The John Report: WWE Smackdown 11/15/19 Review
Welcome to another WWE Friday Night Smackdown review right here on TJRWrestling. The Smackdown crew is back from a tour of Europe and Survivor Series is nine days away. We know Survivor Series this year is all about Raw vs. Smackdown vs. NXT, so we can probably expect some people from other shows on Smackdown this week. It’s also going to be interesting to see how much they talk about CM Punk appearing on FS1 on WWE Backstage this past Tuesday. That was a big thing and obviously Fox is going to want to plug their Fox Sports 1 show, so it’s intriguing to me how that is handled.
Here’s what WWE has advertised for Smackdown tonight:
* The New Day defending the gold vs. The Revival (for the second week in a row) for the Smackdown Tag Team Titles
* Daniel Bryan is a guest on Miz TV
* Bayley vs. Nikki Cross (for the second time in three weeks) in a non-title match
* Mustafa Ali & Shorty G vs. Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode with Survivor Series spots on the line
The updated lineup for Survivor Series is at the bottom of this post. Let’s get to the show.
Live from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, this is Smackdown for episode #1056. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. Please visit daily for our regular updates on the wrestling business featuring WWE news coverage along with reviews about wrestling’s past and present. Thanks to Melo Man for the banner up top.
The show began with highlights from last week with “King” Baron Corbin beating Roman Reigns thanks to help from Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode. It wasn’t that interesting, but WWE is trying to get us to care about another Reigns/Corbin rivalry.
The Smackdown intro video aired. The pyro went off in the arena with the fans in Philly looking ready to go. The announce team of Michael Cole and Corey Graves welcomed us to the show.
Let’s Hear from “King” Baron Corbin and Friends
The man known as “King” Baron Corbin made his entrance while on a throne and he was carried down to the ring by five or six indy wrestlers. It’s the second week in a row where they are starting Smackdown with him. I don’t think that’s a great idea. Corbin had on his ridiculous robe and crown. Corbin’s heel buddies Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode were in the ring with him. The fans greeted Corbin with “you suck” chants.
Corbin told the fans they need to pay respect to their king as he put over Ziggler and Roode for having loyalty to his kingdom. Corbin said that as a great leader, you have to have an ability to tell your royal subjects the hard truth when it’s necessary. Corbin said that last week he told the WWE Universe that Roman Reigns isn’t the man he used to be. Corbin said that Reigns is an all-time great, but he’s a shell of the man that he used to be. Corbin said it is no longer Roman’s yard, it is Corbin’s kingdom. Corbin said he declares by royal decree that he’s the captain of Team Smackdown against Raw and NXT. A graphic showed Corbin in the middle of the graphic for Team Smackdown.
Corbin said there are two weak links in the team referring to Shorty and Ali while adding that Reigns is a step behind. Ziggler said that Reigns is a step behind as he has attempted to undermine Corbin’s leadership every step of the way. Ziggler said that it should have been them instead of Shorty and Ali. Roode said tonight they rectify the mistake. Roode said that handouts won’t fly under King Corbin’s rules. Ziggler said tonight they will do what they are known to do when they beat up G and Ali and take their rightful spot on Team Smackdown. Ziggler said that will be absolutely and Roode said glorious. Corbin invited Reigns to ringside right now.
The music of Reigns played featuring some weak dog barking. That led to a dog mascot guy walking down to the ring while wearing a Reigns vest as well. Cole: “This is embarrassing.” Yeah. It’s something like that. Corbin told “The Big Dog” to take a knee and bow, so the dog bowed before Corbin. That match is next.
Analysis: It was the second straight week with a Corbin promo to start the show. I don’t think it’s the best way to begin because Corbin is a huge turn off to a lot of fans. He’s not a bad heel. It’s just that this Reigns/Corbin feud was done on Raw already and it’s really not that interesting as I stated earlier. The mascot thing is one of those gags that WWE loves to do. In the past, we’ve seen them use little people for it, but they opted for a “Big Dog” mascot this time. I don’t see how this is going to get people excited about Survivor Series either. Does anybody watching really care who the captains are? No. That’s an issue. They need to make us care more.
There was a plug for WWE Backstage on Tuesdays on Fox Sports 1 on Tuesdays at 11pmET. They showed the end of this past week’s show that included the surprising return of CM Punk. Welcome back, Punk…even though he’s not in the ring…yet.
You want us to tag him? Done.@CMPunk returns as an analyst on #WWEBackstage THIS TUESDAY on @FS1.
— WWE (@WWE) November 16, 2019
Analysis: I don’t know what CM Punk’s future is, but right now he’s just an analyst. I hope wrestles again one day. It’s up to him.
Mustafa Ali and Shorty G were already in the ring to begin the match. Ali got his first name back earlier in the week, which is good. I think it sounds better with a full name.
Shorty G and Mustafa Ali vs. Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler (w/Baron Corbin)
The heels had Corbin and the Big Dog mascot at ringside. Shorty was in control of Roode with an armdrag, but then Roode connected with a punch on his former partner. Ziggler tagged in with an elbow drop. Shorty with an arm drag on Ziggler as Cole mentioned Shorty and Ali were on the winning team with Roman Reigns at Crown Jewel over two weeks ago. Ali tagged in with Ziggler taking control by raking his eyes on the top rope. Ali with a headscissors takedown. Roode sent Ali face first into the turnbuckle while Ziggler got in a cheap shot punch. Roode sent Ali to the apron, Corbin distracted, Roode knocked Ali off the apron and Ali was sent into the side of the announce table. The Big Dog mascot did a Reigns-like yell. That led to Roman Reigns making his entrance to watch the rest of this match. I don’t love entrances of another wrestler during a match, but it’s fine as long as it doesn’t lead to a finish right away.
The match returned with Ali remaining in the ring as the face in peril with Ziggler hitting a Fameasser for a two count. Ziggler was shocked it was only two even though that’s what that move gets every match. Maybe he won with it once to throw people off. Ziggler set up for a superkick, but Ali came back with a superkick of his own and both guys were down. Great sell by both guys. Shorty got the hot tag against Roode, Shorty with a running kick against the turnbuckle and a spinning neckbreaker. Shorty also hit an overhead suplex on Ziggler to send him out of the ring. Shorty went up top and hit a moonsault for a two count where he jumped a bit too far, but he covered for it by extending his arms. Ziggler tagged back in and the heels did a spinebuster/Zig Zag combo with Ali breaking up the pin at the perfect time. Ali kicked Roode in the head, Ziggler with a superkick on Ali. Shorty slapped on the Ankle Lock the left ankle of Ziggler, who did a great job selling it and Roode saved his partner by hitting Shorty with a forearm to the back. Corbin was going to give his scepter to Roode, so Reigns hit Corbin with a Drive By Kick and the fans loved that. Roode punched Reigns, Ali sent Roode over the announce table and Reigns hit a Spear on Corbin on the floor. Shorty with a German Suplex on Ziggler, Ali got the tag and hit a 450 Splash for the pinfall win after 12 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Shorty G and Mustafa Ali
Analysis: ***1/2 Great tag team wrestling. That was a fun match by the end of it with the fans really getting into it with all the nearfalls on both teams. The wrestlers did an excellent job of being in the right spot, timing everything perfectly and setting up for an exciting finish. It was also smart to have Reigns take out Corbin to prevent interference. Ali and Shorty are great workers on the rise, so I like seeing them featured more. Ziggler and Roode are skilled veterans that always have good matches. Some of the hokey stuff like the Big Dog mascot is lame and King Corbin is a ridiculous gimmick, but when the bell rings, the action is good.
The win by Shorty G and Mustafa Ali means they are still on Team Smackdown at Survivor Series.
The announcers plugged what was still to come later in the show.
The Firefly Fun House was shown with Bray Wyatt displaying the Universal Title on a table. Wyatt said something is not quite right here, then he acted as if he did magic and displayed the brand new blue Universal Title. Wyatt said still to come is his favorite show Miz TV with his guest Daniel Bryan. Wyatt said he’ll be watching and “he’ll be watching too” referring to The Fiend. Wyatt said bye and he’ll see us later.
Here’s the new look blue Universal Title.
Analysis: I like the title color change that is fitting for Smackdown as the blue brand. It’s fine with me.
There was a replay of the ending of the match before the break. Dolph Ziggler, Robert Roode and Baron Corbin were mad about their loss.
Braun Strowman made his entrance. The losing trio of Drew Gulak, Curtis Axe and Bo Dallas were in the ring. Gulak had a graphic that showed what would happen if he replaced Strowman on Team Smackdown and the graphic said that “Drew Gulak Saves Team Smackdown.” Gulak told Strowman that he has lessons to learn and Strowman grabbed his hand to end that speech.
Strowman kicked Gulak, he punched Dallas, corner splash for Axel and a boot to the face by Strowman for Dallas. Strowman hit a Running Powerslam on Axel. Strowman posed as his music played. This was not a match.
Analysis: It was just an angle to make Strowman look strong, which WWE has done consistently for over three years now. It only took a few moments and that was it.
The New Day duo of Big E and Kofi Kingston were backstage with their Smackdown Tag Team Titles along with a tray of pancakes. Kayla Braxton asked them if they are ready for their match. Big E mentioned the Philadelphia Eagles beating Kofi’s New England Patriots two years ago and the fans cheered since they are in Philly. Kingston said they won these titles in honor of Xavier Woods and they will keep the titles for their buddy. Big E did the “feel the power” introduction and that match is next.
Daniel Bryan was shown walking backstage with Sami Zayn and Shinsuke Nakamura walked up to him saying they want Bryan to join them. Zayn said after what The Fiend did to Bryan last week, they think Bryan really needs them. Zayn mentioned Cesaro is also part of this group as well. Bryan said that if Zayn wants Bryan to join them then why did Zayn run away when The Fiend had his hands in Bryan’s mouth. Zayn said he thought Bryan was behind him. Bryan said he’s not going to join their group and Bryan told them that Braun Strowman is the perfect guy for their group. Bryan left. Braun walked into the screen and Zayn freaked out that Braun showed up. Zayn said that they will think about it and told Strowman that they will find him if they need him.
Analysis: I get a kick out of Zayn’s mannerisms as an annoying heel. Bryan shutting them down makes sense since he’s going to be in the Universal Title picture. It was rumored that Bryan would beat Nakamura for the IC Title before Survivor Series, but they changed it to Bryan feuding with Wyatt instead. Strowman tormenting Zayn is what they did on Raw earlier this year as well.
It was back to the ring with Big E doing exercises on the middle ropes. Big E is a unique guy. The Revival made their entrance as the challengers for the titles they lost last week.
Analysis: There are no more automatic rematches in WWE, but we get a rematch here. I think it’s something where they do it occasionally, but they have made a point that it’s not something that will happen all the time.
Smackdown Tag Team Championships: The New Day (Big E and Kofi Kingston) vs. The Revival (Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder)
Dawson with a suplex to give the heels control early in the match. Kingston with a headbutt to knock down Dawson off the top rope and Kingston hit a missile dropkick. Wilder tagged in with a powerslam on Kingston for a two count leading to a break early in this match.
The match returned with Kingston hitting a belly to back suplex on Wilder, Dawson tagged in and hit a neckbreaker. Dawson went up top, he jumped off with an elbow drop, but Kingston moved and Big E got the tag. Big E tagged in with his usual sequence that included two overhead belly to belly suplex, a side belly to belly suplex, some hip swiveling and a big splash was blocked by Wilder getting the knees up. Dawson tagged back in, but Big E hit a uranage slam for two. Wilder made the tag, Big E sent Dawson to the apron and Wilder hit Big E with a Tornado DDT for a two count. Wilder picked up Big E on his shoulders, but Big E went back to his feet leading to a double clothesline spot. Kingston tagged in against Dawson with Kingston hitting two boots to the face and a double stomp off the top on Dawson. Kingston sent Wilder to the floor and Kingston hit a dive over the top where he landed back first on The Revival. Big E tagged back in, Kingston jumped off the top, Wilder with a shoulder tackle on Kingston to stop him and Dawson hit a DDT for a two count. Revival teased a double DDT, but Big E sent them both to the floor. Big E launched Kingston over the top to the floor leading to The Revival sending Kingston into the ring post. The Revival hit a double team slam on Big E on the announce table. Back in the ring, The Revival hit the Shatter Machine on Big E, but Kingston jumped off the top to take out Wilder and Dawson. That was a great sequence. The Undisputed Era foursome showed up at ringside for the DQ. It went about 12 minutes.
Match Result: No Contest
Analysis: ***1/4 A good wrestling match between two of WWE’s best teams, as expected. That result didn’t surprise me that much because it was leaked earlier today that NXT wrestlers were at the show. New Day and Revival have great chemistry together. The last couple of minutes were so fast paced, exciting and exactly what you want out of a tag team match. They work together very well. I didn’t expect a title change, but I enjoyed the work in the match.
The Undisputed Era foursome of Adam Cole, Roderick Strong, Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish hit double team moves on all four guys involved in the tag team match. It was so quick and the cameras were shaking. It was hard to keep track of it all, but basically they hit moves on Kingston, Big E, Dawson and Wilder to put them down. The Smackdown locker room midcarders ran out from the back and the NXT guys left through the crowd. Oh no, it’s Heath Slater! We better run! Sure.
Analysis: The NXT guys continue to look smarter than the Raw and Smackdown roster because they have had way more “hit and run” moments in the last couple of weeks compared to the Raw and Smackdown wrestlers. The fans reacted to this as a big deal, so that’s a good sign.
PLUG TIME: We are in Survivor Series season, so I recently posted my rankings of the ten best Survivor Series elimination matches, so check that out here. I plan on posting my ranking of the ten worst Survivor Series eliminations exclusively on on Saturday. Also, I have detailed reviews of every WWE Survivor Series event right here in this section on TJRWrestling, so check that out if you’re watching a Survivor Series on WWE Network and want to know my take on any match. I’ve reviewed them all.
Replays aired of the attacks with Strong hitting Kingston with a suplex onto the barricade while O’Reilly and Fish hit a high/low double kick as well. That’s when the Smackdown midcard wrestlers ran into the ring to chase the NXT guys away.
Heavy Machinery (Otis and Tucker) vs. Kevin Tibbs and Kip Stevens
Heavy Machinery hit suplexes at the same time on their much smaller opponents. Tucker with a running cross body block on Tibbs and Stevens. Tucker with a clothesline followed by a running corner splash. Otis got the hot tag leading to the Caterpillar elbow drop that drew a big pop. Heavy Machinery hit the Compactor double team move for the pinfall win in a match that went about two minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Heavy Machinery (Otis and Tucker)
Analysis: 1/2* A squash match to give Heavy Machinery a win. It was pretty simple.
A replay aired from last week when Shayna Baszler attacked Bayley on Smackdown. On Raw, Bayley went after Baszler and Becky Lynch. On NXT, Bayley attacked Baszler with a chair to the back and her face first slam on the ramp.
Sasha Banks and Smackdown Women’s Champion Bayley were interviewed by Kayla Braxton. Bayley said she’s a force to be reckoned with and she added she doesn’t care about her opponents or them (the fans). Bayley said nothing will make her happier than crushing Nikki Cross’ dreams. Banks said that Cross doesn’t deserve to be on Team Smackdown since Banks beat Cross last week and Bayley has beaten Cross many times. Bayley said maybe she’ll be on Team Smackdown to help Banks and the team win.
Nikki Cross made her entrance. The deal is if Cross wins this match then she gets to be on Team Smackdown at Survivor Series. At least there’s a reason and a story to have a match.
There was a video with Roman Reigns hanging out with kids talking about the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society helping kids fight cancer. Good work.
There was a video package about WrestleMania tickets going on sale earlier this week. It takes place in Tampa Bay, Florida on April 5, 2020. I think the Kickoff Show has already started. I will make that joke a few more times before now and WrestleMania.
A replay aired of Shorty G and Mustafa Ali beating Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode earlier in the night.
Next Friday on Smackdown: Roman Reigns, Shorty G and Mustafa Ali vs. “King” Baron Corbin, Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode.
Analysis: It was obvious that was coming. It was either going to be later in this week’s show or next week, so there it is.
Bayley vs. Nikki Cross? (Not Really)
The action spilled to the floor quickly with Bayley whipping Cross into the steel steps. Shayna Baszler showed up to scare Bayley out of the ring. Bayley tried to leave through the crowd, but four NXT women were there (Mia Yim, Rhea Ripley, Teagan Nox and Dakota Kai). They forced Bayley to go back to the ringside area and Banks hit Baszler in the back to knock her down.
The NXT women went into the ring to go after Banks, but then other Smackdown women (Dana Brooke, Carmella, Mandy Rose, Carmella) showed up to save Banks. The Smackdown women stood tall in the ring.
Banks stood in the ring with Carmella, Dana Brooke and Nikki Cross beside her. Banks challenged the four NXT women Ripley, Yim, Nox and Kai to a 4 on 4 match right now. That led to a break, so we’ll get the match when the show returns.
Analysis: That was well booked. I don’t mind not seeing Bayley vs. Cross again because it has been done so many times. The fans responded well to this also, so at least the fans are caring about the NXT invasion angles that keep happening.
Sasha Banks, Carmella, Dana Brooke and Nikki Cross vs. Mia Yim, Rhea Ripley, Teagan Nox and Dakota Kai
The NXT women isolated Carmella in their corner. Nox and Kai hit some double team moves including Nox with a splash against the turnbuckle. Nox worked over Carmella with punches followed by a forearm to the back. Banks, who is a heel, was cheered when she tagged in and hit Nox with a knee. Banks faced off with Ripley, Banks slapped Ripley in the face and Ripley blocked a DDT with a suplex. Banks did a great counter into a Bank Statement submission, Ripley shoved Banks into the turnbuckle, Banks and Ripley got in cheap shots against women on the apron. All eight women got into the ring to yell at eachother, which led to a break.
Cross was in the ring for her team with a splash on Ripley. Cross with a slam on Nox. That led to the usual spot where everybody got in the ring to hit a big move. Ripley took out Brooke with a dropkick. Banks with a knee to the jaw of Ripley and a double knee attack. Kai kicked Banks out of the ring. Kai with a scorpion kick on Cross. Kai went for a suplex, but Cross blocked it and hit her spinning neckbreaker for the pinfall win after nine minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Sasha Banks, Carmella, Dana Brooke and Nikki Cross
Analysis: **1/2 It was just a decent tag team match. The finish felt very rushed because they returned from the break and then did the big moves leading to the finish. Cross getting the win made sense since he wasn’t officially on Team Smackdown going into the match, so giving her the win puts her over. The Ripley vs. Banks showdown felt like a big deal. That’s a match to get excited about for the future.
After the match, it was back to brawling with Mandy Rose, Tamina and Sonya Deville joining the Smackdown women in the ring. The Smackdown women worked together and the NXT women exited through the crowd.
Daniel Bryan was shown walking backstage for his Miz TV appearance up next.
The graphics aired while the announcers talked about Survivor Series matches. Matches include Brock Lesnar vs. Rey Mysterio for the WWE Title, Bayley vs. Becky Lynch vs. Shayna Baszler, The Viking Raiders vs. The Undisputed Era vs. The New Day, AJ Styles vs. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Roderick Strong (all heels). The announcers talked about the traditional elimination matches with 15 men and women in those matches.
Miz TV with Daniel Bryan as the guest
The Miz entered to host Miz TV while wearing a suit. Miz said he was looking forward to this one. Miz recapped Bray Wyatt winning the Universal Title from Seth Rollins at Crown Jewel and brought the title to Smackdown. Miz said that last week, Wyatt (as The Fiend) attacked his guest and he’s going to find out why.
Daniel Bryan made his entrance in street clothes. The fans chanted “yes” for him, but Bryan has not embraced the “yes movement” again. They showed the clip from last week when The Fiend attacked Bryan in the locker room area.
The Miz asked Bryan why he thinks The Fiend attacked Bryan. When Bryan said nothing, Miz pushed further. Miz said he thinks that The Fiend sees that Bryan is mentally unstable and he wasn’t the same superstar he was ten years ago, he’s not the leader of the Yes Movement and Bryan has no idea who he is anymore. Miz wondered if Bryan was still the ultimate underdog or the new Daniel Bryan that loves to tell everybody to recycle. Miz said that he thinks The Fiend sees that Bryan is washed up and Miz thinks that The Fiend wants to be the one to end Daniel Bryan. That led to Bryan getting out of his chair.
Bryan said he’ll talk about Bray in just a second. Bryan told Miz that Miz TV sucks and Miz TV has always sucked. Bryan said he’s not who he was ten years ago or the leader of the Yes Movement, maybe he’s washed up and sure he’s unstable, but what he still has is passion. Bryan talked about main eventing WrestleMania 30, coming back after three years, Miz spoke, Bryan told him to shut up and Bryan continued. Bryan mentioned the mental instability he has along with the kind of passion he has and he said Miz doesn’t understand him, but Bray Wyatt does.
Bryan said that Wyatt is unstable as well and we’ve never seen anything like him. Bryan said we don’t know if it’s Wyatt or The Fiend or who is in charge. Bryan said that The Fiend is mentally unstable, but so is he…and here’s a Firefly Fun House video.
Bray Wyatt was in the Firefly Fun House saying it’s rude to speak about another person when they aren’t present and he asked where his manners are. Wyatt said that “he” did it to scare you and remind Bryan what he did…and he asked if he remembered. Wyatt said that The Fiend really does remember and he said maybe The Fiend wants to play with Bryan. There was a toy box with Wyatt throwing a lot of toys away and he grabbed the Universal Title that is now blue. Wyatt asked Bryan if he wants to come to play? Wyatt told Bryan to say one magic word.
The fans chanted “yes” and Bryan said “no” to Wyatt. Abby the Witch said “yes” and Mercy the Buzzard said “yes” as well, Huskus the Pig said “yes” and so did Rambling Rabbit. Bryan said no to all of them. Bryan said he’s not going to go back there to play with Bray’s puppets. Bryan said that Bray was trying to manipulate the people, but Bryan is a puppet. Bryan said that it’s clear that Bray has a problem with Bryan, so if you want a fight, let’s fight. Bryan said that they should do it for the Universal Championship and he asked Bray what he says.
Bray responded to Bryan: “YES! YES! YES!” Bray said it about 15 times or more. The fans joined in as Bray said it repeatedly, so that Universal Championship match is on for Survivor Series. The Firefly Fun House music played.
The Miz summarized it by saying it will be Daniel Bryan vs. The Fiend for the Universal Championship at Survivor Series.
Bryan’s music played as Bryan had a confused look on his face. Bryan left the ring and walked up the ramp. That was the end of the show.
Analysis: This was done well with Bryan showing a lot of passion for his speech and Wyatt continuing his mind games. It just didn’t feel like a main event level segment. If it was midway through the show and they did it like this then that’s fine. Bryan did an excellent job, though. He was fired up. I think fans expected The Fiend to show up to attack Bryan, but there was no Fiend appearance, so the ending felt a bit flat. I liked when Wyatt said he remembers because that was a reference to about five years ago when Bryan turned on Wyatt in a steel cage on Raw. It was a memorable moment during Bryan’s rise to the top.
The good news is we found out that The Fiend vs. Daniel Bryan is official for Survivor Series for the Universal Title. That should be a win for The Fiend, who I expect to have a long title reign all the way until WrestleMania where I expect Roman Reigns to be the challenger. There’s plenty of time until we have to think about that, though.
Three Stars of the Show
- Shorty G/Mustafa Ali
- Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode
- Daniel Bryan
The Scoreboard
6.25 out of 10
Last week: 9
2019 Average: 6.67 (Raw is 5.85)
Last 5 Weeks: 4.75, 9, 4.5, 6.5, 6
2019 High: 9 (November 1)
2019 Low: 4.5 (October 25)
Final Thoughts
I give this week’s Smackdown a 6.25 out of 10.
I thought this was a solid show with three pretty good tag team matches. The Shorty/Ali vs. Ziggler/Roode match was the best of the night When you get three tags on the same show it gets repetitive a bit. The presence of NXT superstars freshened things up a little bit, so that’s a positive.
As I mentioned in the review, the main event segment probably would have been better earlier in the show. This felt like one of those weeks where they didn’t have a strong main event idea. I still think it was a better Smackdown than last week, so that’s a positive thing at least because last week’s show was brutal. With that said, I don’t think people that skip this show are going to read about this episode and think they need to watch this. It wasn’t that exciting. Overall, it was a slightly above average show.

The next WWE PPV is Survivor Series on November 24. Here’s what we know so far.
WWE Championship: Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Rey Mysterio
WWE Universal Championship: “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Men’s Traditional 5-on-5 Survivor Series Elimination Match: Team Raw (Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, Kevin Owens, Drew McIntyre and Ricochet) vs. Team Smackdown (Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman, “King” Baron Corbin, Shorty G and Mustafa Ali) vs. Team NXT
Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch vs. Smackdown Women’s Champion Bayley vs. NXT Women’s Champion Shayna Baszler
United States Champion AJ Styles vs. Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura vs. NXT North American Champion Roderick Strong
Raw Tag Team Champions Viking Raiders (Erik and Ivar) vs. Smackdown Tag Team Champions The New Day (Xavier Woods and Big E) vs. NXT Tag Team Champions The Undisputed Era (Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish)
Women’s Traditional 5-on-5 Survivor Series Elimination Match: Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown (Sasha Banks, Carmella, Dana Brooke, Lacey Evans) vs. Team NXT
Thanks for reading. Go Los Angeles Rams, reigning NBA Champions Toronto Raptors and Toronto Maple Leafs. My contact info is below.
John Canton
Twitter @johnreport