare’ matches so I guess they had to do most of the build to Turning Point tonight. I may skip that episode and then there’s the Turning Point PPV on Friday, November 29th to review.
The next TNA monthly show is Turning Point on November 29th. Here’s the card so far:

* TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) vs Eddie Edwards
* 2/3 Falls Match for the TNA Knockouts World Championship: Masha Slamovich (c) vs Jordynne Grace
* TNA X-Division Championship: Moose (c) vs Laredo Kid
* No-Disqualification Match: Steve Maclin vs Josh Alexander
* Mike Santana vs Frankie Kazarian
* The Hardys & Ace Austin vs The Rascalz & Kushida
* Turkey Bowl (Loser must wear the turkey suit): Joe Hendry vs PCO vs John Skyler vs Brian Myers vs Hammerstone vs Eric Young
Any feedback or comments are welcome. My email address is in case anybody wants to get in touch with me and my Twitter/X handle is @thomok6 as well. Thanks for reading!