
TNA Impact Review – March 20, 2025

TNA Impact March 20 Review

TNA Impact returned to Texas as Elijah and Joe Hendry took on The System in the main event.

The show opened with the regular recap of Sacrifice, which was a decent show that saw Nic Nemeth turn heel after his team won the main even steel cage match. Mustafa Ali beat Mike Santana and Moose retained his X-Division title in a ladder match over Jeff Hardy. This week I’ll summarise some matches and do play-by-play for some, too.

TNA Impact 20.3.25 from El Paso County Coliseum, El Paso, Texas by Kristian Thompson

Here comes the Knockouts Champion, Masha Slamovich for some rare promo time.

Masha Slamovich Talks

Slamovich put over her victory over Cora Jade at Sacrifice. It was an average match that I expected more from. Slamovich said her mission was to be the best champion in all of wrestling and her championship proves that. She said she would put her title on the line against anyone, anywhere. Here comes Tessa Blanchard, who beat Lei Ying Lee at Sacrifice in a very good match. It was the best of the 3 women’s matches at Sacrifice. Tessa told Slamovich to spend less time talking and more time on her fashion. She said beating Cora Jade wasn’t that impressive. Tessa said she’s beaten the best in the world and done things Slamovich could never accomplish. She said it was time to beat Slamovich and take back what was hers. Slamovich was then attacked from behind by Jacy Jayne. Jayne nailed Slamovich with a spinning right hand. I’m not sure the crowd recognised who she was at first. Santino Marella came out and addressed Jayne. He said that’s not how we do business in TNA but made Jayne vs Slamovich for next week. Marella told Blanchard she was banned from ringside.

Analysis: A short opening that put the spotlight on the Knockouts. I think they’re not pulling the trigger on Masha vs Tessa because they want it at Slammiversary. That’s fine with me. Jacy Jayne is in the NXT stable Fatal Influence and is a solid worker.

Marella was not impressed with Arianna Grace backstage because he doesn’t like these TNA stars turning up unannounced.

Match #1: The Northern Armory (Judas Icarus & Travis Williams) vs The Rascalz

The heels double-teamed Wentz early on and scored a 2 count. Wentz avoided a clothesline and hit a springboard knee on Williams to get the tag to Miguel. He hit a dropkick on Williams and knocked Icarus off the apron. Wentz tagged in again and they went to work with double-team moves. Williams feigned getting low-blowed to allow Icarus to interfere. Wentz hit a German suplex after Miguel got involved. Wentz hit a dropkick in the corner into a big spinebuster from Miguel. The Rascalz nailed their double-team top rope stomp for the win after only 4 ½ minutes.

Winners by pinfall: The Rascalz

Analysis: ** That was too short to achieve anything substantial. Young didn’t even get involved.

Young, Icarus and Williams surrounded The Rascalz until Ace Austin chased them off with a chair.

Analysis: There’s the next 6-man tag feud. Rehwoldt talked about Austin not knowing what he was getting himself into after Williams and Icarus lost in under 5 minutes is a ridiculous comment.

Gia Miller was with Xia Brookside who got the green mist from Rosemary last week. Brookside said her eyes were fine but she could still feel the effects. Miller asked her what she was thinking about when she went to use the steel chain last week. Xia said every time she tries to do the right thing, someone gets in her way. Rosemary appeared on a backstage screen to try and tempt her to join the dark side.

Analysis: I could see Xia turning because nothing she does ever seems to work. I’m not sure she would be a very believable heel though because she’s just so small.

First Class Penthouse with Chavo Guerrero Jr.

First Class were in suits on the stage. Thankfully it was just them. They both had drinks but something tells me the crowd are the ones that should be drinking to get through this. Or maybe me at home. Francis taunted the fans with insults. Chavo came out to defend the people. The fans chanted for his uncle, Eddie, out of respect. Chavo didn’t seem to age a lot since his WWE days. Francis called Chavo, the second-best Guerrero. He made a joke about Dominik Mysterio being a Guerrero. Frankie Kazarian randomly turned up. KC Navarro told him that no one invited him. Kaz took his microphone. He was offended that First Class invited Chavo and not him. Kaz got in Chavo’s face and reminded him of some TNA history. AJ Francis was throwing things because they were taking over the show. Kaz told Chavo that he wasn’t welcome in his house. Francis told Chavo that he was outnumbered 3 to 1. Chavo brought out Laredo Kid and Octagon Jr. He challenged the heels to a 6-man tag match next week.

Analysis: This was back to being a bomb. Francis and KC are too distracting with their stupid reactions when other people are talking. Who cares about Chavo in 2025? Actually, the crowd did, but I don’t. At least we have a new tag team in ‘The Aztec Warriors’.

Match #2: Mustafa Ali vs Mike Santana

Why is this not the main event? They had one of the best matches at Sacrifice except for the poor ending. All of Ali’s stable mates are banned from ringside and he won the last match so that makes it seem pretty clear that Santana is getting his win back here. Ali tried to run away at the start of the match so Santana hit a dive over the top to take him out. Santana tossed Ali over the timekeeper’s table. The bell still hadn’t officially rung yet. Santana put Ali on a chair and pummelled him with 10 right hands. Ali escaped a suplex on the floor but ran into a big boot. Santana stalked Ali around the ring. They finally got back into the ring and the match was now official. Santana pummelled Ali on the mat. He missed a corner attack so Ali connected with a running head scissors. Ali dropkicked him off the apron. He tossed Santana into the steel post, shoulder first, to eliminate the Spin the Block finisher. Ali nailed a rolling neckbreaker back in the ring for 2. Ali continued to target the right shoulder. He nailed a kick to the head. Ali went for another rolling neckbreaker but Santana caught him in mid-air with a Death Valley Driver for 2. Santana hit a cannonball in the corner. Ali escaped a powerbomb attempt but ran into a rolling cutter from Santana for 2. Santana went up top but Ali rolled out of the ring. Ali told the commentators he had already beaten Santana and had nothing to prove. Ali went into the crowd and got counted out to the boos of the crowd. The official in-ring time was 4 minutes.

Winner by countout: Mike Santana

Analysis: ** That was so lame. That should’ve been a 20-minute match. I guess it will lead to match #3 and it makes the fans want to see Santana get his win even more.

Gia Miller caught up with Mustafa Ali. He said he didn’t run from Mike Santana. Ali said he was victorious at Sacrifice. He said he was done with Santana. Ali left in his car with his entourage.

Analysis: Spoiler: They won’t be done.

Spitfire was arguing with Santino Marella about something backstage. The Elegances came in and aired their grievances about being their personal concierges. Marella made a Handicap match for Sacrifice, Spitfire vs The Elegances and George Iceman for the Tag Titles.

The Nemeths Explain Their Heel Turn

Oh no, it’s Ryan. He said he admires Nic more than all of the fans combined. Ryan introduced Nic. The fans chanted for The Hardys. Nic told them they weren’t coming. He had a hoarse voice. Nic told the fans to shut up so he could talk. He had his SERIOUS face on. Nic said the Internet only started talking about TNA when he came here a bit over a year ago. He said The Hardys came in and took all the credit. Nic was disappointed with Matt for trying to drive a wedge between Nic and Ryan. He called himself the greatest wrestler of all time and The Nemeths the greatest brother tag team. That’s some heel talk there. Leon Slater came out. Nic didn’t know what bollocks meant. Slater stood up for The Hardys. Ryan volunteered for Nic to face Slater next week. Slater took Ryan’s head off with a spinning kick in the ring. He turned around and Nic nailed him with a super kick.

Analysis: I know he’s English and that’s how he talks, but the fans don’t really connect with Slater’s promos because they don’t understand his vocabulary. I get it, as I’ve watched English football for 20+ years, but to the casual fans his little catchphrases need time to get over. His wrestling however is what these fans love so to throw him another great opponent is a testament to how he’s doing this year. Nic’s promo was fine. It made sense. He’s a naturally good heel and I look forward to this feud with The Hardys.

Match #3: Rosemary & Savannah Evans vs Xia Brookside & Lei Ying Lee

Evans was dominant early with a sit-out powerbomb on Lee and a Samoan Drop. She tagged out to Rosemary but Lee was able to hit an enziguiri and tag in Brookside. Evans came, in too. Brookside hit some kicks and tagged in Lee. Lee hit a knee lift but Rosemary broke up the pin. Rosemary went for the mist but Brookside ducked and Evans got it in the face. Lee picked up Evans but completely botched the slam. Awful. Lee hit Thunderstruck for the win after 6 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: Xia Brookside & Lei Ying Lee

Analysis: * Yikes. That was rough. I’m glad I went summary style for it. Evans is a bigger lady but Lee nearly dropped her on her head.

Elegance Championship Celebration

Just when I thought this show couldn’t get much worse, we have George Iceman out here in a neck brace. At least he has a shirt on this week. He got two dudes to bring a cake down. The new champions made their entrance. Ash blew out the candle and was about to make a wish when Meta-4 appeared again. Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend from NXT made their way to the ring. Legend took the mic off Ash. They introduced themselves. I certainly noticed the height difference. Jackson said they were there for the titles. Spitfire rushed to the ring looking annoyed. They do have a contractual rematch. Dani Luna reminded the others of that. Here comes Gigi Dolin and Tatum Paxley from NXT. They’re a part of the Chemical X stable. Paxley said they are underused and are also here for the titles. Ash started screaming in the middle of the ring that everyone was ruining their moment. She slapped Dolin and then the fight was on. All 8 women brawled in the ring. Security came in and didn’t do much. One dude stood there are over-acted way too hard (you’ll notice which one). Santino Marella came out and made The Elegances vs Dolin & Paxley for next week. He banned the other teams from ringside. Marella is doing a lot of that lately. Jackson and Legend started beating up the security. There were Trick Williams chants because that’s Legend’s boyfriend. Jackson and Legend got in Marella’s face. Marella was stalling because Arianna missed her cue. She hurried down to the ring. Arianna banned them from ringside even though Marella already did. What? Jackson and Legend walked to the back.

Analysis: The NXT girls are much better than the Elegances. They towered over them completely, too. So we have gone from 2 teams to 4 in the division within a week. I am certainly down with that. That was silly and a bit of a mess but still fun.

Match #4: Mance Warner w/ SDL vs Magno

Magno must be local as he got cheered. There was under 20 minutes left in the show so I don’t expect this to go long. Warner hit a clothesline then another one that took Magno inside-out. He hit a running knee to win it after 60 seconds.

Winner by pinfall: Mance Warner

Analysis: SQUASH Skippable like most of the show tonight! Do something with the title!

Steve Maclin did a quick taped promo saying that he won’t join The Northern Armory.

Match #5: The System w/ Alisha vs Elijah and Joe Hendry

There was less than 10 minutes left after entrances. They’re doing very short main events lately. The timing of the shows this year has been really poor. I was a bit mystified by this match as I thought we were moving on from Hendry and The System and thought he and Elijah would want to go after The Nemeths after Sacrifice. I quite enjoyed the little Hendry YouTube documentary from last week. Nic Nemeth was really good on it, too. I recommend it. Joe’s a hard worker and deserves his success. Hendry took down Myers with a shoulder block and a Fallaway Slam. They will need to be urgent in this match as there’s not much time left. Hendry tagged in Elijah. They nailed double back elbows. Myers tagged in Eddie Edwards who copped a big boot. That looked smooth. Elijah hit Old School on Myers. He dumped Edwards to the floor. Hendry clotheslined Myers over the top, too.

(Commercial break)

Henry hit his stalling suplex on Edwards to score a 1 count, as we returned to the action. Elijah tagged in and hit a jumping clothesline. Edwards bailed to the floor so Elijah followed him and tossed him back in. He knocked down Myers on the floor but Edwards hit a baseball slide dropkick through the ropes. Edwards tossed Elijah into the steel steps. Myers tagged in and tried to slow Elijah with a submission. He got to his feet but Myers took him down with a dropkick. Myers tagged Edwards back in. He wrenched at Elijah’s face in the middle ropes. Alisha slapped him as Edwards distracted the referee. Myers tagged in again. He hit a snapmare and kick to the back for a 1 count. Edwards made another quick tag in. He took Hendry off the ring apron. Hendry tried to get in the ring so the referee stopped him as Edwards choked Elijah on the mat. Elijah avoided a suplex and hit a twisting neckbreaker. Both men made tags. Hendry took down Myers with clotheslines. He hit the Fallaway slam on Edwards then kipped up. Myers blocked a corner attack. He jumped into Hendry’s arms for another Fallaway. I reckon my kids would think I was the coolest Dad ever if I could kip up. I wonder how much practice that takes. Edwards ran in again and took Elijah off the apron. Myers nailed a spear on Hendry for a 2 count. He does the spear better than the man who will challenge for the World Championship at WrestleMania. Edwards hit a corner clothesline. Hendry avoided the Backpack Stunner and tossed Edwards into the corner. Myers jumped off the top and Hendry caught him with the Standing Ovation as Elijah nailed Edwards with a knee strike. Hendry pinned Myers to win the match after 8 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: Elijah & Joe Hendry

Analysis: **3/4 A basic tag match that packed a lot in because they didn’t have much time remaining. At least it meant the match was fast-paced. I like the team of Hendry and Elijah. I feel like Elijah will probably turn soon and it gives TNA a safe opponent for Joe down the line. It’s still not clear who he will face at Rebellion.

TNA Impact Final Rating: 4/10

Sorry TNA, but that’s a fail from me this week. There were 5 matches, with the top not even earning 3 stars and no matches over 8 minutes. There was only 23 minutes of televised TV time this week! And when you only have one show per week to showcase your talent, that’s just not enough. Throw in another First Class bomb segment, some of the stories feel like they’re going backward or in the wrong direction and a lack of anything really exciting and that’s the feeling you get when reflecting on the show. At least the show did end positively with that enjoyable main event. I am a fan of the KOs tag division ramping up (AT LAST), the KOs singles division is a bit unpredictable until we get to Masha vs Tessa and the Nemeth promo on the heel turn was well-delivered. That was my lowest-rated TNA show since I have been doing this. It’s almost 1,000 words less than last week’s Impact which shows it just wasn’t an interesting show to write about. I hope not to write the phrase ‘4/10’ again!

The next TNA monthly special is Rebellion from the Galen Center in Los Angeles, California on April 27th. There are no matches signed yet.

Any feedback or comments are welcome. My email address is in case anybody wants to get in touch with me and my Twitter/X handle is @thomok6 as well. Thanks for reading!