
The John Report: WWE NXT 03/04/25 Review

WWE NXT March 4 Review

This week on WWE NXT, Tony D’Angelo faced Shawn Spears, Jaida Parker battled Kelani Jordan, The Hardy Boyz did a promo, and more.

It’s back in Orlando for NXT this week so I’ll do the summary style review for most of the show and play-by-play for one or two matches. I am watching the Netflix version of the show here in Canada.

Next week’s NXT episode is a bigger show called NXT Roadblock from New York City with some huge matches announced for that episode.

They are at WWE Performance Center in Orlando for this week’s show. Follow me on Twitter/X @johnreport, friend me on Facebook, or chat with me on the Bluesky App as well. Let’s get to it.

A video aired about last week’s NXT episode that ended with Ricky Saints and Je’Von Evans winning the tag team main event. They also set up big matches for NXT Roadblock.

It was Vic Joseph, Booker T & Corey Graves on commentary.

Zaria & Sol Ruca vs. Chelsea Green & Piper Niven

Green is the Women’s US Champion. There was a Niven/Zaria powerhouse showdown early in the match that saw Zaria hit a clothesline. Sol got some offense on Green, but Green did a hair-pull takedown. Sol and Zaria did a double team high/low on Niven for two because Green broke up the pin. Sol jumped over the top onto Green on the floor. Niven hit a somersault dive onto her two opponents on the floor. They went to a break for some fans as the action continued. The heel team of Green and Niven were in control of Sol for a few minutes.

Niven tagged into the match, Sol kicked her in the head and Niven kicked Sol in the ribs. Green pulled Zaria off the apron to prevent a tag. Sol hit a cross body block on both opponents, so Zaria tagged in and was on fire with multiple German Suplexes. Zaria hit a Spear on Niven and a Spear on Green for two. Niven and Green hit a double team double knee attack for two. Green was busted open by the nose. Sol tagged in leading to a moonsault/chair drop combo on Green for two. Zaria slammed Niven onto Green. Sol hit the Soul Snatcher on Green for the pinfall win after 10 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: Zaria & Sol Ruca

Analysis: *** It was an entertaining tag team match. Zaria and Sol continue their winning ways. That Soul Snatcher remains one of the best moves in WWE. Green had a busted nose and still finished the match without any issues, so kudos to her for that.

There was an earlier today argument between Jordynne Grace and Cora Jade with NXT GM Ava in Ava’s office. Grace complained about Roxanne Perez while Jade said she’d beat Masha Slamovich for the TNA Knockouts Title and some more bickering after that. It led to Ava putting them in a match.

Jaida Parker entered for singles action.


Trick Williams was talking to NXT GM Ava backstage. Trick spoke about wanting his match with Eddy Thorpe. Kale Dixon and Urijah Connors had some folders for Ava since her office was ruined. Trick mentioned Andre Chase to them and Kale said that Trick was why Chase put Chase U on the line. Trick shoved Kale into a garage door and they will have a match later.

Analysis: That’s two “backstage argument leads to a match later in the show” segments in the first 25 minutes of the show.

Kelani Jordan vs. Jaida Parker

This has been building for several weeks. Jordan was aggressive early on with shoulder tackles and a standing moonsault for two. Jordan hit a big clothesline to knock Parker down. After Jordan sent Parker out of the ring, Jordan hit a springboard cross body block onto Parker on the floor. Parker finally got some offense with a backbreaker onto the top turnbuckle. They went to a break for some fans as the action continued. Parker remained in control for a few minutes. Parker hit her hip drop by the turnbuckle followed by the high stepping.

Jordan got some offense going after blocking a kick and slamming Parker down. Jordan hit a twisting leg drop to the back of the head for two. Jordan went for a move off the turnbuckle, Parker avoided it and Jordan got a rollup for two. Parker hit a Samoan Drop for two. Jordan hit an impressive Spanish Fly off the top, After Jordan missed a 450 Splash because Parker moved, Parker hit the Hipnotic running hip attack for the pinfall win. It went 13 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Jaida Parker

Analysis: *** I’m a fan of both women and I thought they had a good showing here. Maybe it went a bit too long, but it’s nice to see them get plenty of time to have a competitive match. It’s a big win for Parker who is somebody that I can see holding a title at some point this year. Jordan is going through a character change trying to show that she’s tougher than people think and she’s pulling it off well.

After the match, Parker shouted out Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer, so she’s coming after the champions.

Kelly Kincaid was back after having a baby (with Elton Prince of Pretty Deadly) a few months ago. She was there to interview NXT North American Champion Tony D’Angelo and The Family. Tony D talked about how he’s okay after having a back injury. Tony said there’s only one family in NXT and it’s the D’Angelo Family.

The Hardys were walking backstage for a promo up next.


Oba Femi, the NXT Champion, was shown talking to the fake media at a fake press conference. Femi said that next week you’ll see two Nigerian titans going head to head. Femi said he can’t afford to lose because he can’t let a TNA wrestler have the NXT Title. Femi said that Moose matches him in the size department. Femi said it doesn’t matter the size of his opponent and when he gets his hand on Moose, he’ll wish he never left the NFL. Femi said he’ll walk in as NXT Champion and walk out still the ruler as the NXT Champion.

Let’s Hear from The Hardy Boyz

The TNA Tag Team Champions Matt & Jeff Hardy made their entrance to a big ovation. It’s good to see them on WWE TV again for the second week in a row and next week as well.

Jeff said that the last few weeks have felt surreal and said it feels so good to be here in NXT. Jeff said it felt so good to be back home in the WWE. The fans chanted “Welcome home” to them. Matt said that they can feel the love of being back home in WWE and being in NXT for the first time beating the No Quarter Catch Crew. Matt said that they’ve been everywhere in the pro wrestling industry, but the positivity and the passion in the NXT locker room is off the charts and something very special is happening here in NXT. Jeff said that the hunger back there is infectious. Jeff said they looked Fraxiom in the eye and saw the same passion.

Hank & Tank interrupted in their jean shorts. The fans booed even though they are faces. Tank said that they came out there to say thank you to show them what it means to be a tag team. Tank said they were there to ask for advice. Hank asked what did they have to do to get to that next level? Matt knows they are hungry but sometimes to make somebody notice, you have to break the norm. Jeff said sometimes you have to take things to the extreme. Tank said you’re talking about tables, ladders and chairs. Jeff said to get out of your comfort zone and go beyond what you are. Matt said that they have the same passion in their eyes that the Hardys had in 1998 when they started in WWE. Matt said they stepped up to challenges and made it possible.

Josh Briggs and Yoshiki Inamura interrupted. Briggs told Hank & Tank to remove their lips from the Hardy Boyz’ asses. Yoshiki said they can see what they are doing. Briggs said that Hank & Tank should stop playing the damsel in distress card because the Hardys aren’t giving them a title shot. Hank & Tank responded with suicide dives on Briggs and Inamura, so those teams went fighting to the back.

Analysis: That was a weird promo interruption. I think NXT is trying to build up Hank & Tank as a babyface team that could win the Tag Team Titles later this year, so having them interact with the Hardys was a way to help “guide” them to that next level.

Matt said: “Fraxiom, I knew you’d come” and there was Nathan Frazer & Axiom behind them. Axiom said it’s the greatest tag team of today against the greatest team of all time. Matt told them to bring their best. Frazer said they’ll bring their best. Frazer said we’ll find out who truly is the best tag team in the world today. Jeff said they’ll see them in New York City.

Analysis: It sounds like the Fraxiom name is legit now, which is fine with me. This was about as basic as a promo gets with short lines by all four guys. I am looking forward to the match, but there wasn’t much to this.


A video package aired about the NXT Women’s Champion Giulia facing NXT Women’s North American Champion Stephanie Vaquer at NXT Roadblock next week. It’s Winner Take All. The NXT boss man Shawn Michaels and WWE boss man Triple H spoke about how big the match was. They also put over big UFC and boxing matches at MSG as well. There were comments from Giulia and Vaquer about who will win.

Analysis: There was a report that Giulia has an injury so that’s why the match is happening, but I have seen denials about that report. I don’t know if it’s true. My feeling is that Vaquer will win.

A graphic was shown saying the WWE LFG coaches will be at NXT Roadblock, so that’s The Undertaker, Bubba Ray Dudley, Mickie James and Booker T, who is already there anyway.

Jordynne Grace vs. Cora Jade

The TNA Knockouts Champion Masha Slamovich was in the crowd since she’s defending that title against Cora Jade at TNA Genesis on March 14th.

Grace was in full control with an atomic drop followed by a gutwrench suplex. Grace continued to use her power to hit a sidewalk slam. Jade pulled the hair and sent Grace back-first into the turnbuckle. Jade was in full control with rising knee strikes. They went to break as the action continued. Grace hit a front slam. Jade slipped while jumping off the rope and Jade sent Grace’s head into the mat. Jade stomped on Grace’s back. Grace tackled Jade into the turnbuckle and Jade said something to the referee, so the referee made the “X” sign because there was an injury. Grace was getting looked at by a trainer in the ring. It went about six minutes.

When the show returned, it was announced that Grace won due to a referee’s stoppage because Jade was unable to continue.

Winner by referee stoppage due to injury: Jordynne Grace

The match got stopped because it looked like Jade suffered an injury. Jade was grabbing her head on the way out and also was favoring her right knee, so I don’t know what it was. In a post on X, Jade said she’ll be okay: “Got rocked for a sec but my knees are all good (decent ) Thanks for the concern.” I’m glad she will be okay.

Analysis: ** I’m not sure what the finish was going to be, but I find it hard to believe that Grace would lose this match. They also likely would want Jade to look okay since she’s getting a TNA Knockouts Title match soon.

A video aired about the Tony D’Angelo/Shawn Spears match in the main event. It has been a good story.

Ethan Page-Je’Von Evans Interview

There was a split-screen interview with Ethan Page and Je’Von Evans, who will have a New York City Street Fight at NXT Roadblock next week. Page said that in December he had no path back to the NXT Title and he had a 20-year-old tell him about what he had to do. Page trashed Evans for trying to talk to him because Page was angry about Evans trying to tell Page about being a husband and a father. Page said he’d break Evans’ jaw in a heartbeat. Page said he’s the most dangerous he’s been in his entire career. Evans said there will be no rules in New York. Evans said he couldn’t talk for three months because of Page. Evans said that this situation made him look at this a different way. Evans said that Page was running last week. Evans said for three months, he has had to deal with him and he realizes that Page is trying to hold him down. Evans said that nobody is going to take his joy and nobody is going to take his smile. Page and Evans argued some more to end it.

Analysis: That has been one of my favorite rivalries in the last few months. I think Evans should win. I also think it should continue until Stand & Deliver, so if Evans does win I can see them having a third match.

Kale Dixon made his entrance with Urijah Connors by his side.


A clip was shown of Sol Ruca pining Chelsea Green in a tag team match earlier in the night.

Kale Dixon (w/Urijah Connors) vs. Trick Williams

The crowd cheered for Trick as usual. Trick is more serious than ever now. The bell rang, Trick hit the running Trick Shot knee and he pinned Dixon. Trick hit Dixon with repeated forearms to the head and the referee called for the bell. It went about 10 seconds.

Winner by referee stoppage: Trick Williams

Analysis: Squash city.

Trick Williams did a promo saying if Eddy Thorpe wants him then he should come out there to see what it’s all about. Eddy Thorpe was on the platform in the back part of the arena. Thorpe said that Trick has struggled with not being the man anymore. Thorpe said that he beat Trick at Vengeance Day, but he knows he has to beat him definitively. Thorpe challenged Trick in an NXT Underground in two weeks. Trick said he’ll see him in the Underground.

Analysis: The NXT Roadblock card is loaded, so they put Trick-Eddy on in two weeks. That’s fine because it’s a good TV main event.

There was a backstage scene showing that Jordynne Grace was on the ground while Roxanne Perez was standing over her with a steel chair. It was a cheap attack even though we didn’t see Perez actually hit her. Referees made Perez leave.

Analysis: I think Perez is going to be full-time on the main roster soon, so it makes sense to have her put over Grace before she leaves.


There was a rundown of the NXT Roadblock card for next week:

* NXT Championship: Oba Femi vs. Moose

* TNA Tag Team Championships: The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff Hardy) vs. Fraxiom (Nathan Frazer & Axiom)

* Winner Take All Champion Vs. Champion: Giulia vs. Stephanie Vaquer

* New York City Street Fight: Ethan Page vs. Je’Von Evans

There was a X/tweet shown from The Undertaker saying that he’ll be there next week at Roadblock.

Analysis: For the winners of those matches I’m going with Femi, the Hardys (since it’s for TNA titles, not NXT Titles), Vaquer and Evans. Great lineup.

The TNA X-Division Champion Moose was at the fake press conference. Moose said he’s a prizefighter who always fights for the biggest prize in the game. Moose waited for the opportunity to cross the line and here he is. Moose said Femi has been one hell of a champion and he’ll be a major player in WWE for many, many years. Moose said Femi can be the Ruler of NXT, but he won’t be the NXT Champion. Moos said he’ll leave Roadblock with two titles. Moose said he’ll be the face of this franchise.

Ava walked into the fake press conference saying that at Roadblock, Roxanne Perez will face Jordynne Grace. Fatal Influence showed up with Fallon Henley complaining about where her championship rematch is. Ava left saying they could talk about this later.

Analysis: That’s a nice addition to the Roadblock lineup. I’ll go with Jordynne beating Roxanne next week.

Ricky Saints was shown walking backstage and Ridge Holland walked up to him saying big win last week. Ridge said you shouldn’t be here. Ricky said get used to seeing a whole lot of him.

Analysis: Easy way to set up a match. I’m a bit surprised that Ricky wasn’t on this show more.

Ricky Saints walked up to Shawn Spears, who told him that this revolution will be televised when Spears wins the North American Championship. That title match was next.


NXT North American Championship: Tony D’Angelo (w/Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo, Luca Crusifino & Adrianna Rizzo) vs. Shawn Spears (w/Brooks Jensen, Niko Vance & Izzi Dame)

The ring announcer was Lilian Garcia this week so she did the championship introductions in the ring. Tony and Shawn had their “families” behind them. Vic mentioned Tony was closing in on 150 days as the champion.

Spears hit a Thesz Press followed by punches. Tony was fired up with punches along with a clothesline. Tony put Spears onto the top turnbuckle, Spears fought back and hit a knee to the ribs. Tony hit a jumping punch to the head for two. Tony was going for a superplex while he told his family that it was his fight. Tony hit a superplex from the middle turnbuckle for a two count. The show went to a break as Tony punched Spears in the ribs. Spears managed to trip up Tony by the turnbuckle and Spears hit a neckbreaker. Spears kicked Tony a few times to keep him down. Spears left the ring, grabbed a chair and then put the chair down. Tony clotheslined Spears over the top to the floor. Back in the ring, Spears hit a superkick and a knee strike for two.

The action continued with Spears stomping on Tony D’s head. Spears jumped on Tony D’s back to keep him down. Spears applied a Camel Clutch submission. Spears continued to work on the lower back with a backbreaker that saw Spears’ knee hit the lower back. Spears trash talked Tony so Tony fought back with punches and a side belly-to-belly slam. Tony charged, Spears avoided him and Tony came back with a Spear for two. Spears left the ring, Tony went after him and Spears tackled Tony into the ring apron. Spears jumped off the top with nothing as Tony hit a punch to the ribs. Spears avoided a slam attempt and Spears applied a Sharpshooter perfectly because that’s what we Canadians do. Tony powered out of it. Tony hooked the leg into the Fugget About It suplex for two because Dave was holding onto the leg for help. Rizzo jumped onto Dame on the floor. Stacks and Luca went after the guys leading to Stacks hitting a clothesline over the top to the floor. Spears shoved Stacks into Tony D, who was on the apron and Tony landed back first onto the steel chair on the floor. That was the chair that Spears dropped on the floor several minutes earlier. Back in the ring, Spears hit a C4 slam off the shoulders for two and the fans popped for that. Great nearfall. Stacks had a look of relief on his face as the fans chanted “NXT” for them. Spears tried a lift, Tony fought out of it, Tony landed on his feet and Tony tried a spinebuster, but Tony collapsed while selling the back injury. Spears landed on top of Tony for the one…two…and three. Shawn Spears is the new champion! It went 13 minutes.

Winner by pinfall AND NEW NXT North American Champion:

Analysis: ***1/4 I liked the story of the match and I’m fine with the title change because I thought my fellow Canadian Spears was going to win. Based on the story, it made a lot of sense for Spears to win because it gives him credibility as a heel leading to a group, especially since Tony D was champion for five months. It just felt like the right time for it. They booked it well with Stacks accidentally costing Tony the match, so we’ll see if that leads to problems for the group with Stacks possibly going against Tony. It’s great seeing a smart finish like that.

Shawn Spears celebrated as the new NXT North American Champion with his family Jensen, Vance, and Dame standing by his side. There was a rundown of the NXT Roadblock card for next week. Spears continued to celebrate while taunting Tony D as the new champion.

Analysis: That’s the first time that Spears has won a title in his career in WWE, so congrats to him. He started in WWE about 20 years ago, he’s had a lot of twists and turns while also working in other places, but he’s finally a champion. Good for him.


Three Stars of the Show

  1. Shawn Spears
  2. Tony D’Angelo
  3. Jaida Parker


The Scoreboard

This week: 6.75 out of 10

Last week: 7.75

2025 Average: 7.42


Final Thoughts on WWE NXT

I thought it was a weaker episode of NXT. I understand why because a lot of it was building to next week’s huge Roadblock show, which has one of the best NXT TV lineups you’re ever going to see. That show should be amazing.

The two women’s matches to start the show were pretty good. I’m all for a Jaida Parker push. I’m happy that Shawn Spears beat Tony D to become the new NXT North American Champion because it made sense for this storyline. I liked how the finish was booed with Stacks accidentally costing Tony D, who did a great job of selling a back injury. I like creative finishes like that.

Bring on NXT Roadblock next week.


Thanks for reading. My contact info is below.

John Canton


Twitter/X @johnreport