The John Report: WWE Smackdown 04/10/20 Review
Welcome to another WWE Smackdown review here on TJRWrestling. It’s the post WrestleMania edition of Smackdown with the big news from last weekend being that Braun Strowman is the new Universal Champion after he beat Goldberg on the first night of WrestleMania. Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross also became the Women’s Tag Team Champions at WrestleMania. As for the future, WWE plans to go ahead with shows at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando while building up to Money in the Bank on May 10. Due to the ongoing health crisis that the world is going through right now, there’s a lot of unknowns right now, but as far as we know, WWE is moving ahead as best they can.
Live (on tape) from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida, this is Smackdown for episode #1077. Follow me on Twitter @johnreport. Please visit daily for our regular updates on the wrestling business featuring WWE news coverage along with reviews about wrestling’s past and present. Thanks to Melo Man for the banner up top.
The show began with a shot of the empty WWE Performance Center as Michael Cole welcomed us to the show. Braun Strowman made his entrance as the new WWE Universal Champion. Strowman’s wearing a “Strowman Express” tank top as well. Corey Graves is back on Smackdown commentary after about a month away, so it’s his first time doing commentary for Smackdown since they started at the WWE PC.
There were highlights shown from WrestleMania’s night one event when Strowman beat Goldberg to win the Universal Title. It was a short match where Strowman kicked out after Goldberg hit four Spears, Strowman hit four Powerslams and pinned Goldberg to win the Universal Title.
Let’s Hear from New Universal Champion Braun Strowman
Strowman said there’s an old saying that when there’s an opportunity knocking on the door, you answer it. Strowman said he took everything Goldberg had to dish out – spear after spear – and Goldberg is a Hall of Famer for a reason, but he refused to stay down. Strowman said he got back up and put Goldberg down for good, so now Strowman is the new Universal Champion. Strowman said to have it happen is the greatest moment of his career…and here’s Shinsuke Nakamura to interrupt.
Nakamura walked out to the ring alone as the announcers noted that Strowman took the Intercontinental Title from Nakamura several months ago. Nakamura said Strowman said when opportunity knocks, you better open the door. Nakamura said “knock, knock” and he’s supposed to say who’s there. Nakamura said he was there knocking on his door. Nakamura said we heard Strowman talking about his WrestleMania moment, but the last time they saw him, they beat Strowman.
Strowman told Nakamura that nobody tuned into Smackdown to listen to him. Strowman told Nakamura to let him enjoy his night as the new Universal Champion as he knocks the crap out of Nakamura. Shinsuke told Strowman to be careful of what he wished for. Nakamura said that Strowman reminds him of an old Japanese proverb, which led to Japanese talk and Nakamura said that the weak are the meat while the strong eat. Strowman told Nakamura that later tonight he’s going to get these hands. Cesaro went into the ring, so Strowman shoved Cesaro over the top to the floor. That led to Nakamura hitting a cheap shot kick to the head and Nakamura left. Strowman was angry in the ring. No sign of Sami Zayn in this segment.
Analysis: This was okay as a segment to set up a match for later in the show, which is a common way for WWE to open a PPV. Strowman came off as likable as the babyface champion. Nakamura doing a promo is rare because he has had Sami Zayn talking for him for the last six months or so. Zayn was missed here because he would have done a better job of talking for Nakamura. The cheap shot kick by Nakamura is a simple way to set up their match.
The Women’s Tag Team Titles are on the line up next.
There were highlights shown of Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross beating the Kabuki Warriors at WrestleMania to win the Women’s Tag Team Titles. Bliss and Cross are now two-time Women’s Tag Team Champions. This is the rematch.
Women’s Tag Team Championships: Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross vs. Kabuki Warriors (Asuka and Kairi Sane)
Sane started with a dropkick on Bliss and Asuka tagged in with kicks on Bliss. The challengers tried a double team suplex, Bliss fought back with punches, but then Sane/Asuka did a double head whip. Sane with a forearm to the back of Bliss and Bliss got a roll through into a pin attempt for two. Sane punched Bliss followed by some toe stomping. Asuka knocked Cross off the apron, she did choking with the boot and Sane tagged back in leading to Sane hitting a basement dropkick on Bliss for two. Bliss hit a dropkick on Sane to send her out of the ring. Bliss kicked Sane to knock her down on the floor. Asuka with a flying hip attack on Bliss on the floor. Asuka put a headset on to do some commentary that involved yelling in Japanese. Cross yelled at her and Cross hit a cross body block on Asuka on the floor.
The heels were in control with Asuka working over Cross with an armbar followed by a hair whip. Sane tagged back in with a double knee attack and Asuka hit a running hip attack on Cross against the turnbuckle. Sane went for a slam, Cross turned it into a pin attempt and Sane hit an elbow to the back for two. Asuka tagged back in with kicks, Cross with an elbow, a kick and a rollup for two. Asuka prevented Cross from tagging out, but Cross hit a bulldog. Bliss tagged in against Sane with Bliss hitting two clotheslines, slaps and a dropkick. Bliss hit the knees to the ribs and Sane got back up with a Spear for a two count. Bliss with a punch to the face, Cross tagged back in and Asuka went into the ring with a kick on Bliss. Sane with a back fist on Cross, then Cross missed a corner charge and Asuka tagged in with a kick to the back. Asuka held up Cross and Sane jumped off the top with a forearm. Asuka with an armbar, Cross fought out of it and Bliss saved Cross. Sane hit a neckbreaker on Bliss. Sane tagged back in, she went up top and Cross moved out of the way of the elbow. Bliss got the hot tag again, kick to Sane and Bliss hit a DDT, but Asuka pulled Sane out of the ring. Cross off the apron and Asuka hit her with a knee to the face. Bliss went up top and Bliss hit the Twisted Bliss splash onto standing Asuka and Sane. That looked pretty good. Back in the ring, Bliss jumped off with nothing because Sane moved, Cross tagged back in, Bliss with a hard punch and Cross hit the twisting neckbreaker on Sane for the pinfall win after 13 minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross
Analysis: *** The match was good after a slow start and then when the pace picked up, they had some cool spots in there. Asuka was the standout performer, which is not a surprise because of how awesome she is. Bliss got in several big moves while Cross did a great job as the face in peril. Sane continues to get better as a heel even though she’s more of a natural face. The match at WrestleMania was a better match, but this was still a solid showing from all four women.
Up next is a look at Otis and Mandy’s happy WrestleMania moment.
Elias was on the podium or balcony (or whatever you want to call it that’s in the WWE PC) for a song. Elias played a song while they added in clapping noises and he sang about beating King Corbin at WrestleMania. Elias sang about how he took a hell of a fall from that perch, just like Simba he returned and they called for a new king. There were highlights shown of Elias’ win over Corbin at WrestleMania. Elias sang about looking ahead to Money in the Bank and the world will sing “walk with Elias.”
Analysis: I still think Elias is boring as a face. Elias is more of a heel character. The match with Corbin at WrestleMania was not very good.
The announcers talked about how WrestleMania was the most social event in WWE history.
A video package aired about Otis beating Dolph Ziggler at WrestleMania thanks to Mandy Rose. After the match, Otis got a kiss on the lips from Mandy as well, so it was a happy ending for them. The crowd response for that would have been amazing.
Dolph Ziggler entered with Sonya Deville. Cole said that Otis is an inspiration for an average guy like him to swing for the fences. That’s what WWE wants the fans to think, after all. Ziggler and Deville complained to the announcers about what happened. Ziggler even said, “Identify theft is not a joke, Michael” which is a line from The Office and thanks to the Fox WWE Twitter account for tweeting it. Great show, by the way. Highly recommend The Office if you never watched it.
Speaking of identify theft, @heelziggler…
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) April 11, 2020
Tucker from the Heavy Machinery team made his entrance to face Ziggler. Tucker said he had pictures for him. They showed images of Otis and Mandy standing side by side in workout clothes with Otis holding bananas while Mandy was lifting weights. Tucker said they’ll take care of unfinished business right now.
A commercial aired for what WWE is doing in two weeks on Smackdown on Fox where they honor Triple H for the 25th Anniversary celebration. Triple H’s WWE debut was in April 1995, so it is legitimately 25 years for him in WWE.
A replay was shown from last week when Ziggler got disqualified in the match against Tucker after hitting the Zig Zag onto the steel steps.
Dolph Ziggler (w/Sonya Deville) vs. Tucker
Tucker with a running attack and then he sent Ziggler shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Tucker with a suplex for a two count. Tucker with the catapult that launched Ziggler into the turnbuckle. They left the ring with Tucker sending Ziggler into the announce table, Tucker broke the count and Tucker whipped Ziggler into the steel steps with Tucker saying that was for Otis. Tucker broke the count again and went after Ziggler on the floor, but Ziggler did an eye gouge while the referee was distracted by Deville. Ziggler charged, Tucker caught him and Tucker sent him onto the announce table, which did not break. Back in the ring, Tucker hit a powerslam for a two count. Ziggler tried to fight back with punches, but Tucker hit him with a clothesline. Tucker with a cross body block off the middle ropes for a two count. Tucker charged, Ziggler got a foot up, Tucker charged again, Ziggler moved and Tucker hit the turnbuckle, which led to Ziggler hitting a superkick for the pinfall win after about five minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Dolph Ziggler
Analysis: ** This match was all Tucker on offense until Ziggler found a way to hit a superkick for the win. Tucker did a nice job of showing aggressiveness throughout the match, but it makes sense for the singles wrestler Ziggler to win the match.
Post match, Ziggler and his friend Deville were laughing about the win. No sign of Otis or Mandy on the show.
There were highlights shown from WrestleMania with John Morrison beating Kofi Kingston and Jimmy Uso in a Ladder Match for the SD Tag Team Titles. They showed the final spot with Morrison landing on the mat with both titles in his hands as all three guys were. It was a close finish. I thought it was a great match and based on my ratings, it was the best match of WrestleMania weekend.
The Miz and Morrison are up next.
The Dirt Sheet with The Miz and John Morrison
The Miz and John Morrison were in the ring with the Smackdown Tag Team Titles as “The Dirt Sheet” logo was on the screen behind them. They said they were going to share some good news with Miz saying that “we” retained their Smackdown Tag Team Titles. They mentioned actor John Krasinski doing a good news thing recently, so they decided to do that. Morrison said that he’s the first person in history to retain those titles by himself. Miz said he’s the first in history to retain them from his couch…that’s good news. Miz said that this year’s WrestleMania was the most talked about, most watched WrestleMania in history…that’s good news. (There is no way that is factually true especially when you consider that WWE lost millions of dollars with this year’s WrestleMania, but heels lie.) Miz said that Otis finally kissed Mandy, but Morrison said that Mandy’s mom had to watch it. They mentioned the Boneyard Match with Morrison saying that a part of the match gives him a nightmare as Undertaker slammed Styles into a grave. They said “better AJ than us” and that’s good news. Miz said that their champion Braun Strowman actually makes it to every show unlike some of the other champions…and that’s good news. They mentioned the Firefly Fun House match and Morrison said after all these years, Cena’s “you can’t see me crap finally come true”…and that’s good news. Miz and Morrison bragged about their “Hey Hey Ho Ho” rap song or whatever it is claiming Pee Wee Herman liked it. That led to Miz and Morrison doing their song. It looks very awkward as you would expect from two 40-year-old guys (Morrison is already 40, Miz is close) trying to rap although Miz did it better than Morrison did. When they were doing this stuff in their late 20s at least they could pull it off better. It’s bad on purpose to get heat. At least I hope that’s the reason they do it.
The Usos team of Jimmy and Jey Uso showed up for the interruption. Jimmy said that they were going to let them finish, but then they said that Pee Wee Herman had more street cred than both of them. Miz complained about the interruption while saying that Morrison won at WrestleMania, so why are they there? Jey said that Miz/Morrison are the tag team champions, so both of them should defend the titles. Morrison said he’s got Miz’s back and everybody gets his front. Miz said that he was injured, so he couldn’t wrestle at WrestleMania. (Miz was sick with a mild illness, but WWE said he was injured.) Jimmy said Morrison carried that team and that led to New Day making their entrance.
The New Day’s Kofi Kingston and Big E said that the original match at WrestleMania didn’t go on as planned, so it makes sense that if half the teams got to wrestle at WrestleMania then the other wrestlers should get to compete for the titles as well. Miz complained, so Kofi said that they consulted with WWE management, Fox executives, Martha Stewart, Dakota Fanning, Lil Wayne, Lil Kim and Freddie Prinze Jr. on a Zoom call (I guess faces can lie too!), they found out that it will be Jey Uso vs. The Miz vs. Big E for the Smackdown Tag Team Titles. Kingston said “playa playa” followed by Kofi and Big E doing some Teddy Long-style dances to celebrate the match announcement like the former SD GM. Miz and Morrison were not happy about it while The Usos liked it.
Analysis: It’s a way to continue the story of these teams by having the three guys that didn’t wrestle at WrestleMania compete in a match together. I assume Miz will win to retain and it will probably be a good match too. The promos were fine with Miz standing out more on his team as usual while the faces Usos and New Day made their points well to continue this rivalry. Smackdown’s tag team division has more depth than Raw right now, so that’s a strength of the blue brand at this point.
Still to come is Braun Strowman vs. Shinsuke Nakamura. The Forgotten Sons make their Smackdown debut up next.
Lucha House Party entered for a match against The Forgotten Sons, who are from NXT making their Smackdown debut.
Forgotten Sons (Wesley Blake and Steve Cutler) w/Jackson Ryker vs. Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado)
Cutler worked over chops followed by an elbow smash. Blake tagged in, Dorado with a moonsault and Metalik tagged in with a splash off Dorado’s shoulders. Dorado back in with chop off the top on Blake followed by an armbar. Cutler tagged back in with a backbreaker and a forearm to the back. Blake tagged in for a double team backbreaker on Dorado. Blake with elbow strikes that sent Dorado to the ropes, Blake charged, Dorado jumped over him and Cutler tagged back in with Dorado hitting a springboard stunner. Metalik tagged in with a cross body block off the top and Metalik walked the ropes leading to a dropkick for two. Dorado chopped Cutler, but Cutler dumped Dorado out of the ring. Metalik kicked Cutler out of the ring. Blake caught Metalik and hit him with a stiff clothesline. Cutler jumped off the middle turnbuckle with a stomp to the chest as Blake hit a reverse DDT for a double team finisher and that led to Cutler pinning Metalik for the win. It went about four minutes.
Winners by pinfall: Forgotten Sons (Wesley Blake and Steve Cutler)
Analysis: ** It was a decent tag team match with The Forgotten Sons getting the win in their Smackdown debut. I thought the finish was set up well and I liked that stomp/reverse DDT double team finisher. It’s unique while also looking safe. Lucha House Party rarely wins, so the result was obvious as soon as the match started. The Forgotten Sons trio was generic as a team in NXT. It’s going to be hard for them to stand out on Smackdown, but I wish them good luck because they are hard workers.
Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross were backstage holding their titles. They talked about how they felt unbeatable. Carmella and Dana Brooke showed saying they didn’t compete at WrestleMania, so they wanted to challenge them for the titles. Bliss said that you can’t jump the line like that. Brooke said you just said that you were unbeatable. Bliss and Cross accepted the challenge with Cross yelling it. Brooke and Carmella were excited about it while Bliss suggested decaf for Cross. Brooke and Carmella were excited about the news.
Analysis: Brooke and Carmella are faces that don’t team together often, so it’s odd that they get a title shot just like that. It will likely lead to Bliss and Cross retaining to show they are fighting champions.
Sasha Banks made her entrance in street clothes. Bayley was also in street clothesline while wearing one of her shirts and jeans with Bayley also wearing the Smackdown Women’s Title around her waist. Cole noted it was 182 days for her reign. They’re up next after a break.
A commercial aired for Monday on Raw: They didn’t say much other than promoting WWE Champion Drew McIntyre and Raw Women’s Champion while asking what they have in store for Raw. There was nothing specific mentioned.
Let’s Hear from Bayley and Sasha Banks
Bayley and Banks looked ahead to the hard camera. Bayley said that three weeks ago, Paige tried to ruin their WrestleMania and friendship by putting them in a 5-Way Elimination match. Banks and Bayley said she didn’t ruin the friendship. Bayley bragged about beating everybody in the match. Bayley wondered how she defied the odds because she’s the best and said that they are the best. Bayley said that they were the ultimate role models, so for all the sheep at home that thought their friendship would be ruined, they have two words for them: “Screw you.” Banks said that nobody from the past, present or future can touch them.
Tamina went out to the ring to confront Bayley and Banks. Bayley said Tamina looks stunning and she smells great. Bayley said they wanted to congratulate Tamina on a dominant performance at WrestleMania. Tamina said that Bayley didn’t her at Mania because it took all of those women to eliminate Tamina. That led to Tamina challenging Bayley to singles match for the title. Banks said that she knows Tamina came back from a coconut shell from the last year, but there’s a pecking order around here and you don’t make demands of the champ. Bayley said that being the role model that she is, she likes to be fair and said that Tamina can have the match with Bayley if Tamina can beat “the greatest of all time” Sasha Banks. Tamina accepted while Banks did not look happy about being put in that match. Tamina left while Banks tried to talk to Bayley about it.
Analysis: It set up another match for next week with Tamina facing off with Banks. I’m not that interested in Tamina matches because I find her to be very boring, but Banks is skilled enough to have a decent match with her. They continue to do the slow build breaking up of Bayley and Banks, which is fine because rushing it would be a bad move.
A feature on Jeff Hardy’s career is next.
There was a graphic celebrating that “The Big Show Show” starring Big Show (obviously) debuted as the #3 show on Netflix this week. I have not watched it, nor do I have any plans to watch it as a single man in my late 30s, but for those of you with kids, it may be a nice show to check out. I’m happy that it’s successful so far because Big Show is a good guy.
Sheamus vs. Cal Bloom
Cal Bloom is the son of Wayne Bloom, who was a part of the Beverly Brothers tag team. Cal has a WWE deal, but in this match he’s here to do the job. Sheamus with forearms to the back, Bloom with punches, but Sheamus came back with an elbow to the face. Sheamus stomped on Bloom. Sheamus hit the forearms to the chest although Bloom collapsed, so it was less than ten forearms. Bloom got back up and Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick for the pinfall win after one minute.
Winner by pinfall: Sheamus
Analysis: 1/2* A dominant win for Sheamus that continued his positive momentum since he returned to the ring. Sheamus needs a rivalry soon. Bloom is a tall guy that could have a bright future in WWE.
The announcers set up some footage of Jeff Hardy as Sheamus stared at them, so perhaps it is teasing Sheamus feuding with Hardy.
Jeff Hardy Profile Video
A video aired about Jeff Hardy talking about how it all started for him n his career in trampoline wrestling. There were clips of Jeff talking from a WWE 24 special about The Hardys. They showed Jeff and Matt Hardy starting in WWE with Jeff saying he wanted to do something to get somebody in the back to notice him. Christian talked about the Hardys being wrestling fans that lived out their dream. Jeff said that they would see kids dressing like them and wanting to be like Team Extreme. Jeff spoke about there being something special about them that paid off. They showed highlights of some of the daredevil leaps that Jeff did in his career. Edge talked about Jeff wanting to push the limits while Jeff said that the fear is crazy fun and if you’re not scared then something is wrong. Jeff said it was important to wrestle every match as if it’s your last. Jeff talked about wanting to fulfill this dream to the next level.
Analysis: The video was produced well while covering what made Jeff Hardy a standout performer for most of his 20+ year career. The amazing thing about Jeff is that he was very durable for most of his run, but he has dealt with injuries in the last couple of years along with alcohol problems that led to him going to rehab. Hopefully Jeff can finish his career strong over the next few years. I’ve always been a fan of him.
Up next is Braun Strowman vs. Shinsuke Nakamura.
A commercial aired for Steve Austin hosting Broken Skull Sessions with Ric Flair as the guest. That episode debuts on WWE Network on Sunday. Those are always great. Austin is fantastic at bringing out the most out of his guests.
There was a commercial for a Triple H 25th anniversary celebration on Smackdown in two weeks.
Next week on Smackdown for the SD Tag Team Titles: The Miz vs. Big E vs. Jey Uso, Sasha Banks vs. Tamina and Daniel Bryan vs. Cesaro in a Money in the Bank qualifying match and Naomi faces Dana Brooke in a Money in the Bank qualifying match. Also, Sonya Deville attempts to clear the air with Mandy Rose.
Analysis: That’s a lot of content for next week. Sometimes WWE never announces anything a week in advance, but perhaps they feel they should promote matches more. Bryan vs. Cesaro is the most interesting match to me even though they have wrestled many times before.
Braun Strowman made his entrance with the Universal Championship. Shinsuke Nakamura made his entrance with Cesaro joining him. No sign of Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn this week.
Braun Strowman vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (w/Cesaro)
This is not for Strowman’s Universal Championship. Nakamura opened up with kicks to the leg. Strowman hit a kick to the chest and then he sent Nakamura into the turnbuckle. Strowman tossed Nakamura across the ring. Strowman drove Nakamura’s face into the top of his leg. Strowman sent Nakamura out of the ring near where Cesaro was, so Strowman made Cesaro back away. Strowman punched Nakamura and sent Nakamura back into the ring. Strowman to the apron, Nakamura with a knee to the throat to send Strowman to the floor, Nakamura charged and Strowman sent Nakamura into the barricade leading to a break.
Strowman continued on offense as he sent Nakamura into the turnbuckle and then lifted him up to send him to the mat. Strowman hit a running clothesline. Nakamura avoided the powerslam, kick to the head, Cesaro with an uppercut while Nakamura distracted the referee and Nakamura hit a kick to the head for a two count. Nakamura grabbed a headlock that Strowman turned into a side slam. Strowman with a corner splash, a punch to Cesaro on the apron, Nakamura with a clothesline that Strowman no sold, Strowman bounced off the ropes and hit a clothesline that knocked Nakamura out of the ring. Strowman ran out of the ring for a running shoulder tackle on Nakamura and for Cesaro as well. Back in the ring, Nakamura with a running knee for a two count. Nakamura charged, Strowman picked him up and hit a Running Powerslam for the pinfall win. It went about eight minutes.
Winner by pinfall: Braun Strowman
Analysis: **1/4 The match was solid with Strowman getting a lot of offense from the moment it began. I like how Cesaro got involved for some brief offense to help Nakamura get some momentum, but there wasn’t a point in the match where I thought Nakamura might win. Strowman will probably have a good run as Universal Champion.
Post match, Strowman celebrated the win with the Universal Title.
Firefly Fun House
Bray Wyatt was shown in the Firefly Fun House. They showed a clip from WrestleMania when The Fiend gave John Cena the Mandible Claw to win their “match” last week at WrestleMania. There were picture frames of Cena behind Wyatt in the Fun House. Wyatt said I guess we really can’t Cena. Wyatt congratulated Strowman and said he is so happy for him. Wyatt looked at the Wyatt severed head that was talking to him as Wyatt said I’m sure he’s learned his lesson by now. They showed clips of Strowman in the early Wyatt Family days. Wyatt said that Strowman turned on him, he turned his back on his creator and Bray wondered if he could forgive him. Some of the Fun House puppets talked about Strowman. Wyatt said he’ll forgive Strowman if you tell Bray that he’s sorry. Strowman said he is not playing these games. Wyatt said apparently Braun is busy getting those hands instead of learning manners. Wyatt said that Strowman has something that Bray wants back and it’s right there on his shoulder (the Universal Title). Wyatt said since he brought Strowman into this world (meaning WWE), Bray will have to take Braun out. Wyatt said, “bye Braun” to end it. Strowman responded that any time Wyatt wants a shot, Strowman is ready to “let you in.” Braun said “bye, see you later” as Wyatt stared ahead and that was it. End of the show.
Analysis: We didn’t have to wait very long to find out who was going to face off with Strowman. I think it makes sense for Wyatt/Fiend to challenge Strowman based on the history they have together and Wyatt was the champion before Goldberg beat him for the title. I don’t know if they’ll do something where it’s Wyatt against Strowman and Strowman wins or have Strowman beat The Fiend. I just think it’s unlikely that Strowman loses the title so soon after winning it. It was good to see how Strowman was booked here as a fighting champion that wasn’t going to back down to Wyatt. When they do have a match I doubt it’s going to be an amazing match, but they used to travel on the road together, they are very good friends (I believe Braun is Godfather to Bray’s son born last year), so I’m sure they’ll enjoy working together.
The problem with a Strowman feud with Wyatt/Fiend is that you could say that neither guy should lose, so it makes me wonder where they are going with it.
Three Stars of the Show
- Braun Strowman
- Asuka
- Shinsuke Nakamura
The Scoreboard
5.5 out of 10
Last week: —
2020 Average: 6.11
Last 5 Weeks: —
Final Thoughts
This was just an average show with WWE putting on two hours of new content instead of showing an old match during the show. That’s a positive thing. With that said, if I wasn’t reviewing it I doubt I would make it through without hitting fast forward because there were boring parts. The phrase “it’s hard to get into these shows with no fans” comes to mind. It’s a phrase a lot of WWE fans are saying constantly and with good reason.
The Strowman/Nakamura main event match was fine to put over Strowman as a dominant Universal Champion. Moving on to Strowman vs. Wyatt/Fiend is an interesting choice because it’s going to be hard to book one of them to lose when they likely have their match at Money in the Bank on May 10. The Women’s Tag Team Title match was pretty good although their WrestleMania match was better. The Forgotten Sons making their debut is newsworthy, but I’m not sure if they are going to stand out on Smackdown at all.
They set up some matches for next week while trying to build to Money in the Bank as well. It’s just hard to get excited for more empty arena shows. It’s just the world we’re living in right now.
Thanks for reading. My contact info is below.
John Canton
Twitter @johnreport