TJR WWE Mixed Match Challenge Review: Goldust and Mandy Rose vs. Jimmy Uso and Naomi – Week 4
This match aired on Tuesday, February 6 in Kansas City after Smackdown. It was on Facebook Watch live in the US and it will be up on WWE Network on Thursday. I’m watching a feed on a different website because I’m in Canada and I have time to review it now, so I’m not waiting until Thursday.
This week’s match is Raw’s Goldust and Mandy Rose aka Rose Gold against the husband and wife team of Smackdown’s Jimmy Uso and Naomi. There will also be a special guest referee.
The announce team of Michael Cole, Corey Graves and Beth Phoenix were at ringside to welcome us to the show.
Jimmy Uso, who is one half of the Smackdown Tag Team Champions, made his entrance. His wife Naomi made her “glow” entrance to join him. Jimmy had some gear on that glowed in the dark just like Naomi’s gear. Their team represents the Boys & Girls Club of America charity.
Mandy Rose made her entrance to the Absolution song, which is the Paige theme song. Goldust entered alongside her. Goldust had a golden rose for her and she tossed it down while he “filmed” her with an imaginary camera since he’s the director. They are representing the Hire Heroes charity.
The voting results for the special guest referee: Daniel Bryan got 62% of the vote and Kurt Angle got 38% of the vote.
Daniel Bryan made his entrance in a referee shirt. Fans were loudly chanting “yes” for Bryan as usual. Bryan had his hair tied up. It looked silly.
Goldust & Mandy Rose vs. Jimmy Uso & Naomi
Goldust with a shoulder tackle, he ran the ropes and they did a comedy spot where Goldust paused for a breather. Goldust mentioned he was a lot older than Jimmy. Fans chanted “you still got it” at Goldust and Goldust said he never lost it. That was funny. Goldust did his chomp in the face of Jimmy and Jimmy kicked him into the corner. Mandy told Goldust to tag in and Goldust kissed her hand. Jimmy kissed Naomi in the hand too. Goldust hugged Mandy. Jimmy hugged Naomi. Jimmy planted a kiss on Naomi, which drew cheers from the crowd. Fans chanted “yes” for Goldust to go for it. Goldust checked his breath on Jimmy, Bryan led the crowd in “yes” chants and when Mandy opted to do a kiss, Jimmy got a rollup on Goldust. Bryan didn’t count and started a “no” chant. Goldust decked Jimmy with a punch and yelled at him for taking a kiss from him. Naomi got the tag, so Mandy went into the ring.
Mandy mocked the hair of Naomi asking her what kind of hair that is, so Naomi nailed her with a dropkick. Rose with forearms, but Naomi came back with a sliding slap to the face. There was a shot of Rusev and Lana backstage. Rose nailed a sitout slam that sent Naomi face first for a two count. Rose worked over Naomi with forearms to the chest followed by a knee to the back. Rose stomped away on Naomi in the corner. Naomi tried a tag, but Rose took her down by the hair. Rose slapped Jimmy. Naomi wit ha hair whip on Rose to take her down. Jimmy got the tag, so he unloaded on Goldust with punches and a Samoan Drop. Running butt splash in the corner by Jimmy got a two count as Rose made the save. Naomi back in there with a forearm to Rose. Double enziguri kick by Jimmy and Naomi at the same time. Goldust and Rose hit Powerslams at the same time. That was a really good sequence. Goldust nailed Jimmy with the Final Cut for a two count, but Naomi made the save for her husband. Rose back in with a slap to Naomi’s face. Rose ran out of the ring, Naomi went after her, they went back in the ring and Rose went out the other side. Naomi jumped over the top rope over Goldust and onto Mandy on the floor. Goldust with a punch to Jimmy, but Jimmy nailed a superkick. Naomi with the Rear View on Goldust and Jimmy went up top for the Superfly Splash. Jimmy pinned Goldust for the win after 13 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Jimmy Uso and Naomi
Analysis: **3/4 It was a solid match with some comedy by the guys early on, the girls got more serious and the finish was done well. This is a light-hearted show a lot of the time, so give these four credit for putting on an entertaining match. I liked that well planned spot where Jimmy and Naomi nailed enziguri kicks followed by Goldust and Rose with powerslams right after. Those are the kind of sequences they need to do in these kinds of matches. It shows teamwork and also that there is some thought put into the spots in the match.
Rusev and Lana entered the arena. Fans chanted “Rusev Day” for them. Rusev called out “Jim Uso” and Naomi. Rusev said that he and Lana are the best married couple. Rusev sang the song: “Lana is the best, Lana number one, Lana is the best, Lana number one” and the crowd joined in with them. Lana said the most important thing they are going to crush Elias and Bayley. Lana said they are all going to celebrate everyone’s favorite day, the Ravishing Rusev Day. The crowd cheered.
Analysis: The Lana “song” has some simple lyrics and it’s catchy. Cheesiness at its finest.
A promo aired from Elias and Bayley talking about facing Rusev and Lana next week. Bayley sang poorly, so Elias told her to leave the music to him. Bayley asked for a hug, but Elias said no.
Next week: Elias and Bayley vs. Rusev and Lana.
Jimmy and Naomi celebrated the win and that was the end of the show after 20 minutes of action.
Here are some post match promos first with the winners:
Meanwhile, it’s possible that Goldust and Mandy Rose will be working together again based on this video.
Here are the brackets to see what’s still to come in this tournament.

There’s been an obvious winner for the first four weeks. I think Smackdown will win the next two weeks as well.
That’s all for the MMC for this week.
Check out the Mixed Match Challenge Review archive here.