
The John Report: WWE SmackDown 09/27/24 Review

WWE Smackdown September 27

This is WWE Smackdown featuring Andrade facing Carmelo Hayes yet again, Bayley taking on Naomi, Cody Rhodes in the house, and more.

The WWE Bad Blood PLE is just eight days away on October 5th. Last week’s Smackdown had that memorable segment with WWE Champion Cody Rhodes & Roman Reigns exchanging words at Georgia Tech’s football field in Atlanta, which is where Bad Blood will take place.

It has already been announced by Smackdown GM Nick Aldis that next week’s Smackdown on October 4th will have a triple threat Ladder Match for the WWE Tag Team Titles. It will be The Bloodline’s Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa vs. #DIY’s Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano vs. The Street Profits duo of Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins.

Also, if you have checked out our News section on TJRWrestling then you know we’ve been running a lot of Vince McMahon content due to the Netflix documentary “Mr. McMahon” being released this past Wednesday. I wrote a lengthy review of the Vince McMahon documentary earlier on Friday as well, so check that out as well if you haven’t done so already. In short, I liked most of it, but they also missed a lot of things and got certain things wrong, so that hurts it a bit. Overall, I think casual fans will enjoy it more than most of us hardcore fans who knew a lot of these crazy stories before the documentary came out.

From the Paycom Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, this is Smackdown for episode #1310. Follow me on Twitter/X @johnreport. Let’s get to it.

Randy Orton made his entrance and he got a huge ovation as usual. Orton was wearing a t-shirt along with his wrestling gear. Some fans sang Orton’s theme song, but not the whole song.

Let’s Hear from Randy Orton

Randy Orton said that he had business to handle on Raw, but he has missed being in a Smackdown ring on a Friday night. Orton welcomed us to Friday Night Smackdown. Orton said that he can count the number of people he trusts in this business on one hand, but he knows he can trust Cody Rhodes. Orton said it was hard for him to see Cody agree to team up with Roman Reigns at Bad Blood. Orton said he needs an explanation because something doesn’t add up. Orton wanted Cody Rhodes to give Orton the explanation.

The Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes made his entrance in dress clothes as usual with the fans cheering loudly and singing along with Cody’s song as usual.

Cody: “So Oklahoma City and more specifically Randy Orton (loud “Randy” chant) …what do we want to talk about?” Cody said that he knows Orton wants an explanation, which makes sense after all that Orton has been through with The Bloodline. Cody wondered if you would rather be a fool or a coward. Cody said this got tasked to him. Cody said that Roman Reigns gave him his word and he’s going to take him at his word. The fans chanted “OTC” for the “Original Tribal Chief” Reigns. Cody said now he’s standing there with the Apex Predator and the Legend Killer, which is why he hoped Orton would understand. Cody said that it’s time for The Bloodline to be killed. Cody said he hoped that was not a problem with him. They shook hands. Orton said no problem unless Cody makes it a problem. That led to Kevin Owens showing up for the interruption.

Analysis: The babyface side of Smackdown at the top is so strong with these three guys, plus Roman Reigns. I know somebody could turn heel, but for right now it’s really good. The same goes for the Raw roster too.

Kevin Owens was about to speak, but The Bloodline interrupted.

Solo Sikoa walked out with Jacob Fatu and WWE Tag Team Champions Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa. Solo said he was glad the three of them were together in the ring. Solo told OKC to acknowledge him, which led to loud booing along with “OTC” chants for Reigns. Solo said he would acknowledge that Roman gave Cody his word and Cody should trust him because Cody will need him. Solo said that the two men in the ring with Cody haven’t been good for him. Solo said that these two men have let Cody down. Solo said that you can’t stop them. Solo said that the reason Cody is teaming with Reigns is because when Cody tries to take The Bloodline down with Kevin & Randy, they have let Cody down.

Kevin Owens told Solo to shut up. Owens challenged Solo to a tag team match. Cody wanted to be involved, but Owens cut him off saying Cody already has his match at Bad Blood. Owens said he wanted it to be Owens & Orton against Solo & Jacob Fatu. KO’s music played to end it.

Analysis: It was a good promo exchange by everybody involved. Solo Sikoa did a nice job as the heel who tried to cause problems between the faces by saying that Cody has been let down by Orton & Owens in the past. We never got to hear how Kevin Owens truly feels, so it’ll be interesting to see how that story evolves. This also set up a big tag team match main event for later in the show.

The commentary team was Michael Cole and Corey Graves as usual.

There was a replay of last week when Naomi and Bayley pinned Nia Jax in the same tag team match, which sets up Naomi against Bayley this week.

Nia Jax, the WWE Women’s Champion, was backstage talking to Miss Money in the Bank Tiffany Stratton. Jax complained about how Naomi or Bayley will get a shot at her title. Jax wanted Stratton to explain it to her as Jax grabbed Stratton around the throat. Stratton claimed she was hurt during the tag team match last week, so she was sorry. Jax said that if this ends badly for her then it will end really, really badly for Stratton. Jax said now they can be friends again. Jax left while Stratton looked angry.

Analysis: This story is obviously going to lead to Stratton cashing in the Women’s Money in the Bank briefcase on Jax and become the babyface champion. It’s not going to be any time soon most likely, but they can build it up for months with Jax bullying Stratton just like she did there.

Bayley entered for singles action.


It was announced earlier in the week that August 2nd and August 3rd, 2025 will be the first two-night SummerSlam in WWE history at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey.

Naomi vs. Bayley

The winner will challenge Nia Jax for the WWE Women’s Title at Bad Blood. Naomi and Bayley are close friends.

Naomi got a few pin attempts for two counts. Bayley stopped herself from punching Naomi in the face. Bayley knocked down Naomi with a shoulder tackle and Bayley hit a running shoulder tackle. Naomi avoided a charging Bayley leading to a bulldog. Naomi kicked Bayley out of the ring. Naomi did a corkscrew plancha over the top onto Bayley on the floor, so that led to a break.


The match continued with Bayley hitting an elbow drop off middle turnbuckle. Bayley hit a belly-to-back suplex followed by a suicide dive onto Naomi on the floor. Back in the ring, Bayley sent Naomi in first and Naomi capitalized with a Rear View (the Jumping Ass Attack!) for a two count. Bayley worked over Naomi with punches, but Naomi hit two kicks to the head and a headscissors that spiked Bayley into the mat for two. The fans chanted “this is awesome” for them. Naomi kicked Bayley to knock her down by the turnbuckle. Naomi jumped off the top with a Blockbuster neckbreaker. Bayley countered a Naomi with a front suplex. Bayley went for a sunset flip Powerbomb into the turnbuckle, but Naomi didn’t hit the corner smoothly. Naomi sold it anyway and Bayley got a two count. Naomi countered a Bayley to Belly attempt, Naomi with a kick to the face and Naomi sent Bayley face first into the turnbuckle. Naomi jumped off the ropes, Bayley avoided that and Bayley hit Bayley to Belly. Bayley went up top and hit a flying elbow drop for the pinfall win after about 11 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Bayley

Analysis: ***1/4 It was a good match that was competitive the whole way. I thought Bayley was going to hit the Roseplant to win, so seeing Bayley win with a top rope elbow was a bit of a surprise. There was a lot of Naomi offense in the match, which made me think that Bayley was going to win. That’s just how WWE does some of these matches where the loser is in control for most of the match.

The win means that Bayley will challenge Nia Jax for the WWE Women’s Title at Bad Blood.

After the match, Naomi tapped Bayley on the arm as if to say good job. Bayley celebrated the win while Naomi watched her.

Analysis: I wouldn’t mind seeing a Naomi heel turn since she’s been a face for most of her career. I think it would be a fresh turn for her.

Andrade was shown walking backstage when he saw US Champion LA Knight. Andrade said that last week Knight beat him and he respects that. Andrade said that a real man shakes a hand after the match, but Knight lost his respect (because Knight wanted a fist bump rather than a handshake). Carmelo Hayes ran up to Knight and knocked him down with a punch. Hayes said he’s got something for Andrade too. The Andrade-Hayes match was next.

This Monday on Raw it’s Bronson Reed facing Braun Strowman in a Last Monster Standing Match. That’s going to be fun.


Andrade vs. Carmelo Hayes

This is their sixth match in the last few months. Andrade leads 3-2 in this rivalry.

There was a dropkick from Andrade to start the match. Andrade charged, Melo avoided that and Melo kicked Knight while he was near the ropes. Melo charged and Andrade hit him with a powerslam on the apron.


The match continued with Melo in control with a chinlock. Andrade ran over Melo with a shoulder tackle. Melo went for a springboard clothesline, Andrade avoided it and Andrade/Melo did a double clothesline to knock both guys down. Andrade hit a back elbow to the head followed by a dragon screw leg whip. Andrade charged and Melo hit him wit the First 48 double knees for a two count. It looks like Melo was bleeding from the mouth a bit. Melo charged, Andrade avoided that and Andrade hit a running forearm smash. Andrade connected with the running double knee attack for two. Melo avoided a move by Andrade and Melo jumped off the middle ropes with a DDT! It only got a two count. That was an awesome spot.


They battled by the turnbuckle where Melo tripped up Andrade on the turnbuckle. Melo wanted a superplex, Andrade blocked it and hit a headbutt (sort of) to knock Melo down. Good bump by Melo without even being touched. Andrade went up top for the double moonsault spot for a two count. The fans bought that as a nearfall even though Andrade never wins with that. The fans chanted “this is awesome” for them. Melo spun around Andrade and slammed him face first into the mat. Melo hit a lifting Cutter for a two count. Melo went up top, Andrade went after him with a chop and Andrade went for a suplex, but Melo countered it into a midair Cutter for a two count! Just two. The fans chanted “holy shit” for that. Melo went up top, he jumped off the top, Andrade moved and Andrade hit a spinning back elbow. Melo rolled out of the ring to avoid being pinned. LA Knight’s music hit, he went to ringside, Melo went into the ring and Andrade kicked Melo to knock him down. Andrade argued with Knight, so Melo shoved Andrade into Knight and Melo got a ROLLUP OF DEATH~! on Andrade for the pinfall win after 17 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Carmelo Hayes

Analysis: **** This was an excellent match. It was one of the best Smackdown TV matches this year. That counter off the top with Melo doing a Cutter was one of the coolest moves I’ve ever seen. I’m sure it’s been done somewhere at some point, but it’s not an easy move to do. These guys are crazy athletic so they can pull it off. I didn’t like Knight showing up, but I get why it happened since Melo punched him backstage and Andrade had an issue with Knight last week. Of course the ROLLUP OF DEATH~! strikes again.

That win by Carmelo Hayes means it’s 3-3 in the series, so it will probably lead to a seventh match.

After the match, US Champion LA Knight and Andrade argued about what happened. Andrade wasn’t happy about what Knight did. Knight wanted a handshake, Andrade thought about it and walked away rather than shake his hand.

Analysis: Every babyface doesn’t have to get along. This is an example of that.

There was a replay of Kevin Owens & Randy Orton setting up their tag team match against Solo Sikoa & Jacob Fatu.

Cody Rhodes talked to Kevin Owens and Randy Orton. Cody said that they needed to talk. Owens said not now because they had this match tonight. Owens told Cody not to come out there for their match. Owens left. Orton said that if the Tongans come out there then he would love Cody to come out there to help them out. Orton said he’ll talk to Kevin and Orton left.

Analysis: That could lead to issues later since Randy wants Cody to help if they need him while Kevin doesn’t want Cody to get involved.

Michin was shown walking backstage for a match up next.

The NXT brand moves to the CW next Tuesday, October 1st. It’s a good lineup. Check it out. I’ll review it as always.


A video package aired about “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles. It featured Style saying that this is still the house that AJ Styles built. The graphic said AJ returns next Friday on Smackdown.

Analysis: They need to use AJ Styles more. I know he’s a married father of four kids and probably enjoys the time off, but I’d like to see him in the ring more while he’s under contract. Yes, I saw the story earlier in the week about AJ’s contract expiring soon. AJ is 47 years old, so he’s probably not going to wrestle that much longer. I hope he gets featured more than he has been for most of this year.

Michin vs. Piper Niven (w/Chelsea Green)

It’s Michin against Chelsea Green in a Dumpster Match next week, so now Michin faces Green’s buddy Niven. Anyway, Green had a trash can with her.

Michin hit Niven with a dropkick. Niven ran over Michin with a shoulder tackle. Michin hit a hurricanrana. Michin charged at Niven, who hit a uranage slam. Niven went for a splash, but Michin avoided it. Green distracted Michin, then Green ran away and Niven hit a cannonball off the apron onto Michin on the floor.



The next WWE PLE is Bad Blood on October 5th in Atlanta with this lineup announced so far.

* Roman Reigns & Cody Rhodes vs. The Bloodline – Solo Sikoa & Jacob Fatu

* Hell in a Cell Match: CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre

* WWE Women’s World Championship: Liv Morgan (c) vs. Rhea Ripley

* Damian Priest vs. Finn Balor

* WWE Women’s Championship: Nia Jax (c) vs. Bayley

You can watch WWE Bad Blood, streaming live on Saturday, October 5, at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT on Peacock in the United States and on WWE Network everywhere else.