The John Report: WWE Smackdown 11/20/20 Review
Welcome to this week’s WWE Smackdown review. It’s the last Smackdown before Survivor Series on Sunday night, which will feature Raw vs. Smackdown matches, plus The Undertaker’s “final farewell” celebration. WWE is advertising Seth Rollins vs. Murphy, a Roman Reigns/Drew McIntyre contract signing and we should find out the remaining members of Team Smackdown at Survivor Series as well.
Speaking of Survivor Series, over this past week I re-posted (with updated 2020 thoughts) my top five Survivor Series PPVs ever. My listing of every Survivor Series review going back to 1987 is here. The top five with the links looks like this:
5. Survivor Series 1995 – Great main event between Bret Hart and Diesel that is one of my favorite Survivor Series matches ever.
4. Survivor Series 2001 – One of the best elimination tag team matches ever in the main event with Rock and Austin as the final two.
3. Survivor Series 1998 – An entertaining show top to bottom with one of the most entertaining tournaments in WWE history. The Rock’s heel turn is legendary.
2. Survivor Series 1996 – The Hart/Austin classic is the best match in Survivor Series history, Sid/Michaels is a lot of fun and there are plenty of other things to like here.
1. Survivor Series 2002 – The first-ever Elimination Chamber match was the excellent main event of what I feel is the best Survivor Series PPV of all-time.
I also did a listing of the top ten Survivor Series matches that were not elimination tag team matches, which is right here. That’s because I wrote a listing of the best elimination matches last year. That’s enough nostalgia, I think.
From the WWE ThunderDome at the Amway Center in Orlando, Florida, this is Smackdown for episode #1109. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. Please visit daily for our regular updates on the wrestling business featuring WWE news coverage along with reviews about wrestling’s past and present. Let’s get to it.
The show began with Smackdown Tag Team Champions The Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins) in the Champions Lounge doing a promo hyping up Survivor Series this Sunday. Ford even did an Undertaker imitation while somebody said “Rest in Peace” and it was Big E with a sombrero. Why a sombrero? Big E said that’s all they had in the prop room. Street Profits talking about beating New Day while Big E talked up his buddies Kofi and Xavier. Ford did a promo talking about how a New Day will come to an end because all they do is win, win, win. Dawkins said that this Sunday they will beat New Day’s a$$ because, as Ford said, they want the smoke. Big E said that Kofi and Woods are there tonight. Big E did the classic New Day introduction “feel the power” line and then it was out to the arena with Kofi and Woods making their entrance.
Analysis: Some friendly trash talk here. I don’t mind Street Profits in the opening part of the show because they are good at getting the fans excited about what’s coming up. Big E did a nice job of replying to them.
The Smackdown announce team of Michael Cole and Corey Graves welcomed us to the show saying that several other Raw superstars were invited to Smackdown.
Xavier Woods said that they were invited there, so why not come back? Kofi and Woods agreed that they hated the @WWEonFox Twitter account. Kofi said that Street Profits are right to want the smoke, but they don’t want this New Day fire with Woods saying that they will be dead men…which was Xavier’s way of talking about Undertaker’s farewell. Woods and Kofi did Undertaker’s famous kneel in the ring along with a sit-up.
Sami Zayn showed up with the Intercontinental Title while noting that all they seem to talk about is The Undertaker. Zayn said that the only reason is The Undertaker is calling this his Final Farewell is because he knows Sami owes him revenge since Undertaker gave Sami a chokeslam in Madison Square Garden. Sami talked about how WWE management wants to protect US Champion Bobby Lashley, but there is no one that can protect Bobby when Sami shows the world that Sami is the better man at Survivor Series.
Sami got in the ring saying he is not there to hurt them. Sami told them instead of talking about The Undertaker, they should talk about Sami Zayn, the champion of the people. Woods said that Sami’s outfit looks like a recently divorced dad that got a down payment on a new apartment. That was funny.
King Corbin was up next with the King of the Ring crown along with a scepter. Corbin told New Day that they don’t belong there. Corbin complained about Drew McIntyre being there last week while wondering about New Day’s farewell match last month. Woods said that it was their farewell as Smackdown stars, but now they are visiting. Good effort trying to explain it.
Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode, who are also Smackdown guys, showed up in their ring gear. Ziggler said he is bros with Corbin and he said he didn’t like Sami. Ziggler told New Day they may get fired on their day off. Ziggler said that they should be the tag team champions right now. Roode said that if they had a match with New Day they would be Raw Tag Team Champions. Kofi suggested a match with a twist. Woods said that they can defend the championships tonight, but against who? That led to the “who” chants. Kofi told Corbin he’s on his way to becoming a Hall of Famer while buttering him up to suggest a tag team match. Sami and Corbin said that they’re not a team, but Sami told Dolph he knows that Sami/Corbin could win. Sami said he had a match on Sunday he had to get ready for while adding that they’re not a team. New Day suggested a tag team match between these four guys and the winners get to challenge New Day for the Raw Tag Team Titles.
Roode and Ziggler went after New Day, so Street Profits ran out for the save. The four faces cleared the ring of the heels. Ford hit a somersault dive over the top onto the four heels on the floor. That led to a break after 14 minutes.
Analysis: It took a while to get there, but they set up an eight-man tag team match. I’ll give Kofi and Xavier credit for trying to explain why they are on Smackdown this week even though they are Raw guys. That tag match makes more sense than doing a Raw Tag Team Title match on Smackdown anyway. Zayn’s promo work is my favorite of everybody here although they’re all skilled in terms of promos. They spent a lot of time to set up a simple tag team match.
The show returned with Cole noting that WWE Official Adam Pearce made the match during the break. Of course he did.
Sami Zayn, King Corbin, Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode vs. Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston, Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins
Ford was in there at the start, then Dawkins tagged in and hit a dropkick on Roode. Kofi tagged in with a dropkick on Roode, then Woods tagged in, they each did some stomps and Woods hit a low dropkick on Roode for two. Roode slowed down the momentum of Woods with a back elbow. Woods with a boot to the face of Corbin, but Corbin caught him with a spinning slam for two. Woods countered a slam attempt into a rollup for two. Ford with kicks, then a dropkick and a leaping clothesline. Ford with a standing moonsault on Corbin for two as the heel team broke up the pin. All eight guys got involved with Kofi going for a cross-body block on Roode, then Corbin moved Roode out of the way and Kofi took out Ford with the cross-body block. Dawkins was wondering what was that while Zayn was happy about it. The story there is that Kofi is against Ford on Sunday, so Dawkins thought that Kofi was doing a cheap attack there. That’s why they book a match like this to tease problems.
The match returned with Ziggler in control of Ford with a headlock. Corbin worked over Ford with punches as Zayn tried to give orders to his team. Ford with a leap off the middle ropes, Corbin caught him and gave him a front slam for a two count. Ziggler was back in, Ford with punches and Ford avoided a slam leading to an enziguri kick. Kofi tagged in against Roode with punches, a dropkick and the boom drop leg drop. Roode avoided Trouble in Paradise, Woods got the tag with a kick to the head and a DDT off the ropes for two. Dawkins tagged himself in on the back of Woods. Dawkins with a spinning splash on Roode, there was a spinebuster from Roode and Roode tagged Zayn, who complained about it. Dawkins with a spinebuster on Zayn. Ford got the tag and he hit the Cash Out (Frog Splash) that got a lot of height for the pinfall win after 12 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston, Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins
Analysis: *** A good tag team match to further the story of Zayn being a cowardly heel that wanted nothing to do with the match and when he was in there, he was only in the ring for about 20 seconds. I liked the tease of New Day and Street Profits having problems, but then they managed to work together to win. That Cash Out finisher by Ford is so impressive. He gets so much height on it and I think it’s smart that WWE shows slow-motion replays of it.
Post match, New Day and Street Profits each held up their titles in the ring as they talked some trash ahead of their Survivor Series match on Sunday.
The announcers ran over what’s coming up this week.
Daniel Bryan (with a new haircut) was shown backstage talking to Kayla Braxton with Sami Zayn walking up to him with a referee. Bryan was laughing at him. Zayn talked trash to Bryan saying he should respect him, Bryan shoved Zayn down and Zayn said if he didn’t have a huge match at Survivor Series…then he left like a coward. Zayn told Bryan he doesn’t forget. Bryan turned to Kayla to say that he practices social distancing as much as possible.
Analysis: That could be a tease of WWE going back to Zayn vs. Bryan as an IC Title again as they did earlier in the year. Perhaps it can lead to a match at TLC next month.
Daniel Bryan was interviewed by Kayla Braxton on the interview set in the backstage area. She complimented him on the new haircut with Bryan saying thank you. A video aired from three weeks ago on Smackdown when Jey Uso beat Bryan in a match and then attacked Bryan after the match because Jey told Roman Reigns he understood now. Bryan did a stretcher job, Jey attacked some more and Bryan has been off Smackdown since then. Bryan said that he saw Jey Uso saying it was nothing personal with Bryan saying that he actually believes him because Jey has a devil on his shoulder that’s telling him what to do and pushing him hard. Bryan said that as he’s getting ready for this match, who do you think is reminding him of what happened and made his daughter cry? Bryan said he’s not concerned about coming back too soon, Jey should be concerned and it’s nothing personal.
Analysis: Awesome promo from Bryan talking about the devil on the shoulder influencing Jey, which is a reference to Roman Reigns telling Jey what to do and then Bryan made it feel personal by talking about his daughter crying at home because Bryan was beaten up by Jey. I like the personal feel of the story.
There was a backstage scene with WWE Official Adam Pearce talking to somebody about being on Team Smackdown and the camera panned over to show he was talking to Otis. Chad Gable showed up saying that “we” did it. Gable told Otis that he has to get ready. Natalya walked up to Pearce wondering why Pearce is making her have a match with Tamina when he can just pick somebody. Pearce said he was picking Bayley, which Natalya didn’t like and Natalya complained, so then Pearce said her match is next.
Analysis: I was surprised by the Otis choice because I assumed it would be Big E in that spot. That makes me think Raw is winning and WWE doesn’t want Big E on the losing team.
Seth Rollins did a backstage promo talking to Murphy by speaking into the camera. Rollins said that he’s responsible for the good things that Murphy has in his life like his career and his girlfriend. Rollins spoke about how if it wasn’t for him, Murphy wouldn’t have even met Aalyah. That led to Seth getting stabbed in the back and betrayed. Rollins said he would no longer suffer for Murphy’s mistakes. Rolls told Murphy he’ll go back to being what he was before Seth saved him – nothing, nobody.
Analysis: It was exactly what it needed to be from a heel like Rollins talking about how great he is and how much he has done for Murphy’s career, which is true. Rollins is an over the top heel character, but he does speak the truth a lot. It’s how he speaks that makes people hate him a lot.
Bianca Belair was on commentary while Bayley walked down to ringside for the match.
Natalya vs. Tamina
Tamina with a kick that sent Natalya out of the ring. Tamina whipped Natalya into the steel steps. Bayley claimed she was the team captain. Tamina worked over Natalya with elbows and a knee while Ruby Riott/Liv Morgan were shown watching backstage since they were on Team Smackdown as well. Tamina charged, Natalya moved and Tamina hit the turnbuckle. Natalya hit the discus clothesline and Natalya slapped on the Sharpshooter with Tamina quickly tapping out. Natalya won after two minutes.
Winner by submission: Natalya
The win means that Natalya is on Team Smackdown at Survivor Series joining Bayley, Liv Morgan, Ruby Riott and Bianca Belair.
Analysis: 1/2* An easy win for Natalya. Tamina’s offense looks okay, but her selling could be better for sure. Natalya got the win after failing to win three prior times.
After the match, Natalya celebrated the win with Bayley going into the ring and Natalya hugged Bayley. Liv Morgan and Ruby Riott walked out to the ring. Bayley shook hands with Natalya in the ring. They were joined by Belair, Morgan and Riott with Bayley acting as if she was the leader of the team.
A video package aired to show Drew McIntyre’s WWE Title win on Raw when he defeated Randy Orton. That set up McIntyre vs Roman Reigns at Survivor Series.
Drew McIntyre made his entrance as the WWE Champion for the contract signing. That’s up next at the top of hour two.
Contract Signing for Survivor Series
Roman Reigns, the Universal Champion, made his entrance with Special Counsel Paul Heyman joining him. Reigns took his time walking down to the ring very slowly. McIntyre was seated in the ring while Adam Pearce was there to moderate the signing. Reigns sat at the head of the table instead of sitting across the table from McIntyre. Reigns told Pearce to sit down.
Reigns told McIntyre he knew he could do it (win the WWE Title). There were no microphones in the hands of the wrestlers. There were microphones around to pick up what they were saying. Reigns told Drew he knew he could do it. Reigns said that Drew was the right guy at the wrong time. McIntyre said that you’re not going to get Drew to flip the table and start a fight. McIntyre reminded Reigns that Roman told Drew to get the title, so that’s what Drew did. Drew signed the contract and handed it to Reigns. Drew told Reigns to use these next two days to prepare for war.
Reigns was given a pen from Heyman with Reigns reminding McIntyre that only the Special Counsel advises the Tribal Chief. Reigns said that WWE is his, so he’s going to give Drew one last lesson. Reigns told Drew that he won’t understand the brutal truth that Drew is a secondary titleholder that’s a prop, that’s a stand-in and Drew is the guy that was given a title when Roman doesn’t want to do something. Roman said that the whole world knows who he is. Reigns said that he is THE Champion, the face of WWE, your Tribal Chief and the head of the table. Reigns said that one day Drew will have the opportunity to be the man, to be the face of this company, to be the champion and he told Drew that he’ll thank Roman. Reigns said that one day Drew will see the man that he always wanted to be and think about these moments, which will lead to Drew loving Roman for these moments for the lessons that Roman has taught him. Roman said he’ll love him right back because Drew will always be his favorite number two. Reigns signed the contract.
Reigns got up and left while McIntyre just sat there. Reigns didn’t do the usual staredown that you might see because he walked up the ramp with Heyman while McIntyre stood tall in the ring.
Analysis: This was so great. Reigns continues to impress as a heel by the way he talks, the things he says and the confidence he carries himself with. McIntyre has been presented as the best babyface wrestler in WWE this year, but Reigns made him look like nothing because of how Reigns talked down to him. The key to Roman’s character is that he believes he is the face of WWE, the Tribal Chief and everything that he says, so as long as nobody beats him or shuts him up, the ego is going to grow. It’s a great character that is going to carry the Smackdown brand for a long time until there’s a guy to beat Reigns to shut him up and then that person will benefit from beating a top guy from Reigns. I hope it’s Big E next year, but I don’t know when. Anyway, I’m very intrigued by Reigns vs. McIntyre even after just two weeks of build. I’m confident that they’ll have a great match and I’m also curious to see how it will be booked as well.
A video package aired showing highlights from last week’s Smackdown when Rey Mysterio beat Seth Rollins in a feud ending match that saw Murphy help Rey win.
Seth Rollins made his entrance for his match after the break.
Murphy made his entrance with Aalyah joining him and there was also Rey and Dominik Mysterio joining him at ringside. Rollins kicked Mysterio down before he could get into the ring. Murphy told the Mysterio family to step back.
Murphy (w/Rey, Dominik and Aalyah Mysterio) vs. Seth Rollins
Murphy had “Messiah Slayer” on his tights, which is cool since Rollins has been called “King Slayer” and “Beast Slayer” in the past. They started out brawling right away, then it went to the floor and Rollins sent Murphy into the barricade. Rollins whipped Murphy into the ring post. Rollins tied up Murphy in the ropes, so Rollins grabbed a kendo stick from under the ring, but Rey was there to take it away. Rollins punched Rey and sent him into the announce table. Rollins punched Dominik and whipped him into the barricade. Murphy broke free from the ropes and whipped Rollins into the barricade. Murphy went up top, Rollins shoved him and Murphy went back first into the barricade. Aalyah checked on Murphy, then Seth walked towards here and Aalyah fell down. Rollins laughed about it as the show went to break.
The match returned with Rollins hitting a kick to the face to avoid a kick and then a Slingblade neckbreaker by Rollins got a two count. Rollins went after Murphy against the turnbuckle, Murphy avoided him and hit a superkick to the face. Murphy sent Rollins to the floor followed by a somersault dive over the top onto Rollins. Back in the ring, Murphy with a jumping kick to the head. Murphy went up top, Rollins met him up there and Rollins did the superplex into the Falcon Arrow for a two count. They battled on the apron, Murphy with a kick to the chest and a jumping knee to the face. The Mysterios were rooting for Murphy. When Murphy tried getting back in the ring by going over the middle rope, Rollins hit The Stomp, but Murphy got his foot on the bottom rope to kick out at two. Rollins did a nonchalant cover, so Murphy was able to get his leg on the rope to avoid the loss. Rollins gave Murphy a Buckle Bomb into the turnbuckle. Murphy came back with a rising knee, Murphy avoided The Stomp, Murphy hit a rising knee again and Murphy hit the Murphy’s Law slam for the pinfall win after 14 minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Murphy
Analysis: ***1/2 This was very good with Murphy getting the decisive win that was clean. It’s fair to say that was the biggest win of Murphy’s career due to the star power of Rollins. I like how it was booked with Murphy continuing to show heart, taking all that Rollins could deliver, countering The Stomp a few times and then finding a way to win. It was exactly what it needed to be with Murphy beating his former leader. They could have done even better with a few more minutes, but it’s not like it was a short match. I enjoyed it.
Murphy celebrated in the ring with Rey, Dominik and Aalyah hugging him as if they are a happy family.
Analysis: That means Rollins has put over Mysterio and Murphy in back to back weeks right before Survivor Series and Seth’s likely taking a break next week since Becky Lynch is having their baby in December. Seth deserves a break too. I can see him coming back by early January leading into Royal Rumble. That would make sense to me.
Sasha Banks made her entrance for her segment up next.
This week on Talking Smack the guests are Daniel Bryan, Bayley and Street Profits. It’s hosted by Kayla Braxton and Paul Heyman.
Sasha Banks and Asuka Face to Face
Sasha Banks was dressed in all blue while Asuka was in her usual wrestling gear. Michael Cole stood between them in the ring to remind them that Banks beat Asuka for the Raw Women’s Title earlier this year. Cole mentioned that Asuka beat Banks for the Raw Women’s Title at SummerSlam. Banks reminded us that it’s Boss Time. Banks gave Asuka props for being one of the greatest in the world. Asuka mocked Banks. Sasha said she’ll trap Asuka in the Bank Statement and make her tap out because Banks feels she is the best of the best. Asuka said “you can’t see me” as if she is John Cena. Banks said for once she can finally understand Asuka. Banks kicked off her heels and said that they don’t have to wait until Sunday – they can handle it right now. Banks reminded Asuka that she is the best of the best (way to get the Survivor Series promotional phrase in the promo). Asuka told Banks she is not ready for Asuka.
Banks said that The Boss was born ready and there’s Carmella with a cheap attack to the back of the left knee of Banks. Carmella sent Banks into her foot against the turnbuckle and Carmella stomped on Banks. Carmella set up Banks upside down against the turnbuckle. Carmella told Banks to watch her back and Carmella hit a superkick to the chest. Asuka watched all of this happen without doing anything. Carmella left while Banks was down in the ring.
Analysis: The promos were just okay here. It was tough to understand some of what Asuka was saying, but it was nice to see her show confidence. Banks is always confident, so that’s never a problem with her. Carmella’s attack took place with Asuka standing there doing nothing, which shows that Asuka doesn’t care for Banks even though they are both faces. The Carmella feud with Banks will likely continue after Survivor Series and maybe Carmella is the reason why Banks loses at Survivor Series as well.
Jey Uso was shown backstage with Kayla Braxton asking him about Daniel Bryan’s comments. Jey said that he got the green light to speak to Kayla and finish what he started against Bryan. Jey said that he put Bryan through that table and off that stretcher because he wanted to. Jey said that the devil in his head is telling him to go get him (Bryan).
Daniel Bryan made his entrance in a “YES” t-shirt and the yes chants were echoed by the ThunderDome crowd.
Jey Uso entered for the main event.
Daniel Bryan vs. Jey Uso
They started out exchanging punches as they should with Bryan seeking revenge. Bryan took down Jey leading to forearms to the face and knees to the ribs. Jey hit a running back elbow, which led to Bryan going to the floor and Jey whipped Bryan into the steel steps. Jey cleared off the announce table. Bryan managed to send Jey back in the ring and Bryan hit a missile dropkick. Jey with a kick, but Bryan came back with a back body drop over the top to the floor. Bryan hit a suicide dive on Jey on the floor. They were brawling on the floor with Jey hitting a back body drop on Bryan through the table. The show went to break there. That could be a countout there, but I guess we are to believe that the referee would stop counting and he would check on Bryan on the floor.
The match continued with Jey working over Bryan with punches in the ring. Jey with a body slam as he told Bryan it was nothing personal. Jey continued the attack with a backbreaker as Bryan was favoring his lower back/ribs. Bryan was on the apron, he fought back with punches and Bryan went up top, but Jey hit him with a forearm to the face. Jey followed up with a superplex as Bryan continued to grab his lower back/ribs with Jey getting a two count. Bryan countered a Samoan Drop into a pin attempt for two. Bryan slapped on the Yes Lock submission, Jey fought out of it and Jey elbowed Bryan’s back/ribs repeatedly. Jey went up top with Bryan tripping him up to crotch Jey across the top rope. They went up top with Bryan hitting a belly to back superplex back into the ring. Bryan fired up with the Yes Kicks to the chest along with a roundhouse kick to the head for a two count. Bryan stomped on Jey’s head repeatedly and then Bryan set up the “yes” chants. When Bryan charged, Jey hit him with a superkick and Jaye hit another superkick. Jey with a third superkick. Jey went up top, he jumped off with the splash attempt, Bryan got the knees up and Bryan grabbed a small package for the pinfall win after 14 minutes. Mr. Small Package does it again!
Winner by pinfall: Daniel Bryan
Analysis: ***1/4 I liked it as a match that was intense from the beginning due to Bryan wanting to get revenge. Bryan sold the back/rib injury well throughout the match. I would have liked a better explanation about the table spot and why the match wasn’t a countout, but that’s just one of those little things. Jey continues to look like he belongs. Jey isn’t really hurt by losing a match by having a guy get his knees up leading to a cradle because it’s more of a crafty finish with Bryan finding a way to win instead of winning in a dominant manner. I’m glad that Bryan won because now the series between them is 1-1 and they can have a blowoff match in the future whether that’s on Smackdown again or at TLC next month. The Mr. Small Package is a joke name that Bryan has called himself in the past in case you’re wondering about that.
The celebration of Daniel Bryan continued as the announcers plugged Survivor Series with Reigns vs. McIntyre and The Undertaker’s farewell. Bryan isn’t even on the Survivor Series card, but he continued celebrating as the show ended.
Three Stars of the Show
- Roman Reigns
- Murphy/Seth Rollins
- Daniel Bryan/Jey Uso
The Scoreboard
7.25 out of 10
Last week: 6
2020 Average: 6.51
Final Thoughts
This week’s show was the tale of two halves because the first half wasn’t that interesting, but the second half was awesome. I loved the Roman Reigns promo during the contract signing to start the second hour. Murphy getting the big win over Rollins puts an end to that story for now and kudos to Seth for doing the clean job in that spot. Daniel Bryan got his win back against Jey Uso in the main event, which likely means that the feud is going to continue in the weeks ahead. Both of those matches were strong too.
I think the women’s segments were just average. There wasn’t anything that bad, but it wasn’t that interesting having Banks and Asuka face off leading to another Carmella attack on Banks. The tag team title picture got to dominate the first quarter of the show. It was okay, but matchups with two babyface teams have less drama.
It wasn’t a can’t miss Smackdown by any means, but I think most fans would enjoy the second hour a lot.

The next WWE pay-per-view is Survivor Series on Sunday, November 22 with a Raw vs. Smackdown theme to the show. Here’s what we know so far.
WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns vs. WWE Champion Drew McIntyre
Smackdown Women’s Champion Sasha Banks vs. Raw Women’s Champion Asuka
5-on-5 Men’s Elimination Tag Team Match: Team Smackdown (Kevin Owens, Jey Uso, King Corbin, Seth Rollins and Otis) vs. Team Raw (AJ Styles, Keith Lee, Sheamus, Braun Strowman and Riddle)
Smackdown Tag Team Champions The Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins) vs. Raw Tag Team Champions The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods)
Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn vs. United States Champion Bobby Lashley
5-on-5 Women’s Elimination Tag Team Match: Team Smackdown (Bianca Belair, Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan, Bayley and Natalya) vs. Team Raw (Nia Jax, Shayna Baszler, Peyton Royce, Lacey Evans and Lana)
Dual Brand Battle Royal (Kickoff Show)
Plus, The Undertaker will make a “Final Farewell” special appearance.
Thanks for reading. Go Los Angeles Rams. My contact info is below.
John Canton
Twitter @johnreport