The John Report: WWE Smackdown 12/20/19 Review
It’s the second last episode of Smackdown in 2019. There’s no taped Smackdown show during the holiday season like Raw next Monday. This show is a follow up to this past Sunday’s WWE TLC pay-per-view that featured the return of Daniel Bryan with a new (old) haircut, less of a beard and a continuation of his rivalry with Bray Wyatt.
It’s also the last Smackdown before Christmas, so Merry Christmas to those of you celebrating like me and Happy Holidays to everybody in general. I try to write a bit less during this period, but there are always shows going on too. I’m working diligently on my 11th annual WWE Johnny Awards column that will be posted on Monday, December 30. I like to announce the date so that I can make sure I get it done by then. Let’s get to the show.
Live from Brooklyn, New York, this is Smackdown for episode #1062. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. Please visit daily for our regular updates on the wrestling business featuring WWE news coverage along with reviews about wrestling’s past and present. Thanks to Melo Man for the banner up top.
The opening video package focused on Bray Wyatt beating The Miz at TLC and then Daniel Bryan returned to attack Wyatt.
There was no Smackdown introduction video or fireworks this week. It was just a crowd shot of the fans in Barclays Center, which is one of WWE’s favorite arenas. There were Christmas trees on the stage.
Let’s Hear from Daniel Bryan
Daniel Bryan made his entrance to huge “YES” chants from the crowd with Bryan leading the “Yes Movement” chants of the crowd. The announce team of Michael Cole and Corey Graves welcomed us to the show. Bryan was wearing a plain black shirt and rocking the short hair look along with a much smaller beard than what he used to have.
Bryan said it was great to be back in Brooklyn as the fans chanted his name. Bryan said he felt The Fiend rip out his beard and his hair and when he got cleaned up and looked in the mirror, he didn’t even notice the beard or hair. Bryan said what he noticed was the Daniel Bryan brand was missing. Bryan said when his daughter saw him for the first time without the hair and beard, she cried and she was scared like she didn’t know who she was. Bryan said she didn’t recognize him, but he recognized himself. Bryan claimed what he saw was the man that never main evented WrestleMania or was handed a damn thing because he had to fight and claw – that’s what he saw in the mirror. Bryan added that was the man that returned at TLC and kicked Bray Wyatt’s ass. Bryan said that Wyatt succeeded in changing him, but he’s going to change Wyatt too. Bryan noted that Wyatt claimed he did not feel pain, so he called out Wyatt right now to prove him wrong.
The Miz made his entrance wearing his ridiculous coat and his ring gear was underneath it. Miz walked down to the ring for a promo. The Miz complained about Wyatt going after The Miz’s family and putting puppets in his 2-year-old daughter’s crib. Miz said that all Bray Wyatt has is his title and he’s going to take what he cherishes the most – the Universal Championship.
King Corbin was up next to join the promo party and Corbin walked onto the stage in his wrestling gear underneath his ridiculous robe. Corbin was also wearing his black crown and had his scepter with him.
Corbin told Miz that maybe if Miz’s daughter had more of Miz’s wife’s genes, it wouldn’t have been so scary. Corbin laughed at Bryan for his daughter Birdie being sad that Bryan was looking like Baby Yoda. Corbin said Bryan’s brand is failure. Corbin bragged about retiring Kurt Angle at WrestleMania, he won King of the Ring and he beat Roman Reigns last Sunday at TLC. A video aired showing clips while replaying “here is your winner…King Corbin” three times. The fans booed this.
Corbin said that he didn’t care what personal issues they had with The Fiend. Corbin said that Wyatt has what he wants – the Universal Championship and by virtue of his win at TLC, he’s next in line, not either one of them. Corbin told them not only have they failed as WWE superstars, but they have failed as fathers. The fans booed that with Cole saying that crossed a line.
Dolph Ziggler appeared in the ring behind Miz and Bryan. Ziggler punched Bryan in the back and hit a superkick to Miz. Corbin hit the End of Days of Bryan as well. Corbin and Ziggler celebrated their cheap attack.
Analysis: I was hoping we could go a week without a Corbin promo in the opening segment, but there he was yet again. Corbin’s promo did get heat at least. It was better dialogue than what he gets to say most weeks. I liked Bryan’s promo a lot because he showed a lot of fire and determination that you want to see out of a top babyface. Miz lost a short match to Wyatt, so having him say he wants another title shot sounds ridiculous. The attack by Ziggler from behind wasn’t a big surprise because it’s a consistent booking pattern in WWE that they like to do in order to set up a match.
Heavy Machinery vs. The Revival in a Miracle on 34th Street Fight is next.
A replay aired showing what happened in the previous segment.
The main event later in the show is The Miz and Daniel Bryan vs. King Corbin and Dolph Ziggler. I miss when Teddy Long was GM to announce the obvious tag team matches.
Heavy Machinery’s Tucker and Otis were interviewed by Cathy Kelly in the Gorilla Position area. The boys were dressed in Santa outfits along with jean jackets. Tucker said Otis is a big man with a big heart and they’re going to win tonight. Otis said he loved Christmas and the lovely Mandy Rose showed up looking incredible. Mandy said she drew Otis’s name for the Smackdown Secret Santa and she saw what happened last week, so she got him some ham in a tray. Otis got his ham back. Mandy gave Otis a kiss on the cheek as well. The fans cheered.
Analysis: I like Mandy and I like ham in that order. Otis is a unique character, so that was fine.
Heavy Machinery made their entrance with Otis putting the ham on the announce table. The Revival duo of Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder entered. Wilder kicked the part of the set that he tripped over last week.
Analysis: It was reported in the Wrestling Observer that WWE might be booking The Revival in comedy segments since they haven’t re-signed with the company. Last week’s fall with Wilder was scripted to make people laugh at them.
Miracle on 34th Street Fight: Heavy Machinery (Tucker and Otis) vs. The Revival (Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder)
It has Street Fight rules so anything goes and there are no tags in this match. Otis and Tucker cleared house early on as the heels went to the floor. Dawson sent Tucker into the steel steps and then the Revival slammed Tucker face/arms first onto the announce table. The Revival cleared off some food that was on a table. Otis saved Tucker, then he ran over both guys with running body attacks. Otis put Wilder on the table at ringside, then he went to the apron and Dawson sprayed a fire extinguisher spray in his face. The Revival slammed Otis off the apron through the table at ringside.
The match returned with Revival working over Tucker while on the ramp. Dawson couldn’t connect with a suplex, so Tucker hit him with a suplex on the ramp. Dawson grabbed a present from the top of the ramp and hit Tucker in the butt with it. Tucker opened the present to reveal a bowling ball. Dawson held Tucker while Wilder rolled the ball down the ramp and it hit Tucker on the side because it went up instead of hitting him in the groin as planned. Tucker still sold it as if he was hit in the groin. The ham was shown on the announce table. A Christmas tree was placed in the ring, Dawson gave Tucker a suplex and Wilder’s attack in the corner missed, so he jumped into the tree. Tucker with an overhead suplex on Dawson sent him out of the ring. Dawson and Wilder hit Tucker in the ribs with the fire extinguisher. They also tossed Tucker over the announce table and that knocked over the ham. Dawson picked up the ham, the fans booed and Dawson slammed the ham into the ground. Otis was fired up, Wilder with a candy cane kendo stick to the back, Otis no sold it and gave Wilder a fallaway slam into a tree with presents. Otis worked over Dawson in the ring with a clothesline and a back body drop. Otis with a fallaway slam on Dawson across the ring. Otis looked under the ring and brought some black bag in the ring. Otis poured out the bag to reveal Legos. That drew a pop since everybody loves Lego. Otis gave Dawson a body slam on the Legos, which drew a big pop. Otis put Wilder on his shoulders, picked up Dawson and slammed them both down at the same time. Nice job by wilder holding Dawson to help with that move. Otis splashed Dawson by turnbuckle, then the Caterpillar and elbow drop. Tucker back in and Heavy Machinery hit the Compactor double team move for the pinfall win after 13 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Heavy Machinery
Analysis: **1/2 It was fine for a tag team match with some comedy spots. I thought the Legos spot was pretty funny because it’s obviously not as painful as thumbtacks, but if you stepped on Legos they do hurt. Any time there’s a show around a holiday, WWE tries to do something fun and silly, so that’s what this was all about. A win for Heavy Machinery gives them a bit of a boost while The Revival will probably lose matches for the next few months until their contracts are up.
Post match, Tucker brought the ham back into the ring because it was relatively intact. Otis held the ham as if it was some prized item to him. Otis also ate some of the ham.
Dana Brooke was shown warming up backstage. Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross went up to her to chat. Lacey Evans was also there with her daughter. Brooke faces Bayley in a rematch from last week’s Smackdown.
Analysis: Brooke revealed in an interview on Friday that she signed a 5-Year contract extension with WWE. It wouldn’t surprise if they start using her and pushing her more. If you’re willing to give somebody a new deal (most likely for more money since WWE has more money than ever thanks to the TV money) then it is usually going to lead to a push.
Otis was shown walking backstage with the ham. He walked up to Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville backstage. Sonya said she had a match, so she has to go. Otis said sorry about the ham, she said it’s alright and she hugged him, so his sweat went all over her nice dress. She left with a frustrated look on her face.
Analysis: That was mildly funny. As a sweaty man myself, I would not recommend hugging a sweaty man the way Mandy just did. That’s my analysis.
The Revival were in the ring doing a promo. Scott Dawson complained about the garbage all around the ring, he also called the fans trash and he asked if that is what they represent. Dash Wilder complained about Christmas trees, Legos and every week it’s a different joke at their expense. Wilder wondered what happened with good, old fashioned wrestling. Dawson said that the problem is you said wrestling and now they are in sports entertainment.
Elias showed up with his guitar and he told The Revival he had a song for them. Elias sang about how The Revival say they’re the best tag team, but what would be best is if they went away. Elias said he made his grandma watch a match of theirs and now she’s on life support. Elias advised them that they had to make a big change, then rhymed “center” and told them they had to make a change kind of like Caitlyn Jenner. The fans laughed at that.
Analysis: The Revival got humiliated again. That really does seem like it is going to be a recurring trend.
Braun Strowman was shown in the locker room with Sami Zayn showing up to chat with him. Zayn said he drew Strowman’s name in Secret Santa, so he wondered what to get him. Strowman said that all Zayn has done is ruin the spirit of Christmas and Zayn said it was a social commentary on consumerism. Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura showed up asking if there was a problem here. Strowman said if you want to give him a gift then how about an opportunity at the Intercontinental Championship held by Nakamura. Zayn said that they had a big tag team match against The New Day tonight. Zayn said he’ll check the list and claimed that they had to go.
Analysis: There was a rumor that Braun Strowman was going to challenge Shinsuke Nakamura for the Intercontinental Title in a match at TLC, but Strowman was dealing with an injury. It appears as though Strowman is healthy again, so it looks like we’ll get that Strowman vs. Nakamura feud very soon.
Carmella made her entrance with Cole asking how Ride Along was earlier because Graves was on it with Carmella earlier that day. Graves complained about the Brooklyn traffic. Carmella got fireworks for her entrance for some reason and is in a match after the break. Graves and Carmella are dating in case you don’t know.
A commercial aired for Raw promoting Rey Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins for the US Title. It was taped last Monday. We have spoilers up here on the site. I’ll probably review that Raw even though it doesn’t look very interesting.
Sonya Deville entered alone as Carmella’s opponent.
Carmella vs. Sonya Deville
These women have had nothing to do for months on Smackdown, so now they get a singles match. Deville with a running knee to the chest. Carmella came back with slaps to the face, Deville sent Carmella into the turnbuckle and Carmella came back with a clothesline. Carmella avoided a kick, then hit two kicks including a kick to the face and Carmella hit a flatliner into the Code of Silence submission move. Deville tapped out to give Carmella the win in about two minutes.
Winner by submission: Carmella
Analysis: * An easy win for Carmella to try to give her some momentum as a babyface woman on Smackdown. The women’s matches on Smackdown have been really short of late and this match continued that trend. There’s also a lack of storylines in the women’s division on Smackdown.
The New Day made their entrance while Carmella was celebrating her win. That’s because Carmella was there to join them in some dancing on the stage along with some rope jumping even though they didn’t have a rope. New Day are in action after the break.
The team of Cesaro and Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura with Sami Zayn made their entrance. Zayn’s dancing for Shin’s music is always great.
There was a Sheamus promo video saying that when he left Smackdown, the soul of the show left with him. Sheamus ripped on Smackdown for becoming soft and small.
Analysis: This is the same promo they aired last week, so maybe he and the creative team took the week off. No idea when his return will be. The first Smackdown of the year makes sense.
The New Day (Big E and Kofi Kingston) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro (w/Sami Zayn)
Kingston started with Nakamura with a dropkick off the middle ropes. Cesaro tagged in leading to a gutwrench suplex across the ring. Nakamura worked over Kingston with a kick to the face, but then Kingston broke free to bring in Big E. It was belly to belly time for Big E with two suplexes on Nakamura and a side belly to belly by Big E on Nakamura. Big E with the running splash, but then Nakamura came back with a spin kick to the head. Nakamura charged against the turnbuckle and Big E took him down with a uranage. Cesaro saved his partner, Kingston wit ha back body drop on Cesaro over the top to the floor and Kingston jumped over the top to the floor onto Cesaro. Zayn went on the apron to distract, so Nakamura kicked Big E twice to knock him out of the ring. Cesaro with a running clothesline on Big E on the floor. Nakamura with a rising knee on Big E while the big man was on the apron. Nakamura whipped Big E into the steel steps leading to a break.
The match returned with Cesaro sending Big E into the turnbuckle, but then Big E hit a back body drop on Cesaro over the top to the floor. Nakamura tagged in, punched Kingston off the apron and Nakamura hit a jumping knee attack off the middle ropes. Nakamura charged at Big E, but then Big E hit a clothesline with a great flip bump by Nakamura there. Kingston got the hot tag against Cesaro with leaping clotheslines, a dropkick and Kingston hit a hurricanrana off the top. Kingston with a double foot stomp to the chest of Cesaro for a two count. Kingston with a jumping clothesline followed by the Boom Drop leg drop. Kingston went for the Trouble in Paradise, but Cesaro avoided it and hit an uppercut for two with Big E a bit slow to make the save, but it was just two. Cesaro and Nakamura were sent out of the ring, so Big E launched Kingston over the top onto both guys on the floor. Back in the ring, Kingston went up top with a cross body block on Cesaro for a two count. Nakamura pulled Big E off the apron, Cesaro with a rollup and then he did the Cesaro Swing to Kingston. Cesaro with a double foot stomp to the chest of Kingston for a two count. Cesaro went for the Neutralizer, Kingston flipped out of it and got an inside cradle on Cesaro for the pinfall win after 12 minutes. Cole: “Did he get him? He got him!” Exactly like Vince McMahon on commentary.
Winners by pinfall: The New Day (Big E and Kofi Kingston)
Analysis: ***1/4 Congrats to champions for winning a non-title match, which is rare in WWE. This was a pretty good tag team match with Big E in the face in peril role. The finish of the match was a bit weak, but it’s fine to end it with a move that isn’t a finisher. It’s usually Big E getting the hot tag in New Day tag team matches, so at least it was something different this time. The crowd got into it by the end of the match and a clean win by New Day is fine with me. I think Smackdown needs to find a team for them to feud with because there’s no obvious choice right now.
Post match, Nakamura and Cesaro attacked both New Day guys. Zayn went into the ring to join in the attack. That led to Braun Strowman making the save.
Strowman slowly walked down to the ring, so Nakamura and Cesaro tried to go after him. Cesaro sent Strowman throat first into the top rope, Nakamura with a kick, but then Strowman punched Cesaro out of the ring. Strowman splashed Nakamura. Strowman ran over Cesaro on the floor. Strowman wanted a Powerslam on Nakamura, but Zayn saved his buddy and the heels left.
Analysis: Strowman has had nothing to do for the last two months, so at least now he has a feud with Nakamura. I guess that means Strowman will win the IC Title in the near future since he’s never held a singles title before and he rarely loses feuds.
Daniel Bryan was getting ready in the locker room when The Miz showed up to talk with Miz thanking Bryan for saving him from Bray Wyatt at TLC. Bryan said he did it for himself. Bryan said that as a father, he hates what Wyatt did to his family. Bryan said that he still hates Miz, then Miz said he hates him too, then they argued and Miz said tonight they work together, but after that Bray Wyatt is his. Miz left.
Analysis: I like that they still bicker with eachother even though they are both faces with a common rival. This storyline is likely being done to build up a friendship between them, so I don’t mind the long term build to that.
Sasha Banks made her entrance. When speaking about people that have had nothing to do on Smackdown for months, she’s another one that hasn’t had anything meaningful. Bayley entered with the Smackdown Women’s Title.
This Tuesday on WWE Backstage on FS1, they are presenting the WWE Awards for 2019. The audience for that show on Christmas Eve will be very small. Bayley’s in a match up next.
A commercial aired for the Royal Rumble on January 26. My prediction for that is no matter who wins, some fans will complain about it. I think that’s an accurate prediction.
Dana Brooke entered as the opponent in a rematch from last week. The match was set up due to the “dreaded Twitter trash talk” with Brooke challenging Bayley.
Bayley (w/Sasha Banks) vs. Dana Brooke
Bayley with a snapmare followed by a sliding clothesline. Cole was trying to put over Brooke having momentum even though she almost never wins matches. Brooke with a cartwheel followed by a kick. Bayley yanked Brooke down by the hair followed by a running knee. Bayley with a suplex while Banks trash talked Brooke by calling her a loser. The crowd was dead for this as Bayley slapped on a chinlock. Brooke started the comeback with a boot to the face and a step up enziguri. Brooke went up top and she hit a Swanton Bomb on Bayley, who got her hand on the bottom rope during the pin attempt. The fans didn’t even react to the nearfall. Brooke sent Bayley into the turnbuckle and hit a handspring elbow. Brooke with a shoulder tackle on Bayley followed by a cartwheel into a pin splash on Bayley for a two count. Bayley countered Brooke by sending her into the top turnbuckle, then Bayley drove Brooke face first into the mat for the pinfall win after five minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Bayley
Analysis: *3/4 Another easy win for Bayley over Brooke, who hit a few decent moves, but it’s not like anybody thought she was going to win this match. I like Dana’s look and I think she’s a good athlete that has improved in the ring this year. However, there’s nothing about her that really stands out. Get her a gimmick or some interesting storyline. It was another short match in front of a quiet crowd. At least they had another champion win non-title on this show. That’s a good thing.
Post match, Bayley and Banks did their mean girls routine by trash talking Brooke, so that led to Lacey Evans making her entrance. Evans ran down to the ring, so Bayley and Banks bailed from the ring.
Evans called out Banks and she called Banks a legit bully with a big mouth and no backbone. Evans said she was raised to never let a bully win, so she challenged Banks to a match right now. Evans said she wanted Banks to come into the ring so that Evans could maker a Legit Loser.
Analysis: That is some PG style trash talk right there and calling somebody a bully is typical in WWE.
They showed CC Sabathia at ringside. He was a great New York Yankees pitcher that retired this year and also pitched very well for the Cleveland Indians earlier in his career.
Lacey Evans (w/Dana Brooke) vs. Sasha Banks (w/Bayley)
Evans sent Banks into the turnbuckle, then Banks turned it around on Evans to put her into the turnbuckle. Banks with a running double knee attack. Banks with a suplex on Evans for a two count. Banks with a dropkick. Banks with the double knees attack into a pin attempt for a two count. Evans came back with a boot to the face, knee to the ribs and Banks missed a corner attack. Evans grabbed the foot of Banks and sent her face first into the apron. Evans with a kick that sent Banks out of the ring to the floor. Bayley with a distraction, so Banks sent Evans into the ring post and the barricade. Lacey’s daughter Summer and husband were at ringside, so Banks trash talked the little girl. The match just ended even though we couldn’t even see the ref counting, but it’s a double countout because the women stayed out of the ring too long.
Match Result: Double Countout
Analysis: * This was a boring match. Evans continues to try to get over as a face, but when I watch her matches it’s tough to get into supporting her as the face. Evans is more of a natural heel. That’s why they’re using her daughter to try to get more sympathy for Evans. Banks is a good heel. There just isn’t much for her to work with.
Post match, Banks continued to work over Evans at ringside and she was punching her. The little girl Summer yelled at Banks, so then Evans went after Banks and punched her. Evans shoved Banks to the side. Evans whipped Banks into the barricade. Brooke tried to pull off Evans and referees showed up as well. The faces went back into the ring while the heels left.
Analysis: It a decent way of building up this rivalry. They are using Lacey’s daughter to try to get her over more as a face. If the little girl slapped Banks, it probably would have led to a pop. Anyway, this should set up Banks/Bayley vs. Brooke/Evans next week. I don’t expect it to be great.
Daniel Bryan and The Miz were shown walking backstage in different parts of the arena for their tag team match.
The entrances took place for the main event tag team match with Daniel Bryan out first for his team followed by The Miz. I think the heel version of Bryan was my favorite character in WWE this year, but it’s a cool visual seeing him leading the crowd in the “yes” chants again. The Miz entered as Bryan’s partner.
Dolph Ziggler entered for the match followed by King Corbin, who was brought out to the ring on a “sedan” as Cole calls it. Cole said that Roode was taken out of action with an injury, which is a storyline cover for Roode being suspended 30 days for a Wellness Policy violation. They showed highlights from Corbin’s win over Roman Reigns at TLC with Corbin getting help from Ziggler and The Revival while nobody helped Reigns. In other words, heels work together well while faces have no friends.
King Corbin and Dolph Ziggler vs. Daniel Bryan and The Miz
Bryan and Miz argued about who would start the match. Bryan worked over Ziggler with his kicks to the chest. Miz tagged in with his weaker kicks to the chest and Bryan dropkicked the knee of Corbin. Bryan and Miz did their kicks to the chest routine at the same time in what was a cool spot. Bryan led the crowd in “yes” chants leading to a break.
The match returned with Miz tagging in Bryan, who took a knee to the ribs of Corbin. Bryan with a clothesline on Corbin. Bryan with a running dropkick to the face of Corbin. Bryan with a running dropkick on Corbin against the turnbuckle and Corbin hit a Deep Six Slam on Bryan for a two count. Ziggler worked over Bryan with an elbow drop for two. There were some quick tags from Corbin and Ziggler as they continued to work over Bryan. Corbin put Bryan on the top rope, headbutt by Bryan and a missile dropkick connected for Bryan on Corbin. Miz got the hot tag against Ziggler to barely a reaction. Miz hit the corner clothesline on Ziggler, kick to Corbin and a rollup on Ziggler got two. Miz with a DDT on Ziggler for a two count as Corbin broke up the pin. Miz hit the Skull Crushing Finale on Corbin and then Ziggler hit a leaping DDT on Miz for a two count. Ziggler wanted a superkick, Miz blocked it and slapped on a Figure Four Leglock submission. Ziggler tried to fight it while Bryan hit a running knee on Corbin. Ziggler tapped out after about ten seconds in the hold. Miz got the win for his team after 11 minutes.
Winners by submission: Daniel Bryan and The Miz
Analysis: **3/4 It was a rare win for The Miz by submission. It’s nice of his best friend Ziggler to put him over like that because I can’t remember the last time Miz won a match with the Figure Four Leglock. I feel repetitive in saying it was a formulaic tag team match with Bryan as the face in peril, Miz getting the hot tag and the win from there. Miz needed the win the most to give him some credibility since he hasn’t won a match since he was in a tag team match on the first Smackdown on Fox on October 4. Ziggler took the loss here to protect Corbin, so it was the most obvious finish.
After the match, it was announced that The Miz will face King Corbin and Daniel Bryan in a triple threat match next week on Smackdown. The winner of that match gets to face “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt for the Universal Title (I assume it’s for the title) at the Royal Rumble on January 26th.
The show ended with Miz, Bryan and Corbin in the ring. The lights went off, there was a spotlight on the three men in the ring and The Fiend’s laugh played in the arena. No sign of The Fiend.
After the show, The Fiend showed up for the fans in the arena and attacked the three guys in the ring. However, he was not actually on Smackdown this week.
Analysis: That Bryan vs. Miz vs. Corbin match is a good main event for the final Smackdown of 2019. I think they made it a triple threat so that Bryan can beat Miz and that way Corbin is protected since WWE is so intent on keeping Corbin strong as one of their top heels. That will lead to Fiend vs. Bryan at Royal Rumble, which should be a pretty good match or at least as good as it’s going to get for a Fiend match.
Three Stars of the Show
- Daniel Bryan
- New Day
- Nakamura/Cesaro
The Scoreboard
5.75 out of 10
Last week: 6
2019 Average: 6.56 (Raw is 5.89)
Last 5 Weeks: 6, 4.75, 5.25, 6.5, 6.25
2019 High: 9 (November 1)
2019 Low: 4.5 (October 25)
Final Thoughts
I give this week’s Smackdown a 5.75 out of 10.
This was another average edition of Smackdown. They just haven’t been able to put together a consistently good show. I guess they can use the “it’s the holidays” excuse. The three men’s tag team matches were standard WWE tag team matches and the good guys won all of them, so obviously WWE wanted happy fans. I liked the uniqueness of Bryan and Miz as a team while New Day did well too. The tag team formula feels old when you see it three times in the same show although the first match was more of a comedic Street Fight. I keep wanting Smackdown to break through to put on an awesome show, but it continues to be average. The November 1 show with the NXT “invasion” broke up the trend of average shows. There hasn’t been anything that interesting since then.
The women’s division continues to be a struggle on Smackdown. This may be the weakest a women’s division has been on a show since the 2016 brand split. Bayley feuding with Lacey Evans really isn’t that interesting to me, but I guess using Lacey’s daughter in the storyline will make it feel more personal. I just don’t have high expectations for a title match.
Roman Reigns was mentioned briefly early in the opening promo, but then ignored the rest of the night. You would think he would want revenge after the cheap loss at TLC. Apparently not because he wasn’t even on the show this week, so I hope he enjoyed his time at home.
I really hope Smackdown turns a corner in 2020 and becomes more of a must-see TV show because right now it’s hard to get excited about anything they are doing on a weekly basis.
Thanks for reading. Go Los Angeles Rams, reigning NBA Champions Toronto Raptors and Toronto Maple Leafs. My contact info is below.
John Canton
Twitter @johnreport