
TNA Impact Review – January 23, 2025

TNA Impact Review January 23

The NXT crossover continued on the first live Impact show in 8 years, as TNA rode the wave of momentum off the back of the very successful Genesis PPV.

I enjoyed TNA Genesis from last Sunday. It will be remembered as a night that TNA finally pulled the trigger on Joe Hendry and made him World Champion, in a famous victory over Nic Nemeth. I always believed in Joe Hendry, but not so much the TNA bookers which he overcame. Tessa Blanchard and Jordynne Grace had the match of the night. It was one of the best women’s matches in company history and felt like a real fight from the beginning; such is the animosity between the two. Grace is finished with TNA after carrying the division (and at times, the company) since the pandemic. It will be interesting to see how she does in WWE. I expect it to be a slow rise to the upper-mid card.

Tonight, TNA is back to a live Impact show. When you look at viewer numbers and the fact that taping spoilers are widely accessible online, it will surprise many that TNA is still alive. They’ve also announced another live show for next month so perhaps it’s going to be a monthly thing which would be nice. There’s certainly been some shaky and unstable times over the last 10 years, but they seem to be bouncing back in this new ‘TNA’ era. It’s fun to write about and I’m excited to cover tonight’s show. I’m more excited than the Raw on Netflix debut, which I felt bombed.

TNA Impact Live 23.1.25 from the Boeing Center at Tech Port in San Antonio, Texas

There were highlights shown of the main happenings from Genesis, which I covered above. There was an interview that was taped earlier in the day between Gia Miller and Santino Marella. He said tonight would be full of surprises and TNA would make history. A mystery person drove into the parking lot in a black car.

Let’s Hear from the NEW TNA World Champion

Hendry made his way to the ring for the first time as champ. Some dudes at ringside had new Hendry shirts on which looked great. The ring announcer, McKenzie Mitchell who debuted at Genesis and is much better than Jade Chung, announced Hendry with gusto. The crowd told him he deserved it. Hendry thanked the fans for chanting for him when he was going through some uphill battles on the road to the title. He said he would be a fighting champion who put the title on the line against anyone from anywhere (wink, NXT). Here comes the Director of Authority now. Marella congratulated Hendry and said he was proud of him. He said he has an individual to take Hendry up on his offer. Matt Cardona’s music hit and he stared down Hendry from the stage.

Analysis: That announcement was underwhelming. Cardona is just bouncing from company to company getting title shots. I guess the match will be fine.

They showed the finish of the I Quit match between Josh Alexander and Mike Santana. Alexander quit the match and said he quit TNA, too. There was a backstage video of Eric Young confronting Alexander. Young questioned Alexander quitting after all he’s gone through. Alexander walked off. They cut to Young chatting to Steve Maclin backstage. Young said Alexander is worth saving. Maclin listed all the heelish things Alexander has done over the last few months. He doesn’t trust Alexander. Young said Alexander was in a dark hole and he’s reaching out for help. Maclin told him no one owes Alexander a thing. Alexander walked by. He apologised for his past behaviour. Alexander shook Young’s hand but Maclin refused.

Analysis: Maybe that’s TNA conceding that Alexander’s heel turn hasn’t worked. I think he’s been pretty good in that role. I would’ve kept it going if he was hanging around in TNA.

Gia Miller was after Nic Nemeth, but Ryan opened it and interrupted her. Nic said he would address TNA next week. Why is he there this week then?

Match #1: Masha Slamovich & Spitfire vs Rosemary, Heather & Ash-by-Elegance

It’s a matchup between the winners from Genesis against the losers. I’m not sure where Ash and Heather go now, as they’ve already lost on their first challenge attempt and there’s no other teams in the division. They really need a reboot. Threat and Ash started off. Luna came in and slammed Threat on top of Ash to get a 1 count. Ash tagged Rosemary in. Luna took her down with a shoulder tackle. Threat had a blind tag off the Irish Whip. She hit a diving crossbody on Rosemary for 1. Rosemary fought off Threat’s shoulders. She choked her into the corner and tagged in Heather. Rosemary was going nuts and started choking Heather, who quickly tagged Ash in. Threat chopped her way out of the corner. Heather used a toy horse to hit Threat across the back (they are in Texas I guess) and Ash covered Jody for 2. Rosemary tagged back in. She whipped Threat into the corner and hit an Exploder suplex for 2. Ash tagged in and suplexed Threat for a 2 count. She went over and talked trash to Masha who slapped her. Threat made the tag to Slamovich who hit a big kick on Heather, who just tagged in, for 2. Rosemary saved Heather from a piledriver and nailed a reverse DDT. Luna came in with a single-leg dropkick. Heather took her down with a spinning DDT. Threat hit a Michinoku Driver on Heather. Ash dropkicked Threat out of the ring. Slamovich tagged Luna in. Ash rolled Luna up for 2. Luna nailed a snap German suplex. She hit two more. Cora Jade’s music hit. She came down to ringside to confront Slamovich. Jade handed Slamovich an envelope with her face crossed out, like Slamovich used to do to her opponents. Ash knocked Luna into Slamovich and the champ crashed to the floor. Ash rolled Luna up for the win after 7 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: Rosemary, Heather & Ash-by-Elegance

Analysis: **1/2 It was a basic tag match that just used the ending to further the feud between Jade and Slamovich. I’m not sure it’s a great look for the Knockouts Division when an NXT woman is first in line for the main title, but I don’t think Jade will be beating Slamovich.

Let’s Hear from Josh Alexander

Alexander came down to the ring with his Northern Armory teammates. He was contractually obligated to appear. Alexander put over Santana as the standard of TNA. I’m not sure he’s at that level yet. He said he’s not proud of his actions from the last few months. The crowd was still booing him. Alexander talked about watching TNA for the first time in 2002 and since then he’s been a lifelong TNA fan. He started to fire up but the crow still booed him. Alexander said the fans have no reason to believe or trust him. He said his 6 years in TNA have been a dream come true but it’s time to step away. Judas Icarus and Travis Williams weren’t so sure. I think Icarus was even crying. Alexander told them to do things the right way because it’s going to be without him. Williams told him he couldn’t leave and then took him down with the chop block. Icarus hit a Superman punch and the two of them beat down Alexander. Eric Young ran down for the save. That sets up a tag match for next week.

Analysis: The crowd wasn’t buying the words of Alexander after his actions over the last few months. I’m not sure why he’s ‘quitting’ as he hasn’t given any reason.

Match #2: Non-Title Match: JDC & Moose w/ The System vs The Hardys

The brawl was on before the bell rang. Jeff flew through the air with a Poetry in Motion on JDC in the corner. Matt and JDC were legal as the match officially began. Matt hit a sitout powerbomb from the corner for 2. Tom Hannifan put over The Hardys vs The Rascalz at Genesis, when in reality it was bitterly disappointing. JDC countered a Twist of Fate and Moose drilled Matt from behind on the ring apron. Moose tagged in and pummelled Matt with right hands. Alisha choked Matt when the referee wasn’t looking. JDC tagged in again. He whipped Matt hard into the corner and got a 2 count. Moose tagged in. He stretched Matt out with a neck wrench. JDC hit a dropkick and tagged himself in. He missed the leg drop from the top rope so Matt could reach Jeff for the tag. Moose also made the tag. He ran into an Atomic Drop. Jeff dropped his legs down low and hit an elbow drop but JDC broke up the pinfall. Jeff tossed JDC out. Moose missed a spear so Jeff nailed him with a Twist of Fate. JDC got up on the ring apron to stop him. Matt hit JDC with the Twist of Fate on the outside. Moose leapt to the top rope but Jeff knocked him off and nailed the Swanton for the win at around 4:30.

Winner by pinfall: The Hardys

Analysis: **1/2 That was very quick but they packed a lot in. Jeff pinning the X-Champ could lead to a shot at the title which would be cool. Fun stuff here.

The mystery ‘23’ video played again as The Hardys left the arena. Sami Callihan made his way down to the ring. He wanted to get to the bottom of this. Callihan said he was sick of 23 and wanted to find out who it was right now. Steph de Lander came out with the TNA Digital Media Championship. PCO went on a wild rant with the title on the weekend and has now left TNA. De Lander said she was through with PCO and introduced her boyfriend, Mance Warner. Warner took Callihan down with a clothesline and drilled him in the face with the championship. SDL and Warner had a moment in the ring. Poor PCO didn’t get any of that.

Analysis: That was a good tease to do the sneak attack. I don’t know much about Warner. Feuding with Callihan isn’t a great start though. At least the Digital Media title is back.

Match #3: WWE NXT Tag Team Championships: Nathan Frazer & Axiom (c) vs The Rascalz

This is the first time a WWE Championship has been defended in a TNA ring. I’m not sure why The Rascalz get a shot only 4 days after losing their TNA Tag Team title shot. Why reward losing? Frazer and Axiom were the best team in all of WWE last year and they’re such fun to watch. This should be better than the Hardy match because the NXT guys will go at the same pace as Miguel and Wentz. It’s Miguel and Frazer kicking it off. There was a lot of dodging and countering early on. Frazer tagged in Axiom who grounded Miguel for a 2 count. He rolled him up for another nearfall. Miguel broke free from the sleeper hold but ran into a shoulder block for 2. Axiom targeted Miguel’s left shoulder. Miguel used the ropes to springboard up and hit a German suplex. He finally made the tag to Wentz. Frazer also tagged in. He sent Frazer face-first into the mat and nailed a German suplex, then a running knee in the corner. Wentz hit a PK and a running Shooting Star Press for 2. Wentz avoided a springboard clothesline but ran into a slingblade. Miguel broke the pinfall up. Fraxiom hit a double-team move out of the corner on Miguel. Frazer hit a superplex on Wentz. He picked up Wentz for another suplex and turned it into a Brainbuster after a superkick by Axiom. Frazer covered Wentz for a very close 2 count. Miguel sent Frazer to the floor with a handspring kick from the apron. Axiom nailed Miguel with a superkick. He turned around into a handspring knee lift from Wentz. Axiom tried to roll Wentz up but he held onto the ropes. He kipped up but right into a superkick from Wentz. What amazing timing on that spot. Wentz bounced off the ropes for his handspring cutter but Axiom drilled him in the face with a superkick of his own. I don’t like the lack of selling but that looked awesome. Miguel ran in for some double-team kicks. Wentz hit a double stomp. Frazer tried a handspring moonsault but was caught with a double superkick. Ouch. The Rascalz nailed a double-team neckbreaker from the top for a close 2 count. Wes Lee ran down and tried to enter the ring. His big goons from NXT, Tyson and Tyriek sent Wentz into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Axiom nailed Miguel with an enziguiri in the corner. Spanish Fly from Axiom into the Phoenix Splash from Frazer to retain the titles after 9 minutes.

Winners AND STILL NXT Tag Team Champions: Nathan Frazer & Axiom

Analysis: ***1/2 That was a fun match with a screwy finish. I like the way that they made the superkick look worthy again. It’s been so overused as just a regular move in wrestling over the last few years. Nic Nemeth is someone who uses it really well, but other guys like Jey Uso pull it out 3-4 times every match and it just loses its effect.

Mike Santana Speaks

Santana put over Alexander as the workhorse of TNA. He said his goal in 2025 was to become TNA World Champion. He was interrupted by the returning Mustafa Ali. Yes! Ali got a big ovation and strode down to the ring with confidence. The fans were chanting for him. Ali announced that he had signed with TNA. He said there’s work to be done and he is back to provide the great leadership that TNA needs. Ali said he was going to give the fans someone to believe in and become the World Champion.

Analysis: I’m very glad to see Ali back. He was probably the #3 guy in TNA in 2024 and he was only there a few months. He always brought excitement to the ring and his goofy presidential-style shtick worked for me. Ali vs Santana looks to be an early feud for 2025.

Tessa Blanchard Breaks Her Silence

Tessa Blanchard cut a promo from the stage. The crowd was booing her. She talked about some of the history of San Antonio. They showed her dad in the crowd. Tessa trashed San Antonio’s sports teams. She talked about being special and having talent that can’t be taught. The crowd’s boos were drowning her out. She said it was time to get down to business.

Analysis: Promos have never been her strong point but this was fine. There wasn’t much substance to it. She should’ve talked about beating Jordynne Grace and what she’s going to do in 2025 but she just blathered on about her family. It probably should’ve been done backstage and you would’ve saved two minutes.

Match #4: TNA World Championship: Joe Hendry (c) vs Matt Cardona

Frankie Kazarian was again at ringside for a championship match. Cardona bailed to the outside after taking an early clothesline. He came back and targeted the left shoulder of Hendry, who outwrestled him and did a kip up. Cardona nailed a cheap shot and chipped Hendry in the corner. Hendry fought back with his own chops but Cardona nailed a forearm. He nailed a knee lift and his stalling suplex. Cardona bailed to the outside again. Hendry followed him but Cardona choked him with his singlet. Cardona dived off the steel steps but Hendry caught him with an Attitude Adjustment on the ring apron. Cardona raked Hendry’s eyes and tossed him into the ring steps.

(Commercial break)

Back in the ring, Hendry tried a sunset flip pin for a 2 count. He tried to other roll ups unsuccessfully. Cardona nailed a chop block to slow Hendry down. He locked in the Guillotine. Hendry was down to a knee but powered up and turned it into a suplex. He nailed a clothesline and the Fallaway slam. Hendry kipped up and called for the Standing Ovation. Cardona took out the knee and hit a strait jacket neckbreaker for 2. Nice move there. He measured Hendry for the Reboot in the corner. The fans chanted “Woo, woo, woo” as a nod to a previous character. Hendry caught a second Reboot before Cardona could hit it and sent him face-first into the mat. Hendry wanted a powerbomb but Cardona caught him with a dropkick from the middle rope and a DDT for 2. Hendry avoided Radio Silence and sent Cardona over his shoulders. Cardona went for a forearm in the corner but took out the referee. He turned around into a pop-up powerbomb but there was no referee. Hendry wanted the Standing Ovation but Cardona went low. Cardona retrieved the championship belt from ringside. John Layfield came through the crowd and mauled Cardona with the Clothesline From Hell. Cardona sold it perfectly. Layfield stared down Hendry from the ringside area. Hendry was shocked. Layfield went through the crowd again. Cardona went back into the right and nailed Hendry in the face with the championship. The referee crawled over and Hendry just kicked out before 3. That was a good nearfall. Cardona went for another shot with the title but Hendry ducked and nailed the Standing Ovation for the win after 13 minutes.

Winner by pinfall AND STILL TNA World Champion: Joe Hendry

Analysis: ***1/2 That was a perfectly acceptable main event that had some interesting moments packed into the 13 minutes of action. There weren’t really any slow parts and I noticed Hendry trying out some new in-ring moves, probably because there would be more eyes on the live show, so that was good to see. John Layfield turning up again is fun. I think Cardona could’ve sold that clothesline for a bit longer but they might’ve been running out of time. That angle is still interesting. Is Layfield with Hendry?

Final Rating: 7/10

That was a fun show that had a few surprises throughout the night. It had a fresh feel to it with a slick set and the crowd was great for the whole show. There were a lot of promo segments and only 4 matches. My guess is that they wanted to get as many wrestlers on the show as possible but they could’ve had some of the promos backstage. Two or three minutes of time already gets chewed up through entrances and getting into the ring. Matt Cardona wasn’t the most interesting choice of surprise opponent for Joe Hendry but the match itself was fine and had some fun moments. I also enjoyed the NXT Tag Title match, even though it was under ten minutes. Seeing Mustafa Ali back was probably my favourite part of the show.

The next TNA monthly special is Sacrifice on March 14th from El Paso, Texas.

Any feedback or comments are welcome. My email address is in case anybody wants to get in touch with me and my Twitter/X handle is @thomok6 as well. Thanks for reading!