TNA Impact Review – February 20, 2025
The NXT Champion and a few fresh faces crossed the line on this week’s live episode of TNA Impact featuring a Joe Hendry Concert with interruptions.
The show opened with the regular recap of last week’s show which saw Joe Hendry successfully defend his TNA World Championship over Jake Something, Nic Nemeth accidentally super kicking Santino Marella leading to a suspension and Eric Young sending Josh Alexander out of TNA with a loss.
TNA Impact Live 20.2.25 from Full Sail University in Orlando, FL
Joe Hendry Tries Another Live Concert
The cameras cut to Hendry, who was already in the ring. They cut to a wide shot where we could see the familiar NXT arena in full detail. Hendry plugged some of his merch. He had a few issues this week with online companies selling counterfeit Hendry shirts. Hendry’s first song was about the Royal Rumble. He sang that he would’ve won if it wasn’t for Roman Reigns. Hendry hinted at giving John Cena a World Title match. He hadn’t even finished his first song when he was interrupted by the Colon Brothers- former WWE Tag Team Champions. They were Primo and Epico in WWE. I think their names popped up on the screen briefly but I missed it. There was ‘Where’s Carlito?’ chants. One of them spoke and said The Colons were serious wrestlers and were here for serious business. The one with the microphone instructed his cousin to go in and break Hendry’s neck. That’s an odd way to introduce yourself to the TNA audience. Hendry was ready to defend himself with his guitar but the lights went out. It was Elijah (former Elias in WWE) and he got a huge pop from the Impact Zone. He was on the stage with a spotlight and his guitar. Elijah sang a song about starting a fight and joining TNA for tonight. Elijah asked if the fans wanted to walk with him. They chanted for Elijah to the tune of Seven Nation Army. Elijah said his arrival had upstaged The Colons. He named them as Eddie and Orlando, so he’s doing a better job than the commentators. Elijah said we could use a little Colon cleanse. He asked if Hendry wanted to team up. Santino Marella came out and made it official. Elijah asked if Hendry wanted to have a little concert right now. He took his guitar and Hendry pumped up the crowd, singing about winning tonight.
Analysis: That was a fun opening segment. Two guitars and none broken- cue the Jeff Jarrett jokes. Two surprises to kick off the show. I was never a huge fan of Elias in WWE. He was pretty limited in the ring, but he returned with a silly gimmick as a twin brother that I found more entertaining. The Colons were never a huge tag team but had some success in WWE.
.@_Iam_Elijah_ and @joehendry vs. The Colons is our MAIN EVENT!
Watch #TNAiMPACT on TNA+:
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 21, 2025
Gia Miller was backstage with Leon Slater, ahead of his No-DQ match with JDC later on. Slater said he was sick of being disrespected and he was here to be a TNA star. He said he was going to earn the respect of The System and the fans.
Analysis: I think the next step for Slater to become a bigger star is to give him some mic time in the ring. It’s easy backstage, but the fans need to connect with him and respond to what he is saying.
Gia Miller caught up with The Colons backstage. Orlando spoke this time. He said TNA needed them and their legacy. He was fired up.
Analysis: TNA definitely needs more tag teams so I am all for an experienced team like this joining TNA. I now know which one is which!
Match #1: The Rascalz w/ Ace Austin vs NXT’s Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe w/ Wes Lee
The four men brawled early. The Rascalz double-teamed Dupont and he missed a clothesline and tumbled to the floor. Igwe came in and tossed Wentz into Miguel with serious power. The match started properly. Igwe hit a spinning slam on Trey Miguel. He tagged in Dupont and he nailed a huge running upper cut. Dupont hit a back suplex and tagged Igwe in. Miguel fought back with kicks and tagged in Wentz. Wentz hit a double dropkick on his opponents. He nailed running knees in opposite corners, then a running SSP on Igwe. Austin and Lee had words at ringside. Igwe squashed Wentz with a clothesline. They hit an awesome double team legdrop on Miguel but Wentz broke the pin up. Wentz flew over the top to prevent Lee from interfering. Miguel hit the Meteora on a distracted Igwe. Wentz went up high with the Swanton and Miguel got the pinfall win after 4 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: The Rascalz
Analysis: **1/2 A lot happened in that 4 minutes. I’m disappointed that that’s the amount of ring time we got there.
Wes Lee challenged the face team to a 6-man tag team match at Sacrifice. About time!
.@_Tysonwwe_ and @TyriekIgwe_WWE fall to The Rascalz on #TNAiMPACT!
Watch on TNA+:
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 21, 2025
First Class Penthouse Segment
AJ Francis & KC Navarro had a VIP section set up on the stage. He introduced a bunch of people that I don’t know or don’t care about. Then he introduced Mick Foley’s daughter, Noelle, so at least I knew her. Francis said he was upset with their lack of tag team championship opportunities. He said management distracted him by giving him a Piper’s Pit-type segment. Francis took credit for Hendry getting the rub. He feigned announcing AJ Styles as his first guest. Francis said he left ‘that place’ to save ‘this place’ (TNA).
Analysis: That was 7 minutes of not much. Get them in the tag team division again.
Match #2: Lei Ying Lee vs Rosemary
Lee epitomises the frustration I usually have with AEW, in that she is booked for a few solid weeks in a row then you don’t see her again for a month. Fans can’t connect with new talent if they aren’t on all the time. TNA did this throughout 2024, but I think it’s more about appearances than wrestlers just sitting around in catering like in AEW. Lee hit a jumping kick early on for a 1 count. Rosemary fought off Lee’s shoulders by raking her eyes, then she hit a reverse DDT for 2. Rosemary choked Lee out on the mat, until the referee counted to 4. Lee avoided an attack in the corner and hit a jawbreaker. She fought out of a chokeslam attempt and nailed some right hands. Lee sent Rosemary into the corner. Rosemary blocked a suplex attempt. She missed a clothesline and ran into an elbow strike. Lee hit a spinning Aeroplane Spin-type slam for 2. She blocked Rosemary’s finisher with a back body drop and nailed Thunder Struck for an easy win after 4 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Lei Ying Lee
Analysis: ** That was a fine match to showcase Lee’s skill set. The crowd was behind her. Now, don’t wait another month to have her appear again.
Rosemary spat the green mist in Lee’s eyes after the match, so that feud will continue.
.@WeAreRosemary just BLINDED @TheLeiYingLee with the Green Mist!
Watch #TNAiMPACT on TNA+:
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 21, 2025
Sami Callihan was backstage hunting for Mance Warner. They started to brawl and then the camera went dead.
Lei Ying Lee was getting checked out by the doctors. Tessa Blanchard said she was ready for her medical now. The doctor wouldn’t budge. Blanchard did the John Cena hand signal to Lee. She talked down to the doctor and walked off.
Analysis: Tessa the bully character is fun to watch.
Let’s Hear from The Northern Armory
Eric Young said he did what he said he was going to do and eliminate Josh Alexander. He said it wasn’t a farewell for Alexander, more like a celebration of Young’s power. Young said Icarus and Williams will be men and champions under his leadership. He said that the three of them would be at the top of this company. The fans gave him the ‘What?’ treatment. I hate that more than anything in wrestling. Young played it perfectly. He called himself the lifeblood of TNA. Young had the insane heel eyes going on. He called Steve Maclin out to join him. Maclin’s music didn’t hit and he didn’t show. He told Maclin that he could trust him. Young thanked Maclin for telling him he couldn’t trust Alexander. He stared maniacally into the camera.
Analysis: Very good promo. This is the version of Young that I find entertaining. He could be a manager-type for Icarus and Williams, or go for singles gold too.
Mustafa Ali Interrupts Alcoholics Anonymous
Mike Santana was at an (I think) AA meeting. The group leader asked if anyone would like to share. Mustafa Ali, the Good Hands and Tasha Steelz walked in. Ali said he was inspired by all the people in this room. He made sure he sat down right next to Santana. Ali whispered that ‘people like him’ (Santana) don’t change. He walked off.
Analysis: A clever segment to give the feud a more personal touch.
There was a recap of TNA X-Division Champion’s Moose’s appearance on NXT. He is defending his title against Lexis King on Tuesday.
Match #3: No Disqualification Match: JDC vs Leon Slater
JDC bailed to the floor early. He grabbed a steel chair but ran into a big boot from Slater. JDC tried a chop but Slater blocked it with a chair. Slater crushed JDC’s fingers in the chair. He went under the ring and retrieved a table, then set it up at ringside. JDC nailed a few jabs. He tried to toss Slater into the table, but Slater leap-frogged it and hit a Superman punch by jumping over the table. He did his crazy dive over the corner turnbuckle. JDC found a chair and suplexed Slater onto it. JDC threw Slater into the ring and scored a 2 count.
(Commercial break)
Back from the break and JDC drove a kendo stick into the throat of Slater. He hit him with the stick multiple times across the back. Slater grabbed the broken kendo stick and smashed it across JDC’s back a few times. He jumped off the top with a stick shot to the head for 2. Slater set up another table at ringside. He slammed JDC into the ring apron by sweeping his legs out from under him. Slater wanted a powerbomb through the table but JDC rammed him into the steel ring post. JDC tossed Slater back into the ring. Slater hit a basement dropkick on JDC and set him up on the table. He hit a perfect Swanton 450 through the table on the floor. The table exploded on impact. Slater put JDC back in the ring and the referee’s hand was coming down for the 3 count when The System ran down to ringside to pull Slater out of the ring. Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards hit a double chokeslam through the table. They rolled Slater back into the ring and JDC covered him for the pinfall win after 7 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: JDC
Analysis: *** That was an entertaining match. They didn’t do anything extreme but hit their spots well.
The Hardys ran down to ringside to aid Slater. They got a thunderous ovation. The Hardys got beaten down 4 on 2 until the NXT Champion, Oba Femi, appeared! The Ruler is in TNA! Femi strutted down to the ring and nailed Edwards with a big right hand. He sent Myers and JDC out of the ring. Moose bailed up the ramp. The crowd was going crazy.
Analysis: That was great. Femi is a special talent so it was great to see him arrive on TNA. Femi vs Moose will happen soon. This can be set up through a 6 or 8-man tag match in the near future.
Watch #TNAiMPACT on TNA+:
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 21, 2025
The System were arguing backstage. Santino Marella set up The System vs Oba Femi & The Hardys in 6-man tag action.
Analysis: Awesome! Big week for The Hardys on NXT and TNA!
Let’s Hear from Tessa Blanchard
Tessa was supposed to be wrestling tonight but couldn’t get her medical as the doctor was busy with Lei Ying Lee, so here she is to talk. There was “Tessa, we love you” chants early on. As soon as she started to talk, the fans booed her and told her to shut up (not in a PG way). Tessa looked like she was reveling in it. They kept chanting things at her but she handled it well. Then they chanted “She’s a racist”! Santino Marella came out. Tessa thought Santino was going to tell the fans off. Santino said he was sick of Tessa weaseling out of situations. He said if Tessa doesn’t wrestle on Impact next week then she’s fired. Masha Slamovich turned up. She didn’t want Tessa to get fired so she could get her shot at her. Slamovich said she would take Tessa’s opponent right now.
Analysis: She was getting real heat there. It doesn’t matter what she was saying because it’s all about her as a heel. She’s not great at promos anyway, so if they boo over the top of her it’s fine.
Match #4: Non-Title Match: Masha Slamovich vs Mila Moore
Moore attacked Slamovich early on. It didn’t do much. Slamovich hit a back elbow and Requiem for the win after 15 seconds.
Winner by pinfall: Masha Slamovich
Analysis: SQUASH
It was all about the post-match angle, so a squash match was fine.
NXT’s Cora Jade attached Slamovich from behind after the match. She hit a knee strike and Jaded in the center of the ring.
Analysis: They made this match official in the next segment with Santino and Arianna Grace. Jade vs Slamovich for the title at Sacrifice. I like Jade’s version of the double-arm DDT.
There was a silly backstage segment between Spitfire and The Elegances, where the losers of the match had to be the personal concierges for the other team. I think that match will be next week.
Ryan Nemeth Screams
Oh no, he’s hear. To be fair, he plays his character perfectly. The crowd wasn’t really reacting to him tonight, though. He said Nic would return at Sacrifice. Thankfully, that was it.
Next week:
* NXT’s Oba Femi & The Hardys vs The System
* Frankie Kazarian vs Ace Austin
* Sami Callihan vs Mance Warner
* Tessa Blanchard wrestles or she’s fired
Match #5: Joe Hendry & Elijah vs The Colons
The Impact Zone was right behind the face team. They have been loud for most of the night. Hendry and Eddie started off. Hendry asked if the fans wanted Elijah. He tagged him in. Eddie hit a few left hand jabs but Elijah dropped him with a diving clothesline. He hit his version of the Undertaker’s Old School. Hendry tagged in and they nailed a double back elbow. Eddie rolled out of the ring to avoid getting pinned.
(Commercial break)
Orlando and Hendry were legal. Hendry hit a big shoulder tackle and nailed his stalling suplex. Eddie ran in but ate a Fallaway slam. Hendry kipped up but Orlando nailed him from behind. Eddie choked him out against the bottom rope. Orlando smashed Hendry into the top turnbuckle and tagged Eddie in. Eddie hit a nice dropkick and scored a 2 count on the champ. Hendry tried a sunset flip pin for 2. He used an arm drag into another pinfall for 2. Eddie hit another dropkick then hit a knee strike with Hendry against the middle rope. Orlando tagged back in and wrenched at the face of Hendry. He hit a side Russian Legsweep for 2. Orlando hit a flurry of right hands. Hendry fought back with uppercuts. Orlando hit a snapmare and a knee drop. Eddie tagged in again. He hit a leg sweep for a 2 count. Eddie applied a guillotine in the centre of the ring. Hendry lifted him up into a suplex. He made it to his corner to tag in Elijah. Eddie made the tag to Orlando, for his team. Elijah nailed a few back elbows. He countered a dropkick attempt with an Atomic Drop. Elijah hit a big boot on Orlando, then a running splash and a spinebuster for 2. Orlando blocked a corner attack and went for a top rope move but ran into a knee strike in mid-air. Eddie tried to interfere but Hendry sent him over the top rope. Orlando dumped Hendry to the floor but turned around into a Tombstone Piledriver by Elijah to win the match after 11 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Joe Hendry & Elijah
Analysis: *** That was a basic tag team match to put over TNA’s newest signing, Elijah. It made sense for a live show to have a new wrestler debut and make an impact, so kudos to TNA for that one. I hope he does well. I’m not sure if The Colons were a one-off (Eddie had a TNA top on though) but again it was nice to see fresh faces on the show.
.@_Iam_Elijah_ secures the win in his TNA debut with a Piledriver! @joehendry
Watch #TNAiMPACT on TNA+:
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) February 21, 2025
Final Rating: 6/10
It was not the great show I was hoping for in this second live edition of Impact. It was solid and they’re building to Sacrifice really nicely, but there were no stand-out matches this week. I am loving the NXT/TNA crossover and now Impact is starting to feature some of NXT’s bigger stars, which is welcome. It was awesome to see Oba Femi, the NXT Champion, and even better than he’s wrestling in a TNA ring next week. I enjoyed Eric Young’s promo work again and Cora Jade’s appearance leading to her receiving a title match but there wasn’t a lot of substance to the rest of the show. Some of it, including the First Class segment, even felt like filler which you can’t do one your only TV show of the week. Not having guys like Ali and Santana at least feature on your live show is poor.
The next TNA monthly special is Sacrifice on March 14th from El Paso, Texas.

- TNA Knockouts World Championship: Masha Slamovich (c) vs NXT’s Cora Jade
- NXT’s Wes Lee, Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe vs The Rascalz and Ace Austin
- Inter-Promotional Tag Team Match: Wrestlers TBA
- Nic Nemeth returns
Any feedback or comments are welcome. My email address is in case anybody wants to get in touch with me and my Twitter/X handle is @thomok6 as well. Thanks for reading!