The John Report: WWE Smackdown Live 07/30/19 Review
Live from Memphis, Tennessee, this is Smackdown Live for episode #1041. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. Thanks to Melo Man for the banner up top. Please visit daily for our regular updates on the wrestling business featuring WWE news coverage along with reviews about wrestling’s past and present.
Smackdown started with Shane McMahon doing a cell phone promo from “earlier today” saying he won’t be a part of Smackdown Live tonight. The fans cheered. Shane said that a lot of people are upset and angry for not being part of the show. Shane said we have to blame Kevin Owens for that since Owens has violently attacked Shane for no reason. Shane claimed he was centering himself. Shane said his life coach told him to get his emotions in check because he gets to face Kevin Owens at SummerSlam and that resonated with him. Shane said that made him feel so good now. Shane claimed that at SummerSlam, Kevin’s career is over. After the match, Kevin is going to look Shane right in the eye and say “Shane, you’re the better man and I quit.” Shane smiled to end it.
There was a shot of the live crowd in Memphis that seemed excited to be there. The announce team of Tom Phillips, Corey Graves and Byron Saxton promoted all of the things coming up on Smackdown this week.
Let’s Hear from Kevin Owens
Kevin Owens made his entrance to a good ovation. They showed a replay of last week when Kevin Owens hit Shane McMahon with two Stunners. Owens faces Shane at SummerSlam.
Owens said that yes, Shane isn’t there, but they can all get through it together. Owens said that sarcastically while letting us know we’ll be okay. Owens spoke into the camera saying that with no Shane there, Smackdown Live can be about the talent and not Shane’s stupid face. Owens told Shane to bring his face and entire stupid body because at SummerSlam, Owens gets to face Shane one on one. Owens said that he is not going to quit at SummerSlam because he will beat Shane. Owens said he’ll beat the living hell out of Shane that every time Shane looks in the mirror, he will know that he doesn’t belong in this ring with people like Owens. KO added that there’s not anybody that can stop Shane from showing up because of his last name, but Owens can remind him that this is not his ring, not his show – this is the Kevin Owens Show. Owens dropped the microphone.
Analysis: Good promo by Owens. He got the “Kevin Owens Show” line in there at the end of it with the fans chanting along. If Owens loses at SummerSlam it would be disappointing. I don’t think an Owens win is a lock because he could lose, then quit and then have the fans bring him back, but I’d rather see Owens get the much-needed win.
Drew McIntyre’s music hit. Drew is a Raw guy that’s also an ally of Shane. McIntyre told Owens he talks too much. McIntyre informed Owens that he has a match against Drew tonight. McIntyre attacked with a microphone shot to the face of Owens. McIntyre tossed Owens over the announce table. McIntyre informed us that the match will start now.
Analysis: It was an effective heel attack to set up their match.
Kevin Owens vs. Drew McIntyre
Owens with a running clothesline and McIntyre came back with a running shoulder tackle. McIntyre with a suplex. Owens charged leading to McIntyre hitting an overhead belly to belly suplex. McIntyre with an armbar, Owens broke free and McIntyre knocked him down with an elbow to the face. There was another armbar from McIntyre, Owens punched him in the legs to break free and McIntyre hit an overhead suplex for a two count. McIntyre missed a corner charge because KO moved, so Owens followed up with a cannonball against the turnbuckle for two. Owens with a headbutt followed by a Frog (or Bullfrog) Splash off the top rope for a two count leading to a break.
The match returned with Owens hitting a headbutt off the top. This time, Owens hit a Senton Bomb and a slow cover for a two count. Owens is a talented guy with some nice moves off the top rope. McIntyre with a headbutt followed by a spinning sitout slam for two. McIntyre charged for his kick, but Owens hit a superkick to knock Drew down. Owens with another superkick and Owens hit a Popup Powerbomb with a sitout pin for a two count. That was a great nearfall. They went up to the turnbuckle, McIntyre put Owens on his back and jumped off the turnbuckle with a move similar to the White Noise that Drew’s buddy Sheamus likes to do. That was good for a two count as fans chanted “this is awesome” for them. I agree. McIntyre sent Owens out of the ring and Drew cleared off the announce table at ringside. McIntyre set up for a move, but Owens countered with a Stunner while they were on the table. Back in the ring, Owens with a superkick, kick to the gut and another Stunner led to the pinfall win after 14 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Kevin Owens
Analysis: ***3/4 That was an awesome match with a lot of believable nearfalls for both guys. I like that Owens hit the Stunner outside the ring and in the ring to get the win because it puts over that move as a big difference-maker for Owens. McIntyre worked better with Owens than he has worked with a lot of guys he has been in the ring with this year. Owens getting the win was the right call since he’s in the big SummerSlam match with Shane while Drew isn’t on the card yet. I liked everything about this. It could be a good feud to do down the road as well.
After the match, Owens celebrated the win while McIntyre was upset about the loss.
Dolph Ziggler was about to be interviewed by Kayla Braxton when they decided to replay last week when Ziggler hit Shawn Michaels with a superkick. Ziggler said if you have a problem with that, he’s got two words for you…too bad. Ziggler talked about Mick Foley getting decimated by The Fiend. Ziggler said when speaking about not belonging in a wrestling ring, did you see Goldberg’s last match? Ouch. Ziggler complained about Michaels putting his hands on him last week. Ziggler noted that he faced Seth Rollins on Raw and Lesnar beat up Rollins in a brutal way. Ziggler said that Miz is WWE’s resident Kardashian sister and claimed he wasn’t the best wrestler in his house because Dolph is more scared of Maryse. Ziggler addressed his Smackdown opponent Finn Balor and claimed he was the headliner, the main event and the best thing going today.
Analysis: I have liked Ziggler’s promos since he came back a few months ago. The problem is he isn’t booked that strongly, so I doubt fans think of him as being a top guy the way he talks about himself. They announced Ziggler vs. Miz in a match at SummerSlam. I don’t see it being one of the bigger matches at that show, but it gets them on the card. Ziggler also rips on Goldberg in every promo, which could lead to an eventual match although it’s not really being reported as a future match at this point.
Ember Moon and Bayley were in the locker room. Bayley said she hasn’t forgotten that Moon hit her with an Eclipse last week. Bayley said Moon wouldn’t be in that position except for Bayley choosing to face Moon at SummerSlam. Bayley warned Moon that if she tries something like an attack again, Ember will regret it. Bayley left while Moon thought about it.
Aleister Black did a promo in a darkened room talking about how he feels different and talks different. Black said that his redemption lies in his soul. Black talked about the willingness of any man willing to pick a fight by him and he talked about beating Cesaro at Extreme Rules two weeks ago. Black wondered how he moves on and how does he write the next chapters of his book. Black claimed he was in a self-imposed prison, in purgatory sitting there waiting less patiently this time for anybody to catch on to what he is trying to do for him. The end of the promo had a red light shine on him, but Black just stared ahead.
Analysis: He needs a new feud. There’s a deep roster full of guys that he could wrestle. Pick one. I also think the whole “come pick a fight with me” thing is weird because wrestlers are put into matches all the time, yet he is not due to the lack of people picking a fight with him? It’s a weird gimmick.
Ember Moon made her entrance as a replay aired of when she beat Charlotte Flair last week (thanks to Bayley’s distraction) and then she hit the Eclipse on Flair and Bayley. Moon challenges Bayley for the Smackdown Women’s Title at SummerSlam.
Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross entered together to Alexa’s music. Bliss and Moon are best friends, at least according to their Instagram as well as the Bliss WWE 365 special that recently aired. That’s research, my friends.
Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross vs. Bayley and Ember Moon
Moon with a jumping kick for her good friend Bliss. Bayley tagged in to send Bliss into the top turnbuckle. Bayley with a running kick on Bliss while they were outside the ring. Moon hit a suicide dive to take out Cross on the floor. Bayley sent Bliss into the barricade leading to a break.
The match returned with Cross trapping Bayley in the ring apron leading to punches with Phillips mentioning Finlay since he always did that spot. Bliss wit ha sliding dropkick followed by a slap to the face for two. Cross with a corner splash, Bliss with a slap and Bliss missed a corner attack. Bayley broke free, Moon with a hot tag with kicks for Bliss and an overhead suplex on Cross. Moon with a running hip attack on both women against the turnbuckle. Moon up top and she hit the Eclipse on Cross. Bliss sent Moon into the steel ring post. Bliss went up top and she hit Twisted Bliss on Moon for the pinfall win after seven minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross
Analysis: ** It was a decent tag team match. Bliss getting the win was a way to get her back in the right direction after some recent losses. It also teases the idea of Bliss being added to the Smackdown Women’s Title match at SummerSlam. Moon could use wins going into SummerSlam, but some people need to do the jobs.
The team of Bliss and Cross celebrated the win. Graves yelled about how Bliss should be in the SummerSlam title match. Meanwhile, Bayley checked on Moon in the ring, she helped her up and hit a Bayley to Belly as payback for last week. Bayley’s music played to end it.
Analysis: It was Bayley getting payback for what Moon did to her last week.
Sami Zayn was interviewed by Sarah Schreiber, who asked what brings him to Smackdown Live. Zayn said he’s scoping out the competition and all he sees are people complaining. Zayn talked about how Aleister Black is in a lot of pain because he sits in a dark room begging for somebody to help him. Zayn said that Black has all this hype and he’ll never live up to him. Zayn said that Black needs to be beaten and exposed. Zayn claimed he would end the hype of Aleister Black and he’s going to do it at SummerSlam.
Analysis: I’m all for a Zayn vs. Black match at SummerSlam because they will put on a great match as long as they get a decent amount of time. The problem is that Zayn rarely wins, so he’s not seen as a star in the eyes of the fans. Black will win when they have the match, but WWE needs to book Zayn better.
Up next is The King’s Court with Trish Stratus as the special guest.
There was a plug for Big Show starring in a Netflix comedy show called “The Big Show Show” with Show starring as a dad with three daughters. More info on that is here on TJRWrestling because we posted it about on Tuesday morning.
Daniel Bryan and Rowan were backstage with Kayla Braxton, who said Bryan requested this opportunity for a career-altering announcement. Bryan left without saying a word.
The King’s Court Hosted by Jerry “The King” Lawler with Trish Stratus
Jerry Lawler got a standing ovation from the fans in Memphis, which is his hometown. Lawler said it’s good to be the king especially right there in Memphis, Tennessee. Lawler introduced one of his favorite female superstars in WWE history…it’s WWE Hall of Famer Trish Stratus.
Trish Stratus made her entrance looking amazing. She’s 43 years old, she’s had two kids and still looks incredible. She is one of my all-time favorites.
Stratus said that she flew from her cottage to be with Lawler. Jerry said he knows she was on vacation because he follows her on Instagram and he said is that why she missed the Raw Reunion? She said yes the timing just didn’t work out. She put over Kelly Kelly for being the first female 24/7 Champion. Lawler spoke about how at Raw Reunion, a lot of the legends were talking about how they wish they could go back in the ring to have that one final match. Lawler asked if Trish wants to have that one final match. The fans chanted “one more match” at Stratus, who did wrestle a couple of times last year.
Stratus said that WWE is in her blood, it’s in her heart and her soul. Stratus said she’s kind of a mom now and she has to do her mom activities…and here comes Charlotte Flair as expected.
Charlotte Flair made her entrance wearing one of her robes along with one of her wrestling outfits. Flair said that it was a disgrace to hold King’s Court without a proper queen. Flair wondered how the “greatest female superstar of any era” is not on SummerSlam.
Flair went to the ring to mock Stratus for her sappy reminiscing. Flair gets that Stratus is a mom now as Lawler held the ropes for Flair to get in the ring. Flair said that a lot of WWE superstars are parents while noting that everybody has a mom. Flair said that it sounds like an excuse to her. Flair told Stratus the greatest moment of her life hasn’t happened yet because, in front of Trish’s precious children, The Queen (that’s Flair) challenges Trish. The fans chanted “one more match” in response to that. Stratus didn’t say anything. Flair said that since WWE has evolved where women aren’t shaking their assets, they are changing the industry and they are trailblazers like Flair. Charlotte said she knows that Trish doesn’t think she can hang with the Queen. Flair told Stratus to get the hell out of her ring, hop in the minivan and go back to changing diapers.
Stratus responded saying she respects Charlotte, she’s a hell of an athlete and an incredible performer, but right now she’s just being a bitch. Stratus that there would be no trail for Flair to blaze if it wasn’t for her, Lita, Ivory, Jacqueline and Beth Phoenix (those women are all in the WWE HOF so I think she was sticking up for fellow HOFers). Stratus told Flair that in order to be the woman, you have to beat the woman. Stratus: “You want your match at SummerSlam? You’ve got your match at SummerSlam.” The fans cheered. Trish’s music played as the women had a staredown.
Analysis: That was well done. This was reported last week as an expected SummerSlam match, so we knew it was coming. I like the way they had Lawler bring up the one more match idea, which led to Flair making her entrance and Flair’s promo was terrific. When Charlotte was a face she didn’t come off as natural in her promos, but as a heel, she’s much better. They didn’t mention that Flair has the most Women’s Titles in WWE history (9 to 7 for Trish), so that’s something they can bring up as well. SummerSlam is in Toronto, which is where Trish lives and have lived her whole life, so it will be a big match in front of a hot crowd. I think Flair should get the win as the full-time superstar and I’m sure Trish will have no problem putting her over. The last match Trish had was at Evolution last October, so she’ll need to get in wrestling shape again. She looks great, but it’s once thing to look great and another thing to have a quality match with somebody as good as Flair. I’m sure Trish will be prepared. It will be fun to watch.
The OC trio were backstage with AJ Styles talking about how Charlotte got her SummerSlam match and Ricochet got his match against Styles. AJ pointed out that the three of them are champions because they are The OC…the official, original and only club that matters. Styles said that Kofi Kingston will find out that Smackdown Live is the house that AJ Styles built.
Firefly Fun House
There was a shot of Ramblin’ Rabbit on the Firefly Fun House set. Rabbit said he was Finn Balor’s biggest fan while noting that Balor flies through the air like a bumblebee and he’s extraordinary. Rabbit said that Balor made a big mistake because The Fiend is unleashed. Rabbit left because Bray Wyatt showed up. Wyatt laughed, then said, “let me in” and we got some images of The Fiend to end it.
Analysis: The Fiend version of Wyatt should beat Balor at SummerSlam. If he doesn’t, it would be a big surprise. Plus, Balor is taking a break after SummerSlam for at least two months.
A video aired from Raw showing Brock Lesnar’s brutal attack on Seth Rollins, which led to Rollins coughing up blood due to internal bleeding that was used to sell the injuries. When Rollins was about to get taken away in an ambulance, Lesnar beat him up and gave him an F5 onto the stretcher.
The update on Rollins is WWE saying that Rollins requested that WWE doesn’t give an update on Seth’s condition. In other words, WWE didn’t want to make up an injury. The announcers mentioned Seth’s girlfriend Becky Lynch defending the Raw Women’s Title against Natalya at SummerSlam.
Dolph Ziggler made his entrance. He will face The Miz at SummerSlam. Finn Balor was up next as Dolph’s opponent and he’s against Bray Wyatt (or The Fiend) at SummerSlam. Balor was sick over the last few days, so it’s good to see him doing better.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Finn Balor
Balor was in control with a kick to the face, then forearms and a running forearm. Ziggler with a back elbow to the face, Balor with a jumping kick to the face and an elbow drop into a slam for a two count. Ziggler came back with a kick to the knee followed by the Fameasser for a two count. Ziggler set up in the corner, but Balor hit the Slingblade, double foot stomp to the chest and a clothesline sent Ziggler out of the ring. The lights slowly went out in the arena. When the lights came back on, The Fiend (Bray Wyatt) was in the arena. We don’t know exactly where he was. Balor was in the ring, he turned around and Ziggler hit a superkick leading to the pinfall win on Balor after three minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Dolph Ziggler
Analysis: *1/4 There’s a cheap win for Ziggler, which was fitting for him as a heel. They didn’t show where The Fiend was, so they kept him as a mysterious figure. I don’t think Balor is hurt much by that loss since that was so cheap.
Still to come: Roman Reigns, Kofi Kingston vs. AJ Styles and Randy Orton.
Shinsuke Nakamura was shown walking backstage with the Intercontinental Title because he’s up next.
Shinsuke Nakamura was already in the ring. Ali entered as Nakamura’s opponent in a rematch from Saturday’s “Smackville” special. I wrote about Smackville here.
Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Ali
This was not for Nakamura’s Intercontinental Title. Ali with a dropkick followed by a suicide dive on Nakamura on the floor. Back in, Ali hit a cross body block off the top for two. Nakamura came back with a kick to the face and he sent Ali into the turnbuckle. Ali with a boot to the face followed by an X-Factor face first into the mat. Nakamura tripped up Ali on the turnbuckle followed by the reverse Exploder suplex. Nakamura charged, but Ali hit a superkick to counter. Ali went up top and he missed a 450 Splash because Nakamura moved. Nakamura went for the Kinshasa, Ali rolled out of the way and Nakamura hit a DDT. Nakamura charged again, Ali avoided him and got a ROLLUP OF DEATH~! into a pin where he was on top of Nakamura for the pinfall win after three minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Ali
Analysis: *1/2 A quick match to put over Ali to set up a future IC Title match. I say it every week that it’s typical WWE booking to have a champ lose non-title to build a contender and that’s what they did. If they didn’t do it every week then maybe it would feel like a fresh idea. Since they do it nearly every week, I expected a Nakamura loss as soon as the match began.
Randy Orton had a sitdown interview while talking over highlights while speaking about all the accomplishments in his career. Orton talked about how in 2009, he had accomplished so much already by being himself and he won World Titles, IC Titles, he beat legends and he was a natural. Orton ripped on Kingston for having a fake Jamaican accent and trying to have fun all the time. They showed clips of Orton yelling “STUPID” at Kingston and dropping him with a RKO with Orton saying that Kofi was stupid. Orton talked about how Ali was taken out of Elimination Chamber because Orton kicked Ali in the eye socket and he couldn’t compete. That led to Kofi replacing Orton, then Orton said there’s no Kofi WWE Championship without him, yet Randy can’t even get a thank you? Orton said that Kofi challenging him is stupid, stupid…stupid. Orton said that Kofi won’t see it coming and it may come out nowhere, but Randy will take that tile off his waist and do it with the three most destructive letters in sports entertainment…RKO.
Analysis: That was awesome. I liked how that video package was put together and everything Orton said was fitting for his character. The reason Orton said “STUPID” to Kofi 10 years ago was because Kofi was supposed to stay down to take The Punt, then he went back up to his feet and Orton dropped him with the RKO. Orton was mad about the mistake, then yelled “STUPID” at Kofi and fans have remembered it ever since. After that, Kingston’s push up the card stopped and he was wrestling for midcard titles for several years.
The New Day trio were in the Gorilla Position and they asked Kayla Braxton to leave. Xavier Woods wished up a happy Golden Girls day. Thanks, I guess. They did a promo about Kofi facing AJ Styles while adding that Smackdown is now the Palace of Positivity. Big E did the New Day introduction for the trio for the six-time Tag Team Champions and the WWE Champion…and feel the power. The New Day made their entrance.
AJ Styles made his entrance with Raw Tag Team Champions Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. While that was going on, New Day were dancing to the Styles theme song. It’s a catchy tune.
Analysis: Earlier on Tuesday, this was advertised as a six-man tag team match. About one hour after that, they changed it to Kingston vs. Styles. They can do the six-man tag team match next week.
AJ Styles (w/Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson) vs. Kofi Kingston (w/Xavier Woods and Big E)
This is not for Kofi’s WWE Title or AJ’s US Title.
They did some mat wrestling to start with Styles in control with a side headlock. Kingston with a shoulder tackle, but Styles came back with a dropkick. Kingston with a leapfrog followed by a back elbow and Kingston hit a dropkick off the middle ropes. Kingston with a clothesline that sent Styles over the top to the floor. Gallows and Anderson argued with Woods and Big E on the floor. Kingston with a diving attack, Styles avoided it and hit a knee to the face. Styles whipped Kingston into the steel ring post. Styles tossed Kingston over the barricade leading to a break.
The match returned with Styles still in control as he worked over Kofi with a chop followed by a backbreaker. It was noted that before they sign off, Roman Reigns will make his challenge for SummerSlam. Styles kicked Kingston in the chest to continue the attack. Kingston knocked Styles down as they battled on the turnbuckle and Kingston came back with a Tornado DDT out of the corner. Kingston with a dropkick followed by a leaping clothesline, then the Boom Drop leg drop and Kingston set up in the corner. Kingston charged, Styles moved, Kingston hit the turnbuckle, but Kofi came back with a leaping double stomp. Styles went for the fireman’s carry slam, but Kingston landed on his feet and hit the SOS spinning slam for a two count. Styles with a knee to the face followed by an enziguri kick to the head. Kingston with a boot to the face. Kingston up top and he hit a Frog Splash to the back of Styles, but The OC pulled Styles out of the ring. That led to Woods and Big confronting Gallows and Anderson. The referee saw it, but there was no DQ for it. Styles with a forearm to Kingston. Kofi with a boot to the face. Styles hit Big E, then Gallows and Anderson attacked Big E and Woods. Kingston came back with a dive over the top onto the three members of The OC. Gallows grabbed Kofi’s foot, Styles caught Kingston on his shoulders and he hit a fireman’s carry into a knee to the back. Styles with a forearm on Woods. Styles tried the Phenomenal Forearm off the ropes, but Kingston hit a Trouble in Paradise kick on Styles for the pinfall win after about 12 minutes. While that was going on, Woods and Big E took out Gallows and Anderson on the floor, so the crowd was going crazy for all of it.
Winner by pinfall: Kofi Kingston
Analysis: ***1/2 They had a very good match as expected from two of the best wrestlers in WWE. Kingston continues to be booked as a strong WWE Champion that doesn’t lose non-title matches the way most champions in WWE lose them. I like the way they managed to involve the guys on the floor, yet not in a way that it ruined the match. Kingston and Styles were able to have a competitive match with some cool spots as well. The Trouble in Paradise kick to counter the springboard forearm was timed really well also. Great ending to the match.
Roman Reigns was shown walking backstage to the interview area with Kayla Braxton. As Reigns was walking towards her, there were some equipment cases and other things that were dumped onto Reigns. The cameraman was down as well, so all we could see were feet for a few seconds. Several people checked on Reigns including Bruce Prichard. It looked like somebody used a forklift to attack Reigns. There were people that screamed for help, but Reigns managed to get back to his feet. There were EMTs wanting to check on Reigns, but he said no and he walked away. It was a mystery as Reigns walked away and that was the end of Smackdown.
Analysis: It was somewhat of a lame ending, but I get the idea that they wanted to make it a mystery. I just think with all of the cameras and people there, it was a bit over the top with some cheesy acting. The assumption was that it would be Samoa Joe that will face Reigns at SummerSlam, but the way this was done has opened the possibility that it could be anybody. Perhaps it was Daniel Bryan since he has had nothing to do and he needs to be on the SummerSlam card. I’m not going to spend too much time guessing.
Three Stars of the Show
- Kevin Owens
- Drew McIntyre
- Kofi Kingston/AJ Styles
The Scoreboard
7.5 out of 10
Last week: 7.5
2019 Average: 6.77 (Raw is 5.6)
Last 5 Weeks: 7.5, 6.5, 7, 5.5, 6
2019 High: 8.5 (February 26)
2019 Low: 5 (January 15, June 11)
Final Thoughts
I give this week’s Smackdown a 7.5 out of 10.
It was a very good episode of Smackdown with a strong opening match between Owens/McIntyre and a quality main event between Styles/Kingston as well. Both matches got over 10 minutes because WWE came to their senses to get rid of their stupid “no wrestling during breaks” rule this week. In addition to that, they built up several SummerSlam programs including the Flair/Stratus match for the first time ever. They also ended with a mystery by making us wonder who attacked Reigns at the end of the show. It was a bit cheesy for sure, but I don’t mind a bit of a mystery for a week. I liked the entire flow of the show.
The absence of Shane McMahon was nice to see as well. I didn’t miss him at all.

The next WWE PPV is SummerSlam on August 11 in Toronto. Here’s what we know so far.
Universal Championship: Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Seth Rollins
WWE Championship: Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Randy Orton
Shane McMahon vs. Kevin Owens
United States Championship: AJ Styles (c) vs. Ricochet
Charlotte Flair vs. Trish Stratus
Finn Balor vs. “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt
Raw Women’s Championship: Becky Lynch (c) vs. Natalya
Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz
Smackdown Women’s Championship: Bayley (c) vs. Ember Moon
Sami Zayn vs. Aleister Black – It’s not official yet.
Thanks for reading. My contact info is below.
John Canton
Twitter @johnreport