The John Report: WWE NXT 03/11/25 Review (Roadblock)
This week on WWE NXT Roadblock, Fraxiom are facing The Hardys, it’s Oba Femi against Moose, Giulia taking on Stephanie Vaquer, a Je’Von Evans-Ethan Page Street Fight and more.
Last week’s show ended with a title change as Shawn Spears won the NXT North American Title from Tony D’Angelo. This week they are on the road in New York City with a very strong lineup. I’ll go full play by play for the whole show since it has a NXT PLE kind of card. I going to do this live on Tuesday, but I’ve been doing a ridiculous amount of writing over the last week and I just needed a day without wrestling in my life. I wrote this on Wednesday morning.
They are at the Theater at MSG in New York City for this week’s show. Follow me on Twitter/X @johnreport, friend me on Facebook, or chat with me on the Bluesky App as well. Let’s get to it.
There was some pre-show walking shown of Oba Femi, Moose, Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia.
It was Vic Joseph, Booker T & Corey Graves on commentary. The MSG Theater is a unique venue that has about 5,000 seats set up for the show. Raw at MSG had about four times that on Monday, but for NXT it’s a great number.

TNA Tag Team Championships: The Hardy Boyz – Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy vs. Fraxiom – Nathan Frazer & Axiom
This is for the TNA Tag Team Titles held by the Hardys but not the NXT Tag Team Titles held by Fraxiom. There was a huge pop for the Hardys.
Matt was in control of Axiom with a back elbow along with Matt slamming Axiom’s head into the turnbuckle repeatedly. Matt hit a Powerbomb for two. Jeff tagged in with a leg drop for two. Jeff did a snapmare followed by a dropkick to the back. Matt was back in for a double team clothesline leading to a two count. Frazer tagged in leading to some kicks and a dropkick. Frazer and Axiom kicked Jeff out of the ring. Frazer hit a suicide dive, Axiom hit a suicide dive and Frazer hit a somersault dive over the top onto both Hardys. Axiom went up top and hit a moonsault off the top onto both Hardys on the floor. That was impressive. They went to break for some fans as the action continued with the fans chanting “this is awesome” for them. Frazer hit a suplex on Matt for two. Frazer hit a snapmare on Matt for two. Axiom was back in with a double axhandle followed by a chinlock and a crucifix pin for two. Frazer hit a jumping kick on Matt, there was a German Suplex on Matt and a double superkick. Frazer hit a standing SSP onto Matt for two. That was impressive. Frazer knocked down Matt with a back elbow. Frazer grabbed a side headlock.
The match continued with Matt breaking free of Frazer and Matt hit a neckbreaker. Jeff got the tag with clotheslines, punched, the atomic drop, leg drop and a dropkick. Jeff sent Frazer out of the ring. Axiom went for an armbar but Jeff countered into a pin attempt. Jeff hit a sitout suplex for two because Frazer broke it up. Matt caught a leading Frazer on the floor and Matt hit a Side Effect on the floor. Axiom shoved Jeff into the turnbuckle, so Matt turned in and the Hardys hit a jawbreaker into a neckbreaker combo. Matt went for a Twist of Fate, but Axiom shoved Matt into the turnbuckle to knock Jeff down on the turnbuckle. Axiom kicked Jeff and hit a Spanish Fly off the top. Frazer was legal, he went up top and Frazer hit a Phoenix Splash on Jeff for two because Matt tackled Axiom onto the pin to break it up. There were loud “NXT” chants. Matt picked up Axiom with a side slam. Frazer kicked Matt out of the ring and Jeff hit a spinning kick on Frazer. Jeff hit his Whisper in the Wind dive off the turnbuckle to knock both opponents down. Jeff hit a Twist of Fate on Frazer for two. The fans correctly chanted “this is awesome” again. Frazer came back with a leaping kick. Axiom tagged in, Axiom kicked Matt off the apron. Axiom jumped off the top, Jeff avoided it and Axiom got a backslide pin on Jeff for two. Axiom hit a knee smash on Jeff. Frazer got the tag and he was holding Jeff in place. Axiom jumped off the top, Jeff turned Frazer around and Axiom hit a double foot stomp to kick Frazer down. Matt hit a Twist of Fate on Axiom. Jeff went up top and hit a Swanton Bomb on Frazer for the pinfall win after 13 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: The Hardy Boyz – Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy
Analysis: ***3/4 It was an excellent match and that didn’t surprise me with Fraxiom involved. The Hardys are also performing at a high level. Since it was for the TNA Tag Team Titles, I’m not surprised by the Hardys getting the win. Both teams worked well together with a lot of cool double team moves and counters throughout the match. Axiom and Frazer miscalculated on the dropkick off the top, the Hardys capitalized and it was a win for the Hardy Boyz after that. I enjoyed that match.

Jaida Parker was backstage saying she was there to watch Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer saying she’s got next. It was the legendary Mickie James there talking to Parker about how impressive she has been over the past year. James mentioned advice she has given her team on WWE LFG. James told her that if you want to take a shot at the top of the mountain, you better go get it. Parker thanked her for the talk and left.
Analysis: I absolutely agree with the wonderful Mickie that Parker has what it takes to make it to the top. Parker is a future champion for sure.
Roxanne Perez made her entrance for singles action.
WWE NXT Stand & Deliver is on Saturday, April 19 with the early 1 p.m. ET start time.
The D’Angelo Family was talking backstage where Stacks, Luca Crusifino and Adrianna Rizzo where Stacks was angry about Tony D losing last week. Tony D’Angelo walked in saying that they were at their best when they had a plan. Stacks said that they have a six-person tag team match next week with Stacks, Luca and Rizzo against Shawn Spears’s team. Stacks mentioned Tony D having a bad back, but Tony said that he was fine. Tony said if you want to do it then that’s fine with him. They shook hands.

Jordynne Grace vs. Roxanne Perez
It was Grace in control early on with an elbow smash and a gutwrench suplex. Grace knocked Perez off the apron to the floor. Grace charged, Perez grabbed the leg and Perez rammed the left leg into the ring apron. Perez kicked Grace’s leg into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Perez hit an uppercut and a Russian leg sweep. Perez did a knee drop on Grace’s left knee. Grace countered Perez going for a sleeper, but Perez got out of it. Perez charged at Grace, who caught Perez and slammed her down. Grace went for a move off the turnbuckle, but Grace sold he left knee injury. Perez pulled down Grace by the head to slam her into the mat. Perez stomped on Grace’s left leg. They went to break while the action continued on Netflix and I’ll take a break. It was mostly Perez in control during the break.
Grace caught Perez going for a move and Grace hit a suplex across the ring. Grace was selling the left knee injury. They exchanged big moves leading to Grace hitting a sitout Powerbomb. Perez jumped off the middle turnbuckle, Grace caught her and Grace slapped Perez in the head. Grace put Perez on her shoulders, she tried a move, Perez landed on her feet and hit a superkick. Perez did a chop block along with a headscissors into the mat. Perez went up top and hit a Frog Splash. Perez locked in a Crossface submission and belt Grace’s leg as well, but Grace countered for two. Perez got a backslide pin attempt or two. Grace hit a backfist and a rolling senton. Grace hit the sitout Beastmode slam for the pinfall win after 12 minutes.
Winner by pinfall; Jordynne Grace
Analysis: ***1/4 It was pretty good like their title match last year, but that one was probably better. This time around it was Grace getting the win since she’s new to NXT and will be around for a while Perez is likely headed to the main roster full time soon. It’s common for people to lose on the way out of NXT, so the result wasn’t a surprise here. Grace is impressive as a powerhouse while Perez does everything well. They match up well together.

Oba Femi, the NXT Champion, was walking backstage when The Undertaker showed up to talk. The fans popped huge when they saw Undertaker. Taker told Femi he’s been watching him for a while and he’s impressed. Taker said he didn’t need to tell him how important the match is tonight and Taker told Femi to defend his yard. They touched fists and Femi left.
Analysis: That was cool. Taker was there because, like Mickie James earlier, they taped WWE LFG matches before the show and Taker is a coach on that show. It’s a good thing to have Taker praise Femi like that.

An NXT Focus video aired about the Trick Williams-Eddy Thorpe rivalry. They agreed to an NXT Underground match next week on NXT. Trick said he’s a caged animal that will be let loose in the Underground. Trick was shown working out in the streets of NYC. Trick said that this fire has been burning in him all year and Eddy will feel it when he knocks Eddy out cold.
Analysis: The Trick Williams character has evolved because he is less of the cocky guy and now he’s a more serious wrestler.
It was Moose up first as the TNA X-Division although his title is not on the line in this match. The crowd was loud for NXT Champion Oba Femi’s entrance by chanting during his song. The crowd was into it from the introductions by ring announcer Mike Rome.

NXT Championship: Oba Femi vs. Moose
They are big dudes over 6’5” and impressive physically. Femi weighs more, but Moose is a strong dude too. Femi ran over Moose with a shoulder tackle, so Moose did a kip up to get back up. Moose clotheslined Femi over the top to the floor. After Moose left the ring, Femi chopped him in the chest. Moose came back with a boot to kick Femi off the apron. Femi gave Moose a uranage slam on the apron. They went to break for some fans as the action continued. Femi worked over Moose with knees to the back. Femi hit a jumping leg lariat. Moose hit headbutts followed by a Chokeslam and a senton splash. Moose tried a lifting move, Femi blocked it and Moose hit an impressive dropkick. Moose grabbed a chinlock to ground the champion.
Femi broke free from the chinlock that Moose had him in and Femi tossed Moose across the ring with a slam. Femi hit the Fall From Grace move (a popup Powerbomb) that he uses as a finisher, but Moose rolled out of the ring to avoid being pinned. Femi left the ring, so Moose countered him by sending Femi into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Femi hit a running uppercut and Moose came back with a running boot to the head. Moose jumped off the top rope leading to Femi hitting an uppercut. Femi hit a slam off the shoulders almost like an Attitude Adjustment for a two count. Moose sent Femi shoulder-first into the ring post. Moose gave Femi a superplex off the top and he wanted to do more, but Femi countered with his own suplex. The fans chanted “this is awesome” for them. Femi nailed Moose with forearms, Moose came back with a pump kick and Femi fired up as the crowd came alive. Femi clotheslined Moose, who did a flip bump to sell it. Moose hit a Powerbomb on Femi. The NXT Champion Femi picked up Moose over his head and gave him a press slam over the top onto the floor. That was amazing. Moose got back in the ring before the ten count. Femi clotheslined Moose out of the ring. When Femi left the ring, Moose sent Femi into the ring post. Moose picked up Femi and slammed him through the commentary table! Moose sent Femi and Moose hit a Spear for a two count. That was a great nearfall. Moose charged, Femi caught him and Femi hit the Fall From Grace (popup Powerbomb) and an exhausted Femi covered Moose with his right arm across the chest for the pinfall win. It went 14 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Oba Femi
Analysis: ***3/4 I thought it was a great match. Two big dudes beating the hell out of eachother in a match that showed off how impressive they are as athletes. It seemed like every time Femi did a move, Moose came back with something impressive on his own. Femi getting the win made sense since he’s the NXT Champion and having him lose the NXT Title to a TNA wrestler like Moose seemed unlikely. I think if they got more time they could have had over a four-star level match. I’ve seen both of them perform well in longer matches, so they could do it in the future. I was very impressed by this match. Great job, guys.

A video aired from Instagram showed the team of Sol Ruca and Zaria bonding while breaking items along with some ax throwing. They even did a Shooey drinking out of a shoe.
Fallon Henley and her Fatal Influence friends complained to Ava about how Fallon wants an NXT North American Title match. Ricky Saints walked in to say everybody is so angry about here. Jacy Jayne said that Ridge was right that Ricky doesn’t belong here. The girls left. Ricky said he wanted to prove a point to Ridge, so Ava booked Ricky in a match with Ridge Holland for next week. Ethan Page walked in saying NXT doesn’t like outsiders like Saints and Page left for his match.
Analysis: That’s cool about Ricky Saints being against Ridge Holland next week. Page complaining about outsiders is funny because last summer that’s what he was in NXT. I would like to see a Saints-Page feud.
Ethan Page made his entrance for the Street Fight up next.
Je’Von Evans got a good ovation for his entrance. This feud has been building for a few months. Page won their first match, so this is more of a grudge match.

New York City Street Fight: Ethan Page vs. Je’Von Evans
A Street Fight means that anything goes and the match ends by pinfall or submission in the ring. Since it was a Street Fight, they were wrestling in gear that wasn’t their normal attire. Both of them had tank tops on along with pants that were more like jeans.
Page nailed Evans with an elbow smash. Evans kicked Page out of the ring and Evans dove onto Page on the floor. Evans worked over Page with punches. Evans had a steel chair, Page avoided the chair shot and Page whipped Evans into the steel steps. Page brought some chairs into the ring and hit Evans in the back with a steel chair. Evans got back into it with chair shots to the back. There was a chair wedged against the turnbuckle, Evans sent Page into it and Evans hit an impressive springboard hurricanrana into a chair for two. Evans pulled out a table from under the ring. Evans set up a table against the turnbuckle. Evans and Page kicked eachother in the head at the same time. Evans gave Page a spinning slam onto a bent steel chair for a two count. Evans opened up two steel chairs while trying for a move, but Page blocked it and Page slammed Evans off the top rope onto two chairs in the ring. Page got a two count out of that. Page gave Evans a powerslam into the table that was against the turnbuckle. They went to break for some fans as the action continued. Page hit Evans in the back with a piece of the broken table. Page tossed Evans out of the ring. Page sent Evans into the barricade. Page set up a table bridge from the ring apron to the commentary table. Evans hit Page with a trash can two times in a row. Page hit Evans in the ribs with a toolbox. Back in the ring, Page gave Evans a body slam onto a trash can. Evans sent Page into the turnbuckle.
The match continued with Evans hitting a springboard clothesline. Evans went for a springboard attack, so Page punched him in the jaw. Page hit his Ego’s Edge finisher for a two count. Page trash talked Evans, so Evans hit a hard slap and they exchanged punches. Evans punched Page out of the ring. Evans tossed Page into the barricade and the commentary hood. Back in the ring, Page had a chair, Evans avoided it and Evans got bouncy with a spinning kick that sent the chair into Page’s face. Evans jumped over the top rope while Evans was on the apron and Evans gave Page a Cutter from the apron through the table to the floor! That was amazing. Wow. Evans took a lot of that bump, but Page went crashing through the table too. The fans chanted “this is awesome” for them. Evans went back into the ring, ran the ropes and jumped over the top onto Page by the commentary table. They went flying over the table. That was wild. Back in the ring, Evans went up top and a hit spinning splash for a two count. Evans tried to stomp on a chair that was on Page’s head, but Page avoided it. Page threw a chair at Evans. Page went for a Cutter, but Evans hit his own Cutter onto the chair. While the chair was on Page’s head/neck, Evans did a springboard Cutter for the one…two…and three. It lasted about 15 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Je’Von Evans
Analysis: **** This was an awesome brawl with the right guy getting the win to end this feud. Evans continues to impress in every match he has while Page is a talented veteran as well. Some of the high spots in the match that Evans did looked so difficult to do, yet he’s able to pull it off and make it look easy because Evans is such an incredible athlete. That finishing spot with the chair around the head/neck was a throwback to when Page started the feud by attacking Evans like that and injuring his jaw, so it was justified payback for Evans. It’s incredible to see how good Evans is at just 20 years old. His future is so bright.

The lights went out in the building and four spotlights appeared in the crowd to show the four mystery men. One of them is Dion Lennox and we don’t know the others yet in terms of being recognized on television. They launched Evans into the air and gave him a Powerbomb. That was it.
Analysis: The mystery attacks continue. I assume we’ll know more about these guys soon.

A video aired about the Shawn Spears group consisting of Brooks Jensen, Niko Vance and Izzi Dame. Jensen said that Spears saw promise in him and now Brooks is ready to take on the world. Niko said that they are there to punish the weak. Dame said that The Culling was born. The new NXT North American Champion Shawn Spears said it was exhilarating to be a champion. Spears said last week he took their gold and you three will take their heart next week.
Analysis: That group finally has a name – The Culling. Fine with me. At least it’s original.
Eddy Thorpe was interviewed by Sarah Schreiber in the arena and the fans were booing Eddy. Thorpe said that Trick Williams is motivated now, huh? Thorpe said that he’s the king of the Underground. Thorpe said that Trick doesn’t like getting hit. Thorpe said that hat he knows Trick wants to hold that NXT Title again, but Trick will choke like the New York Knicks. Trick Williams showed up to attack Thorpe with punches. Trick punched Thorpe a bunch of times. Trick clotheslined Thorpe over the top to the floor. There were officials there to hold Thorpe back.
Analysis: A good way to promote the Trick-Thorpe match next week and get Trick on this show.
Next week on NXT:
* NXT Underground Match: Trick Williams vs. Eddy Thorpe
* Stacks, Luca Crusifino & Adrianna Rizzo vs. Brooks Jensen, Nikko Vance & Izzi Dame
* Ricky Saints vs. Ridge Holland
* Women’s United States Championship: Chelsea Green vs. Sol Ruca
Analysis: That’s a solid lineup. I think Trick will beat Thorpe.
The Women’s Champion vs. Champion match was next as we saw both women walking backstage.
It was NXT Women’s North American Champion Stephanie Vaquer up first. She got a nice ovation. The NXT Women’s Champion Giulia was also cheered. They are both babyfaces, so the fans liked them. Graves mentioned they had only wrestled once before in the Stardom promotion. Ring announcer Mike Rome did the championship introductions.

Winner Take All: NXT Champion Giulia vs. NXT Women’s North American Champion Stephanie Vaquer
The two friends shook hands. Giulia nailed Vaquer with a forearm shot to the head. Vaquer tried a lifting move, but Giulia managed to escape and landed on her feet. Vaquer did an armdrag across the ring. Giulia countered Vaquer going for a pin and Giulia got a two count. Vaquer and Giulia went for leg lock submissions, which led to the two of them rolling out of the ring. Giulia sent Vaquer into the turnbuckle. Giulia went up top and hit a missile dropkick. Vaquer used her legs to flip Giulia over the top to the floor. Vaquer hit a springboard cross body block onto Giulia on the floor. They went to break for some fans as the action continued with Vaquer kicking Giulia to knock her down. Giulia pulled Vaquer to the apron leading to Giulia hitting a neckbreaker on the floor. Giulia hit a running kick on Vaquer by the turnbuckle. Vaquer tried some punches, but Giulia nailed Vaquer with a forearm smash. Giulia nailed a neckbreaker for two. Vaquer went for her knee smashing spot, Giulia got out of it and the fans booed it. Giulia put her knees around Vaquer’s head and Giulia did the repeated knee smash into the mat for a two count.
Vaquer flipped Giulia over and hit the Eat Defeat kick to the side of the head. Vaquer hit the running double knee attack to the head. Vaquer put her knees around the head, which led to the double knee smash ten times with Booker making noise every time and the fans loved it. That got a two count while the fans chanted “Booker T” since the fans know he loves that move. Vaquer went up top, Giulia followed her up there, hooked the arms and Giulia hit a superplex. Giulia hit a belly-to-back suplex. Giulia hit a spinning Michinoku Driver for two. Vaquer avoided a knee attack and Vaquer hit a dragon screw leg whip off the turnbuckle. Vaquer hit the SVB backbreaker onto the knee for a two count because that’s usually a finisher for her, but Giulia kicked out. Vaquer went up top and jumped off with a Spinal Tap dive, but Giulia caught her. Giulia applied the Rings of Saturn submission pulling back on the head/arms, but Vaquer got her foot on the bottom rope. Vaquer got a rollup for two. Giulia hit her running knee for two. Vaquer slipped out of a slam attempt, Vaquer hit a superkick and Vaquer hit SVB for a second time. Vaquer hit SVB for a third time for the one…two…and three. It lasted about 12 minutes. The fans popped for the title change as they should.
Winner by pinfall AND NEW NXT Women’s Champion & NXT Women’s North American Champion: Stephanie Vaquer
Analysis: ***1/2 It was a very competitive match as expected and a lot of fun to watch. There was plenty of offense from Giulia, but Vaquer was able to come back and hit the SVB three times to get the win. I thought maybe they could have had Giulia look like she was going to win a few times, but it was more about the counter wrestling of Vaquer, who found ways to get out of Giulia’s big moves throughout the match. I thought Vaquer would win, so that result is fine with me.
Stephanie Vaquer celebrated with the NXT Women’s Title and NXT North American Title while confetti filled the ring. That was the end of the show.
Analysis: Congrats to Stephanie for the win. She has been so impressive. There were rumors that Giulia may have had an injury and that’s why WWE did this match with a short build to it. I don’t know if that’s true or if Giulia needs time off, but she looked fine in the match. It could also be a case of WWE wanting to put Giulia on the main roster after WrestleMania, so maybe they felt like it was time to take the title off her. We’ll see what happens. I’m happy for Vaquer as the double champion for now. They will probably do a tournament for the Women’s NA Title. If they do, I want Jaida Parker to win that title.

Three Stars of the Show
- Je’Von Evans, Oba Femi, Stephanie Vaquer
- The Hardy Boyz, Fraxion, Jordynne Grace
- Ethan Page, Moose, Giulia, Roxanne Perez
I cheated and listed way more than three people. That’s because they all deserve the love.
The Scoreboard
This week: 9 out of 10
Last week: 6.75
2025 Average: 7.58
Final Thoughts on WWE NXT
I don’t go 9 out of 10 for many TV shows because I think it’s a hard level to reach, but this was a 9/10 show. If you look at the match times, everything was around between 11 to 14 minutes. That means they all got plenty of time to put on good performances and that’s what they did. You could say a match or two would have been better with 17-20 minutes, but I think they nailed it in terms of giving all five matches plenty of time. I agreed with most of the booking decisions in terms of the winners and losers.
It’s such a cool thing to be able to watch some of these wrestlers like Oba Femi, Je’Von Evans, Stephanie Vaquer, Roxanne Perez, Giulia, Jordynne Grace, Axiom & Frazer, and so many others who are still early in their careers and seeing how good they are already. Plenty of veterans still producing at a high level too. These younger wrestlers are performing at a high level in big matches. They are likely going to get better as they get more experience. It just shows how deep the WWE roster is knowing they have all these people that can be major stars in the years ahead.
This was the third day in a row of reviewing shows for me and between AEW Revolution, WWE Raw and NXT Roadblock there were so many outstanding matches. I’m not biased toward a company or a brand. I enjoy it all. There’s a lot to enjoy in today’s pro wrestling world. We are spoiled in this era, my friends.
Thanks for reading. My contact info is below.
John Canton
Twitter/X @johnreport