The John Report: WWE Smackdown Live 11/06/18 Review
Live (on tape) from Manchester, England (for the second night in a row), this is Smackdown Live for episode #1003. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. If you want to support us at TJRWrestling, here’s a Donate Link for our Paypal where anything you send will go towards building the site. Thanks to Melo Man for the banner up top.
Let’s Hear From Paige and Shane McMahon
The show began with Smackdown Live’s General Manager Paige entering to a big ovation in her home country of England. The Smackdown announce team of Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton and Corey Graves were at ringside to welcome us to the show.
Paige said that it’s great to be at home in England and she asked the fans to welcome the Commissioner of Smackdown, the “Best in the World” Shane McMahon.
A video package aired about Shane McMahon winning the “Best in the World” WWE World Cup tournament at Crown Jewel this past Friday.
When Paige said Shane was the “Best in the World” for winning the trophy, the fans booed him. They also chanted “CM Punk” which was surprisingly not edited out of the broadcast. Perhaps it was silenced a bit, but I could definitely hear the chant.
Shane said that he does not believe he is the Best in the World. Shane said that when Miz got hurt, he did what he did for Smackdown because he couldn’t stand the thought of Smackdown not being the better brand, which they are.
Shane and Paige went over the Survivor Series lineup:
Raw’s Universal Champion Brock Lesnar vs. Smackdown’s WWE Champion AJ Styles
Raw Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey vs. Smackdown Women’s Champion Becky Lynch
Raw’s Intercontinental Champion Seth Rollins vs. Smackdown’s United States Champion Shinsuke Nakamura
Raw Tag Team Champions AOP (Akam & Rezar) vs. Smackdown Tag Team Champions The Bar (Sheamus & Cesaro)
Men’s 5-on-5 Elimination Match: Team Raw (Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler, Braun Strowman and two more) vs. Team Smackdown
Women’s 5-on-5 Elimination Match: Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown
Shane introduced us to somebody that will be leading Team Blue to victory at Survivor Series, their team captain Daniel Bryan.
Daniel Bryan made his entrance in his street clothes as the crowd chanted “yes” along with him. Big pop for Bryan as usual. The fans chanted “Daniel Bryan” before he could say a word.
Bryan thanked the fans and he told them that they were awesome. Bryan thanked Shane for humbly admitting that he is not the Best in the World and said that he deserves applause for that. Bryan said it’s an honor that they have chosen him as Team Captain for Smackdown Live. Here comes The Miz with the interruption.
The Miz walked out in a suit. He was limping a bit and favoring his right leg that he “hurt” at Crown Jewel. Miz complained about Bryan as the captain and said that he admitted Shane was the Best in the World. Miz sucked up to Shane for heroically stepping in to win it all for Smackdown Live. Miz said that technically, two thirds of that trophy is his. That’s a good point. Miz said that together they are the best in the world and he said they were “co-besties” after that. Miz was in the ring by this point. Shane said he’s glad that it worked out the way that it did or else Miz could have been fired.
Miz talked about how never before has he ever been so injured that he couldn’t compete…unlike Bryan. Miz added that his ankle is fine and thanked them for asking even though nobody did ask. Miz said that if anybody deserves to be team captain of Smackdown it’s him. Shane said based on Miz’s performance in the WWE World Cup he’s right, he is the captain. Shane and Paige talked about it. Shane announced that Miz and Bryan are the co-captains of the men’s Survivor Series match. Miz didn’t like it while Bryan was okay with it because he started “yes” chants as Bryan’s music hit to end it.
Analysis: It was an informative opening promo to let us know more about Survivor Series, which was needed because it’s less than two weeks away. I thought that the announcement of Bryan as the team captain was fine and then Miz made a lot of great points about why he should be captain. The co-captain thing is fine although really it’s only a five man team. The fans don’t really give a shit about who the captains are, but WWE tries to make it seem like a big deal. It’s tough to make us care when WWE only promotes Survivor Series for two weeks. It just doesn’t feel like a big deal.
Still to come is Rey Mysterio vs. Andrade Almas and The Usos vs. New Day is up next.
There was a shot of The Miz and Daniel Bryan arguing backstage. Shane McMahon walked up to them with Miz complaining about this. Shane said that they bring out the best in eachother and that’s what he is counting on. Miz said that Shane can count on him. Bryan and Miz each let Shane know they can be counted on. Miz said his first pick is Shane McMahon, who told Miz he didn’t have to suck up and Bryan said that he agreed with Miz. Bryan said it makes sense. Shane said that he accepts a spot on the team. Miz told Bryan he’ll let him have the next pick to show that Miz is a team player.
Analysis: It’s not a surprise that Shane McMahon is on the team considering they just put him over in the World Cup tournament last week. There will be more deserving wrestlers that should be in the match, but sadly their last name isn’t McMahon.
The New Day trio made their entrance with the pancakes. The Usos were up next. Both teams were cheered since they are both faces. They have wrestled eachother a lot in the last few years and the matches are usually great.
The Usos (Jimmy & Jey Uso) vs. The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Big E) w/Xavier Woods
Kingston was in control early with a dropkick that sent Jey out of the ring. Kingston tried a dive over the top on Jimmy, but Jimmy avoided it, Woods blew on the trombone to distract and Big E ran over Jimmy with a clothesline as the show went to break.
The match returned with Big E getting a hot tag leading to the three belly to belly suplexes on Jimmy like he does every time he gets a hot tag. Jimmy with an uppercut to the jaw of Big E. Jimmy charged in and Big E with a uranage slam for a two count. Jey made a blind tag, The Usos hit a double kick on Big E and Jey went for a splash, but Big E got the knees up to block. Big E hit a Big Ending slam for a two count as Jimmy made the save. Kingston made the blind tag as Big E missed a running attack. Big E got back up and drove Jey into the barricade. Jimmy managed to avoid a Big E slam on the floor and tossed him over the barricade at ringside. Kingston went up top and hit a trust fall dive back first onto both Usos on the floor. Back in the ring, Kingston hit a SOS on Jey for a two count. Kingston went to the top again with a cross body block for a two count as they went to break again.
The match returned with Kingston working over one of the Usos and Big E came out of nowhere with a Spear on Jey Uso from inside the ring to the floor outside the ring. Kingston hit a Trouble in Paradise kick on Jimmy for a two count. Kingston set up Jimmy on top for a superplex, but Jimmy hit a headbutt to knock him down. Kingston went for a hurricanrana off the top, but Jimmy countered with a Powerbomb off the top. Jimmy went up top and hit a Superfly Splash on Kingston for the pinfall win for his team after 16 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: The Usos (Jimmy & Jey Uso)
Analysis: ***1/2 It was the usual great tag team match from these two teams. Any time they get that much time you know they are going to hit the three star level and it was better than that. They didn’t do as many believable nearfall spots as usual, so it was a bit below a four star level match. It was still pretty awesome to watch. I think the finishing sequence with Jimmy and Kofi was done very well. Big E had some cool spots in the match as well. That Spear out of the ring always scares me, but Big E does it well. It’s important to set up his big power moves in a smart way and that’s what they did.
Post match, Jimmy said that without a shadow of a doubt they have been to war plenty of times. They said that there would not be a division without The Usos and New Day. Jimmy said as captains in Survivor Series, they want New Day to be the first pick on Team Smackdown at Survivor Series. All five men shook hands and hugged in a show of respect.
Analysis: That was a cool move by The Usos as a show of respect against the team that they have wrestled so many times. It’s not like there are that many times to pick from for Survivor Series either.
The Miz was shown backstage talking on his cell phone asking somebody what talk show he’ll be on to talk about his next Marine movie. He reacted to the other end of the phone upset saying that they wanted Becky on it. Daniel Bryan showed up and he said he wanted Rey Mysterio on Team Smackdown. Miz didn’t like that, so he said Mysterio has to impress him. They also agreed to each pick a guy to have a match later with the winner joining their Survivor Series team.
Analysis: It’s so funny how they have Miz do all these promos about being a movie star and then make fun of him by showing that he can’t get on talk shows to talk about his movie. I guess that’s WWE comedy at its best.
There was a shot of Becky Lynch backstage taking off a Ronda Rousey shirt to reveal her shirt. Becky is up next.
A commercial aired for Survivor Series promoting Styles vs. Lesnar.
The show returned with the announcers talking about Survivor Series and then a clip aired of Ronda Rousey’s promo from Raw.
Let’s Hear from Becky Lynch
Becky Lynch made her entrance looking great in her “I Am The Man” and the fans cheered her a lot as she posed with the title. She’s from Ireland, so it’s not too far from where they were in Manchester. The fans hummed along with the song of Lynch while it was going on and they even did it when the song stopped.
Becky ranted about how she doesn’t think Ronda is anybody that can tell Lynch anything. Becky said that a champion wills themselves through adversity, through injury and through doubt while Rousey hasn’t even been tested…yet. Lynch said that she’s The Man and that is why she is the champion while Ronda is not. Lynch told Rousey that her titanium body will be let down by her weak mind. Lynch said that she has made history, she has been tested daily, weekly and monthly and here she is as the most relentless person you have ever met. Lynch said that Rousey mocked Lynch for the path she took to where she is with Lynch saying that she was not handpicked like Rousey, but here she is.
Lynch said that she wasn’t meant to be the main event, but here she is. Lynch said that she wasn’t meant to be the talk of the entire industry, but here she is. Lynch said she’s the champ, the only champ. Lynch said that Rousey thinks that Lynch should be happy because Lynch has Rousey’s respect and Lynch said that she is coming for Ronda’s arm. Lynch added that she doesn’t care if Rousey is the baddest bitch on the planet because she is going to make Ronda hers (meaning she will make Ronda her bitch).
Lynch said she was all fired up and she thinks she wants a fight right here, right now. Lynch asked if there is anybody ready to fight the champ.
Analysis: That was a great promo from Lynch. I think her two promos were better than the one that Rousey did on Raw this past Monday, but I thought Ronda did pretty well too. I just think Lynch is in such a zone right now and it’s easy to get behind her. It also seems like WWE is embracing the crowd support for her and not having her do the cheap heel things in promos, which is smart.
The Sanity video intro aired with Nikki Cross making her official Smackdown debut joined by the guys in Sanity – Eric Young, Killian Dain and Alexander Wolfe. Nikki Cross emerged from behind the guys in the group and went into the ring.
Lynch asked Cross who does she think she is. Cross said that she’ll play with her. Cross told Becky to play with Nikki and Nikki said “let’s play” repeatedly. Lynch said the champ doesn’t play, the champ fights and that led to a break.
Analysis: Welcome Nikki Cross to the main roster. I hope she is booked better than Sanity has been because those guys are barely on the roster. Cross is a unique character that stands out from the crowd. She’s very talented.
The match began after a break at the start of hour two.
Becky Lynch vs. Nikki Cross
This is not for Lynch’s Smackdown Women’s Title.
Lynch was aggressive with punches, Cross came back with a headscissors takedown and Lynch tossed Cross out of the ring. Cross pulled the ring apron back and trapped Lynch against the ring. That’s a classic Finlay spot and he’s the one that is the main agent for women’s matches. Lynch took control again by whipping Cross into the barricade repeatedly. Lynch kicked Cross into the side of the ring apron. Back in the ring, Lynch got a two count. Lynch kept on going for pins with Cross kicking out. Lynch hit a Bexploder suplex that sent Cross across the ring followed by a running forearm for a two count. Cross fought back with a forearm to the chest and she went for a sleeper, but Lynch drove Cross into the turnbuckle. They exchanged forearms, Cross with two boots to the chest, two clotheslines for Cross and a running clothesline. Cross with a bulldog out of the corner. Cross went up top and hit a cross body block off the top for a two count. Cross hit a reverse DDT for a two count. Lynch took control by slamming Cross into the bottom rope and Lynch applied the Dis-Arm-Her armbar submission for the victory after about five minutes.
Winner by submission: Becky Lynch
Analysis: **1/2 It was a solid match for the time given. Cross got in a decent amount of offense, but there was no doubt that Lynch was going to win and that’s exactly what happened. There was no reason to have Lynch lose when she’s in a huge match at Survivor Series in a few weeks. As I said earlier, I hope Cross finds a nice role on Smackdown in a crowded women’s division.
The Miz was backstage taking a selfie on his phone. Bryan wanted to take the selfie with him and Miz was reluctant. Bryan picked Jeff Hardy to face off in the Team Smackdown qualifying match and The Miz picked Samoa Joe, who was standing there. Bryan looked a bit worried as Joe and Miz left.
Analysis: Those are good choices. I like the idea of the winner of Joe vs. Hardy getting the last spot. The man that was completely ignored in this process is Randy Orton, so maybe he’s just not going to be a part of Survivor Series at all.
Rey Mysterio made his entrance to a big ovation from the crowd and he’s up next in a match.
A commercial aired for Raw promoting Stephanie McMahon back on the show, Brock Lesnar returning as Universal Champion and Alexa Bliss making the Survivor Series women’s team announcement.
A commercial aired for WWEShop items.
Shinsuke Nakamura, the United States Champion, did a cell phone promo talking about his match with Seth Rollins at Survivor Series. Nakamura said that he’ll help Rollins forget his problems only found in Nakamerica…a knee to face.
Analysis: That should be a great match. I’m sure both guys are excited about facing off for the first time.
Andrade Cien Almas made his entrance alone. There was no Zelina Vega with him because she suffered an injury at Evolution when she had a rough landing at Evolution in the battle royal match. Phillips said that Vega was “attending other managerial duties” instead of saying she was hurt.
Rey Mysterio vs. Andrade “Cien” Almas
Almas with a hard chop to start the match. Mysterio hit a hurricanrana. Almas bounced off the ropes and hit an incredible back elbow to the head. That is one of the most brutal moves in WWE and I sure hope he never hurts somebody with that. Almas whipped Mysterio into the turnbuckle followed by a running knee to the face. Almas went for a charge against the turnbuckle, Mysterio ducked and Almas went over the top to the floor. Mysterio went for an attack off the apron, Almas caught him and Almas whipped Mysterio into the barricade as they went to break two minutes into it.
The match returned with Almas going for the double knees, Mysterio moved and Almas hit the turnbuckle with the knees. Mysterio got back into it with a seated senton off the top. Mysterio with a hurricanrana that was incredible and Mysterio hit a hard kick to the head for a two count. Mysterio went up top, Almas charged at the turnbuckle and tripped up Mysterio followed by a hard chop to the chest. Mysterio went up top for a sunset flip, but Almas flipped onto his feet and hit the double knees to the face. Almas charged again with the double knees from across the ring leading to a two count. The fans chanted “this is awesome” for them and it’s deserved. Almas with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Almas went up top with a moonsault, Mysterio rolled away and Almas hit a standing moonsault that Rey blocked with the knees up. Mysterio went for a running attack, Almas with an elbow to the chest and they went outside the ring with Mysterio sending Almas face first into the apron. Mysterio slid under the bottom rope into a DDT. It didn’t look perfect, but the effort was there. That’s not easy to do. They went back in the ring with Mysterio hitting the 619 against the ropes and then Mysterio hit a springboard splash off the top for the pinfall win after about nine minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Rey Mysterio
Analysis: ***1/2 That was so great for a match that was under ten minutes. It makes me want to see them in a 15-minute match. They certainly have the skills to work at a faster pace like they did in the match and it wasn’t boring at all. Almas got in a lot of offense, came close to winning a few times and some of his strikes looked brutal. It also helps that Mysterio is one of the best guys at selling. The finish was set up well. I want to see Mysterio vs. Almas in a proper feud.
After the match, Mysterio stood tall in the ring as the winner of the match when Randy Orton showed up out of nowhere with a RKO that dropped Mysterio. That drew a big reaction from the crowd since the RKO always gets a reaction.
Analysis: There’s Orton to join in on the fun. I was wondering about him earlier.
Daniel Bryan was shown watching on a TV backstage. The Miz showed up with Bryan suggesting that Miz sent Orton there to attack Mysterio. Miz said he didn’t do that and Miz said that Mysterio impressed him, so Mysterio is on Team Smackdown at Survivor Series. Bryan said that Jeff Hardy is going to beat Samoa Joe and Miz wasn’t so sure of that.
Analysis: Good call to put Mysterio on the team. Mysterio is in great shape and performing at a very high level.
Up next is the Smackdown Women’s team reveal from Paige.
The Girl Up video package that aired on Raw also aired here on Smackdown.
PLUG TIME: Check out our WWF in 2000 section only on TJRWrestling with weekly recaps of every Raw and Smackdown from the WWF in 2000, which was my favorite year in WWE history. I posted the Smackdown review from February 24, 2000 over the weekend and then earlier on Monday, my review No Way Out 2000 went up. That was a great PPV with Triple H vs. Cactus as the main event in one of the best Hell in a Cell matches ever. There were also a couple of turns on the show, plus some really good midcard tag team matches. It’s a lot of fun to see teams like the Dudleys, Edge and Christian and The Hardys in their early days in the WWF considering what all of them would become as Hall of Fame talents in the company. Anyway, all of that plus a whole lot more is available in our WWF in 2000 section only on TJRWrestling, so please check it out now.
A commercial aired for WrestleMania with tickets being available one week from Friday. I don’t plan on going. See ya at SummerSlam probably.
AJ Styles did a promo in the locker room with the WWE Championship on his shoulder. Tomorrow is one year for him as the WWE Champion. Styles said that over the past week he defended his championship in multiple continents against multiple opponents and that title reign started right there in Manchester. Styles said for the second year in a row, he’s facing Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series. Styles talked about how last year he gave him everything he had while mentioning all of his big moves and said that it wasn’t enough. Styles said that most think that’s the same way it will play out this year. Styles said that at Survivor Series, he will beat Brock Lesnar. Styles: “That’s not a prediction, that’s a spoiler because I am the Phenomenal AJ Styles.”
Analysis: Nice confidence shown from the WWE Champion. That bad thing is the only have two minutes of promo time for the WWE Champion. He needs to be featured more to push his match at Survivor Series as a big deal.
Women’s Survivor Series Team Reveal
Paige was in the ring for a promo to introduce the women’s Survivor Series team for Smackdown.
Carmella made her entrance with R-Truth with Truth doing his “What’s Up” song all the way down to the ring.
Naomi was up next for the Smackdown and she made her entrance.
Sonya Deville was the next woman up. That’s a random pick since she isn’t used that much on television.
Asuka was next as a more obvious pick. Asuka isn’t booked well on Smackdown, but it makes sense for her to be in this match. Asuka was the sole survivor on Team Raw last year.
Charlotte Flair was the last woman introduced for the team, but she was not there.
Instead, Mandy Rose’s entrance hit and that’s always a wonderful sight. No offense Charlotte, I think you’re cool, but I like Mandy Rose more than any woman on this show. Mandy said that we know she’s not the blonde that Paige ordered and said that she was obviously an upgrade. Paige told Mandy that she’s not going to take Charlotte’s place. Mandy asked why Paige chose Sonya over her. Mandy said that she is really happy for Sonya while noting that she was the one that eliminated Sonya in the battle royal at Evolution. Mandy got in the ring to call Asuka yesterday’s news and she told Carmella that her title reign was short and meaningless. Mandy asked if anybody is still feeling the glow…like her husband Jimmy. Naomi decked Mandy with a forearm to the face and that led to a brawl with the women being separated. Mandy and Sonya faced off and then Mandy walked away alone looking upset about what happened.
Analysis: It’s an interesting team with some three former champions (Charlotte, Naomi, Carmella), the Royal Rumble winner in Asuka and then Sonya as the final choice, which is questionable because of what Mandy said. The Iiconics duo could have also been on the team, but they won’t be part of it. I thought Mandy’s promo was pretty good. She does well as a heel showing arrogance. Perhaps it will lead to Mandy vs. Sonya next week for the final spot. I don’t know if that’s the plan, but I can see that match being made. The absence from Charlotte was interesting, so I don’t know if that’s an angle or we are supposed to believe that she was attacked by Mandy. Anyway, it’s a solid team for Smackdown. We will find out Raw’s team next Monday.
The main event still to come is Jeff Hardy vs Samoa Joe.
The duo of The Miz and Daniel Bryan joined the commentary team for this match.
Jeff Hardy entered first for the main event followed by Samoa Joe.
Jeff Hardy vs. Samoa Joe
Hardy worked over Joe early with a dropkick and the action spilled to the floor with Hardy in full control. Miz noted that he had a sore throat because Hardy gave him a mule kick to the throat at Crown Jewel on Friday. Joe came back with a running forearm to knock down Jeff leading to a commercial.
The match returned with Joe in full control as he worked over Hardy with punches. The fans were chanting for both guys. Miz said it’s not a popularity contest with Bryan saying he wants the better team member. Joe hit a leaping kick on Hardy’s head while Miz plugged his new Marine movie. Joe slapped on a headlock on Hardy. Joe dumped Hardy out of the ring on the opposite side from where the announcers are. Bryan admitted that he hasn’t been as good as he wanted to be. Bryan talked about how he knows how to lead and said that Miz doesn’t know how to lead with Bryan saying that Miz just keeps people beneath him. Hardy hit a running clothesline off the barricade on Joe on the floor. Back in the ring, Hardy with an atomic drop, double leg drop and a low dropkick. Bryan said both of these men would be incredible picks on their team. Joe slapped on a headlock, Hardy with a jawbreaker and a Twist of Fate neckbreaker. Hardy went up top and jumped off with a Swanton Bomb, but Joe got the knees up to block. Samoa Joe slapped on the Coquina Clutch and Hardy tapped out for the loss at around ten minutes.
Winner by submission: Samoa Joe
The win by Joe means he is the fifth and final member of Team Smackdown at Survivor Series.
Analysis: **1/2 It was just an okay match that didn’t really do much for me in terms of excitement. I don’t want to say they were going half speed, but it felt like they were going through the motions a bit until the final two minutes where it was a pretty good finishing sequence. I thought Joe would win (without reading the spoilers) since it seems like the right time for him to have a feud with Bryan since they are both out of the title picture for now.
After the match was over, Joe celebrated the win by getting in Bryan’s face. Bryan attacked Joe with punches, the action spilled into the ring and Bryan slapped on the Yes Lock on Joe. Miz went into the ring to break it up and ask Bryan what he was doing. Bryan decked Miz with punches. Shane McMahon went into the ring and Bryan hit an arm drag on him without realizing who it was. Bryan left while the other three guys and the crowd chanted “yes” to end the show with Bryan walking away alone.
Analysis: Good ending to the show with the crowd doing the yes chants for Bryan. I like what Bryan said on commentary when he admitted he wasn’t doing as well as he wanted in terms of winning matches, so it makes sense for his character to have a chip on his shoulder as far as wanting to prove himself to his teammates at Survivor Series.
Team Smackdown is The Miz, Daniel Bryan, Shane McMahon, Rey Mysterio and Samoa Joe. If it was up to me, Miz would get the win that elimination match (Raw won it last year) and I would use that to elevate Miz to become the next challenger for the WWE Title held by AJ Styles.
Three Stars of the Show
1. The Usos
2. The New Day
3. (tie) Rey Mysterio
3. (tie) Andrade “Cien” Almas
Becky Lynch did very well again as well.
The Scoreboard
8 out of 10
Last week: 5
2018 Average: 6.56
Last 5 Weeks: 5, 7.5, 5, 7.5, 7.5
2018 High: 8.5 (July 31)
2018 Low: 4.5 (January 2, January 9)
Final Thoughts
I give this week’s Smackdown an 8 out of 10.
Awesome show this week. That was a very entertaining show that covered a lot with the Survivor Series storylines and then the in-ring action was very good all night long. I loved the Usos/New Day tag team match while Mysterio vs. Almas was very exciting. The other matches were good too.
I thought the Shane McMahon segment to start was fine, Becky Lynch was very confident as usual and I liked what Mandy Rose had to say with the other women out there. The nice thing about Smackdown promos is they don’t waste our time too much. They get right to the point and that’s what they did very well this week.
I still have issues with WWE spending only two weeks to promote Survivor Series, but to their credit, Smackdown was a lot of fun to watch and write about for me.

The next WWE pay-per-view is Survivor Series on Sunday, November 18 in Los Angeles. Here’s what we know so far.
Raw’s Universal Champion Brock Lesnar vs. Smackdown’s WWE Champion AJ Styles
Raw Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey vs. Smackdown Women’s Champion Becky Lynch
Raw’s Intercontinental Champion Seth Rollins vs. Smackdown’s United States Champion Shinsuke Nakamura
Men’s 5-on-5 Elimination Match: Team Raw (Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler, Braun Strowman and two more) vs. Team Smackdown (Daniel Bryan, The Miz, Shane McMahon, Rey Mysterio and Samoa Joe)
Women’s 5-on-5 Elimination Match: Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown (Charlotte Flair, Asuka, Carmella, Naomi and Sonya Deville)
Raw Tag Team Champions AOP (Akam & Rezar) vs. Smackdown Tag Team Champions The Bar (Sheamus & Cesaro)
Tag Team 10-on-10 Elimination Match: Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown (The Usos, New Day)
Thanks for reading. My contact info is below. Go Los Angeles Rams.
John Canton
Twitter @johnreport