TJR: AEW Dynamite 09/02/20 Review
This is the go-home edition of AEW Dynamite as they are on the road to the AEW All Out pay-per-view on Saturday. The full lineup will be at the bottom of this post. We will have a preview on TJRWrestling on Friday morning and then I’ll review it on Saturday night although I’m not sure if I will be able to do it live. Blame the NBA Playoffs. Go Raptors.
This is episode #49 of AEW Dynamite from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. Here’s my AEW Dynamite TV review archive. Let’s get to it.
The pyro went off in AEW’s home building at Daily’s Place and we saw some images of actual fans in the crowd. If you want to see how the crowd is spaced out there, Matt Hardy posted this on Twitter.
The wrestlers and personnel were surrounding the ring as well. The announce team of Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone and Excalibur (welcome back after about one month off) went over what’s coming up on the show. This was a live show on Wednesday.
The first match was Santana and Ortiz against Best Friends. This was building for a few weeks, so Best Friends attacked Santana and Ortiz before the match began. Santana suplexed Taylor on the floor and Ortiz whipped Taylor with a dreaded…shirt. Trent jumped off the stage and hit a cross body block onto Santana and Ortiz on the floor. That’s about the same as doing it off the top rope into the ring in terms of the height. Taylor gave Santana a back body drop over the barricade while Ortiz choked Trent with a shirt. After Trent was sent into the barricade, he bounced off and hit a Spear on Ortiz on the floor. Taylor built a pile of chairs, Santana threw a chair at him and Taylor hit a back body drop on the ramp. Santana tossed Taylor off the ramp onto the pile of chairs and Chuck took a back bump onto the chairs.
Analysis: They should have just booked this as a Street Fight and done all of that as part of the match instead of all of this time brawling before the match officially began. I did think the action was good and that bump by Taylor was impressive.
Santana and Ortiz vs. Best Friends (Trent and Chuck Taylor)
Trent and Santana were in the ring, so the referee called for the bell to begin even though Taylor was out on the chairs. Taylor with a double foot attack to the chest of Santana. Ortiz held Trent on the apron, Santana with a kick to the face and Santana suplexed Trent on the top rope. Ortiz with a gutwrench suplex across the ring followed by a dropkick to the back. Ortiz missed a corner attack leading to Trent hitting a swinging DDT. Trent tried to tag out, but Taylor was still on the floor. Trent with a suicide dive on Ortiz on the floor, then he charged at Santana, who did a leapfrog to avoid it and Trent went crashing into the barricade. Trent booted Santana in the face, Taylor was back on the apron and Taylor got the tag. Taylor sent both opponents out of the ring with a clothesline. Taylor ran the ropes leading to a somersault dive over the top onto both guys. Taylor with the boot to the face and the Falcon Arrow slam for two on Santana as Ortiz broke up the pin. Taylor got a sunset flip pin on Santana for two. Taylor with a knee to Santana, Trent tagged in and Trent hit a running knee to the face. Ortiz held Trent’s foot on the apron and Santana shoved Trent off the apron onto the top of the steel steps that were there on the floor. Ortiz tagged in, Taylor tripped up Santana on the apron and Trent had Ortiz on his back leading to a slam into the mat for a two count. Santana tossed Trent over the barricade. Santana had a steel baton in his hand, the referee never saw it as Santana hit Trent in the back, Santana got the tag and Santana/Ortiz hit the Street Sweeper double team move (Blockbuster/Powerbomb combo) for the pinfall win after about seven minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Santana and Ortiz
Analysis: ***1/4 This was a pretty good match with the right team getting the win because I want to see Santana and Ortiz utilized better. Heels cheating to win is fine with me. Best Friends always have quality matches. I like them as a team. The action before the match was great too, but it wasn’t part of the match, so including it in the ring would be wrong. If I included the pre-match stuff then it would be close to four stars because it was a lot of good action.
Maxwell Jacob Friedman was backstage doing a promo with a neckbrace on with Wardlow behind him. MJF had a walker with him, which was ridiculous. MJF’s lawyer Mark Sterling had to face Jon Moxley in a match. Wardlow pulled Sterling out of the room. MJF gave Sterling a bit of a pep talk by telling him to get in the ring or he’s going to kick his ass.
Analysis: This was too over the top although that’s consistent for MJF. Sterling is a trained wrestler that also helped to train MJF as a wrestler. I think it’s weak as a main event match, but it’s also more of an angle.
The SCU team of Frankie Kazarian and Christopher Daniels (that are barely on this show anymore) made their entrance for a match.
The Young Bucks made their entrance for the eight-man tag team match. They were more serious looking than usual after Hangman Page cost them their match last week.
The winning teams in the next match will face eachother at All Out on Saturday. If you think the Young Bucks weren’t going to book themselves on the PPV then you’re pretty dumb. Just saying.
The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) and Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy) vs. SCU (Frankie Kazarian and Christopher Daniels) and Private Party (Marq Quen and Isaiah Kassidy)
Kazarian and Boy did some mat wrestling for a minute or so. Quen tagged in with a dropkick on Jackson. Kassidy tagged in with a jumping kick on Matt, then a headscissors out of the ring and Matt was frustrated on the floor. Some AEW employee had a sign that mentioned Hangman, so Matt ripped up the sign and poured the beer on the guy. Nice spot. Nick tagged in against Daniels with a boot to the face. Nick refused to tag in Lucha or Boy, but then he tagged in Matt, who hit a neckbreaker on Daniels. Nick tagged back in with a double foot stomp on Daniels. Daniels managed to take down both Young Bucks, Boy got the tag and Kazarian hit a forearm on Boy. Kazarian with a clothesline on Boy. Nick tried an attack on Kazarian, but Frankie hit him with a forearm and a Cutter followed by a clothesline to the floor. Daniels with a moonsault onto both Young Bucks on the floor. Kazarian with a body slam on Boy and a springboard leg drop for a two count. Kassidy and Quen hit a double team flapjack/facebuster for a two count. Daniels back in with a suplex on Boy along with a headbutt. Kazarian with two boots to the face leading to a break.
The match continued with Boy still isolated for his team, but then Boy broke free of Daniels and hit a lifting suplex on Kassidy. It looked ab it like an Olympic Slam. Luchasaurus finally tagged into the match as he cleaned house on everybody for a few moments until Private Party hit a double dropkick. Luchasaurus kipped up and hit a double clothesline on Private Party long with a moonsault off the apron onto SCU on the floor. Luchasaurus did a double Chokeslam, Matt with a blind tag and they did a double moonsault/splash combo with four guys doing the spots. Boy tagged in and hit a running clothesline on Quen. Kazarian and Daniels went in illegally, the referee lost full control as usual and there was a powerbomb/neckbreaker combination by SCU on Boy. Kassidy tagged in with a Senton Bomb off the top for two. I guess he was the legal man. Daniels tagged in, Matt accidentally hit a superkick on Boy because Daniels moved and Daniels hit the moonsault off the top. Quen got the tag and hit a Shooting Star Press off the top for two as Luchasaurus made the save. Luchasaurus with a spinning kick to Daniels and he lifted Quen into a Powerbomb by Boy. Luchasaurus with clotheslines to clear the ring. Luchasaurus tagged as if tags matter at this point and Boy hit a suicide dive onto two guys on the floor. Matt tagged in, Luchasaurus kicked Daniels out of the ring and Young Bucks hit the BTE Trigger (double kicks to the head) for the pinfall win after 14 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) and Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy)
Analysis: ***1/2 A very good match that was lacking in terms of a story going into it, but they worked very well together. The announcers did a nice job of telling the story of the Young Bucks being more aggressive in the match because they were upset about what Hangman did to them last week. The winning team was obvious as soon as the match was announced. The finish could have been set up a bit better, but it was an effective story anyway. The teams followed the rules more than I expected them to, so that’s a nice change of pace for a Young Bucks match.
That result means The Young Bucks will face Jurassic Express at All Out. I assume most of the other four guys will be in the Casino Battle Royal match at All Out as well.
Jake Hager, who barely wrestles in this company, was shown backstage going up to Orange Cassidy earlier in the day. Hager told Cassidy that Jericho wants him ringside for his match tonight and told him it would be smart to be there. Hager left.
The FTR team of Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler were shown getting a pep talk from manager Tully Blanchard. Tully told them the prize is in front of them on Saturday. They have to go take it. Tully told them they’re the men that can do it and Tully will be there at ringside to see it. Wheeler said that their legacy is dead if they walk out without the titles. Harwood said that as much as they respect Page and like him, they like the prestige and honor of being AEW Tag Team Champions even more. Harwood said that on Saturday night you will Fear The Revelation (FTR) and Wheeler said “top guys out” which is a phrase they used in the past.
Analysis: I think FTR winning the Tag Team Titles is going to happen. It’s time for a title change and FTR is undefeated, so it makes a lot of sense to me.
Let’s Hear from Kenny Omega
Kenny Omega made his entrance for an interview with Tony Schiavone in the ring. Omega was wearing a Hana Kimura shirt for her birthday. She passed away earlier in the year tragically. Nice tribute by Kenny and AEW.
Omega said that everyone in life makes mistakes and Hangman Page has to live with it for the rest of his life. Omega said that the very lonely Hangman Page was taken by the cockroaches FTR and fooled. Omega said that these things happen, we live, we learn and we move on. Omega said that just like every other tag team before them, they will defeat them and he hopes FTR brings their A game. Omega said that they will bring their A game.
The FTR team of Dax Harwood, Cash Wheeler and manager Tully Blanchard walked out. Wheeler had some cooler with him.
Harwood told Omega that they were impressed with their tag team title run as two singles guys that have been an amazing team. Harwood said they were looking forward to having a great athletic contest. They opened the cooler to reveal some chocolate milk, which is Omega’s favorite while FTR had some beers.
Omega said that he can’t turn down some Choc (chocolate milk), but what he can do is turn down spending more time with a couple of dickheads (it was muted out). Omega said if the whole plan was to bamboozle him by himself, then they might as well get it over with. Omega said that he might lose this fight, so make this quick because they have other matches to get to. Omega told them to keep the old man away from him because Kenny can smell his Depends from there.
Adam “Hangman” Page walked out to join his partner Kenny in the ring. Harwood told Page to tell Kenny who made Page do the things that he did and turn on their best friends so they wouldn’t have to face the Young Bucks again. Harwood said that nobody told Page to do those things – Page did it himself. Harwood said that Page has been nothing more than an insecure little boy. Harwood wanted Page to explain to Kenny how big of a piece of shit that he is. Omega shoved Page and said that they’re just trying to get in your head. Wheeler said that Kenny probably knows how big of a piece of shit that Page is. FTR held the titles and then dropped them to the mat as disrespect. The fans booed as FTR left. Page held Omega’s title in his hand, but Omega was already on the floor and Kenny left. Page was all alone.
Analysis: There was no fight, but it was effective in terms of telling the story of Omega and Page possibly being a divided team going into All Out. It’s setting up for a split between Page and Omega that could see one of them becoming a big heel while the other is the face, but AEW also doesn’t care about heel/face as much as some wrestling companies past or present. This was also a nice reminder of how great of a talker Harwood is. He knows how to advance a story, that’s for sure. I think these four guys will have the best match at All Out on Saturday.
Chris Jericho was interviewed backstage by Alex Marvez. Jericho mentioned experiencing something for the first time and said that this Saturday at All Out, fans can experience the Mimosa Mayhem Match. Jericho said it’s the perfect culmination to help decide who is the better man. Jericho said he’s helped Cassidy become a better man while helping him become a main event star in AEW. Jericho said that Cassidy isn’t at the level of Le Champion. Jericho said he’s going to hit Cassidy with the Judas Effect, make Cassidy tap out into the Walls of Jericho and send him into the Mimosa. Jericho said tonight, Joey Janela is a sacrifice and said that things are about to get a whole lot worse for you, tonight.
Analysis: That was more serious than most of Jericho’s promos of late since he has done a lot of comedy in the last few months.
Joey Janela made his entrance for a match. I don’t remember the last time he had a singles match on Dynamite and I don’t watch Dark. A graphic said his 2020 record is 9-10, which is poor.
Chris Jericho made his entrance with the graphic saying he was 16-7-1 in AEW. I’m surprised the loss total is that high. Anyway, Jake Hager of the Inner Circle group was with “Le Champion” as usual. They showed some fans singing the song even after the song stopped playing in the building. It’s good to hear that again.
Orange Cassidy made his entrance to watch the match at ringside as requested earlier in the night. Cassidy had a backpack with him as he sat at ringside.
Chris Jericho (w/Jake Hager) vs. Joey Janela
Jericho was wrestling in an Orange Cassidy tank top similar to what Cassidy was wearing as well. Jericho with punches, chops and a running clothesline. Jericho with a belly to back suplex and then he hit it again. Jericho stepped on Janela’s long hair while yelling at Cassidy. Jericho with a running elbow to the face of Janela. Jericho tried a suplex, Janela got out of it and hit a running shoulder tackle. Jericho came back with a clothesline and Janela did a flip bump. Jericho tossed Janela onto the ramp. Janela tried to attack off the top, but Jericho hit the Codebreaker to block that. Jericho slapped on the Liontamer submission for the victory after about four minutes.
Winner by submission: Chris Jericho
Analysis: *1/2 A dominant win for Jericho with Janela doing a nice job selling and taking the beating. That Codebreaker spot was really well done. Jericho looking strong was what it needed to be.
Post match, Jericho exposed the turnbuckle by taking off the pad and whipped Janela face-first into the steel. Janela did a blade job after that, so Jericho punched him where the bloody wound was. Jericho put Janela’s face onto the Cassidy shirt and Jericho threw the shirt towards Cassidy.
Cassidy ran into the ring with the backpack that he had, but Hager was there to work over Cassidy with Jericho. Sonny Kiss ran out with a forearm on Jericho, but Hager slammed Kiss. Cassidy hit a spinning DDT on Jericho. Cassidy went for the Superman Punch, but Hager pulled Jericho out of the ring to save him. Cassidy had a Little Bit of the Bubbly champagne with him and he opened it in the ring. Cassidy poured some of the champagne in the ring and did the thumbs down. Jericho left with Hager while tossing some chairs and Cassidy stood tall in the ring.
Analysis: It should be an interesting match at All out with Jericho likely to put over the younger guy Cassidy and some comedy selling by Jericho in the Mimosa drink mix.
A video package aired about the Matt Hardy feud with Sammy Guevara that will lead to a Broken Rules Match at All Out. Sammy beat Matt in a Tables Match last week on Dynamite, so they were 1-1 in matches. Hardy said that if he loses the match then he’ll leave AEW. I’ll pick Matt there.
Sammy Guevara was out with his signs during a picture in picture break. Matt Hardy was in the building staring at him.
Team Taz entered the ring with Brian Cage holding the meaningless FTW Title and Ricky Starks whiled joined by manager Taz. That led to Taz doing a promo saying that one of his guys Cage or Starks will win the Casino Battle Royal at All Out. They also threatened Darby Allin and mentioned Lance Archer with Jake Roberts.
That led to Jake showing up with Archer telling Taz and friends they are squirrels trying to get a nut. Jake said that they will walk out with nothing. Jake called them the best set of losers that he’s ever seen. Archer and Roberts got into the ring.
There was another interruption this time by Eddie Kingston with the Lucha Bros and The Butcher & The Blade. Kingston said it was enough because he had things to say. Eddie told Lance that he’s not tougher than him. Kingston said Taz used to be around killers and now he is around guys who are just machines. Eddie ripped on Starks saying he didn’t know if he should take him out on a date or fight him. I guess that’s trash talk? Taz responded saying that his two guys will fight all of them right now, especially Lance.
That led to a brawl in a ring and around the staging area. Darby Allin’s music hit and he went running into the ring to go after Starks since they have had a rivalry. There was a big brawl all around the ringside area. Cage dumped some guy out of the ring. Shawn Spears went in to join the brawling. There were Inner Circle members Jake Hager, Santana, Ortiz, Best Friends and more that was a part of the standing and brawling in the ring. I don’t even know who some of the guys were because they are never on Dynamite and I don’t watch Dark, so plenty of meaningless names a part of this.
Analysis: This company likes booking brawls all around the ring and the set. This is just another one of those. It was fine to make me care about the battle royal a bit, but it wasn’t that interesting. It was very basic as a brawl with a lot of standing around and doing nothing. I’d rather see something where a few guys clear the ring, then they face off and look dominant. Instead, this came off as rather boring.
There were still some guys in the ring brawling and they cut away from that to show us a Dark Order video package. That was awkward.
The video aired showing us about the Dark Order’s dominance of late with Brodie Lee recently beating Cody to become the TNT Champion. There’s a tag team match at All Out with Dark Order (Brodie Lee, Colt Cabana, Evil Uno, and Grayson) facing Scorpio Sky, Matt Cardona and The Natural Nightmares (Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall) in an 8-man tag team match.
Serena Deeb was in the ring for a match with Thunder Rosa making her entrance as the opponent.
Analysis: It is the first Dynamite match for both women. Serena has been a pro for about 15 years and had a run in WWE that many of you probably remember about ten years ago. She got released by WWE as a Performance Center coach back in April. Thunder Rosa is the current NWA Women’s Champion that is challenging Hikaru Shida for the AEW Women’s Title at All Out on Saturday. Neither woman has a contract with AEW right now as far as I know.
Thunder Rosa vs. Serena Deeb
They exchanged forearms, then Rosa with an arm drag and a dropkick. Serena hit a neckbreaker and she drove Rosa’s left knee into the mat repeatedly.
The match returned with deep hitting some chops, but Rosa was in control after a dropkick against the turnbuckle. Rosa grabbed a waistlock, Serena got out of it and hit a backstabber double knees to the back. Serena with two clotheslines, then an arm wringer and Serena got a rollup for two. Rosa hit a running clothesline against the turnbuckle followed by double knees against the turnbuckle. Rosa with a running dropkick against the ropes for two. JR said that this is one of the better female matches…then said he may get in trouble and then followed through with the thought. Serena got the momentum back as she went for a piledriver like move, but Rosa picked her up and hit a Death Valley Driver for two. Serena did a sweet counter into a nearfall, then Rosa got a nearfall of her own and Rosa with a German Suplex. Rosa with a running kick to the head. Rosa hit the Thunder Driver for the pinfall win after about nine minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Thunder Rosa
Analysis: *** Good match between two skilled women that know what they’re doing in the ring. This match was longer than most AEW women’s matches on television, so that’s a positive. There’s no storyline or anything going into a match like this, which makes it tough, but they did well. Rosa winning was the obvious outcome since she’s getting the AEW Women’s Title shot on Saturday.
Jon Moxley did a backstage promo with the AEW World Title on his shoulder. Moxley said that on Saturday night when the bell rings, all of those distractions go away and then all that crap goes away when it’s just the two of them. Moxley wondered if MJF is ready. Moxley said that 2020 has been a bad enough year already and we don’t need MJF’s dumbass running around with the World Title. Moxley said that MJF thinks he’s real hot stuff, but everything he’s done up until now has been the easy part. That was the end.
Analysis: This was fine with Moxley doing a nice job as the veteran champion talking to the younger challenger and wondering if MJF was ready for the match.
Big Swole was interviewed by Tony Schiavone. They have their match at All Out as part of the Buy In as Swole shows up at her job as a dentist where they will fight tooth and nail. There was a pizza delivery for Tony Schiavone that was clearly Rebel and then Britt Baker attacked Swole with the crutch to the back. Baker put Swole’s face with the pizza and hit a superkick to show that Baker is healthy again. Baker slapped on her Lock Jaw submission with her fingers in Swole’s mouth. They shoved some pizza in Swole’s face as well.
Analysis: It’s a cinematic style match at All Out and they are on the Buy In, which is the pre-show. They have actually built that up for a few months, so I’m glad that there will be a match although I don’t normally watch the pre-show content. I’m glad that Baker is healthy again.
The announcers went over the AEW All Out card. I have it all at the bottom and we’ll have a preview up on Friday. Do I have to write “Battle Royale” instead of “Battle Royal” or can I stick with royal? I like royal.
The MJF lawyer Mark Sterling entered with a ridiculous outfit that had a lot of red, white and blue padding on it. Wardlow made sure he entered the ring. JR said he was appropriately named Mark. Yes, the creative team is so creative.
Jon Moxley made his entrance with the AEW World Title for this match. As Moxley got on his knees to pray, the announcers laughed about it as if Moxley was praying that he won’t hurt this guy.
Analysis: I am a bit surprised that this would be the main event, but here we are. There’s also plenty of time for a post match angle. As I mentioned earlier, Sterling is a trained wrestler.
Jon Moxley vs. Mark Sterling (w/Wardlow)
Moxley approached, Sterling bumped because he looked scared and Moxley offered him a free shot to the face. Moxley taught him how to make a fist, then Moxley avoided the punched and slapped him hard in the face. Sterling did a comedic bump under the ropes to the floor. Sterling charged, Moxley moved and Sterling bumped to the floor looking like a trained wrestler instead of somebody that had never been in the ring before. Sterling went for a kick, then did a poke to the eye that actually hit the forehead and wasn’t near the eye, but then Moxley hit a clothesline and a clothesline over the top to the floor. The “lawyer” took that clothesline to the floor bump like a trained wrestler. Moxley left the ring and tossed some barricades and chairs onto Sterling. The referee was with them on the floor instead of counting them out of the ring. Moxley beat on Sterling with Sterling’s own shoe. Moxley brought a steel chair in the ring, then Moxley sat in the chair and threw the chair out. Moxley with a kick to the gut and the Paradigm Shift finished off Sterling after about five minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Jon Moxley
Analysis: 1/2* It had some funny moments. It went a bit too long, but it accomplished the goal of Moxley making a fool of the lawyer. If you are playing a lawyer that is not a wrestler then you should bump like somebody that’s not a wrestler. By that I mean when he hits the clothesline over the top to the floor, don’t sell it like you know how to take it. Make it look realistic by not bumping like a wrestler. Anyway, I know it’s nitpicking. I’m just saying if you are playing a non-wrestler then don’t bump like a wrestler.
There were five minutes left in the show as Wardlow went into the ring and hit Moxley with a clothesline. Wardlow picked up Moxley and gave him the F10 spinning slam off the shoulders. Wardlow hit the F10 slam again.
MJF showed up with the walker and took off the neckbrace to reveal he was fine. What a shocker. MJF went into the ring and punched Moxley repeatedly. The one referee called for the bell to ring repeatedly, but nobody else showed up to try to break it up. MJF stomped on Moxley some more and said if you want violence then that’s what you’re going to get. MJF put the diamond ring on his hand and punched Moxley with it (while Wardlow held Moxley), so Moxley did a blade job while the camera was on MJF. Moxley was bleeding while MJF yelled at him to “fight for them.” MJF continued to work over Moxley with punches and MJF put some of Moxley’s blood on his own face. Excalibur: “Have you ever seen Jon Moxley like this?” Yes, all the time in AEW like in the Jericho feud when they did the eye angle and Moxley was bleeding all the time. It’s not that new. MJF held up the AEW World Title over his head while Moxley was down in the ring as a bloody mess. MJF said that this is the future and he posed with the title over Moxley.
Analysis: This was pretty good with MJF showing a lot of aggressiveness in that attack. I think they needed to do that last week, but doing it this week is fine too. The blood is something AEW loves to do since we have seen it in a few feuds going into All Out, so you know there’s going to be a few bloody matches at that show. The unrealistic part of a segment like this is not a single person from the back tried to break it up, which isn’t consistent with other segments where fights are broken up. That’s just something that I always think about when writing about these shows, but some wrestling companies tend to ignore it. I think Moxley retaining the AEW World Title is very likely and this segment made me more confident in that prediction.
Three Stars of the Show
- Jon Moxley
- Young Bucks
- Santana and Ortiz
The Scoreboard
This week: 7 (out of 10)
Last week: 6.75
2020 Average: 7.19
Final Thoughts
The show was good for most of it, but I wouldn’t call it great at any point. I can understand not having great matches because they are building up to All Out on Saturday, which should have some awesome matches. The Jericho match was brief and the brawl with Orange Cassidy was okay. I liked the first two tag team matches the best as far as the matches go and the women’s match was better than a typical AEW TV women’s match. They advanced the stories for most of the All Out Matches, but I don’t think any of the segments were that great aside from MJF’s attack on Moxley to end the show. I liked that segment although I wonder if they should have done something like that a week or two earlier to make me care about the match even more. Also, I think using blood in multiple segments is overdoing it and I’d rather see only one blade job on a show rather than several of them.
We will have an AEW All Out Preview up on Friday.
The next AEW pay-per-view is All Out on Saturday, September 5th. Here’s the lineup.

AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley (c) vs. MJF (Moxley’s Paradigm Shift finishing move is banned.)
Mimosa Mayhem Match: Chris Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy (Match can be won by pinfall, submission or throwing the opponent into a tank of mimosa. The mimosa is a giant tub that’s a mixture of champagne and orange juice.)
AEW World Tag Team Championship: Hangman Page and Kenny Omega (c) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler)
AEW Women’s Championship: Hikaru Shida (c) vs. NWA Women’s Champion Thunder Rosa
Broken Rules Match: Matt Hardy vs. Sammy Guevara (* The winner will be the Last Man Standing, determined when one man can’t answer the referee’s 10 count. * The finish can take place anywhere. * There must be a winner. * If Matt Hardy loses the match, he’ll leave AEW forever.)
The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) vs. Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy)
21-Man Casino Battle Royale: Lance Archer, Brian Cage, Ricky Starks, Darby Allin, Eddie Kingston, The Blade, The Butcher, Fenix, Pentagon Jr. and others. (Winner receives future AEW World Championship Match.)
Dark Order (Brodie Lee, Colt Cabana, Evil Uno, and Grayson) vs. Scorpio Sky, Matt Cardona and The Natural Nightmares (Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall)
Tooth and Nail Match: Britt Baker vs. Big Swole (The Buy In)
Thanks for reading. You can contact me using any of the methods below.
John Canton
Twitter: @johnreport