
The John Report: WWE SmackDown 08/16/24 Review

WWE Smackdown August 16 Review

This is WWE Smackdown featured a Nia Jax championship celebration, The Street Profits facing #DIY, Roman Reigns going after the new Bloodline, and more.

We found out earlier on Friday that WWE Hall of Famer Afa Anoaʻi passed away at the age of 81 years old. Afa was one half of the legendary Wild Samoans tag team with his brother Sika and they were three-time WWE Tag Team Champions together. Sika passed away in June. Sika’s the father of Roman Reigns, who wrote this on Twitter/X about his late Uncle Afa.

“Our family has suffered another great loss with the passing of my uncle and WWE Hall of Famer, Gataivasā Afa Amituana’i Anoa’i. We thank everyone for their support and are comforted by the fact that he now rests in peace. Afa and my father, Pola’ivao Leati Sika Anoa’I were loving brothers, the greatest tag team of their generation, and now they’re reunited together in heaven.

Rest in Power Wild Samoans.”

WWE also paid tribute to Afa on their website as well.

Rest in Peace, Afa. The Wild Samoans left an incredible legacy in pro wrestling that will be felt for generations to come.

From the Kia Center in Orlando, Florida, this is Smackdown for episode #1304. Follow me on Twitter/X @johnreport. Let’s get to it.

A recap aired of last week’s Smackdown when the “Original Tribal Chief” Roman Reigns beat up Tama Tonga & Tonga Loa of The Bloodline while Solo Sikoa ran away after Reigns hit a Superman Punch. Solo was saved from more damage. Solo managed to leave with the red lei necklace known as the Ula Fala. The fans acknowledged Reigns to end Smackdown.

Solo Sikoa and Tama Tonga of The Bloodline were shown arriving earlier in the day.

It was Corey Graves and Wade Barrett on commentary as usual with Graves announcing the attendance at 15,254 people, which is a sold out crowd.

Nia Jax Championship Celebration Hosted by Tiffany Stratton

Tiffany Stratton was in the ring with her Money in the Bank briefcase/purse and Pretty Deadly was in the ring with her. There were a bunch of items in the ring including balloons, unicorns, white/pink sashes along with a special black carpet in the ring.

Nia Jax was on a throne as the Queen of the Ring and she’s also the WWE Women’s Champion. Four indy wrestlers helped guide Jax down to the ring. Jax had a giant fake crown on her head. When Jax got in the ring, Stratton presented Jax with her WWE Women’s Championship.

Jax said that Tiffany shouldn’t have done all this. Stratton said that she had to do it and said it’s perfect. Jax said it’s an awful lot of pink. Jax said she appreciates Stratton, but this isn’t really her style. Jax claimed that her style is more destruction and she proved that at SummerSlam when she destroyed Bayley. Jax said that she proved she was a woman of her word since she took the title from Bayley. Jax said that she’s the Queen of the Ring and the new WWE Women’s Champion. Jax wanted everybody in that locker room to bow down to her.

Jax told Stratton she wanted her to bow down to Jax. Stratton said that’s why she brought Pretty Deadly here. Stratton said that men should bow down too.

Pretty Deadly’s Kit Wilson & Elton Prince said they had a hit song as they teased “Pretty Deadly: The Musical.” Pretty Deadly sang their song with some cheesy lyrics. Pretty Deadly stopped the singing and went into a dance break.

Michin showed up in the ring with a kendo stick. Michin hit Jax and Stratton with the kendo stick repeatedly. Michin hit both Pretty Deadly guys with the kendo stick as well. Stratton and Jax were on the floor complaining about how Michin ruined everything.

Analysis: It was okay. Obviously, the presence of Pretty Deadly made it feel cheesy because that’s the kind of characters they are. Jax wanting Stratton to bow down to her was interesting because it shows how egotistical Jax is while Stratton didn’t do it immediately. This feels like a long term story that will turn Stratton babyface and perhaps it’ll be when she cashes in Money in the Bank on Jax. Anyway, I knew an interruption was coming so it’s just a matter of who it was. Michin is somebody who has had issues with Jax of late, so it makes sense it was her. It’s not like Michin is beating Jax for the title any time soon, but at least it can set up a match.

The trio of Jade Cargill, Bianca Belair & Naomi were watching on a TV backstage. They talked about their issues with the Women’s Tag Team Champions Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn and Blair Davenport. Carmelo Hayes walked up to them wondering if they were going to his after party. When they asked what party, Melo said it’s after he beats Andrade. Jade reminded Melo that Andrade was 2-0 against Melo and they laughed at Melo. After they laughed, Melo said to himself that at least they were watching his matches.

Andrade made his entrance for singles action.


Last week’s Smackdown saw Carmelo Hayes cost Andrade his match against Santos Escobar last week, so now we get Andrade vs. Carmelo again.

Andrade vs. Carmelo Hayes

They have had two matches recently on Smackdown and Andrade won both of them. Andrade kicked Melo and then Andrade went up top, but Melo knocked him down. Andrade hit a chop and Melo came back with a springboard clothesline. Andrade hit a running dropkick that sent Melo out of the ring. Andrade hit a moonsault off the middle turnbuckle onto a standing Melo on the floor. Melo came back with a necksnap across the top rope, Andrade tripped up Melo on the turnbuckle and Andrade tried a double foot stomp, but Melo shoved Andrade off the top rope to send Andrade crashing to the floor.


There was a battle on the turnbuckle where Melo hit a headbutt, but Andrade stood on the top rope with a Spanish Fly slam for a two count. That’s always a cool looking move that is going to get a good crowd reaction as a believable two count. Melo hit a superkick to stop a charging Andrade. Andrade came back with two suplexes, but Andrade lifted up Andrade and turned it into a Cutter for two. Melo jumped off the top, Andrade avoided it and Andrade used his legs to pin Melo for two. Melo reversed the for two. Melo hit a boot to the head. Andrade came back with a spinning back elbow for a two count. Andrade does that spinning back elbow as well as any wrestler in the world doing that move. The fans chanted “this is awesome” for them. Andrade went up top with a moonsault attempt, Melo avoided it and Melo countered a move leading to Melo sitting on top while hooking the legs for the pinfall after 10 minutes. It was a clean win for Melo getting the big win.

Winner by pinfall: Carmelo Hayes

Analysis: ***1/4 A very good match as usual from these two. Their other matches got more time and I think they were a notch better than this one, but this was still a lot of fun to watch. They kept going for pinfalls and the crowd was into it the whole way. I thought they might have Melo cheat to win by putting his hand on the ropes while pinning Andrade. Nope. It didn’t happen that way. It was a clean win for Melo sitting on top for the win.

After the match, Melo bragged about his win and made the referee raise his arm in front of Andrade. The gloating led to Andrade punching Melo, so Melo punched back. The referee Jason Ayers called for help as WWE officials and referees broke it up. Andrade broke free from being held back and jumped onto Melo. The two men were separated. The fans chanted “let them fight” to end it.

Analysis: That post match fight suggests that the rivalry will continue. I assume the next match will have some kind of stipulation to differentiate it from the three matches they have had so far.

Solo Sikoa was backstage where Tama Tonga presented Solo with the Ula Fala necklace. Tama said that he’ll tear apart Roman Reigns. Solo said that he appreciated that. Solo said that if Roman Reigns can take this Ula Fala back then Tama will acknowledge him and Solo will acknowledge him too, but that’s only if Roman can take this necklace back from him.

Naomi made her entrance in her hometown of Orlando for singles action.

There was a commercial showing the upcoming WWE calendar.

Analysis: They have cut way back on live events on the weekends, so the schedules for the wrestlers are a lot lighter than they used to be. That’s good for a wrestler’s health as well as time spent at home with family, but they also get fewer reps in the ring. Looking at the schedule on WWE’s website, they have a European tour next week that will be busy. September only has two live events. October has four in Europe. It’s a lot less than what WWE used to do. The TV money and other money that WWE makes is so massive now that they don’t need those live events that much. They don’t need to run three or four live events every weekend. It’s just how it is now and going forward.


A Progressive Match Flo video aired about Giovanni Vinci coming soon to Smackdown.

Naomi vs. Blair Davenport

The NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez was at ringside watching this match.

Naomi and Blair exchanged strikes. Blair went for a clothesline, but Naomi slid under it. Noami hit her Rear View jumping ass attack to knock Blair down. Naomi jumped off the apron onto Blair on the floor with a cross body block. Naomi sent Blair back into the ring and hit a cross body block for two. They went to a break there.


Blair was in control with a senton-like move. Naomi came back with a headscissors across the ring. Naomi charged and they did cross body block collision spot. Nami was adjusting her top a lot since it was giving her problems. Naomi hit a jumping back elbow and a springboard kick to the head. Naomi hit a split-legged leg drop for two. Blair tried a rollup, but Naomi rolled through leading to a jumping kick to the head. Naomi hit a running dropkick. Blair caught Naomi upside down against the turnbuckle leading to a stomp to the gut. Blair held the arms leading to a knee smash to the face for the pinfall win after about seven minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Blair Davenport

Analysis: **1/2 It was okay for the time given. They only got about four minutes due to the commercial in the middle of it, so I’d like to see them get more time or show more of the match. The finish was a bit out of nowhere since it took just a couple of moves to put Naomi away. I don’t mind Blair winning. I just thought the finish was a bit flat. It’s the second straight heel win on this show that was clean, so that’s rare in WWE these days.

A-Town Down Under’s Grayson Waller & Austin Theory were backstage talking about Waller facing Kevin Owens. Waller wasn’t happy about Theory throwing him under the bus and Theory said that Waller has got this. Theory said that Owens has been losing to The Bloodline for four years. Waller mocked Owens for losing so much. Kevin Owens walked up to them saying that he agreed because Owens lost so many matches in the last year. Owens said that’s why he didn’t want a WWE Title match like he said last week. Owens said that if he’s such an easy guy to beat, let’s go out there and do it. Owens said he’d see them out there.

Analysis: It was a bit of fake enthusiasm shown by Owens to act like Waller was right to criticize him, yet when they have the match, we know it’s going to go well for Waller.

The Kevin Owens-Grayson Waller match was up next.

A graphic was shown “In Memory of Afa Anoa’I” who passed away at 81 years old. There was a video package about the WWE Hall of Famer Afa. They focused on Afa’s wrestling career, his days as a manager and a wrestling trainer. There were a lot of clips of Afa shown with his family as well as many wrestlers. They showed a clip of Afa at the Hall of Fame saying: “Take care of eachother and trust in God.” Amen to that. Rest in Peace, Afa.

Analysis: Kudos to WWE for getting that video package done so quickly. Afa died earlier this afternoon, and they already got this done. Maybe they had it ready because they knew he was very ill. With that said, it’s still cool to see WWE paying tribute like this.


A graphic was shown saying it was the 36th TV sellout of and the 53rd event sellout this year.

The NXT Champion Ethan Page was watching at ringside.

Kevin Owens vs. Grayson Waller (w/Austin Theory)

Owens attacked Waller with kicks to start the match. Waller tried to fight back, but Owens hit him with a back elbow and a senton splash. Waller left the ring, so Owens ran after him with a clothesline on the floor. Owens sent Waller into the barricade. Owens chopped Waller on the floor. Theory distracted Owens, so Waller nailed Owens with a clothesline. Waller jumped the barricade and I think that’s where Page was, so Page already left. Owens got a hold of Theory and tossed him down at ringside. Owens clotheslined Theory and tossed Theory over the barricade. Theory punched Owens and sent Owens into the ring post. Waller hit Owens with a DDT on the floor, which led to a two count back in the ring. Waller jumped off the middle turnbuckle with an elbow drop for two. Theory tried a superplex on Owens, which is never a good move, so Owens fought back with headbutts and Owens hit a Swanton Bomb off the top for two. Waller came back with a rollup for two. Waller did a necksnap across the top rope. Waller jumped into the ring, Owens stopped him with a kick to the gut and Owens hit a Stunner. There was no cover from Owens. That led to a Popup Powerbomb by Owens for the pinfall win after five minutes.

Winner by pinfall: Kevin Owens

Analysis: **1/2 A dominant win for Owens just like it should be. Owens is going for the WWE Title at Bash in Berlin, so having Owens get the win here makes sense. Waller got a bit of offense, but it’s not like he had much of a shot here. Owens finishing him off with a Popup Powerbomb instead of a Stunner is a reminder that Owens has multiple moves he can win with.

After the match, Owens teased giving Waller a Powerbomb on the apron, but Theory saved Waller. That led to Waller shoving Owens into the ring post. Theory and Waller teased attacking Owens with chairs, so the WWE Champion Cody Rhodes made the save. Cody and Owens cleared the ring with chair shots on the two heels. Barrett mentioned Owens saving Cody many times, so this was a role reversal. Well said. Owens picked up the WWE Title from the mat, KO looked at it and Owens handed it to Cody. Owens patted Cody on the back and Owens left.

Analysis: It was pretty obvious what was coming when Theory and Waller teased an attack on Owens. The fans were chanting for Cody, so there he was with the big save. It’s a respect story for Cody & Owens going into Bash in Berlin. Cody should win that match that will take place in front of a hot German crowd. Could Owens turn heel after he loses? I’m sure a lot of people will predict that. I’m not sure about that.

Solo Sikoa was backstage with Tama Tonga. After Tama acknowledged Solo, Solo said he loved him. Solo said that tonight, Roman Reigns needs to acknowledge him.

A commercial aired for Bash in Berlin with Gunther defending the World Heavyweight Title against Randy Orton.


They showed WWE ambassador Titus O’Neil at ringside.

Legado Del Fantasma’s Santos Escobar, Angel, Berto & Elektra Lopez were shown having dinner. Escobar said that it seems like they have gotten complacent. Escobar said that they shouldn’t allow them to make them forget who you are. Escobar said they are Legado del Fantasma. Escobar said it’s not just a name, it’s a legacy. Escobar said they will not have it diminished. Escobar claimed that next week he’ll take the US Title from LA Knight. Escobar said that we’ll remind them of the taste of fear. Escobar told his group that they knew what needed to be done and they needed to send that piece of trash LA Knight back to the trailer park where he came from with everybody saying…Es-co-bar. They had a drink to end it.

Analysis: I like the Legado group, but they aren’t being pushed that much other than Santos Escobar picking up wins sometimes. I’d like to see Angel & Berto pick up some meaningful wins as a tag team.

LA Knight, the US Champion, appeared by the entrance area for a promo. Huge pop for Knight. Knight said that Santos Escobar is trying to be like him. Knight said he’ll catch Escobar with a BFT and put his churro in the dirt. Knight said that Escobar can call him trash, but this trash will put Escobar on his ass. Knight did his catchphrase to end it.

Analysis: The Knight-Escobar match is Knight’s first US Title defense. It should be a win for Knight. I don’t think that’s a bold prediction by me.

Michin was shown leaving Smackdown GM Nick Aldis’ office. Chelsea Green & Piper Niven showed up to trash talk Michin. Green thanked Michin for interrupting what Jax & Stratton were doing. Michin said that she got a WWE Women’s Championship match against Nia Jax. That led to Chelsea & Piper going into Smackdown GM Nick Aldis’ office. Nia Jax showed up and shoved Michin into the door. Aldis emerged from his office and told Jax to go into his office while a referee checked on Michin on the floor.

The Street Profits with B-Fab made their entrance for this tag team match after a break.


The former NXT Champion Trick Williams was shown at ringside.

The Street Profits – Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins (w/B-Fab) vs. #DIY – Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa

This is a #1 Contender’s Tag Team Match, so the winners get a shot at the WWE Tag Team Titles held by The Bloodline. They are two talented babyface team who are also former champions.

Ford and Gargano attempted some moves that didn’t connect since they kept countering eachother. They shook hands. Dawkins tagged in against Ciampa leading to a Dawkins shoulder tackle. Ford was back in with a dropkick and the Dawkins tossed Ford onto Ciampa. The Profits hit a double flapjack on Gargano. Dawkins ran around the ring leading to a running shoulder tackle (or Pounce) on Ciampa on the floor. They went to break there.


Gargano was on offense with a jumping kick and a clothesline/bulldog combo. Gargano hit a slingshot Spear from the apron on Ford for two. Ciampa was back in as Ford shoved Ciampa into Gargano. Ciampa went for his clothesline routine, but Dawkins launched Ciampa onto Ford, who hit a German Suplex and Dawkins covered for a two count. Dawkins jumped off the top with a Swanton Bomb, Ciampa moved and Ciampa hit a running knee for two. Gargano back in with a kick on Dawkins. Gargano tried a leaping move, but Dawkins countered with an overhead suplex across the ring. Ford tagged in, Ciampa grabbed his leg and Ford kicked Ciampa into the desk. Ford and Gargano each hit dives onto opponents on the floor. Ford faced off against Gargano as they exchanged kicks leading to Gargano hitting a superkick for two because Ford got his right shoulder up. They went to break as this match was picking up.


It was about 12 minutes into the match as Ciampa hit Dawkins with a knee to knock him out of the ring while Ford hit a Zig Zag (hey Dolph Ziggler) on Ciampa. Ford went up top followed by a 450 Splash but Ciampa got the knees up and Ciampa got a two count. Gargano was back in the ring leading to a double team Shatter Machine for two as Dawkins made the save. Dawkins pulled Gargano out of the ring. Ford hit a jumping knee on Ciampa. Dawkins was back in for the spinebuster/neckbreaker combo from the Profits for two because Gargano kicked Dawkins to break up the pin. I don’t think Gargano connected at all, but it’s the thought that counts. The fans chanted “this is awesome” for the action. Gargano caught a leaping Dawkins with a kick. Gargano superkicked Dawkins. #DIY hit a superkick/Fairytale Ending combo move on Dawkins and Gargano covered for one…two…and no! Dawkins kicked out. Gargano dove onto Ford with a suicide dive. Gargano tried for a Spear, but Dawkins hit a neckbreaker. Ford got the tag and jumped off the top with Super Blockbuster while Gargano was on Dawkins’ shoulders. Ford covered Gargano for the win while Dawkins prevented Ciampa from making the save. This match went about 18 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: The Street Profits – Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins

Analysis: **** That was an excellent match between arguably the two best tag teams in WWE. I say that because whenever you give these teams that match time for a match, you know it’s going to be awesome and the fans are going to be into it. That final segment of content was amazing with the crowd coming alive for everything while Ford & Gargano had some great moments together, Dawkins had an incredible kickout as well as a counter and Ciampa kept up with everybody as well. These guys are so talented, so I’m glad that they were given plenty of time to have a memorable match like that. It really was a lot of fun to watch. It’s the best Smackdown TV match in a few weeks at least.

The Street Profits celebrated the win. The announcers put over the match in a big way while Barrett said that was a WrestleMania-style match.

Next Friday on Smackdown: The Bloodline defends the WWE Tag Team Titles vs. The Street Profits.

Next week on Smackdown:

* Naomi, Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill vs. Isla Dawn, Alba Fyre & Blair Davenport

* United States Championship: LA Knight vs. Santos Escobar

* WWE Tag Team Championships: The Bloodline vs. The Street Profits

Solo Sikoa made his entrance looking angry while he was joined by Tama Tonga, who was wearing one of the WWE Tag Team Titles.

This Monday on Raw: CM Punk has a “can’t miss message” for Drew McIntyre, Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn defend the Women’s Tag Team Titles against Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark, and Iyo Sky & Kairi Sane. Plus, Randy Orton eyes Gunther’s World Heavyweight Championship.


Let’s Hear from Solo Sikoa…and see Roman Reigns

Solo Sikoa was in the ring with Tama Tonga. Solo told Orlando to acknowledge him, so the fans booed. Solo was wearing the red Ula Fala around his neck. Solo said that there was somebody who Solo wanted to acknowledge him. Solo said that if Roman Reigns wants this Ula Fala back then come and take it from Solo.

Roman Reigns made his entrance as the “OTC” graphic appeared for the “Original Tribal Chief” and Reigns had on an OTC shirt. The fans had their hands up with a finger in the air to acknowledge Reigns as the Tribal Chief. Nice “Solo the Bozo” sign by a fan. It rhymes.

Reigns went on the apron and walked into the ring alone to stare at Solo and Tama. Solo took the Ula Fala off and handed it to Tama Tonga to hold it. Solo told Tama to stand in the corner. Solo and Roman exchanged punches in the middle of the ring. Reigns hit a leaping clothesline. That’s when Tama attacked Reigns with punches. Tama looked at Solo, then Tama went back to Reigns and Reigns hit a uranage slam on Tama. Reigns cleared off the commentary table. Solo was back up with a forearm to the back of Reigns followed by Solo punching Reigns back into the ring. Reigns ducked the Samoan Spike and Reigns hit the Superman Punch as the crowd came alive for Roman. Reigns set up in the corner and Reigns hit a Spear on Solo to put him down.

Reigns spotted the Ula Fala in the ring so Reigns grabbed it. Reigns put it around his neck and the fans cheered loudly while Roman’s music played. Jacob Fatu arrived in the ring with a boot on his right foot and Jacob hit a superkick on his cousin Roman. Jacob sent Reigns shoulder-first into the ring post. Jacob hit the running hip attack on Roman’s head against the turnbuckle. Jacob sent Roman out of the ring. The trio of Solo, Jacob & Tama set up Roman on the floor and Solo hit the Triple Powerbomb that put Reigns through the commentary table with Solo in the middle delivering the move. The table broke when Reigns was slammed into it. The fans were chanting “Uso” but there was no help for Reigns. Solo had the Ula Fala around his neck again while Solo stood beside Tama & Jacob while Reigns was down on the mat selling the attack. That was the end of the show.

Analysis: I thought it was a really good angle that went how I thought it would go. Last week Roman Reigns cleaned house on his own, but this time he fell victim to the numbers game, which is something that he benefitted from a lot over the last four years. The announcers did a nice job of pointing that out. The Jacob Fatu ankle injury was just a work to keep him from interacting with Reigns at SummerSlam. They saved that first interaction for this moment after Reigns put the Ula Fala on and Jacob showed up right on time (wearing a boot) to destroy his cousin Reigns. It’s another smart way of booking Jacob Fatu as a human wrecking machine who continues to destroy everybody in his path, even when it’s his own cousin Roman Reigns. I assume this will lead to Jimmy Uso’s return after he was taken out months ago and Jey Uso also getting involved. I’m sure there’s a plan for all of it to happen slowly without rushing it. You could hear the fans chanting “Uso” as Reigns was helpless against three guys. A lot of it is similar to what we saw Reigns do for a long time as the heel Tribal Chief and now he’s the babyface trying to fight back, so he’s going to need some help and we know the help is coming soon. Reigns can go home, sell this attack next week and probably the week after when Smackdown is in Germany. They can heat things back up again in September most likely. I liked how this was done. Good job by everybody involved.


Three Stars of the Show

  1. The Street Profits
  2. Roman Reigns, Solo Sikoa, Jacob Fatu, Tama Tonga
  3. #DIY


The Scoreboard

7.5 out of 10

Last week: 7.5

2024 Average: 7.35


Final Thoughts on WWE Smackdown

I thought it was a very good episode of Smackdown, especially in that second hour. The first hour was a bit slow and dragged at times. The second hour was excellent especially The Street Profits/#DIY match getting three segments and then The Bloodline/Roman Reigns segment was terrific as well. The Bloodline/Reigns segment worked really well with Jacob Fatu making his presence felt by decimating Reigns in their first physical encounter. That will make Jacob look like a massive threat. Reigns was given a Powerbomb through the table and fans chanted “Uso” so that should lead to Jimmy Uso’s return soon while Jey Uso could get back into the Bloodline story as well. There’s no need to rush any of that stuff.

There wasn’t much of Cody Rhodes on the show other than showing up to save Kevin Owens from an attack by Grayson Waller & Austin Theory. Cody was on for about two minutes without saying a word. That Cody-Owens match at Bash in Berlin should be great, but they could have done more to advance the story other than it being about respect between two friends. Perhaps it’s going to heel Owens after he loses. That’s a possibility, of course.

That match between The Street Profits and #DIY was excellent. They had a lot of time, they had a lot of great nearfalls and the fans were very loud by the end of it. I’m glad that The Street Profits won although I doubt they beat The Bloodline next week. There was also a solid match between Carmelo Hayes and Andrade as well. Two title matches coming next week shouldn’t lead to title changes, but I like that we’re getting title matches on television instead of just on the PLE shows.

The next WWE PLE is Bash in Berlin on Saturday, August 31st in Berlin, Germany. The lineup looks like this so far.

* WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Gunther (c) vs. Randy Orton

* Undisputed WWE Championship: Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Kevin Owens

You can watch WWE Bash in Berlin, streaming live on Saturday, August 31, at 1 PM ET/9 AM PT on Peacock in the United States and on WWE Network everywhere else.


Thanks for reading. Go Los Angeles Rams. You can contact me using any of the methods below.

John Canton


Twitter/X: @johnreport