
The John Report: WWE SmackDown 07/26/24 Review

WWE Smackdown July 26

This is WWE Smackdown featuring Bayley & Michin facing Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton, plus a huge Tag Team Gauntlet Match for a title shot.

It’s the second straight week that Smackdown is airing from Omaha. That’s because they taped this episode right after last week’s show. The reason for that is because of three shows in Japan on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of this week. Last week’s Smackdown ended with The Bloodline destroying WWE Champion Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens.

From the CHI Health Center in Omaha, Nebraska, this is Smackdown for episode #1301. Follow me on Twitter/X @johnreport. Let’s get to it.

A video package aired showing the end of last week’s Smackdown. After Cody Rhodes & Kevin Owens beat A-Town Down Under in a tag team match, The Bloodline attacked them. Owens was decimated with a chair around the neck and he was thrown into the ring post. Cody was also put through the commentary table as The Bloodline stood tall again.

There was a backstage scene with Smackdown GM Nick Aldis talking to The Bloodline. Aldis told Tonga Loa that he’s not cleared to compete tonight. Tonga had tape around his eye to sell an attack from last week. Aldis said that they had to forfeit their spot in the Tag Team Gauntlet Match. Tama Tonga said they aren’t forfeiting. Solo Sikoa also said they aren’t forfeiting. Jacob Fatu stepped up. Solo said that in tonight’s Gauntlet Match, The Bloodline will be represented by Tama Tonga & Jacob Fatu. Nick said he was okay with that and Nick left. Solo told Jacob to bring the titles home.

Analysis: They continue to feature Jacob Fatu more while doing an injury angle to write out Tonga Loa. That’s fine with me because Jacob is better in the ring than anybody in this current version of The Bloodline.

The commentary team was Corey Graves and Wade Barrett as usual.

LA Knight did a promo from the backstage area leading to his entrance. Knight will challenge Logan Paul for the US Title at SummerSlam.

LA Knight vs. Santos Escobar (w/Elektra Lopez)

Knight was in control early with an armbar takedown leading to a leg drop on the elbow. Knight worked over Escobar with punches, but Escobar countered that to send Knight into the turnbuckle. Escobar nailed Knight with chops along with a suplex. Escobar went for a submission, but Knight got to the bottom rope quickly. Knight came back with a clothesline. Escobar sent Knight’s throat across the middle and Lopez slapped Knight in the face. Escobar hit a 619 kick like Rey Mysterio. That led to a break.


Escobar was in control with double knees against the turnbuckle. Knight hit a running neckbreaker, but Escobar came back with a backbreaker for two. Knight sent Escobar back first into the turnbuckle followed by repeated stomps and a running knee smash. Knight hit a DDT for two. Knight lifted Escobar, Lopez leaned into the ring to distract and Escobar hit an elbow on Knight. Knight managed to hit a gutwrench suplex to slam Escobar down. Lopez distracted the referee, so Logan Paul tried to hit Knight, but Knight saw it and knocked Paul down. Escobar went for the Phantom Driver, Knight got out of it and Knight hit a BFT for the pinfall win after 10 minutes.

Winner by pinfall: LA Knight

Analysis: *** A good match between two veterans. It was an obvious win for Knight getting the win since he’s going for the US Title at SummerSlam while Escobar isn’t really being pushed that much. I liked that finish with Knight avoiding the Phantom Driver and hitting BFT to win.

After the match, Logan Paul attacked Knight from behind. Knight fought back with stomps, but Escobar was back up with a jumping knee to knock down. Escobar and Paul worked together to stomp on Knight repeatedly. Paul went up top and hit a Frog Splash on Knight. Paul celebrated his cheap actions.

Analysis: It was an easy way to get some heat on Paul with a cheap attack. I think LA Knight should beat Paul at SummerSlam. Whether it happens, I don’t know, but I’d like to see a title change.

A replay was shown of Blair Davenport’s cheap attack on Naomi backstage recently.

Naomi was interviewed by Byron Saxton in the backstage area. Naomi said she didn’t know what Blair’s issue was with her. Naomi said she’ll make Blair feel the glow and respect the glow. Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill walked in saying that Blair will get what’s coming to her. Belair and Jade said they were going to call out the Women’s Tag Team Champions, so they made their way down the hallway to the ring.

This week on Raw on Syfy for those of you in the US: Seth Rollins gives referee instructions to CM Punk and Drew McIntyre for their match at SummerSlam.


Logan Paul, the US Champion, was walking down a hallway when Byron Saxton asked Paul about facing Knight at SummerSlam. Logan said that he talked to “Mr. Cleveland” saying he had a surprise Logan Paul homecoming for SummerSlam. Logan told Knight he wasn’t ready to face the underdog turned top dog, which is what Logan called himself.

Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair Call Out Women’s Tag Team Champions

The team of Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair made separate entrances. Belair said that Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn have been ghosting them since they got the titles at Clash. Belair wondered where the champions were. Jade said that they need to stop ducking and dodging.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn, the Women’s Tag Team Champions, attacked Belair and Cargill from behind. Belair tried to give Dawn the KOD, but Dawn landed on the apron and got away. Cargill press slammed Fyre over the top onto Dawn on the floor. Belair and Cargill celebrated in the ring.

Analysis: That was quick. The challengers called out the champions, who did the cheap attack and the challengers cleared the ring easily. There wasn’t much to it, but maybe it will lead to a title match soon.

They showed some videos and images of the WWE live event in Osaka, Japan on Thursday. They also showed videos and images of the WWE live event in Tokyo earlier today.

There is an interview with Cody Rhodes still to come.

The Street Profits were backstage getting ready with their friend B-Fab. Boxer Terence Crawford walked up to them to chat. Ford told Crawford to do his thing in his next fight. Crawford said he’ll be watching tonight. They thanked him.

The Tag Team Title #1 Contender’s Gauntlet Match was up next.


A replay was shown of Michin beating Tiffany Stratton last week thanks to Bayley’s help.

Nia Jax was shown talking to Tiffany Stratton, whose Money in the Bank briefcase is all taped up. Jax said she’ll get Stratton a new briefcase. Stratton said she wants to get revenge on Bayley and Jax agreed with that.

WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contender’s Gauntlet Match

The winners of the Gauntlet Match get a shot at the WWE Tag Team Titles held by #DIY’s Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano.

Gauntlet Match #1: Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews vs. Legado Del Fantasma – Angel & Berto

Legado attacked before their opponents were ready. Corbin came back with a clothesline, back elbow and a lifting sidewalk slam on Angel. Berto tagged in, Corbin was kicked out of the ring and Berto hit Corbin with a suicide dive on the floor.


Corbin hiptossed Berto into the turnbuckle. #DIY was shown watching on a TV backstage. Crews tagged in with a leaping clothesline on Angel followed by three German Suplexes in a row. Crews hit a running splash against the turnbuckle. Crews jumped off the top and Angel hit him with a jumping knee. Backbreaker by Angel got two because Corbin made the save. Corbin sent Berto into the steel steps. Corbin was back in, Crews with a pump kick and Corbin hit End of Days on Angel for the win.

Legado Del Fantasma – Angel & Berto have been eliminated.

Gauntlet Match #2: Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews vs. The Street Profits – Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins (w/B-Fab)

Crews connected with a dropkick on Ford. After the match, Ford gave Crews a belly-to-back suplex that was high angle so Crews landed hard on his neck. Crews was doing okay even after the rough landing. Dawkins ran the ropes with some impressive leaps followed by a double clothesline. Ford was legal against Corbin, who punched Ford out of the ring. Corbin ran the ropes leading to Crews tossing Corbin over the top onto both Profits on the floor. That drew a good reaction.


The match continued with Corbin hitting a clothesline off the middle turnbuckle. Corbin hit a Powerbomb, but Ford got back up with an enziguri kick. Dawkins tagged in with a clothesline. Crews hit a corner splash and then each guy hit kicks to the head. Dawkins hit an overhead suplex for two because Corbin made the save. Ford avoided a charging Corbin, who hit the ring post. Ford and Crews each hit somersault dives onto their opponents on the floor. Crews went up top, jumped off with a Frog Splash, Dawkins moved and Dawkins punched Crews in the jaw. Ford tagged in leading to the spinebuster/neckbreaker combo called The Revelation for the win.

Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews have been eliminated.

Gauntlet Match #3: The Street Profits – Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins (w/B-Fab) vs. Pretty Deadly – Kit Wilson & Elton Prince

Wilson went for multiple pin attempts by Dawkins kept kicking out. Ford tagged in leading to the Profits slamming Prince onto Wilson for a two count. Prince tagged in with a chop block on Ford to take over for his team. Wilson trapped Ford’s leg against the middle rope, so Prince hit Ford with a knee to the leg. Wilson wrenched on the left knee of Ford. Dawkins tagged in after Ford broke free and Dawkins did an impressive jumping back elbow on Prince. Dawkins hit a corner splash and jumping kick on Prince for two. Wilson tagged in leading to a DDT on Dawkins for two. The PD boys made quick tags leading to running corner attacks. Wilson with double knees to the ribs for a gutbuster, but Ford broke up the pin attempt. Dawkins punched Prince. Ford tagged in while Prince was on Dawkins’ shoulders and Ford hit a top rope Blockbuster on Prince for the win.

Pretty Deadly – Kit Wilson & Elton Prince have been eliminated.

The OC’s Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson were up next as the show went to break.


Gauntlet Match #4: The Street Profits – Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins (w/B-Fab) vs. The OC – Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson

It was 24 minutes into the Gauntlet Match. The OC was in control as Karl grounded Ford with a tight chinlock. Karl sent Ford into the turnbuckle. The big LG tagged in with a running clothesline for two. Luke hit Ford with a body slam. Karl tagged in with his own body slam for two. Luke was back in with a suplex along with a chinlock. When Ford broke free, he hit a DDT. Karl was back in, so Ford sent him to the apron and Karl slipped to the floor. Dawkins got the tag leading to a somersault dive onto both guys on the floor. That was an impressive leap. Karl recovered with a spinebuster for two. Luke was back in, Karl ran the ropes, Ford tripped him up and Dawkins got the ROLLUP OF DEATH~! on Luke for the win.

The OC – Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson have been eliminated.

The Bloodline made their slow entrance as the final tag team in this Gauntlet Match.


Gauntlet Match #5: The Street Profits – Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins (w/B-Fab) vs. The Bloodline – Jacob Fatu & Tama Tonga (w/ Solo Sikoa & Tonga Loa)

Jacob was in control with a running splash on Dawkins and then Tama tagged in with his body crashing into Dawkins. Solo did some choking across the middle rope. Jacob choked Dawkins against the middle rope, so Solo did a cheap shot punch on Dawkins. Jacob went for corner splash, Dawkins avoided it and Jacob hit the corner turnbuckle. Ford tagged in against Tama with multiple clotheslines and a spinebuster. Tama avoided a kick and sent Ford to the apron. Ford with a punch leading to a top rope cross body block for two. Ford went up top, but Tama was quickly up with a superplex off the middle rope. Dawkins sent Jacob out of the ring, Tama took Dawkins out of the ring and then Ford hit a somersault dive over the top onto the three guys on the floor. Ford went up top, jumped off with a splash and Tama moved out of the way. Jacob clotheslined Ford down and Jacob dove onto Dawkins on the floor. Ford hit a DDT, but Jacob no sold and Jacob hit a superkick followed by a popup Samoan Drop. Jacob hit a double jump moonsault off the top for the pinfall win. The entire Gauntlet Match went about 38 minutes.

The Street Profits – Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins have been eliminated.

Winners by pinfall: Jacob Fatu & Tama Tonga

Analysis: ***1/4 It was a solid tag team gauntlet match. I wouldn’t say it was that exciting because they all feel about the same and it’s a way to fill TV time. I do like that it is a good way to determine title contenders. The Street Profits carried most of the match and I liked their performance a lot. Jacob Fatu looked like a special athlete yet again with that performance in the last minute of this match. I know Tama Tonga was the partner, but this was about showing off Jacob more than anything.

That win means that The Bloodline’s Jacob Fatu & Tama Tonga will get a WWE Tag Team Title match against #DIY’s Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano. We found out later that it will be next Friday on Smackdown.

Analysis: TItle change? I hope not. Maybe this is where they can bring back Jimmy Uso and maybe he costs The Bloodline the win.

The Bloodline stood tall in the ring with “the ones” up in the air.

An interview with Cody Rhodes was up next.


Grayson Waller & Austin Theory Want Terence Crawford To Apologize

Grayson Waller & Austin Theory went into the for a promo. Waller said they had their match won last week except for Terence Crawford getting involved. Theory mocked Crawford for being small and scared.

Terence Crawford made his entrance as the undefeated two-time Undisputed Champion and the number one pound-for-pound boxer in the world. Crawford got into the ring with the heels. The fans were cheering.

Waller said that last week, Crawford handed Cody Rhodes a chair, so they wanted Crawford to apologize for using a steel chair. Waller said that this was their ring. Waller said that Theory was going to knock him out while Theory was like “what the hell?” to his buddy. Theory stepped toward Crawford, who nailed Theory with a punch to the jaw. Crawford stood tall while Waller and Theory left the ring.

Analysis: It was okay for a quick segment. I know Crawford is an undefeated boxer and he’s from Omaha, but he’s not that big of a name in the sports world. It also made Waller and Theory look like idiots yet again. It needs to stop at some point.

Cody Rhodes Comments

Cody Rhodes was in a suit saying he was in Japan thinking about what has happened. Cody talked about how finished the story at WrestleMania 40 by becoming the WWE Champion. Cody said he thought that The Bloodline was no more, but he was wrong. Cody talked about how The Bloodline feasted on anybody in front of them. Cody said that his allies like Randy Orton and Kevin Owens were destroyed trying to fight by Cody’s side. Cody said that the deck was stacked against him. Cody spoke about how he’s the champion who has to bring his fire and passion to the fight.

Cody talked about how Solo Sikoa is a dangerous man who has stepped up. Cody said that he needs to see what kind of man Solo is. Cody challenged Solo to face Cody in the ring next week one on one to see if Solo is number one. Cody wondered if Solo was ready while saying in this moment of solitude, he knows he is ready.

Analysis: It’s a confident Cody Rhodes going into SummerSlam even though his buddies Randy Orton and Kevin Owens were taken out. I’m picking Cody to beat Solo at SummerSlam and I think Roman Reigns is returning that way as well.

Next week on Smackdown:

* WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn vs. Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill.

* WWE Tag Team Championships: #DIY – Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa vs. The Bloodline – Jacob Fatu & Tama Tonga

* Logan Paul’s Cleveland homecoming.

Andrade was interviewed by Byron Saxton and before he could say much, Carmelo Hayes interrupted. Melo mentioned LeBron James which led to Andrae saying that Melo was more like Bronny James. Melo told Andrade to step aside and Andrade said if you wanted a match then that’s okay. Melo left.

Michin made her entrance and she was attacked from behind by Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton. The two women threw Michin into the ring post. Bayley made the save so Jax and Stratton bailed.

Bayley & Michin vs. Tiffany Stratton & Nia Jax

Bayley was aggressive with punches. Stratton hit a shoulder tackle. Bayley kicked Stratton in the leg to take her down. Bayley hit a sliding clothesline for two. Stratton came back with a running forearm to the head. Bayley connected with a neckbreaker across the middle turnbuckle for two. Michin was back up favoring her right shoulder, but Jax pulled her down. Jax gave Michin a Samoan Drop on the floor. Stratton knocked down Bayley leading to a double foot stomp to the chest for two.


The match continued with Stratton giving her own version of The Stinkface, which a lot of fans might enjoy. Stratton sent Bayley hard into the turnbuckle. Jax tagged in with a corner splash and Stratton hit a handspring back elbow. Jax did a cover for a two count. Stratton and Jax kept working over Bayley while Michin was on the floor selling her injuries. Stratton remained on offense with a springboard cross body block. Jax was back in with an elbow drop. Stratton was back in going for a corner attack, but Bayley caught her and Bayley hit a German Suplex. Michin was back on the apron. Bayley finally broke free to bring in Michin, who was on fire with clotheslines, a neckbreaker and a flatliner on Stratton. Michin hit a Tornado DDT for two. Michin hit a suicide dive on Jax on the floor. Michin jumped off the top for a dropkick, but Stratton moved. Jax was back in, Michin hit her with an enziguri kick and Bayley was back in with a running knee. Bayley went up top and connected for a top rope elbow drop for two on Jax. Bayley and Michin sent Stratton out of the ring. The referee made Michin leave the ring since she wasn’t legal. Stratton hit Bayley in the head with the Money in the Bank briefcase while the referee wasn’t looking. Jax hit the Annihilator on Bayley for the pinfall win after about 13 minutes.

Winners by pinfall: Tiffany Stratton & Nia Jax

Analysis: **3/4 It felt like an average tag team match that never really got going in terms of excitement. When this match was announced I figured it would be Michin taking the pin, but that didn’t happen because she was attacked before the match and never really recovered. Jax pinning Bayley gives Jax an advantage going into SummerSlam since Jax can say she just pinned the WWE Women’s Champion Bayley, who is Jax’s SummerSlam opponent. Michin did a nice job of selling the whole match. I also thought Bayley fought back gallantly, but this was all about the heels getting the big win.

Nia Jax and Tiffany Stratton celebrated the win.

The Bloodline was shown in a darkened room with the spotlight on Solo Sikoa, who was seated. Solo said he’ll meet Cody Rhodes face to face in the ring next week on Smackdown. Solo said it’s the same night that Tama & Jacob will be Tag Team Champions. Solo said that in one weekend, The Bloodline will handle family business. Solo warned Roman Reigns saying if he had a problem with that, you know where to find him. Solo said that he could end up like Randy Orton, Kevin Owens, and Cody Rhodes and acknowledge Solo. Jacob Fatu put the lei around Solo’s neck. The Bloodline guy did the “ones” salute to end it. End show.

Analysis: The fact that Solo Sikoa is outright mentioning Roman Reigns in his promos suggests that Reigns might be back at SummerSlam. It’s the perfect time for it, so it’s just a matter of seeing how it’s booked and what happens.


Three Stars of the Show

  1. The Bloodline – Jacob Fatu & Tama Tonga
  2. The Street Profits – Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins
  3. LA Knight


The Scoreboard

6.75 out of 10

Last week: 7.25

2024 Average: 7.33


Final Thoughts on WWE Smackdown

I think it was an average Smackdown episode. It was lacking excitement. Maybe it’s because this episode was taped a week early. I don’t know if that’s the reason. I just felt like the Tag Team Gauntlet match was okay, but it wasn’t that interesting. The Street Profits put on a good showing in that match, but it was just another example of The Bloodline looking strong again like they do nearly every week. Jacob Fatu was a force again in that match.

The LA Knight match with Santos Escobar was solid and then had a predictable cheap attack by Logan Paul. The main event with Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton outsmarting Bayley & Michin showed how crafty they are as heels and how they are a tandem on the same page. Jax pinning Bayley could be a preview of their SummerSlam match.

There wasn’t much talking. Cody Rhodes did a pre-tape interview. The Women’s Tag Team Title was set up by a rushed talking segment that didn’t amount to much. Boxer Terence Crawford made Grayson Waller & Austin Theory look like fools, which is common for them. It didn’t feel like a big segment to me, perhaps because I barely know who Crawford is. Anyway, it felt like an average show the whole way.

The next WWE PLE is SummerSlam on August 3rd in Cleveland. The lineup looks like this.

* Undisputed WWE Championship: Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Solo Sikoa

* CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre (Seth “Freakin Rollins is the special guest referee)

* World Heavyweight Championship: Damian Priest (c) vs. GUNTHER

* Women’s World Championship: Liv Morgan (c) vs. Rhea Ripley

* WWE Women’s Championship: Bayley (c) vs. Nia Jax

* United States Championship: Logan Paul (c) vs. LA Knight

* Intercontinental Championship: Sami Zayn (c) vs. Bron Breakker

You can watch WWE SummerSlam, streaming live on Saturday, August 3, at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT on Peacock in the United States and on WWE Network everywhere else.


Thanks for reading. Go Toronto Blue Jays. You can contact me using any of the methods below.

John Canton


Twitter/X: @johnreport