
TNA Impact Review – August 8, 2024

TNA Impact August 8

This week’s TNA Impact featured Joe Henry in the main event against WWE NXT’s Wolfgang while Josh Alexander called out TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth.

TNA Impact: 8.8.24 from the Verdun Auditorium in Montreal, Quebec: Canada

The opening video recapped last week’s title defense by Nic Nemeth over Mustafa Ali. I liked the match but wish they were given more time. Nemeth and Josh Alexander had a staredown after the match, so that feud is coming soon. There were highlights of the wedding between PCO and Steph de Lander including the return of Matt Cardona to ruin the celebrations.

The System Reboot

The group kicked off the show with a promo in the ring. They still all had their very ‘loud’ USA gear on. Alisha took the mic which resulted in an instant audible groan from this reviewer. The fans also didn’t want her to speak. She had to really yell to drown out the boos which made her voice even more grating. Alisha held up her championship and boasted about being Knockouts’ Tag Team Champion. Her husband, Eddie, tried to talk but the crowd started chanting ‘Delete’ at him. He said them losing all their titles was nothing more than a fluke. I was having a hard time listening to him because the booing was so great. Brian Myers took the mic. He’s not as interesting so they didn’t boo him as much. Myers said nothing has changed. The System is still the best faction in all of wrestling. The ‘You suck’ chants drowned him out. These fans are great. JDC had a try next. I couldn’t hear what he said but he passed the mic to Moose. He addressed Nic Nemeth and said he would never be the face of the franchise. Moose warned Nemeth that he would take his title back when the time is right. He didn’t appreciate Mike Santana spreading rumours that Moose was afraid of him. Moose talked down to Santana and told TNA to trust The System.

Analysis: They didn’t really say anything noteworthy but even without the titles that’s the best (worst) reaction they’ve received as a group by far. The Canadian fans really don’t trust the System.

Gia Miller interviewed Jonathan Gresham backstage. Gresham didn’t have his mask on. He said why wasn’t important but he is here and ready to go. Kushida confronted him. Gresham wanted a handshake but Kushida was wary.

Analysis: There better be a proper pay off to that because if he has just snapped out of it then that’s plain dumb.

There was a promo for Bound for Glory which will be in Detroit this year. I thought it was going to be in the UK but that’s not the case.

Santino Marella interviewed X-Division Champion, Mike Bailey, which was a Digital Exclusive so done earlier in the week. Bailey is putting himself in the Ultimate X qualifiers, despite being champion. If he loses in the qualifiers, then the title will be vacated for Emergence. Bailey said if he can’t win the qualifiers, then he doesn’t deserve to be champion.

Analysis: More matches with Bailey is fine by me. I like him as a fighting champion.

Match #1: Ultimate-X Qualifier: Trent Seven vs Jake Something vs Mike Bailey

This is basically an X-Division Championship defense thanks to the previous announcement. Bailey tried a quick roll up on Something for 2. Seven clotheslined Something to the floor. Seven and Bailey exchanged unsuccessful roll ups. Seven missed a clothesline and went flying to the floor, so Bailey hit him with a springboard moonsault to the outside. Something went back into the ring so Bailey sent him back outside with a hurricanrana. He tried another hurricanrana but Something caught him and slammed him into Seven, who crashed into the steps. Something hit a powerbomb to Bailey on the ring apron! He tossed Seven back into the ring and nailed him with a wicked forearm smash to the face. Something tried for a powerbomb but Seven prevented it and lifted him onto his shoulders. Bailey flew from the top rope and hit them both with a dropkick. He nailed Something with a few kicks that sent him to the mat, then a running SSP for only 1. Something bailed to the floor for a breather. Bailey tried chopping Seven who brushed it off with a chop of his own and a DDT for 2. Bailey slipped out of a suplex but Something came back in and clotheslined them both to the mat. Seven blocked a corner attack from Something. Bailey nailed Something with a poisonrana and then jumped on Seven on the top rope. Seven hit his awesome spinning suplex from the top on Bailey for 2. Something tossed Bailey into the corner turnbuckle. Seven hit him with a Seven Star Lariat but Something wouldn’t go down. Bailey jumped on Something’s back, but Something nailed Seven with a powerbomb and slammed Bailey at the same time! Something nailed Into the Void on Seven but Bailey broke it up with an Okada Roll and almost stole the win. He hit Something with 2 thrust kicks and the Tornado Kick in the corner. Bailey hit Ultima Weapon for the win after 7 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Mike Bailey

Analysis: ***3/4 That was probably the best 7-minute match you’ll see this year. It was just chaotic and they hit some really cool spots involving all 3 guys. It was obvious Bailey was going to win but I think Something needs more protection. There’s another pinfall loss for him and he might be losing his credibility a bit with nothing much positive happening for him lately in the Win column, despite having some really good matches. Bailey is the first of 6 qualifiers for Emergence.

There were highlights from Tasha Steelz vs Gisele Shaw from X-XPlosion. They’re 2 of the top Knockouts in the division yet we are not even seeing them on the main show. Dumb. Steelz cut a quick pre-taped promo saying she wants to climb back to the top. Shaw cut her off and they got into a bit of a scuffle so Marella broke it up and made a 3rd match in the series for next week.

Analysis: Good. Someone at the top of TNA reads this column.

Hammerstone was backstage with Marella degrading the X-Division. He wanted in so Marella put him in the mix. Eric Young got in his face. They have unfinished business.

Analysis: There’s a guy who needs a push. Young and Hammerstone had a 5-minute match on the Slammiversary pre-show, then Hammerstone and Ash beat Young and Jordynne Grace last week.

Match #2: Kushida vs Jonathan Gresham

Gresham was without his creepy mask. I’m not sure where this is going but it’s even weirder than when he started spitting the ink. I’ll give it a chance. Kushida blew off another handshake attempt. The commentators were trying to work out Gresham’s motivation here. There was a lot of mat wrestling early on. Gresham when for a leg lock. He had in locked in for several minutes but Kushida eventually rolled to the ropes. They exchanged forearm strikes and Kushida nailed a clothesline. They exchanged chops and Gresham hit a nice stalling suplex for 2. He went back to the leg lock and turned it into a half crab. Kushida made the ropes to break the submission. Gresham wanted the Octopus Lock but Kushida hit a Dragon Screw and a dropkick in the corner. Kushida targeted Gresham’s shoulder for the Hoverboard Lock. He went for a roll up but Gresham broke free. Gresham reversed the Hoverboard into a backslide for 2. Kushida nailed a Pele Kick and a running punt. He tried the Hoverboard Lock but Gresham was resisting. Kushida tried the other arm but Gresham sent him into the ropes and nailed a crossbody but Kushida held onto his arm and locked in the Hoverboard Lock for the submission win after 10 minutes.

Winner by submission: Kushida

Analysis: *** That was fine for a technical match but I was hoping we would get some storyline progression or something after the match but there was nothing. I’m a little confused.

The ABC had a vignette that was all about asking who the next challenger was. Mike Bailey walked in and congratulated them on becoming new champions. Bailey wanted them to join the X-Division qualifiers so he can fight the best at Emergence. They said that they would think about it. Ace Austin wasn’t sure because the last time they fought in singles competition, it affected their tag work.

Analysis: Bailey is going to extreme lengths to defend his title, even inviting wrestlers to fight qualifiers!

Steph de Lander was at a day spa that she had organised for PCO. She tried calling him but it went to voicemail. That was it.

Analysis: I think there might be a few more of these throughout the night. Please don’t show anything in a hotel.

Match #3: TNA Knockouts Championship Open Challenge – Jordynne Grace vs. Rosemary

Jordynne Grace came down to a great ovation. Her opponent was Rosemary. Yawn. That’s disappointing. Grace wanted a handshake but Rosemary pulled her in for a clothesline and missed. Rosemary hit a dropkick and then a clothesline against the bottom rope. She locked in a head scissors with Grace against the ring ropes. Rosemary pummelled Grace with right hands on the ring apron. Grace backed her into the corner but missed a clothesline. She blocked a clothesline with a kick and then nailed a shoulder block and a tilt-a-whirl suplex. Grace nailed the World’s Strongest Slam and a Vader Bomb for 2. Rosemary broke out of a Juggernaut Driver attempt and then sent Grace over her back and crashing to the mat. She nailed a spear in the middle of the ring. Rosemary hit a clothesline against the ropes but Grace bounced back with a rolling Death Valley Driver for 2. Grace hit a trio of clotheslines in the corner and put Rosemary on the top turnbuckle. Rosemary blocked a superplex attempt. She went for her finisher but Grace blocked it and hit a stalling superplex! Grace went for the Jackhammer but Rosemary slipped out and nailed a German suplex. Ash and George walked down to ringside. Ash had a kendo stick and nailed Rosemary in the ribs whilst George distracted the referee. Ash then started hitting Grace with the stick, too. The referee saw it and called for the end of the match.

No Contest: AND STILL TNA Knockouts Champion: Jordynne Grace

Analysis: **3/4 That was okay, just because Grace can’t have bad matches, and the crowd was into it but I don’t like that finish. I understand that Ash has beef with both of them but just cost Rosemary the match and move on to a match with her.

Let’s Hear from Josh Alexander (maybe)

Alexander walked slowly down to the ring. He hasn’t really said much in the two weeks since his heel turn. There’s also been no interaction between him and Joe Hendry which I find weird. The fans booed loudly, which is a good sign. Alexander said that a few weeks ago every single fan was chanting for him. Alexander said he hadn’t changed; it was the fans who have changed. He said TNA used to mean that the best wrestlers wrestled here, but now the fans cheer for people like Joe Hendry. Alexander called Hendry a meme and that he couldn’t lace his boots on his best day. The fans chanted for Hendry but Alexander said he’s obviously too busy. Alexander called himself the heart and soul of TNA because of his years of bloody, sweat and tears in this ring. He called himself the best wrestler on the planet and it’s time for him to become TNA Champion again. Alexander called Nic Nemeth out and called him a transitional champion. Here comes Nemeth. He was not looking impressed. Nemeth threw the microphone at Alexander and nailed him with a superkick. Alexander sold it well by landing in a crumpled mess on the mat. Nemeth grabbed a mic and called himself a fighting champion and told him Alexander gets his shot next week!

Analysis: Wow, that’s a massive match for next week. I would say it ends controversially if I was predicting the future. Good promo from Alexander, which explained his heel turn.

Frankie Kazarian was backstage with Santino Marella. Kaz wanted a title shot, too. Marella said it wasn’t his time. Kaz got in his face and said he would get back in contention.

Match #4: Ultimate-X Qualifier: Zachary Wentz w/ Trey Miguel vs KC Navarro vs NXT’s Dante Chen

There were highlights from Tuesday’s NXT where Wentz and Wes Lee lost in their quest for the NXT Tag Team Championships. Wes Lee then turned heel on his friends after the match, screaming at Wentz that he “left him all alone”, when he was fired from WWE 2 years ago. This is certainly a random match. We haven’t seen Navarro in TNA for a while. Chen isn’t a big name in NXT but let’s see what he brings tonight. Wentz was sent to the outside early. Navarro hit a modified 619 on Chen and then a springboard to Wentz on the floor. Navarro nailed a DDT on Chen in the ring for 2. Chen fought back with a back elbow. Navarro fought out of a powerslam and Wentz hung Chen up in the middle rope. He clotheslined both guys in opposite corners. Chen nailed a big boot on Wentz and a big backbreaker on Navarro for 2. Chen blocked a kick from Wentz and hit an uppercut into the corner. Navarro hit an enziguiri on him and climbed to the top. Wentz flew through the air and hit Chen with a neckbreaker, whilst also doing damage to Navarro. Wentz was on fire with back elbows to Navarro and a double stomp on Chen. He hit a flapjack and a German suplex on Navarro. Wentz hit a handspring lifting knee on Chen, which looked cool. Wentz nailed the UFO on Navarro for the win after 5 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Zachary Wentz

Analysis: **1/2 That was a short and dominant win for Wentz to build him back up after a shocking betrayal on Tuesday night. His offense always looks so crisp.

Next week:

* TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) vs Josh Alexander

Analysis: Another World Title match on free TV? This is also a first-time match but I don’t think anyone will lose by pinfall. Maybe Hendry interferes and screws Alexander?

Steph de Lander was at her hotel. She got a text from PCO but Matt Cardona showed up. SDL kicked him out. PCO was being held down outside on the grass. Cardona told him not to mess with his property. Some goons held PCO whilst he hit a stomp.

Analysis: The drama continues. ‘My property’ isn’t a very nice line.

There were highlights of Joe Hendry’s win over Joe Coffey on NXT.

Match #5: NXT’s Wolfgang vs Joe Hendry

The reaction for Hendry was raucous as usual. This is the main event, so good for Wolfgang. Hendry cut a promo before the match. He said it wasn’t long ago that he and Wolfgang were in Scotland trying to make names for themselves. Hendry said it also wasn’t that long ago that Joe Coffey hit him in the back with his own guitar. Wolfgang laughed so Hendry attacked him with right hands and stomps in the corner. Hendry clotheslined him over the top rope. They brawled on the outside and Hendry bounced Wolfgang’s head off the ring apron a few times. Wolfgang struck back with chops and Hendry returned a chop of his own. Back in the ring, Wolfgang stretched out Hendry with a submission. Hendry got to his feet, but Wolfgang grounded him to the mat again. Hendry popped up again but Wolfgang kneed him in the ribs. Hendry finally broke free of the hold and hit a jumping knee strike. Wolfgang tossed Hendry to the outside and rammed him into the ring apron. He nailed a scoop slam on the floor. The referee made it to the count of 9 before Hendry slid back into the ring. Wolfgang stomped on Hendry underneath the ring ropes. He hit a forearm smash to the back of Hendry. Wolfgang grinded his elbow across the face of Joe, then followed up with another forearm to the lower back. Hendry fired up with a big stalling suplex. The crowd loved that. Hendry nailed a flying forearm and then another one. He nailed a corner clothesline but Wolfgang blocked the second one. Hendry powered up for a big Fallaway slam then kipped up. He was selling the lower back injury well. Wolfgang broke out of the Standing Ovation attempt and nailed the Wasteland then a Vader Bomb to Hendry’s back for 2. Wolfgang went to the top rope and missed a Swanton. That looked elegant for a big man, even though he missed. Hendry almost took his head off with a clothesline. The crowd was going nuts. Hendry nailed the Standing Ovation for the win after 11 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Joe Hendry

Analysis: ***1/2 Another predictable result on this show, but a solid main event that showcased both men’s strengths. The crowd reactions towards Hendry make me genuinely happy. He has worked so hard to get to the top and done so much work promoting himself. There’s also going to be negativity in Internet wrestling fans but for me, Hendry is just pure entertainment every segment or match he is in. Wolfgang did his job here and did it very well.

The camera crew panned to the parking lot where Mike Santana and Eddie Edwards were brawling and had to be separated by security. That was random

Analysis: The feud between Santana and The System continues, although there was no explanation why that started tonight.

Final Rating: 7/10

My immediate thoughts on this show are that it felt like a really fun show that went by quickly. There seemed to be a good mix of talent and the NXT flavour, despite them not being their biggest stars, certainly add to the show. Anyone who wants to willingly wrestler on TNA is welcome. I loved the opening match and, despite it being only 7 minutes long, it was the best match of the night. The System promo was fun, even just for the fan reaction. I liked the Alexander/Nemeth showdown and that match will be sensational. I’m feeling like it won’t be a regular finish though. There are certainly some things that could’ve been better. I felt that there could’ve been a better challenger for Jordynne Grace. And the ending of the match was just flat. The lack of tag team wrestling or storyline is also a concern. At least the Internet wrestling community can stop whinging about the lack of location for Bound for Glory now.

The next TNA monthly special is Emergence on Friday, August 30 in Louisville, Kentucky. Here’s the card so far:

* Ultimate-X for the X-Division Championship: Mike Bailey (c) vs and 4 others

Any feedback or comments are welcome. My email address is in case anybody wants to get in touch with me and my Twitter/X handle is @thomok6 as well. Thanks for reading!