
TNA Impact Review – July 18, 2024

TNA Wrestling July 18

The Hardys were in tag team action while a contract signing headlined the show as final touches were put on the card ahead of a huge Slammiversary weekend for TNA!

I missed last week’s show due to visiting family back in my hometown. I did catch the show, but not until Tuesday night. Here are some quick thoughts:

– Jordynne Grace’s Open Challenge opponent was Izzi Dame from NXT. That was an even less inspiring choice than Tatum Paxley a few weeks back, only because Dame is still establishing herself and NXT have at least 10 other women that have more to their name than her. I did laugh that Ash watched ‘via satellite from the Bahamas’. Dame had some good moments but it was a basic match where the result was never in doubt
– The lighting in and around the ring seemed much better this week. I wasn’t straining my eyes like in some of the previous ‘dark’ arenas that TNA have used this year
– The NXT invasion continued with Charlie Dempsey facing Zachary Wentz. Dempsey’s crew isn’t a big deal in NXT so it’s not like TNA are getting the big NXT names, whereas TNA has sent Joe Hendry, Grace, Frankie Kazarian and the Rascalz to Tuesday night so far. However, I am enjoying the Rascalz reunion and now we have a TNA vs NXT match for Slammiversary which is cool.
– Terrific beatdown by Mustafa & Singh on Mike Bailey and Trent Seven after Bailey officially became #1 Contender after winning the triple threat
– Very cool that Slammiversary is sold out and looks to be TNA’s biggest show in about a decade. Awesome.
– The Hardys return next week. I would’ve left that for Slammiversary.
– The tidal wave of momentum for Joe Hendry cannot be ignored. Watching him pick up the win as a mystery tag partner on NXT last week was fantastic. He teamed with Josh Alexander in the main event on this show but they lost to Steve Maclin and Moose after Kaz’s interference. Alexander has gone from Super Cena booking and unbeatable to losing in a nothing tag match on Impact.

TNA Impact: 18.7.24 from the 2300 Arena: Philadelphia, PA

The video recap from last week focused on Nic Nemeth getting revenge on Frankie Kazarian in the parking lot, as well as Moose and Steve Maclin defeating Joe Hendry and Josh Alexander in the main event.

Match #1: NXT’s No Quarter Catch Crew vs Kushida & The Rascalz

Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz wrestled on NXT with Wes Lee to defeat Gallus. The ring announcer didn’t even announce the NXT wrestlers’ names as individuals which is a missed opportunity to the casual TNA viewer. It’s Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne and Tavion Heights. Dempsey and Wentz started the match off. Dempsey wrestles a very technical style. He cornered Wentz and tagged in Borne. Miguel made a quick tag in and hit a double team move with Wentz. He nailed Borne with a dropkick, who came back with a forearm and a scoop slam. Heights tagged in but missed a running senton, which allowed Kushida to tag in. Wentz held Heights in the corner so that Kushida could hit a running dropkick. Kushida ran the ropes but Heights caught him and tossed him straight up in the air. He nailed a powerful suplex and tagged Dempsey back in. Dempsey scored with a spinning backbreaker for a 2 count. Heights whipped Kushida hard into the corner and gained a nearfall. He tagged Borne in but Kushida connected with a handspring double back elbow and tagged Wentz in. Wentz hit a double dropkick on Heights and Borne. He caught Borne in mid-air and nailed a German suplex. Dempsey came in and was met with an upper cut. Wentz nailed a running kick and Miguel hit a spinebuster on Dempsey. They hit a triple dropkick on Dempsey then all ran the ropes with crazy dives to the outside. That was a cool spectacle and good camera work there. Heights tried a suplex on Kushida who caught him by the arm and tried to lock in the Hoverboard Lock. Dempsey synched in a double wrist lock which forced Kushida to break the hold. Kushida rolled through and went back to the Hoverboard Lock on Dempsey. Miguel had Heights in an arm bar. Wentz locked Borne in a Triangle Choke. All 3 of the NXT stars powered out with standing powerbombs to break the hold. Kushida nailed the Pele kick on Dempsey then all 3 TNA wrestlers hit a running kick on Dempsey at the same time. They held Dempsey in the ropes but Jonathan Gresham walked down to the ring clapping and distracted Kushida who chased him off. The Rascalz double teamed Dempsey but Heights broke up the pinfall. Dempsey nailed a German suplex on Miguel. Then it was 3 on 1. Heights hit a massive belly-to-belly suplex on Wentz, followed up by a Dragon Suplex by Dempsey for the win after 10 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: NXT’s No Quarter Catch Crew

Analysis: ***1/2 That was a really exciting six-man tag team match with a screwy finish that will lead to Wes Lee reuniting with Trey and Wentz at the PPV. The power of Heights and Borne was impressive. Kushida will face Gresham on the Countdown show, which is a bit of a disappointment in my view when Matt Hardy vs JDC will make the main card.

Later on will be a contract signing for the 6-man main event for Slammiversary. Nic Nemeth won’t be there because he ‘hasn’t been cleared yet’. I expect no violence during that contract signing. None at all.

There was a pre-taped vignette from the Rascalz, mucking about with Wes Lee. It was weird timing since they just a big match. Wes Lee suggested a 6-man tag team match at Slammiversary between them and the NQCC.

Analysis: There’s the official match. Would’ve been better to air this before the opening match because it makes light of the fact that they just got beaten up by the NXT guys.

Match #2: Alisha Edwards w/ Masha Slamovich vs Xia Brookside

Xia lost to Masha 3 weeks ago so I guess now they need someone to lose to Alisha who is really not very good in the ring. Brookside ducked a cheap shot early on. Alisha took a wrist lock but Xia flipped out of it with an arm drag and a dropkick for 2. Alisha avoided a corner attack and missed a backstabber in the corner but Xia sold it well. Alisha choked her out against the ropes then hit a punt to the ribs. She hit a snapmare and stood on Xia’s hair whilst pulling her arms. Alisha tried it again but Xia rolled her up for a 2 count. Xia fought back with right hands but ran into a powerslam for a 2 count for Alisha. Alisha mounted Xia with right hands. She used her legs to drive Xia’s head into the mat then turned it into another pin for a 2 count. That was decent offense. Xia turned it around with a clothesline and a Russian Legsweep for 2. She hit a running crossbody in the corner and then I think they forget the next spot so she hit an awkward punt for a 2 count. Xia hit the crossbody off the top for 2. Alisha threw Xia out of the ring so that Masha could toss her into the steel steps but Dani Luna and Jody Threat ran down for the save. Brookside stopped Alisha on the top rope and nailed the Brooksy Bomb for the win after 5 ½ minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Xia Brookside

Analysis: **1/2 It was a very basic match but it gave Xia some revenge and a win which she needs. She’s a very likable character who the crowd gets behind, she just needs some more polish.

There was a vignette for Mike Santana, showcasing his return to TNA. He addressed JDC who cost him in the #1 contender tournament and they will fight later on in the night.

There was a clip from earlier today showing Mustafa Ali greeting fans, but Mike Bailey grabbed him through the window of his limo. Bailey came through the crowd to address Ali. Bailey was mad because Ali took out his best friend, Trent Seven. He said it was time for Ali to stop hiding and he wasn’t leaving the ring until Ali faced him. Ali appeared on the screen. He was surrounded by armed security. Ali said he would fight him tonight if Bailey could run the Secret Service Gauntlet.

Match #3: Mike Bailey vs The Secret Service

This feels like the Matrix-lite. The first SS agent ran into the ring and copped a thrust kick and Bailey pinned him after 5 seconds. SS agent #2 lasted about 15 seconds. The third jobber came in but bailed quickly. Bailey nailed a diving moonsault to the outside. He hit a running knee. Bailey put him up against the guard rail and hit a hard kick then smashed him into the steel ring post. Matt Rehwoldt blamed the agents’ demise on the fact that they wouldn’t take off their sunglasses. Bailey was enjoying this and took his time as he kicked the agent around the ring. The agent fell to the outside and staggered around the ring so Bailey hit a double knee to the ribs. He tossed him back into the ring and smashed him with another thrust kick for the third win. There was one agent left and none of them have had any offense at all yet. Bailey took him down with an arm bar but he made the bottom rope with his foot. Bailey nailed two kicks and two double knees to finish him off. That only lasted 4 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Mike Bailey

Analysis: SQUASH

That was fun to just watch Bailey destroy 4 guys.

Campaign Singh came out with the predictable change in plans. He was the last man in the gauntlet.

Match #4: Mike Bailey vs Campaign Singh

Singh choked out Bailey and whipped him hard into the corner, then nailed a clothesline. He hit a version of the Khallas for a close 2 count. Singh went for a sharpshooter but Bailey turned it into an inside cradle for a 2 count. Bailey nailed the Tornado Kick and Ultima Weapon for the easy win after 2 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Mike Bailey

Analysis: * That gets 1 star because Singh actually got some offense in.

Ali’s music hit but Bailey was confronted by two security guards with batons. No sign of Ali. A third masked man attacked Bailey from behind with the baton. It was Ali. Ali made the referee count the 3 on Bailey.

Analysis: Effective segment to get more heat on Ali. I think Bailey’s time will come on Saturday and it will be an amazing match.

Ali gloated backstage with his crew. He said the match for Slammiversary is off because Ali just pinned Bailey. Santino Marella showed up and told Ali that’s not the case because it wasn’t sanctioned. Marella said he would strip Ali of the title and fire him if he didn’t show up on Saturday. Ali told Marella that whatever happens to Bailey now, is on him.

Match #5: TNA World Tag Team Championships: The System vs The Hardys

Now, back to some proper wrestling. The winner of this match will face ABC at Slammiversary. This is the Hardys first tag match in TNA since 2017 and the crowd was right into it. They came down to their classic theme. The Hardys had the ascendency early. The crowd went crazy when Jeff tagged in. They hit Poetry in Motion and sent Myers and Edwards to the outside with clotheslines. Jeff waited for Myers to get back into the ring. He tossed Jeff into the top turnbuckle and tagged in Edwards. Edwards took Matt off the ring apron with a cheap shot. He tagged Myers back in and he kicked Jeff to the mat. Myers nailed a suplex and tossed him back into the corner for Eddie to tag in. Edwards nailed a headbutt on Jeff. He wasted some time so Jeff hit a jawbreaker and tagged in Matt. Matt nailed a clothesline on Eddie and knocked Myers off the apron. He did his Delete turnbuckle shots on both Myers and Edwards. Matt went to the top but Edwards stopped him with a chop. Matt came back with a Tornado DDT off the middle rope for 2. Myers took Jeff off the apron and went into the ring for the interference. Myers nailed a spear and Edwards covered for a 2 count. Myers tagged in and hit a clothesline, then quickly tagged back out. Matt hit a neckbreaker but Myers took Jeff off the apron again! Edwards dragged Matt over to their corner and tagged Myers back in. Myers backed Matt into the corner and quickly tagged Edwards in who made a quick pin for a 2 count. Matt fought back with body shots but Edwards made another tag to Myers. Edwards wanted the Backpack Stunner but Matt tossed Edwards into Myers, who crashed off the top turnbuckle. Matt hit the Side Effects on Edwards and tagged in Jeff. Jeff used Edwards to hit Poetry in Motion on Myers. He nailed a double leg drop and a drop kick on Myers. Jeff fought them both with the Whisper in the Wind for 2. Matt tossed Edwards out of the ring. They both nailed a Twist of Fate on Myers. Jeff went to the top for the Swanton Bomb but JDC shoved him off the top and the referee called for the disqualification after 10 minutes.

Winners by disqualification: The Hardys (The System retain the titles)

Analysis: ***1/2 They were building to something really good and exciting but then the DUD finish happened to continue the story.

JDC and Edwards put a chair around Jeff’s neck and tossed him into the steel ring post whilst Myers held Matt down in the ring. Welcome back to TNA, Jeff. JDC tossed Hardy into the guard rail, still with the chair around his neck. The medicos put a neck brace on Jeff, whilst Matt checked on him. Security tried to remove Edwards and Myers from ringside. JDC stayed in the ring as he faces Santana next.

Analysis: There was a lot going on there. It writes Jeff off TV for a while and keeps the Tag Team Titles on The System.

Match #6: JDC vs Mike Santana

Santana jumped JDC early on. JDC tried to run away but Santana hit an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on the outside of the ring. They cut to Jeff Hardy getting wheeled away and then Tommy Dreamer told Matt that Rebecca was hurt. Matt ran to her and she was holding her arm and told Matt that JDC had assaulted her backstage. Jeff was loaded into the ambulance and sent to the hospital then they cut back to the match in the ring. JDC sent Santana into the steel ring post. He pummelled away with right hands and drove Santana’s head into the exposed middle turnbuckle. JDC dropped Santana back-first onto the steel steps. He bit at the forehead wound of Santana. JDC tossed Santana back into the ring and got a 2 count. He chopped Santana in the corner and returned to biting Santana. JDC hit a snapmare and tried to choke Santana out. Santana got back to his feet and nailed a chop. He ran into a knee strike and tumbled to the outside. JDC got a steel chair from under the ring. He missed and smashed the steel ring post. Santana hit a running dropkick on the outside. Both men made it back into the ring before the referee counted to 10. They battled on their knees with right hands. Santana got the upper hand with two clotheslines in the corner and a superkick. JDC ran into a DVD and Santana got a 2 count. He was bleeding from the forehead at this point. JDC ducked out of the Spin the Block and hit an Air Raid Crash for a close 2 count. They fought on the top rope and JDC hit a Falcon Arrow for 2! They battled on the outside again and Santana found the steel chair. He smashed JDC over the back to cause the DQ after 7 minutes.

Winner by disqualification: JDC

Analysis: *** That was a real brawl from the outset and I enjoyed it, even though it is the second straight match with a DQ finish.

Security tried to stop Santana post-match but he nailed another steel chair shot and then Spin the Block on the outside area. JDC was a bloody mess as Santana celebrated his work.

There was a video package for the Knockouts’ Championship match at Slammiversary. Tom Hannifan asked Grace a few questions about the match on Saturday. Grace said whilst Ash went on holiday, she was fighting both on NXT and TNA. She called Ash over confident

Analysis: I am very worried that Ash will win on Saturday. I’m hopeful that Grace retains and then there’s a big surprise return to kick off a new feud with her for a couple of months.

George Iceman was on the phone with Ash and told her about her hotel and limousine reservations for the weekend. Rosemary turned up behind him and wanted to attack him but couldn’t bring herself to doing it.

Analysis: This has all been very weird, especially since Ash is in a title match. I guess it means Rosemary is not involved in a match which is pleasing.

Slammiversary Main Event Contract Signing

Santino Marella introduced the competitors and as always I chuckled at ‘Josh Alessandro’. Predictably, Joe Hendry received the biggest pop of the night although the fans were going crazy for Jeff Hardy every time he tagged in. Nic Nemeth wasn’t in person but was on the screen and said even with a partially torn labrum he will be cleared for Saturday. Marella passed the contract around for the 5 guys to sign. First Class interrupted. They reminded us who they are. AJ Francis said that they were the main event of Slammiversary. He said that it’s no coincidence that the biggest show in a decade has AJ on the card. AJ and Rich Swann got in the ring. AJ said he respects all 5 guys in the match but not Joe Hendry and no, he doesn’t believe. He trashed the Eagles next. AJ demanded that Marella make PCO vs AJ the main event for Slammiversary. Marella fired up and told AJ this isn’t the time for his shenanigans. AJ told Marella to make him leave. PCO came out from under the ring and took to AJ and Swann with punches. He sent AJ out of the ring with a clothesline then a dive. The World Title match competitors then started brawling in the ring. The action spilled to the ringside area. Moose set up the table and went to powerbomb Hendry. Alexander stopped him with a huge forearm. Hendry destroyed Moose through the table with the Standing Ovation and the fans were going crazy. Hendry signed the contract and threw it at Moose.

Analysis: That was a fun segment. It seems too obvious that Hendry is going to win, although he is so popular at the moment that you wouldn’t blame TNA for putting the title on him right now. I think there will be a screwy finish and Hendry will win the championship in a 1 on 1 setting at Bound for Glory, which I think will be in the UK. To go further out on a limb, I think Slammiversary will end with AJ Styles confronting Moose after the World Title match.

Final Rating: 7.5/10

That was not a classic wrestling show and there were a lot of screwy finishes to matches, and maybe I’m getting all sentimental because I missed a week, but I thought that was a great show. Every single segment seemed to matter and build towards Saturday which feels like a really big event now. Even the silliness with Mike Bailey and the security guards just added more heat and made you want to see Ali get beaten on Saturday even more. There are some interesting booking decisions to be made at Slammiversary and I’m really looking forward to it. I hope we get some surprises, too!

The next TNA PLE is Slammiversary from Montreal on Saturday. Here’s the final card with my predictions in bold:

* TNA World Championship: 6-man elimination match: Moose (c) vs Josh Alexander vs Nic Nemeth vs Steve Maclin vs Frankie Kazarian vs Joe Hendry
* TNA Knockouts’ Championship: Jordynne Grace (c) vs Ash-By-Elegance
* TNA World Tag Team Championships: The System (c) vs ABC
* TNA X-Division Championship: Mustafa Ali (c) vs Mike Bailey
* TNA Knockouts’ Tag Team Championships: Alisha Edwards & Masha Slamovich (c) vs Spitfire
* TNA Digital Media Championship: AJ Francis (c) vs PCO
* Matt Hardy
vs JDC
* Mike Santana vs Jake Something
* Countdown to Slammiversary: Kushida vs Jonathan Gresham
* Countdown to Slammiversary: Tasha Steelz vs Gisele Shaw vs Xia Brookside vs Faby Apache

Any feedback or comments are welcome. My email address is in case anybody wants to get in touch with me and my Twitter/X handle is @thomok6 as well. Thanks for reading!