
The John Report: WWE SmackDown 09/06/24 Review

WWE Smackdown September 6 Review

This is WWE Smackdown featuring Bayley facing Tiffany Stratton, a big 8-man tag team match and a huge Cody Rhodes match is set up for next week.

It’s the final Smackdown of the FOX era. The show aired on FOX for the last five years in the US and that will end next week when Smackdown returns to USA Network for the “Season Premiere” episode. The television audience should go down on USA Network since more people have Fox, but it should be strong at least for a couple of weeks on the new channel. Roman Reigns has already been announced for that episode.

From the Rogers Place in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, this is Smackdown for episode #1307. Follow me on Twitter/X @johnreport. Let’s get to it.

There were arrivals shown from earlier in the day including Bayley, who faces Tiffany Stratton. They also showed Giovanni driving a Mercedes on his way into the arena. Cody Rhodes was also shown signing photos of himself for the fans.

A video package aired with a recap of WWE Bash In Berlin from last Saturday in Germany. I enjoyed the show.

Michael Cole and Corey Graves were on commentary. They will be the commentary team on Smackdown for the rest of the year and that will change in the new year.

Let’s Hear from Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes made his entrance as the WWE Champion wearing a blue suit. Cody said this was an extremely large crowd while encouraging the fans to make some noise. Cody said at Bash in Berlin, he was victorious while there was a hell of an outing by Canada’s own Kevin Owens. Cody welcomed back Michael Cole on Smackdown, which drew cheers from the crowd.

Cody said that he has done this gig long enough to know that it is very likely that at any moment, he is going to be interrupted. Cody said he might as well issue an invitation to The Bloodline.

Solo Sikoa led his version of The Bloodline, which included Jacob Fatu and WWE Tag Team Champions Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa. Solo made his guys stay on the floor while Solo went into the ring.

Solo asked Cody if he was ready to defend that Undisputed WWE Title against a real challenger like him. Solo said that he could have been champion because he had Cody beat…if it wasn’t for Roman Reigns. Solo claimed he deserved a rematch. Cody responded by saying that next week the Season Premiere should have a WWE Championship match and the fans were chanting “We Want Roman” in response to that. Cody said that Solo is truthfully the number one contender and he said that Solo did deserve a WWE Championship match. Cody said he wasn’t talking to Solo. Cody said that he was talking to Jacob Fatu, who was looking mean with a mouth full of gold teeth. Cody told Jacob to step up. Jacob was on the apron telling Solo he loved him and that Solo was his Tribal Chief. Jacob went down from the apron to the floor.

Cody said that Solo must believe it. Cody said that Solo is wearing the Ula Fala, which means The Bloodline revolves around him. Cody said that this WWE Championship means that the WWE revolves around this title. Cody suggested the match next week with Solo and Solo accepted the match. Solo said he knows Cody was trying to get Jacob to turn on Solo while adding that they didn’t have to wait until next week. The Bloodline got into the ring and Cody had backup with The Street Profits & #DIY getting in the ring.

Nick Aldis, the Smackdown GM, said he knows that The Bloodline, Profits and #DIY want to tear eachother apart, so they can do that in the 8-man tag team main event tonight.

Aldis said that next week, the WWE Championship is on the line when Cody Rhodes defends the title against Solo Sikoa. Aldis said we are all sick and tired of the numbers game involving The Bloodline, so next week’s Cody-Solo match will be a Steel Cage Match. Cody’s music played to end it.

Analysis: That’s a huge match for next week with Cody Rhodes defending the WWE Title in a Steel Cage Match against Solo Sikoa. You don’t see those kinds of matches very often on television shows, but it’s the first Smackdown on USA Network so it makes sense for WWE to load up with a big match. I thought Cody calling out Jacob Fatu like that was interesting as a tease of a future match, but I don’t think WWE wants to push Jacob as a main event level guy. It’s coming. Just not yet.

Tiffany Stratton was in her dressing room with Pretty Deadly hanging out with her. Nia Jax walked in with the WWE Women’s Title, so PD left. Jax said people thought that Stratton would cash in Money in the Bank on Jax and Stratton denied that. Stratton said Chelsea Green was spreading bad rumors about her. Stratton asked Jax to be in her corner tonight and Jax said she would do it to help like Stratton did last week.

Bayley made her entrance for her match with Tiffany Stratton up next.


Tiffany Stratton was looking stylish as always with her Money in the Bank briefcase/purse. They showed replays from last week’s Smackdown when Stratton looked like maybe she would cash Money in the Bank on her friend Jax, but then Stratton stopped herself when Jax looked at her.

Bayley vs. Tiffany Stratton

Stratton did a hair pull takedown to get out of an armbar that Bayley had applied. Bayley came back with an armdrag and a running forearm for two. Bayley did a necksnap across the middle rope. Bayley went up top, Stratton tripped her up and they fought on the apron where Stratton connected with an impressive dropkick. Stratton was in control as they went to a break.


Stratton was in control with a hair pull takedown and a cartwheel back elbow. Bayley knocked a charging Stratton down with a clothesline. Stratton kicked Bayley into the middle ropes leading to a running back splash on Bayley against the ropes. Stratton rammed Bayley’s left arm into the ring post. Bayley came back by sending Stratton into the ring post. Bayley suplexed Stratton off the apron onto the floor. Back in the ring, Bayley hit two clotheslines, a belly-to-back suplex and a running knee for two. Bayley went up top and hit a top rope elbow drop for two. That was Nia Jax’s cue to walk down to the ring with the WWE Women’s Title in her hands. Straton powered up Bayley leading to an Alabama Slam for a two count. Bayley came back with a Bayley to Belly slam, but there was no pin attempt because Bayley was hurting. Bayley hit a suicide dive on Jax on the floor. Back in the ring, Stratton got a backslide pin with no count because the referee was looking at Jax while she was on the apron, so it was only a two count. Bayley hit the Roseplant on Stratton for the pinfall win after about 10 minutes. That Roseplant looked better than when Bayley sometimes does the move.

Winner by pinfall: Bayley

Analysis: *** It was a pretty good match with Bayley figuring out a way to win while Nia Jax accidentally cost Tiffany Stratton the match. Bayley lost the WWE Women’s Title to Jax at SummerSlam, then was kept off TV for several weeks, so it’s a good move to have her pick up a win in a match like this. I think the Stratton-Jax storyline will be a long-term thing leading to a split between them with Stratton realizing that Jax is just using her for backup. This will probably lead to Stratton becoming a big time babyface too.

Kevin Owens was backstage looking at some Wayne Gretzky Edmonton Oilers memorabilia. Austin Theory & Grayson Waller walked up to Owens insulting him. Waller had the Oilers WWE Title. Owens trashed them. Owens said that he fought his friend Cody last week so maybe Waller should fight his friend Theory. Owens suggested a triple threat match. Owens took the Oilers WWE Title saying he would go talk to Nick Aldis to book the match. Theory & Waller thought it was fine.

Analysis: It’s an easy way to set up a match. Theory & Waller have been annoying Owens for most of the last year, so now Owens will do his part to drive a wedge between them.

Giovanni Vinci was shown backstage for his return match up next.


Legado Del Fantasma was sitting at a table together while Angel & Berto were in a good mood about their win last week. Santos Escobar said that they shouldn’t be shocked by success. Escobar said that they don’t find success, they make it. Escobar said that success is there for them to take. Elektra Lopez said that Smackdown is bound to be their turf. Escobar said it will belong to him and his family, Legado Del Fantasma. They all had a drink. Santos said now they can celebrate.

Analysis: I like the Legado group, but I don’t know if they can stand out on Smackdown as a heel stable when there is already The Bloodline as a heel group on the show. They could have success as a midcard group at least.

Giovanni Vinci made his entrance for his return while wearing a white jumpsuit outfit. He had a generic theme song. Vinci posed in the ring while the fans booed him and the referee told him to get moving so they can start the match.

Apollo Crews vs. Giovanni Vinci

Vinci was taking off his jacket, the referee was frustrated that he was taking so long and the referee called for the bell. Crews jumped on Vinci’s back for a crucifix pin for the win in about five seconds.

Winner by pinfall: Apollo Crews

Analysis: No rating. Poor Vinci. The idea is that Vinci is so obsessed with himself that he wasn’t focused on the match and Crews took advantage for the win. I didn’t expect that kind of booking for his return, so we’ll see how they follow up on it.

There was a scene in the office of Smackdown GM Nick Aldis, who had to deal with a complaining Chelsea Green with Piper Niven. Michin walked in with an ice pack in her hands to sell the match she had with Nia Jax last week. Green kept on rambling, so Aldis put her in a match with Michin.

Kevin Owens made his entrance. A fan had a sign asking Owens to break his sign, so Owens broke the sign. That’s nice of him.


They showed Corey Perry of the NHL’s Edmonton Oilers at ringside with his son.

Grayson Waller and Austin Theory made their entrance together even though it’s a triple threat match. Waller was wearing a Florida Panthers jersey of Matthew Tkachuk on his way to the ring to get heat since the Panthers beat the Oilers in the Stanley Cup Finals earlier this year. The fans were booing loudly.

Kevin Owens vs. Austin Theory vs. Grayson Waller

A WWE triple threat match means no disqualifications and no countouts. Cole mentioned a statistician with WWE told him that Owens is 1-10 in triple threat matches in his WWE career. Ouch.

Owens knocked both opponents out of the ring and then dove on them on the floor. Owens tried to clear off the commentary table, but Theory sent Owens into the barricade. Waller set up a table on the floor. Owens sent Theory into the barricade on the other side of the ring. Owens countered Waller with a kick to the gut and Owens hit a Powerbomb through the table on the floor.


The match continued with Owens punching Theory and stomping on him to keep him down. Theory got back up with an elbow on Owens. They showed during the break when Perry helped Owens a bit by holding Theory as Owens delivered an attack. Owens got some offense going with a DDT on Theory while Waller was still on the floor after being put through a table. Owens decked Theory with a clothesline and senton splash. Owens hit a cannonball splash on Theory against the turnbuckle. Owens went up top and hit a Swanton Bomb on Theory for two because Waller made the save. Waller hit Owens with forearms to the back of the head/neck area. Owens was back up with a punch to knock Waller down. Theory hit a rolling blockbuster on Owens, which led to Waller going for a pin attempt for two because Theory pulled Waller off and wondered what Waller was doing. They battled on the top rope with Owens ramming their heads together for the classic noggin knocker. Owens put Theory on his shoulders leading to a rolling senton off the turnbuckle into the ring. Owens gave Waller a Fisherman’s Buster off the other turnbuckle for a two count. Never try to superplex Owens, which Graves likes to mention that it’s pretty much impossible to do. Owens was shoved into Waller, who bumped to the floor. Theory rolled up Owens for two. Owens got back up with a Stunner for the pinfall win on Theory. Great sell by Theory doing a huge leap into the air after taking the Stunner. They got about 10 minutes for this.

Winner by pinfall: Kevin Owens

Analysis: *** It was a good match with the crafty veteran Owens finding a way to get the win against two guys who did work together, but KO was able to isolate Theory and finish him off. I liked how it was booked and I also agree that Owens needed a win.

After the match, Waller attacked Owens and Owens dumped him out of the ring. Theory hit A-Town Down on Owens followed by Waller hitting a rolling flatliner to put Owens down. Waller & Theory celebrated over a fallen Owens.

Analysis: That will probably lead to a tag team match when Owens gets some help. I assume it’s Randy Orton coming back to have KO’s back leading to a tag team match.

A video package aired about the Andrade-Carmelo Hayes rivalry over the last two months. Andrade won the first two matches, then Melo won the next two matches and it’s 2-2 in this rivalry.

Analysis: There will probably be a fifth match to decide the winner of this rivalry. That’s fine with me because I’ve enjoyed their matches.

LA Knight was shown walking backstage with the US Title for a promo up next.


The announcers Michael Cole and Corey Graves were at the desk reminiscing about Smackdown coming to Fox in October 2019. Cole spoke about how big it was for WWE to have a show on network television, which is something he always wanted to host. Graves said that the people at Fox were great partners. Graves said they went through the ThunderDome Era here on Fox because Fox were such great partners. Cole said they had record ratings for both Smackdown and Fox. Cole thanked Fox for working with WWE

A video aired showing highlights of the October 4, 2019 edition of Smackdwon that was the debut of Smackdown on Fox with The Rock in the ring with Becky Lynch making fun of Baron Corbin. They showed a video package of other Smackdown highlights over the last five years. There was a lot of The Bloodline saga of course.

Analysis: I liked the comments from the announcers as well as the video package. The move from Fox to USA Network will lead to fewer viewers in the US on a weekly basis and I think Raw will be the bigger show in the new year when it’s on Netflix worldwide, but the Smackdown on Fox run was very successful for WWE. Plus, the move to USA Network will see WWE get a substantial raise in fees for Smackdown, so that’s a good thing.

Let’s Hear from LA Knight

LA Knight got a big ovation as the United States Champion. He went into the ring for some promo time. Knight spoke about how he’s already had two successful title defenses as the US Champion in his first month as the champion. Knight said it doesn’t matter where you go because everybody is coming after this thing. Knight said nobody comes out with the US Title because Knight won’t let them.

Carmelo Hayes interrupted to say he’s been having the match of the night and it’s effortless. Melo spoke about how he’s beaten Andrade two times in a row, which makes him next in line for a shot at that title. Knight mentioned he defended the US Title twice in a month, which is the same as the previous title holder (Logan Paul) in about ten months. Knight made it clear he didn’t care about the match of the night because all he cared about was winning. Melo says he is “Him” in terms of who Knight needs to worry about.

Andrade interrupted and told Melo to take it easy. Andrade said that Melo did beat him twice, but Andrade also beat Melo twice. Melo said nobody remembers that. Andrade said that everybody remembers. Andrade asked Melo if he thinks he deserves a title shot at the US Title and then Andrade said he deserves it. Knight said if you guys want to fight over who gets beat up by him, it doesn’t make a difference to him. Andrade said that US Championship was his. Andrade spoke in Spanish, which Knight didn’t like very much. Andrade shoved Melo into Knight, so a fight broke out with Andrade kicking Melo to knock him down. Knight hit a BFT on Andrade. Melo trash-talked Andrade, so Knight turned Melo around and Knight hit a BFT on Melo too. Knight celebrated to end it. Yeah.

Analysis: It was a solid promo exchange. This felt like WWE was telling us that the winner of the next Melo-Andrade match will get a shot at Knight’s US Title although they didn’t outright say that. I’m just saying that based on how this segment went, it feels that they are heading in that direction, which is perfectly fine with me.

The A-Town Down Under team of Grayson Waller & Austin Theory spoke to SD GM Nick Aldis. Waller said that Nick should put them in a match against Kevin Owens and a partner. Nick didn’t say anything but seemed receptive about it.

Chelsea Green made her entrance with Piper Niven. Green is from Victoria, BC so she is a Canadian and gets to perform in front of her fellow Canadians.


Chelsea Green (w/Piper Niven) vs. Michin

Michin connected with a dropkick early in the match. Green got in a kick to the ribs followed by some stomping on the back. Green hit a running dropkick on a seated Michin for two. Michin rolled up Green for a two count. Michin did a headscissors takedown followed by another dropkick. The fans weren’t into it that much. Michin hit a double knee attack off the turnbuckle. Niven went on the apron, Michin went after her and Green got a rollup for two. Michin shoved Green out of the ring. Michin dove onto Green with ha suicide dive on the floor. Michin sent Green back in, Green kicked Michin off the apron and the referee looked at Green, so Niven hit a running senton on Michin on the floor. Green hit the Unpretty-her on Michin for the pinfall win after four minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Chelsea Green

Analysis: **1/2 A rare win for Green thanks to Niven’s help. That’s the right way to book a win for Green since she’s a cheap heel. I’m all for Green being used in a better way because she’s very entertaining as a character.


There was a Progressive Match Flo replay (for the last time on Fox) about Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair winning back the Women’s Tag Team Titles at Bash In Berlin.

Here’s what WWE is advertising for next Friday on WWE Smackdown’s Season Premiere which is the Series Premiere on USA Network as well.

* Undisputed WWE Championship Steel Cage Match: Cody Rhodes vs. Solo Sikoa

* Andrade vs. Carmelo Hayes

* A-Town Down Under – Grayson Waller & Austin Theory vs. Kevin Owens & ???

The USA Network X/Twitter account also claimed that Roman Reigns will be back as well.

Analysis: It was interesting that WWE didn’t mention Roman Reigns being on Smackdown next week. I guess it is WWE trying to make it a surprise.

The #DIY and The Street Profits team were backstage in the locker room talking about their match. Everybody spoke, and they all agreed that they would work together to take down The Bloodline.

It was main event time as The Bloodline’s Solo Sikoa, Jacob Fatu and WWE Tag Team Champions Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa made their entrance.


The Bloodline – Solo Sikoa, Jacob Fatu, Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa vs. The Street Profits – Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins (w/B-Fab) and #DIY – Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano

It started as an all out brawl with all eight guys in the ring exchanging punches. The Profits dropkicked Fatu out of the ring. Dawkins hit a jumping back elbow on Loa. Ford tagged in, so Dawkins slammed his partner onto Loa and Ford hit a running kick on Loa. Ford hit a running splash on Loa. There was a running clothesline from Loa. Tama tagged in with a jumping headbutt on Ford. Gargano tagged in with a slingshot Spear on Tama. Ciampa tagged in with an elbow on Tama, but Fatu tagged in and Fatu hit a running elbow smash on Ciampa. Great quickness there by Fatu. Fatu suplexed Ciampa across the top rope. Solo tagged in and he sent Ciampa’s head into the commentary table. Solo tossed Ciampa over the table. They went to break.


The match continued with Ciampa avoided a charging Fatu. Loa tagged in, Ciampa kicked him in the head and Tama tagged in. Ciampa connected with a suplex on Tama. Ciampa kicked Solo away. Gargano and Dawkins both tagged so that was a strange exchange as Dawkins & Gargano hit double team moves on The Bloodline guys. Ford hit a dive onto Fatu and Gargano hit a dive onto Tama on the floor. Dawkins hit a double underhook slam on Solo for two. Ciampa tagged in leading to Solo hitting a Spinning Sol for two. That used to be Solo’s finisher. Tama went up top, Ciampa chopped him down and Ciampa suplexed Tama off the top onto the six guys fighting on the floor. That drew a big pop because it looked impressive. Ford sent Ciampa and Tama into the ring. Ford tagged in and jumped off the top with a 450 Splash on Tama for two because Jacob Fatu broke it up. Fatu sent Ford into the ring post. Fatu tagged in with a superkick on Gargano and a Samoan Drop on Ciampa. Fatu hit a superkick on Dawkins. Fatu splashed Ford and Fatu hit an impressive Impaler DDT on Ford. Wow. That was great. Solo tagged in to deliver a Samoan Spike on Ford. Solo did another Samoan Spike on Ford for the pinfall win after 12 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: The Bloodline – Solo Sikoa, Jacob Fatu, Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa

Analysis: ***1/4 I thought it was a very good main event match with The Bloodline getting the decisive win. That’s a result that made sense because Solo Sikoa is challenging for the WWE Title next week on Smackdown, so he should win in a match like this. The babyface team put up a fight and had a few moments looking like they might get the win, but obviously that wasn’t going to happen. Jacob Fatu was the difference maker yet again by taking out the entire babyface team with a bunch of moves and that Impaler he did was incredible. Solo got the glory since he’s the leader of the group, but Jacob Fatu is the biggest star of this group in a lot of ways.

The Bloodline group celebrated the win to end the show. That’s the end of Smackdown on Fox.


Three Stars of the Show

  1. Kevin Owens
  2. Bayley
  3. The Bloodline


The Scoreboard

7.25 out of 10

Last week: 7.5

2024 Average: 7.35


Final Thoughts on WWE Smackdown

It was a pretty good show most of the way. I think next week’s episode will be a lot bigger since it’s the move to USA Network while this episode was the farewell to the Fox run. The main event tag was fun with The Bloodline beating #DIY & The Street Profits in an entertaining match. Jacob Fatu really stood out yet again as the star of his group even though Solo Sikoa is the one being pushed as the leader.

The other matches were okay. I thought Kevin Owens was great in that triple threat match he had and Bayley’s match with Tiffany Stratton was solid. I’m a bit surprised that they would book Giovanni Vinci to lose in such a quick manner after weeks of build, so hopefully it turns around for him.

Cody Rhodes facing Solo Sikoa for the WWE Title next week is a big match on Smackdown. Putting in a Steel Cage also feels like a big deal. Roman Reigns is likely coming back next week as well, so that feels like a bigger show for sure.


Thanks for reading. Go Los Angeles Rams. You can contact me using any of the methods below.

John Canton


Twitter/X: @johnreport